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Official statistics report a rapid increase in nominal income for much of China's rural population. However, an examination of sources and distribution of the rise in rural incomes reveal significant statistical bias in the data. Further, studies of some Western scholars indicate that income gains have been distributed inequitably. This article examines official statistics and academic accounts of China's recent rural incomes to expose the causes and effects of these biases and inequities.  相似文献   

This paper examines some of the interrelations that exist between rural China's peasant economy and the wider economy in which it is embedded. In doing so it focuses on the circular flows that link town and countryside. Multiple job holding is strategic in this respect. The paper draws on research undertaken in a peasant village in Hebei Province. The research highlights some remarkable differences that exist between development processes in China and in other developing countries and traces these back to a combination of an enlightened rural policy and the strong linkages that exist between rural China and its urban ‘global factory’.  相似文献   

回顾建党百年来我国企业民主制度发展的历史进程,研究我国企业民主制度演进中取得的成就 和成功经验,对完善当前我国企业民主管理制度有重要历史意义和现实价值。基于制度变迁视角,对我国企业 民主制度历史变迁进行分析,本研究发现国家经济体制变迁是导致我国企业民主参与制度变迁的根本原因,经济 体制变迁过程中引发劳动关系各方包括政府、企业、工会、职工相互关系的变化,成为我国企业民主参与制度变迁 的重要影响因素。此外,我国企业民主参与制度变迁以国家主导下的强制性特征为主,但在市场化改革进程中市场 劳资主体驱动下的诱致性因素已经出现,对国家主导企业民主参与制度变迁发挥了重要补充作用。  相似文献   

运用历史与理论结合的方法,对中国马克思主义工会理论产生发展的历史、理论逻辑及其规律 作了分析阐述。研究认为,中国马克思主义工会理论是中国社会历史条件的产物;是马克思主义工会理论中国 化的伟大成果;是时代精神的升华;是在总结经验中曲折发展的;它的发展关键要靠中国共产党人和中国工会 工作者的勤奋实践、探索思考和开拓;按照新的时代和任务的要求,一定要把中国的马克思主义理论推向前进。  相似文献   

代替性纠纷解决方式(ADR)中的调解制度作为调整劳动关系、解决劳资矛盾的核心制度,其重要性日益凸显。而我国现行的利益争议调解机制尚未成熟,有待转型。目前此领域的研究多是针对外国国情,无法为我国转型提供思路。本文从国外的调解制度比较研究中借鉴比较方法,选取十个与我国有着相似经历的转型中国家和调解制度完善的发达国家,对比其调解组织和制度的特点。基于我国国情,为我国调解制度改革提出提升立法层次、完善成员设置和任命制度等政策建议。  相似文献   

中国的马克思主义工会理论是在近代中国的社会条件下,在马克思主义传入中国的影响下,在 中国共产党和党领导的工会与工人阶级进行的伟大斗争实践中产生、形成和发展的。它百年的演进及其成果, 既是马克思主义理论包括其中的工运理论中国化的过程和成果,也是党和党所领导的工会、工人阶级进行伟大 探索和奋斗的过程和成果。这一理论成果极大地丰富和发展了马克主义理论包括工运理论的宝库,为工会和工 人阶级提供了新的理论武装。这一探索和奋斗还将继续进行下去,中国马克思主义工会理论必将在创新中走向 更高阶段,并以其强大的理论力量,照耀着新时代的工运在中国大地上演出生动活泼的景象。  相似文献   

In debates over abortion, the foetus and the woman have been continually positioned as antagonists. Given the stakes involved in such debates about personal integrity, individual responsibility, life and death, it is no wonder that many radical feminist authors have concentrated on refocusing the attention on women and away from the disembodied foetus. Such writers have worked hard to decode and deconstruct the public foetus in our midst and have mobilized interpretative tools such as cultural criticism to contextualize the production and consumption of foetal images. Barbara Duden's book, The Public Foetus, is an important and interesting contribution to this effort, which is still taken up by authors writing in this field. Duden's strategy is to seek to remind us (and in particular those who are involved in reproductive medicine) that pregnancy is concentrated in the embedded pregnant woman rather than the disembodied ‘public foetus’ and she attempts to retrieve the embodied woman as the site of pregnancy through what Michaels has termed a ‘fetal disappearing act’. While this may create as many problems for women as it resolves, I would argue that, while the ‘public foetus’ continues to loom large in the politics of abortion and women's positions in relation to the new reproductive technologies remain contested, Duden's work remains important in the continuing debate about how women's reproductive freedom can be continually re-negotiated and re-established.  相似文献   

