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<正>Facing deflation risks and slower economic growth,China's central bank may continue cutting interest rates and reserve requirement ratios By Wang Jun Three months after the previous rate cut the People's Bank of China(PBC),the country's central bank,slashed benchmark interest rates by 0.25 percentage points  相似文献   

社会主义核心价值观的伦理底蕴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自由是人的本质特征之一,也是社会主义的最高追求;与自由一样,道德也是人的本质存在,道德不仅关乎自身,更关乎他人、社会。自由与道德在人与人之间的和谐中印证着核心价值观;在个人与社会的和谐中实践着核心价值观;在社会各阶层的和谐中外化着核心价值观。就此而言,自由与道德构成了社会主义核心价值观的伦理底蕴。  相似文献   

论水族服饰艺术的嬗变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
淡雅、清丽的格调是水族服饰的主要特征,在少数民族服饰中独具风格。水族服饰文化与布依族、壮族、侗族以及汉族的服饰文化关系密切,水族服饰文化在与兄弟民族服饰文化相互交流的同时,也在不断地改革和丰富自己,并且紧跟着时代的步伐而嬗变。  相似文献   

With a government-imposed ceiling on thermal coal prices lifted,China must nowensurea stable output of electricity China will no longer limit the cost of coal for power stations amid a situation of stable prices and supply, leaving some worried that the country’s electricity output could come under threat if coal prices soar.  相似文献   

法定量刑情节是指由刑法明文规定的影响量刑幅度的案情事实 ,其具有法律的规定性、情节的特殊性和量刑的制约性等特点。法定量刑情节可作三级分类 :一级分为从宽和从严两大类 ,二级分为应当和可以两小类 ,三级分为免除、减轻、从轻和从重四种。法定量刑情节的写作包括法定量刑情节的叙述和相关法条的引用两项内容  相似文献   

China’s real estate market has polarized,and the government needs to take action Selling season is in full swing in China’s real estate market.According to statistics from China Index Academy,the research arm of Soufun,China’s largest property website,the average price of new homes in 100 major Chinese cities rose 1.07 percent in September  相似文献   

Skiing is now a favorite winter activity for many Chinese Driving out to the suburbs of Beijing with friends and spending time at a ski resort is now a common way  相似文献   

青年与服饰现象关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从青年影响服饰潮流的着眼点出发,认为青年不仅是服饰流行的追随者和创造者,而且是服饰文化的建设者和推动者。进而从服饰现象对青年心理的影响进行分析,认为服饰上的“哈韩”、“哈日”及“动漫”现象等,与青年的崇洋心理、西化的生活方式有着密切的联系,并对此提出了对策分析。本文认为,要把服饰文化作为青年文化建设的重要内容来抓,要大力提倡传统文化和本土艺术,发展健康有益、充满活力的青年服饰文化。  相似文献   

王瑛 《前沿》2011,(13):92-97
民法典立法随着民事单行法立法的基本完成显得非常迫切。民法典的编撰应以人格概念为核心,以人→权利→权利行使→纠纷→纠纷解决的逻辑体系为框架来构建。民法典分为总则、人身权、物权、人身性财产权和争讼五卷,采总分总形式,中间三卷以权利和权利行使为基础分为两卷或三卷。  相似文献   

THIS column has been exploring what people come to China to do,and the unique perspectives they get on this rapidly developing country as a result of their work and passions. Much less has been said about the families that come with them. In Beijing,25 percent of all expats are estimated to be families with children,  相似文献   

EXPANDING domestic demand has been set as a priority of China’s 12th Five-year Plan (2011-2015). An independent chapter is dedicated to the issue, the first time the goal has been singled out in the national development blueprint drawn up every five years. The plan envisions a long-term  相似文献   

<正>An agriculturist helps farmers increase both production and income By Zhang Lijuan Chinese people have a long history of growing wheat,and cooked wheatbased foods are enjoyed by people nationwide.Which kind of noodles taste best?Which kind of steamed buns are sweet and chewy?These are questions that concern every ordinary Chinese family,and He Zhonghu,a research fellow at the Institute  相似文献   

Chinese scientists have accelerated their progress in genome science After a year of analysis and stric evaluation, the world's first genome  相似文献   

樊和平 《中国发展》2011,11(6):72-77
书法通常被当作艺术。然而,如果将中国书法仅仅理解为一种艺术,那就曲解和委屈了书法,误读了它对于中国民族的深刻意义。在其他文明中,书法也许只是艺术,但在中国,它却是文化本身。书法、书法史,是中国人的文化基因图表,演绎着中国人的精神世界和性格构造。书之"法"与人之"法"统一,赋予其"方不中矩,圆不副规"的"从心所欲不逾矩"的中国式自由意境;刚柔性格,进退智慧,演绎着"志在飞移"、"将奔未驰"的"无为而无不为"的人生大智慧,"书写"着儒道佛三位一体的极富弹性的安身立命的基地;真善美贯通,表达了"风骚之意"与"天地之心"的天作之合,沉默庄严地演奏着中国人高明悠远的灵魂协奏曲。  相似文献   

优先购买权的性质是指导优先购买权的立法和司法实践的重要理论问题,本文分析了关于优先购买权性质的几种学说,比较了各种学说的优缺点并得出了优先购买权是形成权的结论,以此指导其在民法典中的定位.  相似文献   

THE Chinese Dream is closely linked to the dreams of other nations. Realizing the Chinese Dream will therefore benefit other countries, including France, and so contribute to world peace and prosperity.  相似文献   

手印的检验鉴定中细节特征的质量和数量二者是辨证的统一体。侦查员手印检验中要结合手印细节特征质量与数量进行科学的辨证分析,并用一定的科学实验的方法加以验证。  相似文献   

苗族服饰以其款式复杂而著称于世 ,它精美的制作方式代表了一种美的范式并以其独特的方式表达对民族历史的记忆和对美的追求 ,它的美纯朴而热烈、极具艺术震撼力。  相似文献   

成汉政权是由南方的少数民族贝宗人所建,李氏宗族是成汉政权历代统治者的主体为期共45年,其势力范围除西南地区外还达到了西北的甘肃境内。与两晋之际出现的众多地方政权相比较,成汉政权和它们都同属于割据性质的地方政权,但却有着自己的诸多的特点:建立政权的时间最早;南部唯一的地方政权;实行武装割据,但并未断绝与中央王朝的关系;关注社会稳定;大规模移民。  相似文献   

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