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公务员考试作为公安院校学生竞争岗位的一个平台,已经引起学生及社会的足够重视。言语理解与表达是公务员考试必考内容之一,并且在公务员考试中起着基础性的作用。文章分析了言语理解与表达的形式与内容,介绍了一些必要方法和技巧,通过综合训练使考生最终能达到在考场上快速准确做题的目的。希望能为公安院校学生在公务员备考方面起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

在公务员考试改革的大背景下,公安院校唯一的出路就是内强素质、主动求变。而相比公务员考试大纲中对语文能力的要求,目前公安院校大学语文课程存在教学内容单一、教学手段单调、教学目标缺乏针对性的弊端。因此必须在教材编写上、教学设计上和考试考察上进行改革,将公务员考试的要求融入大学语文的教学之中。  相似文献   

公安院校法学课程考试改革研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
素质教育的全面推进过程中,考试改革是不能忽略的重要方面。法学课程是公安院校课程体系中专业基础课的重要组成部分。法学课程教学效果不仅关乎学生对相关知识的把握和法律素养的积淀,而且直接涉及到学生终生职业发展能力的培养。在素质教育背景下,结合法学教育的规律和公安业务的实际需要,我们应该建立一套适合公安院校法学课程的全程性多元化考试模式和体系。  相似文献   

课程改革是提高刑事科学技术学科适应当今公安一线实战需要的重要途径。对《现代系统科学与系统检验鉴定》课程的改革是从课程的内容体系着手,重点进行教材建设和教学方法的改革。同时,通过考试方式的改革,引导学生平时努力学习,注重能力培养,避免学生死记硬背理论知识。通过对该课程的一些改革,逐步将现代系统科学的理论和方法引入到刑事科学技术人才培养体系之中,增强学生的检验鉴定能力和应对复杂案件的工作能力。  相似文献   

素质教育是教育思想体系,应试则是教学法中的问题,它们并非水火不容。知识是商品,教改正将教育推向市场,但教育产业又不能完全市场化。就业的市场化,是学校生源、专业设置、培养标准和教学质量的调节器。学校招生无论宽严,考试与毕业都应该"严出"。没有"严出"就没有教学质量。  相似文献   

近几年,会计资格考试年年火爆、不断升温,成千上万的考生卷入这场考证热潮,并把考本财会证书作为跻身”金领”的捷径,会计证书已跻身最受青睐的十大证书之一,然而取得证书却越来越难.特别是高职院校的学员,他们在许多方面与本科院校的学员相比处于劣势地位,为帮助高职院校学员有针对性地进行考证实质训练,并牢牢掌握所学知识,帮助高职学员提高考证通过率,各高职院校会计相关专业应有针对性地研究会计从业资格模拟考试体系,帮助高职学员的学习和考试.从七个方面介绍高职院校建立会计从业资格模拟考试体系的社会背景和意义.  相似文献   

日前,江苏省公布了2008年的考试录用公务员的公告。今年的公务员录用考试具有职位数大幅缩减和对学历要求更高等特点。这预示着高职学生在参加公务员录用考试时将不得不面对与本科生和普通专科生之间的激烈竞争。为此,许多高职院校加强了对学生公务员录用考试的辅导。在辅导过程中,存在着学生的文化基础与能力有待强化;辅导的内外交流有待增强;辅导的信息反馈和激励机制有待加强等方面的问题。当前必须针对这些问题采取相应的对策措施,才能不断提高辅导质量,确保最后考试的通过率。  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育大众化的快速发展,国内大学生就业趋势日益紧张,加之今年经济形势严峻,就业需求有限,大学毕业生就业难问题显得更为突出。由于成长背景与上一代人明显不同,作为目前高校主力军的“80后”大学生具有鲜明的个性与特征,他们的就业观念已成为当前社会各方面关注的重点。  相似文献   

考试是评定公安高校学生学习情况、检测教学效果的重要手段,也是教育教学工作中的一个重要环节。公安高校在全面实施素质教育过程中对考试改革工作也应该积极探索。为了达到素质教育的目的,公安高校的考试改革工作应该围绕转变考试观念、完善考试制度、改革考试方式、调整考试内容等方面进行,把考试改革作为促进公安高校素质教育工作深入发展的重要手段。  相似文献   

高考是一项庞大的国计民生工程。目前我国的高考正处于重要的历史变革和调整时期。高考主管部门需要积极地有所作为,在理性的、切合实际的基础上制定切合实际的高考改革方法和措施。高考改革的成败与否关系到未来高等教育的成功与否,是高等教育改革的前沿和关键。  相似文献   

李华 《青年论坛》2010,(1):149-151
在汉语国际推广过程中应该对信息技术予以充分开发利用。文章提出电子题库建设的构想,讨论了对汉语教学与测试用电子题库的建设原则和未来电子试题库的基本功能,有助于今后在第二语言中更好地开展语言测试和多媒体教学。  相似文献   


Academic procrastination is a prevalent phenomenon with a range of negative outcomes. Many studies focused on causes and correlates of academic procrastination; however, the study of interventions for academic procrastination is scarce. The present study is an initial effort to study the relationship between academic procrastination, online course participation, and achievement, as a basis for developing an intervention for academic procrastination. Findings indicated that studying procrastination was negatively associated with final exam grade as well as with the three online course participation measures. Final exam grade was positively associated with two of the online course participation measures, and they positively correlated with each other. In addition, results indicated that studying procrastination, in combination with online course participation measures, explained about 50% of variance in final exam’s grade. Frequency of activities in course Web site had the strongest positive effect on final exam’s grade.

