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本文作者从多年的基层检察工作实践出发,分析了当前基层检察机关法律监督工作的现状、特点及工作中遇到的主要问题,并对如何加强基层检察机关的法律监督工作提出了切实可行的建设性意见。  相似文献   

This year,Sun Fu,a deliveryman with Meituan Waimai,a leading food delivery service platform,will have his Spring Festival Eve dinner at work in Beijing.Understanding the concern that the travel rush during the Chinese New Year might trigger a resurgence of the novel coronavirus disease.  相似文献   

心理电影《心灵捕手》讲述一位由于童年的创伤经历形成自卑又自负、狂傲又怯懦的复杂性格但又非常有才华的青年在心理医生帮助下,成功走出心理阴影,自信面对人生的心灵成长过程。在这个过程中,心理医生桑恩所展示的真诚的品质、共情的特质、敏锐的洞察力和尊重当事人的理念,为同样肩负着帮助和教育青年学生健康成长的高校心理辅导工作提供了生动的范例,对高校心理辅导员自身素质的提高和成长具有非常有价值的启发。  相似文献   

著名科学家钱学森院士提出:大学要培养杰出人才,教育要把科学技术和文学艺术结合起来。去年8月,钱学森又对温家宝总理说:处理好科学和艺术的关系,就能创新,中国人就一定能赛过外国人。回顾钱老的创造人生,联系他著作中的有关论述,在创新人才培养问题上有很多宝贵见解,有深刻的科学内涵,值得我们好好学习领会。  相似文献   

他,1942年生,马上就要“奔七”了。可是,说起来,依然是雄心不已、痴心不改、童心未泯哦。 说他雄心不已,是指他继上世纪90年代成为台湾名闻遐迩的“手套大王”,又兴冲冲回祖国大陆投资,开公司、办实业、做生意,搞得热火朝天、亮丽精彩;说他痴心不改,是指他对促进祖国和平统一、促进海峡两岸交流合作忠贞不二,为海峡两岸的和平与幸福全力以赴,而做生意时又是一竿子诚信到底。  相似文献   

简政珍是台湾中生代重要诗人与诗论家。侧重探讨他意象理论的节点——"沉默空隙"说的意义;借此打造的经验/超验、感悟/哲思的意象图式,尤其是隐喻/转喻的活络运用,在智性照耀下,所形成的鲜明的"思"之意象艺术。  相似文献   

伪证罪中的虚假行为 ,是指有关证明人在刑事诉讼中违反内心认识进行陈述。伪证罪的主体是自然人 ,不能是单位。犯罪人教唆他人为自己进行伪证的应作为教唆犯处理 ,但是教唆他人帮助毁灭、伪造证据罪 ,教唆窝藏、包庇罪 ,教唆窝藏、转移、收购、销售赃物罪 ,不宜作为教唆犯处罚  相似文献   

Glamping It Up     
When he is not at work, he is busy with his camping business. Yu Sanshui, a 31-year-old digital product engineer in Beijing, spends over 70 percent of his spare time on camping-related activities. He rented a 12-square-meter warehouse space in northwestern suburban Beijing as his "base" and goes there al-most every day. The engineer slash vlogger slash camper originally rented the space to store his extensive camping equipment, which simply cannot fit into his apartment. Since his first camping experi-ence back in 2018, he has spent a total of roughly 150,000 yuan ($23,190) on gear. Every time he goes out camping, he picks up differently com-posed kits from his base.  相似文献   

正Kishida unlikely to improve Sino-Japanese ties On October 4, Fumio Kishida replaced Yoshihide Suga as Japan's prime minister. In his inauguration speech, delivered on October 8, Kishida vowed to stay ahead of the COVID-19 crisis, implement new capitalism and strengthen diplomatic and security guarantees.  相似文献   

刑法意义上的涵摄是将生活事实涵盖于法律所描述的构成要件的过程,也是三段论中大前提与小前提互动的过程。刑法上的涵摄错误则是指行为人对自己所故意实施的行为事实并未发生认识错误,也知道可能有禁止自己行为的刑法法规存在,但对该法规之解释存在误解,认为其行为并非刑法所涵摄的行为。涵摄错误不是事实错误,不能阻却故意,但可能构成违法性认识错误,阻却行为人的责任。根据我国刑法规定,涵摄错误主要包括对行为主体、对象、方式及性质的错误。  相似文献   

