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The intensity of China's engagement with Africa over the past decade has attracted global attention.However,there is a big gap between China and the West over perceptions of the rapidly growing Sino-African relations.Chinese academics say the decade-long rapid growth of Sino-African relations is the natural outcome of a half century of friendship and cooperation between China and African countries.The relations are based on mutual respect,sincere friendship,equality and mutual benefit.  相似文献   

正July 11 this year marked the 60 th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance Between China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea(DPRK). Leaders of the two countries exchanged messages of congratulations for this event. In his message, Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke highly of the leaders of the elder generation of China and the DPRK for making the far-sighted strategic decision to sign the treaty,  相似文献   

失业作为市场经济的必然产物,一直是一个困扰世界各国的严重问题。但我国与西方国家在对失业的认识、界定、形成的原因以及失业保险等方面有很大的不同,充分认识它们的区别,对有效地解决失业问题,具有非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

我国西部开发中参与国际分工的战略思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济全球化和开放经济条件下,一国和一地区要思考和制定其经济发展的战略,必须扩大视野、通观全局,在复杂多变的世界经济形势中判定自身的优势条件与面临的挑战,并寻找能够适应形势与解决问题的途径。本文拟从对外开放和参与国际分工的角度对我国西部地区的开发进行考察,并提出在西部开发中可行的战略选择。  相似文献   

西部大开发战略是世纪之交党中央、国务院做出的一项非常重要的决策 ,涉及方方面面的政策调整和利益变动关系 ,也向区域经济学和区域开发战略的研究提出了许多新的课题 ,其中不少问题过去我们未曾深入研讨过 ,本文从八个方面就此做了些探索性的讨论 ,试图引起学术界的更多关注。  相似文献   

论中西方人性观的差异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为把中西方人性观的差异归结为性善与性恶之差异,易使人们对中西方的人性观及其差异产生简单化、表面化、抽象化、片面化的理解.本文认为中西方的人性观的差异,与其说为性善与性恶之差异,不如说为一元和谐论与两元对立论、乐观主义与悲观主义、理想主义与现实主义、等级主义与平等主义、泛道德主义与自然主义、义务本位与权利本位之差异.  相似文献   

Most of the ethnic Tibetans in Maoxian, Wenchuan, Lixian, and Heishui counties of the A'ba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province belong to the Jiarong branch, according to contemporary ethnology's classification system. The Jiarong people mainly live in the Greater and Lesser Jinchuan river basins,  相似文献   

<正>While attempting to build an all-American home, Montana contractor Anders Lewendal found it nearly impossible to accomplish his goal to perfection.He could find imported chemicals in locally made cement,and components such as nails,screws and light bulbs would be much cheaper if  相似文献   

<正>All eyes are on Paris this month to see if a post-2020 legaly binding and universal agreement can be reached to confront climate change and its disastrous effects.As the international climate change conference began on November 30,approximately 150 world leaders met to discuss solutions with which societies treat the environment.Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the opening ceremony in which he advocated  相似文献   

正Reforms are needed to combat shortfalls that leave hospitals overwhelmedBeijinger Lu Xing went to a renowned public hospital before daybreak one day in March in the hopes of securing a registration ticket for his 1-year-old son,who had come down with a cough the night before.But when Lu arrived,he found a long  相似文献   

ONEsummerafternoonattheYunnanUniversityofMinorityandEthnicStudies,agroupofAmericanstudentssatcaptivatedbyalectureaboutChineseethnicgroupsinYunnanProvince.Thestudentsfilledupeverysecondofmeetingtimewithquestionsandcommentsandstillfeltasthoughtheycould'vestayedmuchlongedEvenafterthemeetingwasover,thestudentscontinuedchatonandonaboutwhattheyhadjustlearned.ThestudentsarefromCollegeofLakeCounty,acommunitycollegeinGrayslake,Illinois,about45milesnorthwestofChicago.Atthisparticularschool,thereh…  相似文献   

自中央提出西部大开发以来,全国上下掀起了开发西部地区的热潮。西部大开发是我国跨世纪发展的重大举措,西部大开发的提出标志着我国的改革开放拉开了新序幕。回顾我国二十年来的区域开放、开发格局,可以清晰地划分为三个阶段:从七十年代末到八十年代中期为第一阶段。这一阶段的开放开发区域仅限于广东、福建两省的经济特区,即先在深圳、珠海试点,后又扩大到汕头、厦门;从八十年代中期到八十年代末期为第二阶段。在这一时期,我国的区域开放开发迈上了新台阶。继1984年扩大汕头、厦门特区范围后,先后开放了北起辽宁大连,南到广西北…  相似文献   

Over the past 70 years, living standards in Tibet have improved dramatically; language, culture and religion in this au-tonomous region have been fully protected. These are indisputable facts, Belgian Tibetologist André Lacroix said in a recent interview with Beijing Review.  相似文献   

西部地区交通运输业落后 ,已成为制约经济发展的重要因素。未来国民经济的发展及西部大开发对西部地区的交通运输业有巨大的需求 ,提出了更高的要求 ,为了适应经济发展的需要 ,建立合理的交通运输体系 ,必须要采取有效的措施 ,加快西部地区交通运输业的发展。  相似文献   

正In late May, Canadians learned the remains of 215 indigenous children had been found in unmarked graves on the site of a former residential school in British Columbia.About a month later, hundreds of other unmarked graves were found located on another former residential school in Saskatchewan and a further 182 unmarked graves were discovered at a third site in British Columbia.  相似文献   

21世纪 ,社会主义仍将是人类社会前进的方向和推动力量 ,但世纪初 ,社会主义在世界范围内还面临着严峻挑战。这种挑战 ,既来自世界社会主义的外部 ,也来自世界社会主义的内部。资本的社会化和资本的全球化 ,既给资本主义的发展注入了新的活力 ,又促进着资本所有者阶级在世界范围内的数量增长和力量联合 ,于是无产阶级实现从一国到多国再到全世界社会主义的最终胜利遇到了新的困难 ;作为资本全球化伴生物的文化帝国主义和霸权主义 ,丝毫未放松对世界社会主义的压力和攻势。这是世界社会主义面临的来自外部的挑战。现实社会主义成熟和发展的不足 ,世界社会主义运动总体上的振兴乏力 ,这是世界社会主义面临的来自内部的挑战。正视这些挑战 ,我们才能从容应对挑战 ,使社会主义在 2 1世纪在全世界取得新的胜利  相似文献   

战后 ,社会主义在与资本主义的长期共存和激烈斗争的过程中 ,面临着西方发达国家的科技优势、稳定发展及其所实施的“和平演变”战略的严峻挑战。能否应对这三大挑战 ,在很大程度上决定着 2 1世纪世界社会主义的前途命运和发展动向  相似文献   

WHEN judges in Sweden awarded Mo Yan the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature and he was suddenly thrust into the world’s limelight, he was not sitting in front of the TV waiting for the news, as he doesn’t want his grandson to grow up with TV.  相似文献   

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