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Should there be civil liability when a person who could easily and without risk rescue another fails to do so? It is argued that the failure to act does not cause the harm that follows, and that the misfeasance/nonfeasance distinction provides no basis for liability. In spite of this, it is maintained that there can sometimes be a duty to rescue, and even a right to be rescued, even in the absence of a voluntary undertaking or an explicit assumption of responsibility. There are convincing arguments for some sort of legal recognition of a duty to rescue, but these arguments do not support tort liability. Nor is a case for tort liability made with the argument that a growth of tort law in this direction would be compatible with the values most centrally involved in the division between torts and contracts. Furthermore, there is a case against tort liability — namely, that the purpose of tort liability is to compensate, that there are certain sorts of situations in which compensation is apposite, and that failure to rescue does not fit into these categories. Criminal liability is the appropriate way for the law to recognize a duty to rescue.  相似文献   

论发展权的法律救济机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汪习根 《现代法学》2007,29(6):3-14
全球社会迄今依然没能成功开发发展权法律救济机制的关键在于对发展权的可司法性缺乏应有的理论认识。发展权的可司法性无论是从价值、性状还是范围上,均可得到充分求证。而发展权侵权行为的界定则是进行救济的前提,其内在要素包括结构性侵权和个体性侵权,外在形式分为作为与不作为,尤其是从"具体性权利论"这一新理论出发,可以发现国家不作为侵权行为对发展权的重大影响。在"国际宪政关系"新视野下,发展权法律救济程序的权利义务主体及其相互关系之展开具有不同于普通人权的多元性和独特性,其互动的关系模式即权利救济机制的运行程序包括:内国的确权之诉及相关审查机制、请求国家赔偿的给付之诉,在国际上,可巧妙地将《发展权宣言》的抽象规定链接到现行国际人权公约的具体规范之中,利用现行国际人权公约设定的硬性机制予以实施。  相似文献   

对东莞地区五年来1650件重大刑事案件的犯罪类型、犯罪性质、犯罪主体情况及其家庭结构、经济状况以及刑事被害人被害事实进行调查分析,发现目前刑事法律规定的对刑事被害人损失进行救济的手段作用非常有限,绝大多数刑事被害人根本无法得到救济.这不仅使刑事判决不能满足日益增长的刑事被害人群体的司法需求,也影响到司法判决的法律效果与社会效果,更加深了刑事被害人作为维权的弱势群体与政府或国家机关之间的矛盾,引发出刑事政策观念层次的矛盾和冲突.在刑事被告人经济能力有限刑事被害人获赔落空的情况下,由国家对刑事被害人弱势群体进行救济就显得特别必要.  相似文献   

While latency issues have always existed in IT systems, it is only in recent years that latency has become a significant focal point for both IT suppliers and customers. This paper will provide an overview as to how latency arises in IT systems, why latency is becoming important across a variety of business sectors and then explores some of the prominent legal issues inherent in contracting for low-latency solutions.  相似文献   

Burdened with the responsibility of making an initial assessment of their patients' capacity to make treatment decisions, clinicians need a sound clinical assessment model. Drawing on ethical, legal, and clinical sources, the author reviews the appropriateness of existing models and standards and describes why each fails the needs of the clinician. The patient's ability to form a therapeutic alliance is shown to be a valid assessment model for defining a treatment decision-making ability threshold because it adheres to widely accepted ethical and legal standards. Using threshold because it adheres to widely accepted ethical and legal standards. Using this model to set a threshold for the decision to bring cases to the attention of a court or administrative body, the therapist arrives at a satisfactory balance between competent treatment, patient autonomy, and judicially mandated due process imperatives while providing a forum for patient education and assessment of the clinician's technical skill. Explanations of case examples illustrate the use of the therapeutic alliance for this purpose in a variety of clinical situations. Specific recommendations are made on what may be represented to court in cases in which the patient's competence appears to fall below this treatment threshold.  相似文献   

22年前,我本科毕业,正逢湖北省武汉市公安局从应届生招人,由于考研成绩还没出来,抱着试一试的心态报考了。面试之前,我猜想,肯定会有人问报考警察的动机。那时有部香港电影叫《五亿探长雷洛传》,男主角由刘德华饰演。片头有段对话,令人印象深刻。考官问雷洛:“为什么当警察?”后者答:“为了吃饭。”同学开玩笑说,反正你要去读研,不如也回答“为了吃饭”,然后一拍两散。  相似文献   

多年来,美国一直拒绝批准联合国《儿童权利公约》(CRC),人们认为这反映了美国的虚伪和霸道,因而为世人所指责。事实上,导致美国这一行为的主要原因在于CRC与美国例外论的政治传统、联邦主义的法律体系和美国传统家庭理念存在冲突。同时,CRC内在的权利冲突问题,基督教右派在具体的政治运作中的坚决反对和有效动员,也是导致CRC未能适用于美国的重要原因。因此,美国拒绝批准CRC与其虚伪和霸道并无直接关系。  相似文献   

医疗事故赔偿的法律应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘星 《河北法学》2002,20(6):132-136
医疗事故赔偿 ,应当考虑医疗事故等级 ,医疗过失行为在医疗事故损害后果中的责任程度 ,医疗事故损害后果与患者原有疾病状况之间的关系这些因素 ,来确定具体的赔偿数额。且应按照赔偿项目和计算标准进行计算 ,并且应考虑实际情况 ,使赔偿合法、合理、公平、公正 ,以维护当事人的合法权益。  相似文献   

Little is known about youth who were previously placed in a detention facility and what factors predict a subsequent recidivism to placement. This study of a two-county juvenile offender population (one urban and one rural) investigates what demographic, educational, mental health, substance dependence, and court-related variables predict recidivism to detention placement. Findings from logistic regression analysis indicate that seven variables significantly predict juvenile offenders’ recidivism placement, some expected and some unexpected. Predictors that made recidivism more likely include youth with a previous conduct disorder diagnosis, a self-reported previous suicide attempt, age, and number of court offenses. Conversely, predictors that made recidivism less likely include race (Caucasian), a previous attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder diagnosis, and a misdemeanor conviction. These findings indicate that the use of a community-based suicide and mental health screening and referral approach may help to identify and assist these high-risk youth in receiving needed services prior to juvenile court involvement or during delinquency adjudication.  相似文献   

冒认专利申请处理研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
冒认专利申请是指非发明人没有获得专利申请权、未经发明人许可提出的专利申请.冒认专利申请不能取得先申请地位.冒认专利申请授权后,真正权利人不能取回专利权,冒认专利权只能被宣告无效.真正权利人只能通过反不正当竞争法和民法进行救济.  相似文献   

人大代表选举是根据选举法规定的程序进行的,如果程序不民主难以保障选举制度基本原则的贯彻实施,难以保证公民选举权和被选举权的实现.从完善选举委员会组成程序、减少代表名额、用专职代表制取代兼职代表制、统一按居住地划分选区、提高代表候选人的条件、用"预选"的办法确定候选人、介绍候选人采取有条件的"竞选"、明确罢免代表的事项和理由、扩大选举权的司法保护范围等方面提出建议,以达到切实保障公民选举权与被选举权的目的.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1983,48(79):17393-17394
Section 2003 of the Social Security Act, as amended, authorizes $2.45 billion for allocation to the States for Social Services Block Grants--Fiscal Year 1983. Public Law 98-8, enacted March 245, 1983, appropriates an additional $225 million for Fiscal Year 1983. This notice contains State allotments and explanations of how the allotments were determined; conditions for receipt of these funds and other information.  相似文献   

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