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This essay addresses issues related to leaving and recreating a home from the perspective of different kinds of movements, transformations, and diasporic ways of living. Global restructurings in the wake of neoliberal economic developments provide the main background for a discussion of contemporary global upheavals and displacements, and the concomitant mix of old and new understandings of border rossing, multiple or hybrid identities, and neo/colonialism. The figure of the nomad is at the center of these discussions. The nomad is described as someone who carries home as an essential psychological belonging, and who can re-create home in diverse places, anywhere.  相似文献   


This essay addresses issues related to leaving and recreating a home from the perspective of different kinds of movements, transformations, and diasporic ways of living. Global restructurings in the wake of neoliberal economic developments provide the main background for a discussion of contemporary global upheavals and displacements, and the concomitant mix of old and new understandings of bordercrossing, multiple or hybrid identities, and neo/colonialism. The figure of the nomad is at the center of these discussions. The nomad is described as someone who carries home as an essential psychological belonging, and who can re-create home in diverse places, anywhere.  相似文献   

在收受型受贿罪中设置为他人谋取利益的要件具有现实的必要性。"为他人谋取利益"要件应归属于主观方面,属于犯罪目的。在司法实践中认定该要件应从"他人"、"谋取"、"利益"等几个方面加以把握。  相似文献   

热爱民族音乐,振兴民族音乐,弘扬民族音乐是我们音乐教育工作者的责任。民乐绝不可以通俗化,民乐是民乐,通俗是通俗,振兴民族音乐必须做到创新与继承相结合、普及与提高相结合、扶持与保证相结合利用地方特色资源,满足学生学习音乐的欲望。学校有计划、有组织、有步骤地开展少数民族音乐特色的课堂教学,能够吸引学生学习音乐的兴趣。  相似文献   

抢劫罪、抢夺罪若干问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
准抢劫罪的结构实际是一个预备性质的违法行为和抢夺行为的结合 ,而以抢劫罪的实质判断 ,其行为结构应当是具有威胁性的行为和抢夺行为的结合 ,以相当性原则衡量 ,“携带凶器”盗窃、诈骗的行为也应当以抢劫罪论处 ,但以立法价值衡量 ,准抢劫罪的规定没有必要 ;认为转化型抢劫罪的前提行为应当构成犯罪的观点 ,既不符合无罪推定原则 ,又不恰当地束缚了侦查权、检察权的行使 ,同时剥夺了被害人或第三人的绝对防卫权 ,与抢劫罪的构成要件也不相符 ;随附暴力强度较大的抢夺行为不应一律以抢夺罪论处。抢夺罪其行为表现不应以“乘人不备”和“公然”夺取为必要。  相似文献   

"一带一路"背景下少数民族民间音乐的跨文化传播能够提升丝路地带的国家政治互信和促进文创经济交流,能够促进沿线文化多元融合和拓宽音乐文化内涵,能够传承少数民族民间音乐文化和传播中华优秀文化。但目前,在少数民族音乐文化跨文化传播中还面临着很多困境,由此,我们需要构建差异化传播模式,深入研究"一带一路"沿线国家音乐文化;增强少数民族民间音乐文化自觉,搭建多元化的文化交流平台;增强"柔性"传播,重视创新跨文化传播方式;借助现代化传播媒介,打破惯用的传播模式,以此促进我国少数民族民间音乐文化的跨文化传播。  相似文献   

根据《人民检察院刑事诉讼规则》和《公安机关办理刑事案件程序规定》的有关规定,辨认应当在侦查人员的主持之下进行。但心理学研究表明,为了消除辨认过程中执行人员对辨认人的暗示性影响,应由侦查人员之外的其他人员主持辨认过程。英、美等国借鉴心理学研究成果,确立了辨认中的双盲规则,较好地保证了辨认结果的准确性。中国的辨认制度应当以心理学研究成果为根据,修改由侦查人员主持辨认程序的规定,确立辨认程序中的双盲规则。  相似文献   

中国古代音乐史学源远流长,成就斐然.音乐史学是介于音乐学和历史学之间的分支学科,研究中国古代音乐史学的发展历程,揭橥其发展规律,对于中国古代音乐史、史学史和文化史的研究均具有重要意义.本文在前人时贤的研究基础上,对中国古代音乐史著的文本编撰体裁及其相关特征进行了初步探寻.  相似文献   

