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Many Tanzanians share a basic understanding of the occult as a moving force in the visible world. But at the same time, notions of the occult are characterised by indeterminacies in meaning, thereby allowing for multiple interpretations of particular events. This article explores various readings of two particular incidents that both occurred within a suburb of the city of Iringa in South-central Tanzania. First a Lutheran pastor started suffering from a paralyzed shoulder and a few weeks later an old woman was found lying naked outside of his home in the middle of the night. While both incidents were widely ascribed to witchcraft the article shows how particular interpretations were embedded in and reflective of a dense social climate, characterised by different kinds of tension, inequalities, suspicions of corruption and by religious and medical pluralism and competition. The article argues that the very opaqueness and uncertainty of witchcraft knowledge enabled a variety of actors with different stakes to make claims to truth, spiritual status and moral identity.  相似文献   

This article explores some of the historical layers, both exogenous and local, which should be taken into account when contextualizing the apparitions in Kinshasa of “Our Lady of Disarmament” in the 1990s. The article also points to political elements of the cult of Mary which was introduced into the Congo by the Belgian Catholic Church basking in a wave of religious revivalism from the 1890s to the 1930s and which was illustrated by the statue of Notre-Dame du Congo, widely prevalent throughout the colony. The history of the presence of Mary in the religious vision of the people of Angola and Western Congo also shows the vestiges of early Christianity as traced in the language, archaeology and popular rituals which survived the age of ghettoisation imposed from outside on the region in the 18th and 19th centuries.  相似文献   


The Catholic Church occupies a privileged position in the religious arena in Burkina Faso. Having invested very early in the public arena of the country, it constitutes a vital actor in the socio-political landscape of the country as attested to by its involvement in the domains of education and health and its positioning as mediator in times of crisis. Based on a field survey conducted among members of the Catholic community (members of the clergy, religious and lay), this article studies the manner in which Catholics in Burkina Faso portray themselves as a religious community in the country’s political arena. It reveals that in Burkina Faso the Catholics portray themselves as a dominant religious minority in terms of politics due to their disproportionate engagement in the apparatus of the state. The article also shows that the Catholics in Burkina Faso see their dominant position as under threat, on the one hand, from competition by the Protestants and, on the other, by the rise of Islamism.  相似文献   

In countries like Senegal where democracy seems to be institutionalising itself, evaluation of the quality of this practice often happens at critical points of reference such as elections. The democratic changes between Presidents Diouf and Wade in 2000 and between the latter and President Macky Sall in 2012 are generally deemed to be indicators of the healthy condition of democracy in this country. The present article stipulates that the politicians involved in this alternation plan and prepare for it as much at the heart of their administrations as do the political parties, but often also outside election periods. This article demonstrates that the Wade regime, following that mindset, has instrumentalized its cooperation with China in attempt to consolidate its power.  相似文献   

This research aims to analyse the drivers which informed the decision and timing of Kurdistan’s independence referendum on 25 September 2017. Here we argue that any proper examination of these drivers must begin by investigating the relationship between the fight to counter the Islamic State begun in 2014, the disputes arising as a result of Kurdistan’s presidential election issue in 2015 and the internal political rivalry exacerbated by the question of whether to hold a referendum. The findings of this article highlight the centrality of de facto entities’ internal governance in their struggle towards statehood. The fight against IS served as a primary driver in influencing the timing and the approach of the September 2017 referendum. While the 2015 political deadlock resulting in the illegal extension of Barzani’s presidency was not a determining factor leading to the referendum, nonetheless it quickened the process and influenced the timing.  相似文献   

