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The British newspaper The Times published a signed article by Liu Xiaoming,the Chinese Ambassador to Britain, on May 4 entitled "Stop Meddling in the South China Sea." The ful text is as folows:  相似文献   

2020年2月6日,中国驻英国大使刘晓明在使馆就抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情举行中外记者会,介绍中国防控疫情工作成效,阐明中方政策立场。英国广播公司(BBC)、独立电视台(ITV)、天空新闻台、英国电视四台、独立电视网“第五频道新闻”、路透社、《金融时报》、《每日电讯报》、《泰晤士报》、《卫报》、《旗帜晚报》、《每日邮报》、伦敦广播电台等英国媒体,新华社、中央电视台、中国新闻社、中国国际电视台(CGTN)、《中国日报》等中国媒体,以及彭博社、法新社、“今日俄罗斯”电视台、阿联酋《国家报》、《南华早报》、凤凰卫视资讯台、《欧洲时报》、《英中时报》、《英国侨报》等27家中外媒体50余名记者出席。菲律宾、柬埔寨、加拿大、芬兰、西班牙、韩国等国驻英国使节及外交官也出席了记者会。BBC、天空新闻台、中国国际电视台和“今日俄罗斯”电视台对记者会进行了现场直播。  相似文献   

监狱新民警是监狱警察的新鲜血液,是监狱队伍未来的主要力量。新民警有社会年轻一代青年共同的特点,包括学历程度高、思维活跃、个性突出等。目前,监狱对新民警的教育培养以"传帮带"为主要形式,这种形式与教育引导新民警尽快成长的初衷存在较大差距,有必要研究并采取相应对策加以改进,不断提升教育培养质量。  相似文献   

经过100多年的发展,指纹学技术取得了长足的进步,现在指纹学与计算机的有机结合,产生了计算机自动识别系统,以前人工比对需要几十个甚至几百个工作日才能完成的任务,利用该系统几分钟就可以完成。指纹学与法医学技术相结合,不但可以进行血型鉴定、测定遗留指纹ABO血型,而且可以通过与法医DNA技术的结合,对于那些较为模糊或指纹特征点较少或不完整的指纹进行个人识别。  相似文献   

血液的生物性能、物理性能及其他的许多因素都会影响血滴的形态。本文从血液的物理性能出发,简单地阐述了血液的物理性能及其对血滴形态的影响。  相似文献   

罗群 《思想战线》2007,33(6):102-107
近代云南商人组织,经历了以地缘为主的会馆、行帮以及商会的发展过程。商人之间由分散走向联合,由孤立状态,走向协调行动,使全省商人形成一个整体网络。这不仅超越了血缘与地缘纽带的羁绊,也冲破了行业的囿限。商人由此得以改变以往的行帮、商帮或其他集团与个人形象,扩大了其政治能量和社会影响。  相似文献   

民族国家与现代民族的"政治性"、"国民性"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代民族起源于欧洲.伴随着西欧民族国家的诞生,民族的原生意义得到了扩展,进入了现代发展阶段.现代民族突破了古代民族受血缘、地缘、语言、文化等客观因素的限制,随着社会经济的发展,它还加强了人们对原有的民族共同体的政治认同,与此同时,要求建立主权在民的民主政体赋予了现代民族"政治性"和"国民性".  相似文献   

This paper reviews studies on the effects of aerobic exercise upon blood pressure in older hypertensives. Controlled evaluations indicate average decreases in systolic and diastolic resting blood pressure of 8.8 rnm Hg systolic and 7.8 mm Hg, respectively, indicating a moderate, yet clinically important reduction. However, few studies have independently focused on the older adult hypertensive, an increasingly important source of cardiovascular morbidity, mortality, and costly health care utilization. Still fewer studies address the critically' related problem of adherence, including the demonstration of eficacious methods of enhancing adherence to exercise with this population. Some factors associated with higher exercise adherence rates in the older adult include participation in low-intensity exercise that is perceived as reinforcing and safe. Research also indicates the potential value of home-based exercise programs in promoting compliance to the regimen. Several suggestions for further research are offered including the necessity for larger scale studies to establish the short and long-term efficacy of exercise on reducing blood pressure and overall cardiovascular risk reduction, especially in those most likely to experience costly cardiovascular endpoints, such as hypertensives over 60, as well as middle-aged to older individuals of African heritage.  相似文献   

王喜 《长白学刊》2021,(3):38-45
本源的共同体、虚假的共同体和真正的共同体是马克思揭示共同体演进的三种形态,人与物质资料的关系以及人的社会交往关系是蕴含在其演进过程中的双重整合线索.其中,本源的共同体作为人类存在的起点,是以自然经济条件下生产资料的原始公有为根本特征,以土地、血缘为交往纽带,建立在共同劳动和相互依赖关系基础上的自然整合;虚假的共同体伴生...  相似文献   

关于改进血手印显现方法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章根据血液的组成和特点,利用蛋白染色的原理,系统研究了在多种非渗透性和部分渗透性客体上应用四氯四碘、氨基黑10B、分散大红几种显现液显现血手印技术的显现效果,综合比较了各种配方的优越性。实验表明,这三种方法操作简单方便、用时少,显现出的手印纹线清晰、流畅,效果稳定,弥补了传统显现方法的不足。  相似文献   

Airborne Hazard     
High lead levels have been found in the blood of more than 600 children in northwest China's Shaanxi Province  相似文献   

