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On the evening of May 20, 2020, I went down into my residential compound to get the COVID-19 testing authorities had decided to roll out for all residents of Wuhan, capital of Hubei Province. One of the medical workers con-ducting the tests asked me, "Where are you from?" I replied, "Lebanon." She said she didn't know the Chinese Government was also examining and taking care of foreigners. I interrupted her by saying, "Yes, and it's for free, too."  相似文献   

晚清服饰改革在晚清女性解放运动中发挥着特殊的作用。在以维新人士为主的精英知识分子的倡导下,废缠足等女性服饰改革被提到了强国保种的高度,但由此带来的另一个后果是人们忽视了女性身体的真实处境。女性身体被隐匿的另一原因是晚清女性服饰繁琐的细节,细节的堆砌淹没了身体。随着服饰改革的推进和细节的被剪除,女性的身体和内心都得到了重新的展示,而在这一过程中,时尚起到了关键性的作用。  相似文献   

试谈扩展社会学的传统界限   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
社会学是一种具有"科学"和"人文"双重性格的学科,社会的存在和演化都包含在广义的"自然"的存在和演化之中,人的社会性与生物性互相兼容,互相结合,这是社会学研究的基础。从我的"人"这个中心,一圈圈推出去,就构成了两个"差序格局"。社会学研究的重点不仅仅是人的特殊的一面,还要研究人与自然一般相同的方面,"人"和"自然"、"人"和"人"、"我"和"我"、"心"和"心"等社会学至今还难以直接研究的东西,是我们真正理解中国社会的关键。  相似文献   

Guo Wei's wish for the New Year of the Ox is stunningly simple. And probably universal. "I wish life would return to normal," he said simply as he sat in front of a screen monitoring heart beats. "I wish people can go about their normal activities once more and production and other economic activities resume. Not only in China but worldwide."  相似文献   

正When my Chinese fiance and I decided to get married, there was no question about it: We would get our wedding portraits taken at one of the Chinese wedding studios that came with quaint names like "Paris," "Rome," "Golden Ladies," or "Mona Lisa. " "Are you going for the typical Chinese look? Vaseline on the lens, the works?" a British friend asked, in, shall we say, "amused" fashion.It was a Chinese tradition I would come to love; in the West, wedding photos are usually taken only during the ceremony and reception.  相似文献   

凉山地区特有的民族风服饰,出现在20世纪70年代,延绵至今,带有浓郁综合性的民族色彩。近十几年来民族风服饰设计非常盛行,民族元素在现代服饰设计中的运用大有可为。有关这方面的研究目前尚处在起步阶段,相关论述,主要记录的是彝族传统民族服饰分类、图片注录,而很少研究带有现代元素的彝族风格服饰。鉴于此,研究凉山特有的民族风服饰,以便让民族风服饰确立其历史坐标,使更多人认识它,运用它。  相似文献   

Chan Ka-ying, or Nicole, lives with her cat in Shenzhen, a booming tech city in the south of Guangdong Province. Born in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), she is currently working in a stateowned enterprise after graduation from Peking University. "I work as a policy analyst for the business in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA)," Chan told Beijing Review. "I plan to work here for a few years and then return to Hong Kong, where my family lives."  相似文献   

正A school that hopes to see fewer students With her short hair dyed bright purple,15-year old Du Fangmei is easy to spot in her class.She practiced giving a haircut to a mannequin head as she talked to Beijing Review in her classroom."My hair was dyed by the hairdressing teacher last month," she said in standard Chinese."I like it a lot."  相似文献   

Throughout my school life,phones offered one significant benefit:a means of communication,via either text or call.Typing out a message,“back in the day,”required quite the skill set,i.e.,understanding the code of the numbered buttons.  相似文献   

It's December—that time of year again. No, not Christmas; I'm talking about the UN Arabic Language Day which falls on December 18.UNESCO initially started to observe this day in 2012 to "celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity." The selfproclaimed linguist I am, I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate this day while in Beijing than by exploring Arabic through the eyes of its Chinese apprentices.  相似文献   