50多年前,一位伟人在天安门城楼上挥手云“中国人民从此站起来了!”多少国人为之慷慨泪下。另一位诗人不久则有“时间开始了”这样的献辞,语出赤诚,毫无矫饰。 而我们知道,对于人类而言,幸福不会一蹴而就——因为人的成长,人的解放,人的成为“独立的存在”,“完整的存在”,需要具体、坚韧、持久地争取。而从一种限制状态下解放了的人,又将产生新的解放需求,永无停顿之时。 如果说,1949年,中国人最大的成就,是摆脱三座大山,在世界民族之林中,取得“站起来”的资格;如果说,上个世纪80年代之后,中国人最大的成就,是解决了民生亦即温饱的问题,使中国人得以“站稳”在国土上;那么,跨入21世纪,中国人面对的最大的问题,正在于人民各项具体权利的完全确立、完全实现、完全保障。唯此。“人”才能迈开脚步,自由行走、自由思想、自由创造,属于每个公民自己的“时间”才真正开始。 人的中国——我们要以敏锐的眼,重审公民与国家间的关系。 人的中国——我们要以结实的手,构造一个能充分保障人权的现代国家。 人的中国——我们要以温热的心,实现这片国土上所有人生存境界的向上提升。  相似文献   

This article takes as its theme the literature of sub-Saharan Africa, and in particular the prolific work of the Cameroonian author Calixthe Beyala, who, since 1987, has published numerous novels in exile. Calixthe Beyala is among those expatriate writers for whom exile, far from being synonymous with banishment, on the contrary represents true salvation. The article examines how Calixthe Beyala speaks of expatriation in three of her novels: Tu t’appelleras Tanga (Your name shall be Tanga) (1988), Les honneurs perdus (1996) and Comment cuisiner son mari à l’africaine (2000). Belonging to three successive decades, these works relate specifically to the theme of exile and plunge to the heart of Cameroon and to the Cameroonian diaspora in Paris, shedding light on the grieving process linked to the loss of one’s own geographic space, and to the loss of self.  相似文献   

In his recently published studies, the author analyzed the development and use of militia groups in the political conflicts that shook Congo-Brazzaville in the 1990s. After briefly reviewing these events, he points up the change in recruiting militiamen that occurred in the last phase of these conflicts. His text is primarily concerned with the role of Western mass culture in shaping the bodies and identities of these militiamen and the militiamen’s sense of identity. From the late 1950s (here the author draws on the research of Georges Balandier) to the late 1990s, the young men of Brazzaville were inspired in constructing a modernity of their own bodies by certain Western action films. The graphic violence in these films, perpetrated by characters whom the young men adopted as their heroes, legitimated their own use of violence.  相似文献   

河西走廊中部的祁连山腹地,阳光明媚,似乎看不出这里会有什么惊天动地的事情发生。时间像断了线的珠子,情不自禁地流淌在山脉间。抬头望了望这片熟悉的天空,李辉掐指一算,在这里,她已经度过了十三年,与她生命息息相关的"另一半"则在铁窗里思念了她十三年。  相似文献   

时间的足音,敲响在一个切换点上:回眸’96,关注’97。古希腊戏剧家索福克勒斯说,慎重的人根据过去的事件来判断现在。诗人拜伦说,过去是最好的预言者。米德说,所谓未来就是现在。丘吉尔说,过去给我们以无穷的希望。读者朋友,你,在过去的1996年,感触最深的是什么?对于1997年,你最关注的又是什么?——带着这一话题,本刊派出记者,四处采访了各行各业的人士,得出一些很有意思的“过去与未来”的答案。从这一期起,焦点时空版块的“话题”就与读者朋友见面了,欢迎大家踊跃点题并自荐成为“话题”的发言者。请相信:过去的话题是你成长的印证,未来的话题是你成长的憧憬。  相似文献   

一起简单明了的强奸少女案,只因幕后有人插手操控而变得扑朔迷离,犯罪嫌疑人逍遥法外近两年。女孩儿的父亲多次上访讨公道,检察官拨开重重迷雾,终将作恶者绳之以法——  相似文献   