On his first day in office,Antony Blinken,newly appointed U.S.secretary of state,could not wait to claim the return of U.S.leadership on the international stage."America's leadership is needed around the world,and we will provide it,"he said.Over the past four years,Democrats have repeatedly emphasized the word"leadership"as a counterattack against the policy of the Donald Trump administration.President Joe Biden has also said the United States is back and prepared to lead the world.  相似文献   

劳动仲裁时效制度若干问题思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
劳动仲裁时效是督促权利人及时行使权利的一种法律制度。仲裁时效从当事人知道或应当知道其权利被侵害之日起计算。权利人不及时行使权利超过仲裁时效的 ,失去仲裁胜诉权 ,但不必然失去胜诉权。当事人因不可抗力或者其他正当理由超过规定的申请仲裁期限应视为时效中止 ;如果在时效进行当中出现了当事人行使权利的事实 ,就必须停止时效的进行并使已经过的时效期间归于无效。  相似文献   

Thirty-nine-year-old Bao Yongliang is the head of the Department of Digital Animation at the Jilin University of Arts in northeast China.However,the birth of his daughter in 2013 not only fulfilled Bao's dream of becoming a father,but also inspired a creative passion that has seen him launch his own art toy company.  相似文献   

正Speaking Standard Chinese is a skill that helps people out of poverty For the first few years after Abudullah Urashim left his hometown in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, "2 yuan for 50 grams" was the most fluent Standard Chinese sentence that he could say. He left Xinjiang to sell raisins in east China and used this phrase to answer all questions posed by his customers.  相似文献   

撤销权是债务人从事危害债权人的行为时 ,债权人可依诉讼程序请求法院予以撤销的权利。撤销权的构成不应以债权是否到期为条件 ,其对象应该是财产类的法律行为 ,表现为债务人放弃到期债权、无偿转让或者以明显不合理的低价转让财产的行为。债务人的行为结果损害了债权并且导致债务人不能满足债权人的债权。在司法解释中 ,可考虑纳入债务人为他人提供担保、恶意逃避债务损害债权的行为。对于撤销权的期间 ,应去掉对债权人知晓的主观推定的规定 ,只规定债权人知道撤销事由之日和被撤销行为发生之日两种起算点。关于撤销权的行使 ,某些原则性问题尚未明确 ,在撤销权诉讼中显得无法可依。  相似文献   

DO you admire Bruce Lee and his furious fists? You are not alone - he was also a popular figure in heaven, and was snatched from this earthly world when he was in his prime. After his untimely death, Bruce Lee became a legend. Countless other film stars, including Jackie Chan, were influenced by this paragon of martial arts cinema.  相似文献   

秦林芳 《思想战线》2001,27(6):90-94
李广田在20世纪30年代的乡土散文创作以忆旧视角、乡土题材和人性主题形成了自己鲜明的思想倾向.他继承"五四"人的文学"传统,从超越政治、关注人生的独特的文学功利观出发,在对都市文明失望的同时,通过乡间的"画廊",展示出灿烂的人性之光,表现出了弘扬健康人性、以文学的道德力量重塑民族性格的热望.  相似文献   

Policies to protect grassland lead to a complete industrial chain Dorjee,a 45-year-old herder in Golog Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province,northwest China,is relieved to see the pasture in the region,where he grazes his herd,is once again covered with grass as high as his knees.More than a decade ago.  相似文献   

Though he only makes a meager salary, that hasn't stopped Zhao Yongjiu, a cleaner in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, from contributing to char-ity. He has donated a third of his salary to charity over the past 30 years and the total amount he has handed out exceeds 180,000 yuan ($27,972). The seeds of charity were sown in Zhao's heart when he was just a teenager. His father died in a work accident and his mother had to raise Zhao and his younger brother all by herself. Later, his mother fell ill, making life more difficult for the family. "At that time, the factory my father had worked in helped us out by providing us with coal for heating in winter. Additionally, our neighbors gave us food," Zhao told Liaoshen Evening News.  相似文献   

罗尔斯在他的《政治哲学讲义》中对霍布斯的利维坦给予了高度评价,并主要在世俗系统内对《利维坦》进行了全面的解读。罗尔斯对社会契约的形成过程的分析不是基于神学知识的考虑,而是通过对人性的认知,并以人性为核心,来看待自然状态如何转变为战争状态,以及如何由自然状态下形成订立契约的合意,最终导致自然状态向市民社会的转变。  相似文献   

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