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TO THE POINT: The Chinese economy maintained stable and relativelyfast growth in 2008 with eased inflation. Its GDP grew 9 percent last year,the first single-digit growth since 2002, and accounted for 20 percent of theglobal economy. Economists hope that the latest rescue measures adoptedby the Central Government could boost the country's economic performancein 2009. Inflation was brought under control as the consumer price index grewa satisfactory 1.2 percent in December year on year. The urban registered ...  相似文献   

Plowing Ahead     
The Chinese economy,with its growth reviving to 6.5 percent in the fourth quarter of 2020,is on track to a full recovery from the pandemic this year.The International Monetary Fund projected that China's economy will grow by 8.1 percent in 2021,according to its latest World Economic Outlook Update released on January 26.Hu Yifan,chief China economist of UBS Wealth Management,is even more optimistic.China's GDP growth this year could rebound to around 9 percent due to a low base in 2020,Hu said at the Forecast of China's Economy for 2021,a recent online discussion hosted by the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations.  相似文献   

A Strong Start     
正China's economic performance in Q1 recovered pre-pandemic levels Recovering from the lows caused by COVID-19 last year, China's economy grew 18.3 percent year on year to 24.93 trillion yuan($3.82 trillion) in the first quarter(Q1) of 2021. According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS) on April 16,  相似文献   

THE expulsion from the China National Diving Team of Tian Liang, 25-year-old diving champion of two Olympiads, early this year caused a storm of controversy across China. It brought to light the quandary contemporary Chinese athletes face, caught  相似文献   

2004年台湾经济的态势分析与2005年展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年是民进党上台执政四年中台湾经济态势最好的一年,以当年价格计算,可达到中速经济增长。但是,这是台湾千万个企业家几十年来不断耕耘、不断改善、向上提升的结果,而不是台湾当局的政绩。当前,台湾经济仍然存在不少隐忧:政治动荡不已、财政赤字不断扩大、失业率虽有所下降但仍偏高不易解决、股市房产市场仍然不振、外来投资仍然负增长和民众信心不足等等。这必然影响2005年的经济发展,发展速度将低于2004年。  相似文献   

去年以来,完全的市场经济地位问题已经成为国人共同关注的一个重大问题。与外国政府谈判,使其承认中国完全的市场经济地位当然非常重要。但是,我们更应该反省我们是否已经建立了完全的市场经济体制。本文认为,市民社会是市场经济的基础,没有发达的市民社会就不会有成熟的市场经济。所以,要彻底解决我国完全的市场经济地位问题,需尽快型塑具有中国特色的市民社会。  相似文献   

Fears over a double dip recession of the world economy have become more abundant recently,but the scare is not unfounded—certain economic risks may be inevitable.But what are these risks? And where is the world economy heading in the second half of this year? The latest Standard Chartered Global Focus,a monthly analysis of economic and financial market developments by Standard Chartered Bank,provided answers to these questions.Edited excerpts follow  相似文献   

“十一五”规划将“自主”与“创新”联系起来,并提升到国家战略的高度加以倡导,必将为本土化经济的跨越式发展提供支撑。本文剖析了自主创新的深刻涵义,并着重分析了自主创新的实现方式。自主创新不仅是国情的呼唤,更是全面建设小康社会和实现经济可持续性发展的必然要求。  相似文献   

China’s economy rebounds despite headwinds triggered by COVID-19 Recovering from the contraction caused by the novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19)epidemic,China’s economy saw a better-than-expected performance in 2020.The GDP expanded 2.3 percent year on year to101.59 trillion yuan($15.6 trillion),exceeding the100-trillion-yuan($15.42 trillion)mark for the first time.The per-capita GDP exceeded$10,000for two consecutive years,narrowing the gap with high-income countries,data from the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS)showed.  相似文献   

Searching for New Markets In a search of export strength,Chinese manufacturers are increasingly turning their eyes to emerging markets that were spared the worst of the financial crisis.  相似文献   

