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The central bank on November 19 ordered commercial banks to set aside an additional 0.5 percent of their reserves amid looming inflationary risks.Investors are on the defense and preparing for the worst by buying up gold as a safe haven against inflation and market uncertainties.China’s stateowned enterprises earned a combined profit of 1.626 trillion yuan($245 billion) from January to October this year,soaring 44.8 percent year on year.In a push into renewable energies,China should enhance efforts in hydropower,wind power and inter-provincial trade,as well as green electricity schemes,said the World Bank.The aviation industry booms as air traffic increases.  相似文献   

正Urban communities undergo upgrading to facilitate people's daily lifeWang Yong had run a streetside stall to repair watches and make keys in Yangpu District of Shanghai for decades.Recently,the 54-year-old handyman moved his business to an indoor community business center nearby,putting an end to his days of working outdoors,braving the wind and rain."The environment here is much better with a stable customer flow.I only need to pay water and electricity and other miscellaneous fees,but no rent," Wang told Shanghai-based Jiefang Daily.  相似文献   

Affected by the novel coronavirus pandemic,Hu Shuangquan,a Chinese agricultural specialist who had planned to wind up his mission in Africa in mid-March 2020,is still staying in Burundi.  相似文献   

Her body soars lightly like a startled swan, Gracefully, like a dragon in flight, In splendor brighter than the autumn chrysanthemum, In bloom more flourishing than the pine in spring; Dim as the moon mantled in filmy clouds, Restless as snow whirled by the driving wind.  相似文献   

正China-U.S. relations, what is the way out for the elephant in the room? When discussing global issues, Russian Ambassador to China Andrey Denisov always recalls that in 1973, Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai used a quotation from an ancient Chinese poem to describe the international situation of the time: "Heavy rain is about to shower in the mountains,  相似文献   

Market Watch     
The service sector faces headwinds due to lagging demand.Chinese companies’ IPOs are shrinking as the stock markets remain bearish and regulatory rules have raised the listing threshold.The country rolls up its sleeves to develop environmentally friendly wind power.Domestic energy firms quicken the pace of their outbound mergers and acquisitions.E-commerce giant Alibaba reports disappointing profits.Foreign insurance firms find it difficult to expand their China presence.  相似文献   

宣告死亡制度的立法价值在于通过推定自然人已经死亡的结果,稳定因失踪人生死不明而引起人身关系及财产关系的不确定状态,达到重点保护利害关系人的合法权益的目的。然而,"树欲静而风不止",本用于稳定失踪人民事关系,保护利害关系人合法权益的宣告死亡制度,在司法实践中却可能为利害关系人带来新的权益损害,弱化法律实施效果。本文将以宣告死亡制度对被宣告死亡人配偶权益的影响为视角,探讨我国宣告死亡制度存在的不足,并尝试提出相应的完善建议。  相似文献   

Aland-locked state three times the size of France bordered by Rus sia to the north and China to thesouth, Mongolia is far away from moder-ating maritime influences. After a short,pleasant summer, when the temperaturecan go up to 30 degrees, the long wintercan produce January temperatures below-40 in the capital Ulan Bator. This is muchcolder than would be expected for a lati-tude of 47 degrees North. A major factorin this is the wind which, when it blowsfrom the north, can q…  相似文献   

为了解决清代台海两岸之间航行需要多少时间的问题,本文依据文献及档案史料的具体记载,给予回答。总的来说,在木帆船时代,顺风时,福建沿海不及两天可达澎湖,甚至一昼夜即可到达台湾,一般则需要4~5天;在轮船时代,快则17~18小时,一般也要2~3天。气候因素对航行时间影响极大,有时候风长达一个月以上,有时船只遭风飘流,甚至触礁沉没,片板不留。  相似文献   

治安调解是我国调解制度中行政调解的重要组成部分,它对于缓解民间矛盾,减少违法犯罪和不安定因素,维护社会的和谐稳定起着重要作用,它体现了我国教育与处罚相结合、以教育为主的治安管理处罚原则。公安机关应当本着化解矛盾纠纷、维护社会稳定、构建和谐社会的要求,依法尽量予以调解处理。调解也是一种处理治安案件的结案方式,所以,基层公安派出所应重视做好治安调解工作。  相似文献   