刘长 《思想战线》2001,27(6):86-89
同是理想人生的探索者、自由精神的追求者,浮士德与赫索格非常典型地代表着各自时代人类生存的困惑与追求.浮士德在使自己融入人类大世界时的感觉是"这里我是人,我能做个人".赫索格把自己封闭在斗室中冥思苦想的结果则是"渴望做个人",却发现自己不是人.赫索格的窘境,正揭示了西方人对人生意义和价值的探索,在经历了两个世纪之后,又从终点回到了起点.  相似文献   

西江苗族先民历史上经历了长期迁徙,其服饰随着生境的变化而改变。之后,千百年其先民在西江独特的自然与文化环境中传承和发展了独具特色的服饰文化。同时,在与不同民族的文化交流过程中吸收了部分周围民族的服饰文化符号,不断扬弃和发展其服饰文化,呈现出突出的兼具传统性与兼容性的服饰特点。  相似文献   

The Olympic arena serves as a place to share joy and sportsmanship Ailing, 18, became China’s first female gold medalist on snow, performing a previously unseen trick in the freeski big air competition at the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 on February 8.  相似文献   

正Water transfer project helps balance resources and conserve ecology Song Zihan, a mother of two living in Beijing's Fengtai District, remembers that years ago she had to clean the kettle on a regular basis because of the thick incrustation hiding inside, formed from boiling water in it.  相似文献   

民族文化的价值及其经济化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
施惟达 《思想战线》2004,30(3):92-96
民族文化是多元的,具有价值的二重性。民族文化要成为产业经济价值的载体,必须以文化主体的价值为核心。立足对"我者"的使用价值,才会有对"他者"的交换价值。如果缺乏真正的"文化自觉",要保护民族文化是不可能的。  相似文献   

木基元 《思想战线》2002,28(3):68-70
民族服饰是各民族传统文化中不可或缺的一个重要内容。纳西族服饰流变的研究和纳西族服饰的传承推广 ,为各民族服饰的保护传承提供了一个范例。继承、创新是弘扬民族服饰文化的根本 ,要以文化互动的视角和观点 ,正确认识民族服饰的重要价值 ,搞好舆论宣传 ,并与民族地区的经济文化建设紧密结合 ,走与旅游同步发展的道路。从实际出发 ,采取分类指导、全面启动的原则 ,从而加快与世界的接轨 ,是我们传承和发展民族服饰的根本目的  相似文献   

Conversation 卡洛琳:珍妮,我想买一伯连衣裙,去哪个商场好呢? Kaluolin:Zhenni,wo xiang mai yijian lianyiqun,qu nage shangchang hao ne? 珍妮:我一般都在网上购物,非常方便。 Zhenni:Wo yiban douzai wangshang gouwu,feichang fangbian. 卡洛琳:网上购物应该怎么操作呢? Kaluolin:Wangshang gouwu yinggai zenme caozuo ne?  相似文献   

"Each time I visit China I can spot fresh changes:new buildings,new roads,and new facilities.China's incredible economic achievements set an excellent example for other countries." So remarked Bassam al-Salhi,sec-retary general of the Palestinian People's Party (PPP)on May 27,in a video link with reporters,shared with leaders of Marxist political parties in Sri Lanka and Italy,ahead of the World Symposium for Marxist Political Parties hosted by the International Depart-ment of the CPC Central Committee.  相似文献   

序言“我无法呼吸!”——乔治·弗洛伊德美国国会大厦暴力事件乱象是政治高层散布重重谎言、蔑视民主、烷动仇恨和分裂导致的恶果。—德国总统施泰因迈尔2020年新冠肺炎疫情全球肆虐,对人类生命安全构成重大威胁。病毒没有国界,疫情不分种族,战胜疫情需要世界各国守望相助、团结合作。但一向自认例外和优越的美国,不仅自身疫情失控而且与之相伴的还有政治失序、种族冲突、社会撕裂,留下了“山巅之城”“民主灯塔”侵犯人权的新纪录。  相似文献   

DECADES ago, in the era of the "cultural revolution" (1966-1976), love and marriage bore a heavy political burden; the little red book (Quotations of Chairman Mao) was presented in place of a wedding band, or generally served as a token of love and engagement. Imagine how outlandish it seems to young people today to read love letters that pine: "I hope you can arrange your work, study and life well, so as to sustain your ideals and revolutionary zeal, and not degrade into an uncouth and lowly person." But such sentiments were typical 40 years ago in decent young men and women, who often delivered revolutionary pep talks instead of whispering "sweet nothings."  相似文献   

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