TO THE POINT:The government promulgated a series of industrial re- vitalization plans to keep the economy from slipping.The State Council approved a plan to revive the nation's shipbuilding industry.The January consumer price and producer price indexes indicated inflationary pressure had disappeared,but suggested possible deflation.Imports and exports bore the brunt of the global economic downturn in January,with the total trade value slipping by almost 30 percent year on year.For the first time, China over...  相似文献   

TO THE POINT: The Chinese economy is right on track for recovery, though downward pressure remains. Consumer and producer prices continued to fall in April, and both stayed in negative territory. Home prices also fell in April year on year. But the possibility of deflation was ruled out due to abundant money supply in the market. New loan growth returned to a reasonable level after an upsurge in March. Foreign trade fell year on year, but rose month on month. The government ordered cuts in iron and steel ou...  相似文献   

The IMF points to a promising outlook for the Chinese economy,though uncertainties still loom large.The auto market cools down,with March sales growing aminuscule 5.36 percent year on year.Chinese property developers have received a blow to their war chests,as sales plunge and borrowing costs climb.Chinese funds have experienced a dramatic drop in profits last year due to bearish stock markets.The country’s economic take-off fuels a wealth boom with the number of millionaires increasing.  相似文献   

It is an indisputable fact that the Chinese economy has made extraordinary achievements in an extremely extraordinary year.According to the official data on the economic performance in 2020 released by the National Bureau of Statistics on January 18,the overall growth for the year was 2.3 percent,making China the only major economy to notch up growth in a year of global pandemic,while the GDP crossed 100trillion yuan($15.41 trillion)for the first time.  相似文献   

China steps up a clampdown on the financing vehicles of local governments control over local governments' financing vehicles will be tightened to fend off what some economists warn could turn into a mountain  相似文献   

廖晓珊 《思想战线》2000,26(5):28-30
资源贫乏的少数民族山区,经济基础设施简陋,经济实力单薄,扶贫的任务非常艰巨.为实现2000年农村人口基本解决温饱的目标,必须采用非常措施,因为传统的扶贫措施,已被证明对最低层的贫困人口的脱贫效果甚微.因此,要充分利用西部大开发的有利时机,启动新的扶贫机制.  相似文献   

My Shopping List     
Millions of Chinese are hitting the roads, traveling back to their hometowns to celebrate the Spring Festival, the country's most important holiday. But amid the festive atmosphere, will their spending during the holiday be affected by the turbulent global economy? How do they intend to ride out the crisis for the rest of the year? Beijing Review interviewed 10 people from all walks of life and various professions about how they are coping with the financial downturn.  相似文献   

The current round of China's economic development is expected to clear up in 2010,the final year of the country's 11th Five-Year Plan(2006-10)that will pave the way for the next wave of economic growth.This year's fiscal policies should follow several guidelines to lay a solid foundation for the stable and sustainable growth of the economy,writes Jia Kang,Director of the Research Institute for Fiscal Science under the Ministry of Finance,in a recent Guangming Daily article.Edited excerpts follow:  相似文献   

China joined a worldwide effort to salvage its economy from being shattered by the devastating financial turmoil. Since the very beginning of this year, it has been working out a string of revitalization plans to bolster the nation's backbone industries, including autos, iron and steel, shipbuilding, petrochemical, textile, equipment manufacturing, electronic and IT, nonferrous metals and light industries. By a rough estimation, those heavyweights jointly produce one third of China's gross domestic product ...  相似文献   

China's economy passed over a bumpy road last year. Influenced by the global economic crisis, China faces many uncertainties in 2009. Yao Jingyuan, Chief Economist of the National Bureau of Statistics, gave a speech at the 2009 China Mining Merger and Acquisition Forum at Tsinghua University on January 10 about the risks the country faces and the positive factors that still exist in China's economic development. Excerpts follow.  相似文献   

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