Until the Chinese peasants made their revolution in 1949 they were known to the Western world almost exclusively as the product of Pearl Buck's (1892–1973) prose. The influence of The Good Earth was even more widespread than that of Edgar Snow's Red Star Over China. We are only now beginning to understand the peculiarities of that influence and the fictitious half‐world in which China's peasants were placed. Rural reality is only recently beginning to cut away at the historical fiction that has governed much of our thinking about China. In this little reminiscence, Imabori Seiji, himself once seduced by the humanitarian fantasies of The Good Earth, recalls how he first began the search for real peasants out there in the villages of north China. [H. L. Kahn]  相似文献   

中国共产党对劳动问题的探索历程与实践经验是建党百年革命史的重要篇章,也是植根于中国国情推动马克思主义劳动观时代发展的实践丰碑.自建党以来,植根于中国国情和经济社会发展的阶段性特征,党始终坚持辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的世界观和方法论,始终坚持劳动者的主人翁地位,始终坚持党在劳动问题上的领导地位,不断完善和健全劳动问题的...  相似文献   

劳动力是经济增长的关键要素之一,其变化对我国经济社会发展有着深刻影响.本研究根据第七次全国人口普查主要数据,结合改革开放后以往人口普查数据和分年度人口数据,分析了我国劳动力结构的演变规律及可能带来的影响.研究发现,40余年来,我国劳动力结构发生了根本性的变化,并开始面临劳动年龄人口减少、抚养负担加重、劳动力地区分布不均...  相似文献   

在"美国优先"的指导思想下,美国特朗普政府对中国意图进行贸易战,借此振兴美国制造业,为底层劳动者创造更多就业岗位。贸易战争背后其实是就业战争。对中国来说,由于对美贸易依赖性较大,因而有可能对国内就业产生比较明显的就业冲击。极端情况下,将会使我国就业岗位减少350-580万个。因此,通过谈判协商是解决贸易争端的最佳策略。而进一步扩大实施"一带一路"发展战略,减少对少数国家贸易依赖,以及加快推进创新驱动战略,将有助于减轻贸易战对我国就业的影响。  相似文献   

‘Meat grabbing’ describes actually existing land deals undertaken for industrial meat production, either directly in the form of animal housing and stocking (confined animal feeding operations, or CAFOs), or indirectly in the form of monocrop grain and oilseed production for livestock feed. Meat grabbing is also a concept for analyzing the relationships between industrial meat regimes, food security politics and the global land rush, relationships which have not yet been sufficiently considered in research or in policy. Using China's reform-era meat revolution as an analytical case, this paper proposes meat grabbing as a concept with three broad goals: (1) to show how industrial meat complicates notions of food security and of food security land grabs, (2) to incorporate social inequalities and environmental injustices into the conceptualization and measurement of land deals and (3) to expand dispossession's domain to include relationships between people and agroecosystems. This is an initial exploration of the content and framing of meat grabs, intended to synthesize its core features and raise questions for further study.  相似文献   

人力资本是支撑我国科技自立自强、高质量发展的核心要素。党的二十大报告再次提出科教兴国战略和人才强国战略,这就要求高校不断提升人才培养的水平。当前我国高校人才培养整体水平依然不高,不仅不能充分满足当前的需要,与未来发展的需要更是存在明显差距。影响我国高校人才培养质量的两大深层问题是高校行政化问题和东亚教育模式问题,前者是造成我国高校人才教育中存在诸多扭曲效应的根源性因素,后者则在很大程度上是制约高校教育高质量发展的社会深层问题。研究建议:我国未来高校人才培养需要树立实用主义导向、创新导向、长期导向、竞合导向、学术—教学均衡分流导向和适度教育导向;采取系统性思维看待高校人才培养问题,根据现代大学的教育理念采取综合措施推动高校等机构去行政化;同时从源头入手,逐步转变应试教育体系,合理设置学科及按照需求动态调整不同学科招生人数,不断深化国际合作。  相似文献   