戏言——天桥有天无桥,俗语——一方水土养一方人。当年“穷人的世界”,却出了“八大怪”,给百姓带来绝技、怪异、欢乐。  相似文献   


In response to the significant urbanisation and the demographic expansion of Ouagadougou, the Catholic Church and Islamic associations are diversifying their operations, which were already significant in terms of health and education at the end of the 1980s. This social engagement is at the heart of humanitarian, proselytising, socio-economic and political challenges and influences the position of these actors in the public space. This article intends to contribute to consideration of the relations between these religious actors and the State in Burkina Faso with the aim of analysing the sectors of secondary teaching and health in Ouagadougou. It will be demonstrated that the operations of these actors (Muslim and Catholic) made their legitimacy evolve differently in the public space from 1987 to 2010. The Catholic actors have had a greater influence than the Muslims on the decisions of the State. Subsequent to the challenges and the political context, the capacity of agency (capacity to act) of the actors of the two denominations has modified.  相似文献   

Creation of local government districts has become an enterprise in Uganda, with many stakeholders having diverse opinions about the government's motives. This article examines the questions: What are the proclaimed and hidden or implicit intentions of the government? What evidence is available to provide reasonable interpretation of government action according to a particular rationale? By triangulating primary and secondary data and using a deductive approach, the study concludes that the initial intention of the government to create new districts to bring services and government closer to the people was consistent with the country's constitution and decentralisation policy. However, since 1997, and especially since 2006, other rationales have come to the fore, though not communicated as such in public policy statements. While we do not exclude ethnic rationale, the article finds more evidence that points to political patronage and a variant of gerrymandering (namely, that of splitting up districts while not redrawing boundaries).  相似文献   

How we understand the state is important when addressing issues of human rights. During the debate on the Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda, the country was, at times, presented as nearly uniformly homophobic, exemplified by references to ‘Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill’. The state, which does discriminate against gender and sexual minorities, is comprised of different institutions and people, holding, at times, conflicting positions. This paper documents these differing positions that parts of the state adopted, along with how those positions changed over time in response to political changes and lobbying from civil society. Uncovering gaps in the coherence of the state by identifying these opposing views is useful both for how we understand and study the state, and for activism against political homophobias. Strategies against legislation similar to the Anti-Homosexuality Bill can target those within most likely to oppose such laws.  相似文献   

1993年中共中央批复全总《关于在职工中开展读书活动的报告》后,北京铁路分局工会以振兴中华为宗旨,以学理论、学文化、学科学、学技术、学管理、学法律为内容的读书热潮在职工中兴起,几年来已形成了规模,  相似文献   

甲申年将至,谈谈有关嵌有“猴”字的趣联,挺有意思。 民间有这样一副谐趣联: 风坠鹊巢,二三子连柯及地;雨打猿穴,众诸猴戴露朝天。  相似文献   

In Sudan the pastoral groups of nomad origin constitute an important component of that society. Nevertheless, these groups have been the object of a constant “invisibalisation” (symbolic and material) and of a “setting of otherness” contrasting them with other social categories in the country. This article offers a reflection on the contribution of a “pastoral perspective” as a critique of the reductionist trends of a complex of dichotomisation of the categories to consider the two Sudans and their populations. In expanding on the view of several timely ethnographies on the work of various researchers on Sudanese shepherds, as well as on the official “treatment” of these groups in national censuses or development plans, the article proposes avenues for reconsidering Sudanese studies beyond a persistent categorisation of “nomad pastoralism”, which contributes to an accentuation of the differences between the social components at the heart of each of the Sudans as well as between the current two Sudans.  相似文献   

一月:柿子、猕猴桃柿子中含糖、蛋白质、脂肪以及粗纤维、胡萝卜素等元素,尤其是维生素C比一般水果高1-2倍。而且柿子还具有较高的药用价值。生柿能清热解毒,是降压止血的良药,对治疗高血压、痔疮出血、便秘有良好的疗效,而柿蒡、柿叶都是有价值的药材。猕猴桃含有10多种氨基酸,以及丰富的矿物质,对保持人体健康具有重要的作用。且猕猴桃耐贮藏,在常温下可放一个月,在低温条件下甚至可保鲜五六个月以上。  相似文献   

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