台湾岛西南内海区域在河川、风灾、水灾等因素的影响下,大量泥沙淤积而形成新的海埔地,这些尚未纳入租税体制却有利可图的土地成为各类人群争夺的目标,不同生计模式的人群对这片土地产权归属有着不同的认知,他们各自的权益伸张导致当地官司连年。举凡乾隆二十四年(1759)、五十三年(1788)、五十七年(1792)一连串“海坪”霸占争议案件,皆由此而来;而乾隆三十五年(1770)的禁垦海埔与盐场废地以及乾隆五十六年(1791)的晒丁械斗杀人事件,亦是源于对盐场周遭海埔地的产权纠纷。不同利益群体的权益伸张以及官府的判定原则始终取决于当地复杂的人际网络与利益分配关系,这也决定着海埔地的产权归属。  相似文献   

THEY boil sugar and water until it thickens, take a dollop and knead it into a hollow ellipsoid. One end has a long tail with a pinhole into which they blow, turning it around so as to fashion it into the required shape. Within one minute the raw candy is transformed into an animal.This is the craft of candy-blowing; its masters are called candy men.  相似文献   

青年农民工的城市融入困境主要体现在工作、生活、交往和心理四个方面。为加快我国城市化和现代化进程,国家应制定相应的对策,积极引导青年农民工朝着正确的方向发展,同时,要妥善解决青年农民工面临的各种困难,满足他们在工作和生活方面提出的各种合理要求。  相似文献   

警察协助在内容上分为执法协助和一般职务协助。在此初步探讨的基础上进一步深化,从主体视角观察,分为内部协助义务和对外职务协助。从性质视角观察,根据裁量性强弱,分为羁束协助和裁量协助;根据时间性紧迫,可以区分为日常协助和紧急协助。警察协助未来的发展方向应当是主体间的协助义务动态化,协助义务的性质不断明确化。  相似文献   

论商事登记的效力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商事登记的效力有生效主义与对抗主义两种理论。从我国现行立法的规定来看,设立登记与注销登记一般被作为生效要件,变更登记则需作类型化分析。之所以有此区别,主要在于核准登记中的“核准”行政法属性不同,若“核准”属行政许可,则相关登记为生效要件;若“核准”属行政确认,则相关登记属对抗要件。  相似文献   

尊重和保障人权已明确写入新刑事诉讼法的基本任务之中,但要在刑事法治领域真正做到惩罚犯罪与保障人权并重,则必须在刑事立法、刑事司法、刑罚的执行三个环节融入人民群众普遍认可的常识、常情、常理,在刑事立法时将常识、常情、常理抽象到各刑事法条款中,在刑事司法时将常识、常情、常理还原到具体的案件中,在刑罚的执行环节将常识、常情、常理融入到各种行刑中,从而在刑事法治领域彻底实现尊重和保障人权。  相似文献   

公共资源分为可再生资源和不可再生资源 ,可再生资源如果利用不当 ,有可能转化为不可再生资源。如果把公共资源的分配完全交由市场处理 ,其外部性则会导致资源的不可再生性 ,因此政府应该在公共资源的配置中发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   

儒学在汉代取得一尊地位,深刻影响着汉代社会,引发了明经入仕的学术风尚。汉代儒学主流化过程中,随之而起的游学、明经入仕,以及"明经行修"等社会风尚同样对女性产生了显著影响。汉代女性通过多种方式,参与到明经入仕的潮流中,表现出对儒学的特别偏好和积极参与。从文化层面看,汉代女性对儒学的刻意追求,反映了汉代儒家文化的普及化、学术文化的功利化,是女性对儒家文化入世情怀的认同和实践。  相似文献   

自1978年改革开放至今,中国的国家形象发生了深刻的变化,总体表现为由渐进地融入国际体系发展为承担更多的国际责任,由"和平发展"战略的确立深化为"和谐世界"理念的提出,以传统的发展观演进为全面协调可持续的科学发展现.  相似文献   

新的宪法修正案,将以"执政为民"为本质的"三个代表"重要思想写入了宪法。这是从国家的根本大法上明确了今后工作的指导思想。人民警察作为公共权力的行使者,在今后的工作中必须突出以人为本的思想。然而要想真正做到"权为民所用,情为民所系,利为民所谋",仅靠政策法规是不够的,还需要广大民警不断提高自身综合素质,尤其是要从提高民警的人文素质入手。只有这样,才能牢固树立人权意识,在执法理念上做到以人为本,与时俱进。  相似文献   

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