These findings strengthen the notion that studying procrastination is an impediment to students’ academic performance and outcomes and clarifies the need to develop and study academic interventions for academic procrastination as a means to decrease its prevalence in academic settings.  相似文献   

This study examined the extent and nature of cyberbullying in 23 Portuguese schools. A sample of 3,525 sixth-, eighth-, and eleventh-grade students completed a self-response questionnaire assessing their perceptions and experiences of cyberbullying. The findings showed that 7.6% of students have been victimized, and 3.9% have bullied others at least once over the last year. The incidences of victimization were higher for females and for the older students. In contrast, more boys reported having bullied others in the eleventh grade. The most frequent medium of cyberbullying was via websites, whilst sending offensive messages was the most widely reported type of behavior. Telling someone about cyberbullying is among the most frequent coping strategies used by cybervictims, who usually chose to tell their friends rather than adults. Implications of these findings for students, schools, and parents are discussed.  相似文献   


This study examined the similarities and differences between three distinct Chinese societies (Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China) regarding the contribution of gender and grade level to school violence, the ranking orders of perpetration and victimization behavior, and the correlates of school nonattendance due to violence. A cross-national random sample of 2,582 junior high school students was obtained. The results of Rasch analyzes revealed that verbal violence is most frequent. Male students are most likely to be aggressive and victimized. Grade-level differences in school violence were shown to be weak or insignificant. School nonattendance is generally associated with being kicked, punched, socially excluded, blackmailed, threatened, or sexually kissed without consent. The results were similar across societies. The findings imply that the contextual differences between Chinese societies may not account for different effects of gender and grade level on school violence, behavioral patterns of school violence, and correlates of school nonattendance.  相似文献   

社会转型期大学生违法犯罪现象透视   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,我国正处在社会的转型期,大学生违法犯罪人数正呈逐年上升趋势。如何预防和减少大学生违法犯罪,并力争把他们培养成才是关系到社会发展和治安稳定的重大问题。因而,透视大学生违法犯罪现象,从思想意识和社会经济根源入手,剖析大学生违法犯罪的深层原因,研究并制定预防大学生违法犯罪的对策和措施,是十分必要的。  相似文献   

Gang Guo 《当代中国》2005,14(43):371-393
Recruitment of young intellectuals such as college students has been an important part of the Chinese Communist Party's recruitment strategies for most of its history. Two of the college students that the Party recruited in the 1940s and 1960s went on to become the Party's top leaders in the 1990s and 2000s, and today's student Party members may well lead Chinese politics at various levels in future decades. This paper examines Party recruitment of college students in the reform era and highlights the impact of 1989. Since the 1990s the Party has stepped up its efforts at recruitment and ideological work on college students. Paradoxically the former is succeeding while the latter seems barely effective. Today's college students are striving to join the Party in large numbers, yet primarily out of a personal pragmatic concern for their future job searches and career advancement. Even student Party members do not have a strong commitment to the Party's sanctioned ideology.  相似文献   

Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year. It has the same significance for the Chinese people as Christmas has for people in the West. Spring Festival traditionally calls for a thorough house cleaning before pasting up Spring couplets, images of Gate-Gods, New Year Paintings and papercuts. Sacrifices are also offered to various gods and ancestors,and everyone dresses in their best clothes to see in the new year. All this is done in the hope of good fortune for the coming year.But would you prefer to experience Spring Festival with a difference? The following four destinations offer something for everyone.  相似文献   

侨校普遍存在的一个问题是:境内生和境外生沟通的机会和环境不够多,有意识地促进其沟通交流的活动也不够多;思想文化和制度管理的差异是其沟通交流的屏障。从搭建平台、打破界限和创新方式入手探寻境外生与境内生的有效交流沟通途径,将更好地促进境内外文化的传递,增强境外生对中华文化的认同。  相似文献   

苗春凤 《桂海论丛》2009,25(1):52-55
典型是权威评价活动的产物,树典型有助于权威机构加强对社会的动员、控制和整合.作为一种权威评价活动,树典型充分体现了权威机构的道德评价活动.在当代社会中,权威机构仍然需要树立典型,提倡社会的主流价值观,进行社会整合.但随着中国社会的转型,典型的影响力有所弱化,因此,要树立起有影响力的典型,必须坚持权威评价与民众评价相结合.  相似文献   

While the stock markets regain their momentum this year,China's securities regulators have issued new rules for public list-ings of start-up enterprises.Chinese fund management firms had their most difficult year on record in 2008,losing a total of 1.5 trillion yuan($219 billion) because of the meltdowns in the domestic stock markets.The country's central bank is sticking to its appropriately accommoda-tive monetary policy by refraining from withdrawing cash from the open market and issuing fewer central ba...  相似文献   

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