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民事诉讼诉的合并问题探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李龙 《现代法学》2005,27(2):78-84
本文研究的是民事诉讼狭义的诉的合并,即客观的诉的合并。客观的诉的合并,是指同一原告对同一被告在同一诉讼程序中主张两个以上诉讼标的。在存在诉的客观合并的诉讼中,形式上虽然是单一的诉讼,然而实质上却包含着若干个独立的诉。以合并诉的目的为标准,可以将客观的诉的合并分为四种:即单纯的诉的合并、竞合的诉的合并、预备的诉的合并以及选择的诉的合并,不同种类的诉的合并有不同的裁判要求。  相似文献   

The important findings of the International Crime Victim Survey (ICVS) have led the organisers to attempt to expand the scope of research to address the problem of victimisation of businesses through a specific international survey. Further to a first international survey in eight countries in 1994, the questionnaire was revised to focus in particular on the issues of corruption, fraud and extortion. The International Crime Business Survey (ICBS) was conducted in nine central–eastern European capital cities in 2000. The article presents a comparative analysis of experiences and attitudes of businesses in central–eastern Europe, where possible with reference to comparable information collected through the international households survey (ICVS) in the same cities and at the same time. Although there is great potential in this type of international research, too few resources are involved in analysing the results and looking at possible policy implications.The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author and do not necessarly reflect the views of the United Nations  相似文献   

对指导案例2号归纳的程序规则,理论上可用"执行力替代说"来加以说明。引入诚实信用原则并明确其在法律解释中的作用亦为本案的靓点之一。指导性案例应当随时间的推移而呈现出系列性,使规则的流变和连续这两种司法实务的需要有机地结合起来。在此意义上,本案能够成为程序规则发展的一个起点或中间项。通过对案情基本事实多种演化形态的示例性延伸,本案程序规则的内容及其参照运用能够体现出微妙地调整变化却又保持前后一贯稳定性的独特机制和作用。本案所提炼出来的裁判规则既可能循着诚实信用原则的实质化、要件化这一路径发展,也可能根据司法实务中对"撤回上诉还是撤回原审起诉"的现实问题作出的回答而演变。对指导案例2号的分析表明,可以把"类似"或"参照"等对指导性案例制度具有重要意义的关键概念逐渐地加以具体化和类型化。  相似文献   

To date, there have been no nationally representative studies examining the influence of media on norms regarding violence against women (VAW) among the general population. Data for this study came from the 2011 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Surveys that completed 17,842 interviews with ever-married women. Results of logistic regressions showed that among the three media outlets (TV, radio, and newspaper), only TV had a very small significant effect on women’s attitudes towards VAW (r = .031; p < .01). Community gender norms mediate the effect of television on women’s support of gender equitable norms. Being younger, non-Muslims, educated, living in wealthy households, and having greater autonomy, were significantly associated with greater support for gender equitable norms. Since media did not have substantial influence on gender norms related to VAW, our findings implied that efforts to promote gender norms change in society need to consider other strategies.  相似文献   

考试成败结果的复合原因、情感反应和行为决定试探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用问卷法探查小学生对考试成败结果的复合原因评定、情感反应和奖励、惩罚的行为决定。结果表明:1.韦纳的原因归因,情感、行动归因模式适用我国小学生;2.小学生能够理解复合原因在考试结果上的作用,并能依照所负的责任不同而表达情感和行为决定;3.三年级的学生开始具有辨别不同复合原因功能的认知水平,但还只是处于初级的萌发阶段,四年级以上的学生才能够比较全面地理解复合原因的内在含义,比较准确地分析复合原因的归因后果  相似文献   

杨严炎 《现代法学》2007,29(2):99-104
我国《民事诉讼法》司法解释将该法第54条规定的代表人诉讼界定为共同诉讼是值得商榷的。如果按此推论,该法第55条确立的代表人诉讼又处于“休眠”状态的情况下,我国就基本上没有什么群体诉讼了,这显然不符合实际情况,也与法院每年处理几十万件群体诉讼案件的统计数字不符。从其产生所适应的条件、所借鉴的国外同类制度以及自身的特点和功能来看,我国《民事诉讼法》确立的两种代表人诉讼均已突破了共同诉讼的范畴,在性质上都应属于单一诉讼和共同诉讼之外的第三种诉讼形式——群体诉讼。  相似文献   