From the countryside to the cubicle, this contribution explores vulnerabilities to genetically modified (GM) contamination of maize landraces in northern Guatemala following the DR-CAFTA (Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement). Although some industrial farmers elsewhere in Guatemala might welcome GM seeds, in this lowland refuge zone, transnational agribusiness corporations would largely face a recalcitrant and risk-averse peasantry not easily converted into reliable customers. While the unpredictability of improvisational swidden systems in this dynamic frontier zone has protected small farmers from corporate seed marketers, it also leaves them vulnerable to informal (and invisible) GM gene flow into local maize landraces. Recent changes to Guatemala's biosafety regulatory structure may compound processes of involuntary contamination despite latent citizen opposition to GM corn.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which gender mainstreaming is constitutionally embedded in the legal framework of the European Union. Within the framework of that broad question it examines three sub-questions concerning the robustness and constitutionalised nature of the E.U.'s `equality regime', the extent of adaptation to mainstreaming methodologies by supranational institutions such as the Court of Justice, and the extent of the gender dimension in the debates which are shaping the future of the European Union, especially the 2002–3Convention on the Future of the Union and the Commission's Governance White Paper of 2001.The E.U. is analysed in this article as an emergent, non-state, postnational constitutionalised polity. The first section presents this perspective, and the succeeding three sections engage with the three` sub-questions' outlined above. The conclusion suggests that as yet, while gender concerns maybe constitutionally embedded in the Treatyframe work, they are less prominent in the constitutional politics of the Convention and the Governance White Paper.  相似文献   

Since the 2000s, both the production of genetically modified (GM) soybeans and the cases of agrochemical exposure have grown exponentially in Argentina. Drawing on ethnographic research, I analyze how peasant social movements understand the socio-environmental problems caused by the expansion of GM soybeans. I argue that at national, provincial, and local scales, the institutional recognition of peasant social movements and the performative actions of authorities discourage contentious collective action through subtle yet powerful mechanisms. The article contributes to social movement research and to the literature on peasant resistance by analyzing the cultural dynamics that constrain contention and shape processes of peasant collaboration, which are arguably as important as peasant resistance, although much less studied.  相似文献   

中国制造的转型升级离不开一支高素质的产业工人队伍。改革开放以来,我国产业工人队伍伴随着经济社会的深刻变革而发展壮大,从业结构日趋多元,产业工人队伍素质提升面临诸多挑战,高素质技能人才比例不高的现实也客观制约了我国工业强国战略的实施。从世界工业强国成熟的发展经验来看,职业教育培训是培育高素质产业工人的制度路径。我国应充分借鉴这些有益经验,深化职业教育培训体制机制改革,加大资源投入,创新教育培训机制,提升产业工人队伍素质,进而为建设工业强国提供强有力支撑。  相似文献   

工会在代表职工、维护职工权益方面发挥着重要作用,但不同群体在不同条件下可能会对此有不同认知。研究探讨具有不公平感知的员工是否对工会职能有更高的正向认知问题。研究结果表明:在控制人口统计学特征以及个体就业特征后,社会不公平感知并没有对员工的工会职能认知产生显著影响;一般的职场不公平感知不会显著影响员工的工会职能认知,只有严重的职场不公平感知才会显著提升员工对工会职能的正向认知。这一结果说明对中国工会职能的认知在不同群体之间存在复杂的差异性。  相似文献   

The ‘woman doctor question’ was a title given to the public debates that erupted in early twentieth-century New South Wales (Australia) over the employment of women doctors in general hospitals. Two wellqualified women, Drs Susie O'Reilly and Jessie Aspinall, were rejected from hospital residencies in Sydney, which led a wide variety of groups and individuals to mobilise in print, not only to denounce the specific rejections but also to challenge the gendered thinking that underpinned them. The arguments and rhetoric of the newspaper debates turned on notions of ‘appropriate’ women's work, the gendered world of hospitals, and assumptions about the gendered nature of medical practice itself. Public discussions of the ‘woman doctor question’ provide a rich source for historians, although for some reason they have been previously overlooked. While the rejection episodes have long formed part of the mythic world of pioneering women in Australia ‘having been seized upon by early historians as vivid examples of women's professional disadvantage’, the deeper cultural meanings and consequences embedded in these debates have been neglected. This article investigates the course of the debates and why they were so passionately contested. Examining the rhetoric used during ‘all this fuss’ (as one participant dismissively phrased it) highlights the significance of the gendered body for the ways in which medical practice was perceived, and ultimately, for how medicine was practised.  相似文献   

中美关系、中美贸易战是中国崛起进程中不可逃避的一道坎,只要策略运用得当,在保持和增 强内部凝聚力、动员能力的基础上,以应对挑战为切入点推动自身改革,不断提高效率,敏锐识别、抓住危中之机, 中国就能经受住考验,保持、甚至增强国运上升势头。  相似文献   

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