HUNAN'S cuisine is well-known both at home and abroad for its unique cooking style,an abundant use of ingredients,rich and bright colors,and high nutritional value.Due to its geography,Hunan Province has a climate featuring high humidity combined with high temperatures,where the inhabitants have dietary habits completely differ-ent from those in the Central Plain areas. The terrain of Hunan is low and the climate warm and humid,not naturally suitable for storage of fresh meat,but smoked bacon is stored with ease.According to folklore,bacon was invented by ancestors of the Miao ethnic minority.In ancient times,the Miaos were forced to leave their homes due to frequent wars,and they found it difficult to take livestock and grain with them,so they made glutinous rice cakes,and cured meat that was marinated and smoked and thus more convenient to carry and store for a longer duration of time.It was speculated that the processed meat was made from beasts that were shot by bows and arrows.And the dehydrating method is regarded as the earliest meat preservation method in China,dat-ing back some 2,000 years.  相似文献   


The present study used a unique measure of self-perceived gender typicality to better examine the association of gender with cyber victimization and perpetration. Participants were 297 adolescent males and females recruited from independent schools in grade 8 (Mage = 13.8) and grade 10 (Mage = 15.8) who completed a self-report survey. Multiple regression analyses revealed that only for males, high other-gender typicality and low same-gender typicality were associated with high cyber victimization, but when same-gender typicality was high there was no association. Independent associations of same- and other-gender typicality with cyber perpetration were present only for males. Findings highlight that the importance of considering same- and other-gender typicality for adolescent boys’ engagement in cyberbullying.  相似文献   


A preventive, community-based program was designed to facilitate high school transition and reduce dropout. Participants in the study were ninth grade, predominantly Hispanic inner-city students. School absence was used as a variable to identify students who were at high risk for failure. Compared with low- and middle-absence groups, the high-absence groups' failures and class rankings deteriorated consistently across time points. In addition, over time, high-absence group students experienced more pronounced increases in school absence and decreases in academic achievement relative to low- and middle-absence counterparts. Findings are discussed in terms of their implications for dropout prevention programming.  相似文献   


Objective: This study was designed to describe the level of violence in three high schools and to test the effects of universal and targeted strategies to reduce this violence.

Design:A repeated measures design with two baseline scores and two intervention scores was used during a two year period. Two rural high schools served as control schools with a single intervention high school.

Participants: All freshmen at the three high schools completed a self-report measure of school violence; 420 completed the study at the end of their sophomore year.

Method: Multiple universal and targeted interventions to prevent school violence were used for slightly more than one year. Scores on student Victimization and Perpetration, gathered one year apart, were compared using a pre-test post-test model.

Findings: Student reports of perpetration at the intervention school were significantly lower than the combined scores at the control school. Students, teachers, and administrators reported improved awareness, knowledge, and skills to implement violence prevention programs.

Conclusions: A comprehensive program that includes university and high school partnerships has the capability to reduce school violence during a short period. Despite limitations to the study, continued use of research partnerships to decrease school violence is war-ranted.  相似文献   

Although homeless youth face a higher risk of victimization and mental health problems, little is known about school victimization and mental health outcomes for school-attending homeless youth. This study examined the relationship between school climate and school-related victimization and mental health problems among homeless youth. Multivariate analyses were conducted to examine the relationship between school climate factors and school victimization, suicidal ideation, and depression tendency in a representative sample of 1,169 school-attending homeless youth in 9th and 11th grades in California. Findings show that school-attending homeless youth are at high risk of being victimized at school and have high rates of depression tendency and suicidal ideation. Positive school climate, especially perceived high expectations from teachers and safety in school, was associated with lower rates of school victimization and mental health problems. The role of supportive school climate in the lives of school-attending homeless youth is discussed and future implications are suggested.  相似文献   

常爱芳 《青年论坛》2008,(6):141-144
新兴的“法律诊所式教育”自上世纪90年代引入中国后,其注重实践与实际技能的教学方法和理念逐渐为高等法学教育所接受。诊所式教育所采用的方法常见的有模拟课堂教学法、代理真实案件法、学生反馈评价法等,它们分别适用于不同条件、不同课程和不同环境。结合高职教育的具体情况,在开始试用初期,本人谨慎选择模拟课堂教学法,待经验和条件积累到一定程度再逐步向代理真实案件的思路发展。为此制定模拟课堂教学的实施方案:慎重选择案例,组织少部分人参与,严格制定诊所的规范,侧重全程指导,以免流于形式。  相似文献   

中西人体艺术反差的文化渊源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹鹏志 《思想战线》2001,27(1):98-103
在远古时代,西方女性裸体形象强调的是性崇拜,中国强调的则是生殖崇拜,带有明显的血缘内涵.奴隶社会的古希腊,性崇拜在当时特定的大文化背景下,理所当然地演变为对于人体美的迷恋和创造,使人体艺术得以发展和繁荣;非常强调宗法观念和血缘继承关系的中国古代,则本能地反对"伤风败俗"、"诲淫诲盗"的人体艺术.西方非常注重人体形式美的塑造,并力图通过人的形体美去显现人的内在美;中国却非常注重人物神韵的传达和人伦的鉴识,甚至可以在"离形得似"中实现对审美理想的追求.西方绘画经历了人体画--有风景的人体画--有人体的风景画的演变过程,人体美是其中不可或缺的元素;中国绘画发展到南北朝时,由于受到玄学的深刻影响,很快便进入到山水风景画的成熟期,人体画没有得到充分发展.如此,造成了中西人体艺术的巨大差异.  相似文献   

文章通过对杀人案现场的尸体、尸体周围的空间、现场血迹等的勘验,以及结合杀人案现场勘查实例,从法医学角度对杀人案的现场勘查进行了分析论证,以求再现犯罪嫌疑人的作案过程,为侦查提供范围、方向和途径.  相似文献   

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