集团诉讼判决的既判力规则是集团诉讼制度的重要内容,也是各国集团诉讼立法中的难点。目前国外关于集团诉讼既判力规则的立法最为典型的有美国和巴西,美国的既判力规则依赖于英美法系的一系列诉讼制度逐渐形成,而巴西作为大陆法系唯一引进集团诉讼的国家,创设了独特的集团诉讼制度,其既判力规则颇具特色,被西方学者称为大陆法系国家集团诉讼的立法典范。完善我国的代表人诉讼制度,提高法院处理群体性纠纷的效率和社会效果,是能动司法的内在要求。美国和巴西的立法经验对于完善我国代表人诉讼制度无疑具有十分重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

示范诉讼制度探析——兼论我国代表人诉讼制度之完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨瑞 《现代法学》2007,29(5):74-80
示范诉讼制度具有其他群体性纠纷解决制度所不具备的特征和独特功能,正因如此,目前已经有许多国家和地区在民事诉讼立法中对其加以明确规定,还有些国家在实践中大量运用这一制度以解决实际问题。我国现行民事诉讼法有关群体性纠纷解决制度的规定存在明显的缺陷,结合在新形势下我国所面临的司法现实需求,为了更好的解决群体性纠纷,在我国未来的民事诉讼立法当中,在对代表人诉讼制度进行完善的同时,应当引入示范诉讼制度;同时考虑到示范诉讼自身的一些特点,在具体制度设计上,要充分考虑并注意处理好其与代表人诉讼制度的协调问题,以便更好地发挥两种制度各自的优点。  相似文献   

对诉讼行为的界定学界历来存有争议,传统的"要件效果说"和"效果说"已经不能适应民事诉讼法学的发展要求,"主要效果说"应运而生,在当事人行为的效果同时规定于诉讼法和实体法时,应当视当事人行为的主要效果属于何种法域来界定其行为的性质。但"主要效果说"并非完美,并没有具体解释何为主要效果?何为次要效果?应当对其进行修正,即将当事人行为的效力分为基础效力和附随效力,其判断的标准就是该行为是否对诉讼程序具有依赖性。如果该项当事人行为对诉讼程序具有依赖性,即离开诉讼程序就不会产生任何预期的效果,则其基础效力就归属于诉讼法领域,该当事人行为就属于诉讼行为。  相似文献   

在多阶段行政行为中,前阶段行为只向后阶段行为机关作出,不具有外部效力;行政相对人只能就最后阶段行为提起诉讼。针对例外情形,典型案例在外部效力和行为效果两个层面上,形成了判断多阶段行政行为中前阶段行为是否可诉的基本思路。单纯从行为效果的角度判断前阶段行为是否可诉,不符合法律责任的制度性分担规则。但基于救济权利的保障目的,指导性案例22号的思路一定程度上可以解决个别领域中行政相对人的救济权利难以得到有效保障的制度性和现实性障碍。  相似文献   

Inkpad seals are often placed on important documents, and determining the date when a seal was affixed can be important to assess the authenticity of a document. In this study, three different brands of inkpads and four different types of paper were used to make diachronic samples of the seals. A double‐solvent extraction method was employed to date the inkpad seals by comparing extraction rates with inks of known age. Cyclohexane was selected as a weak solvent, and chlorobenzene was selected as a strong solvent. After testing, curves were created to show the relationship between the extraction percentage of ink and the date of the seals. The experimental results showed that the extraction rate method was applicable for the relative dating of inkpad seals in some cases where the seal was placed on the document within 6 months.  相似文献   

This paper argues that victimological research on risks can contribute to the study of offender decision-making. It examines some of the problems in conventional approaches to the topic and discusses strengths and weaknesses of surveys of victimization as an additional source of information. It presents and discusses a conceptual framework for examining target selection, the key elements of which are proximity, yield, and accessibility. It presents a worked example in the shape of findings on burglary from the British Crime Survey.  相似文献   

Sources of Stigma: Analyzing the Psychology of Affirmative Action   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerous speculations exist about the psychological implications of affirmative action. One of the notions most prevalent among policy analysts is that affirmative action is stigmatizing and consequently is psychologically harmful to beneficiaries. In this article, the policy-analytic vision which leads to this conclusion is shown to have strong parallels with a particular interpretation of the formal social psychological framework known as Equity Theory. Flaws in both the policy analytic and the equity theory visions are highlighted through a reconceptualization of the policy in terms of the theory of Procedural Justice. The general argument is that psychological reactions to affirmative action are linked to the actual structure and perceived fairness of the procedures used to implement the policy. A review of the psychological research on the outcomes of affirmative action based on equity theory and procedural justice shows that psychological responses to the policy depend on the nature of policy-procedures. Since affirmative action procedures do vary and also seem to have legal bearing, it is argued that in order to develop an understanding of the psychology of the policy that is both valid, and relevant to policy design, a procedural justice conceptualization is necessary.  相似文献   

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