根据符号学理论,音乐是一种特定社会以及文化的符号,音乐符号形式成为人类认知和参与社会活动的意向。侗族大歌作为音乐形式是一种原声态符号,在侗族的社会生活中有其独特的文化价值和社会功能。它不仅是音乐、语言和生态环境符号的结合体,也是侗族文化、历史、生态、社会规约、道德准则等的载体,是侗族社会不可缺少的具有社会凝聚力的民族符号。  相似文献   

This study examined the extent and nature of cyberbullying in 23 Portuguese schools. A sample of 3,525 sixth-, eighth-, and eleventh-grade students completed a self-response questionnaire assessing their perceptions and experiences of cyberbullying. The findings showed that 7.6% of students have been victimized, and 3.9% have bullied others at least once over the last year. The incidences of victimization were higher for females and for the older students. In contrast, more boys reported having bullied others in the eleventh grade. The most frequent medium of cyberbullying was via websites, whilst sending offensive messages was the most widely reported type of behavior. Telling someone about cyberbullying is among the most frequent coping strategies used by cybervictims, who usually chose to tell their friends rather than adults. Implications of these findings for students, schools, and parents are discussed.  相似文献   

杂技是一种以技巧为主、融合吸取姐妹艺术成份、带有综合性的表演艺术.技巧是生命,音乐是灵魂.音乐结构与技巧结构的有机统一,才能创造出高超、完美的杂技艺术.成功的音乐可以鲜明地反映杂技技巧编排的目的性和动作的表意特点,同时还能渲染气氛,升华意境,对演员产生强烈的艺术感染力,使其表演出优美和谐、动作协调、造型优美、内涵丰富的高难技巧来.  相似文献   

黔南布依族、苗族、水族、汉族大学生音乐素质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析和研究黔南州布依族、苗族、水族、汉族大学生音乐素质状况,发现其规律性和差异性,据此探索出对少数民族学生音乐教育的最佳途径和方法,从中寻找出适合本民族本地区的音乐教育模式,使民族师范学院的音乐教学更具针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

THERE is a Chinese saying: If you present someone with a fish, he has food for a day; if you teach him how to fish, he can feedhimself for the rest of his life. This Chinese maxim characterizes the work of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Tech-nischc Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH  相似文献   

对苗族飞歌、侗族大歌保护与开发的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陶健 《贵州民族研究》2006,26(6):108-109
苗族飞歌、侗族大歌是优秀的民族音乐,是中华民族文化的精华,是中华民族音乐中的一支奇葩,值得我们挖掘、保护、传承、创新。  相似文献   

Using a natural quasi-experimental pretest/posttest design, residents in randomly selected homes in a suburb of Los Angeles were surveyed about their perceptions of their neighborhoods with respect to cohesion and sense of community. Responses from the pretest surveys—administered before the construction of a freeway that would bisect the city—were compared to the responses from the posttest survey six years later, administered two years after completion of the freeway. Respondents living adjacent to the new freeway—residents who experienced a fourfold increase in the average decibel levels in their neighborhoods since the freeway opened—reported both a lower sense of community and smaller neighborhood areas as compared to residents not living adjacent to the freeway and as compared to the results from the pretest. The analysis of the data incorporated geographic information system (GIS) software to allow for the analysis of phenomenological neighborhoods—neighborhoods as defined by respondents. This Resident-defined Neighborhood Mapping methodology permitted us to analyze neighborhoods as the respondents outlined them, not as they were preconceived by someone outside the neighborhood. It is suggested that this new methodology may prove useful in advancing the field of neighborhood research by detecting neighborhood-level change that traditional methods may miss.  相似文献   

The music of Frederic Chopin appeals not only to the ears,but also to the soul-and it has been for 200 years.Even at the World Expo in Shanghai,the much-revered Polish musician is too important to be ignored.To celebrate the maestro,the Poland Pavilion has prepared a series of events to honor the bicentennial celebration of Chopin's birth.On May 8,Slawomir Majman,Commissioner General of the Polish Section of World Expo 2010,sat down with Beijing Review reporter Hu Yue to discuss the planned events and share his views on Chopin's music.  相似文献   

伦敦奥运会开幕式在编导上,坚持生活化的文化逻辑,精心选取充分反映当下民众集体生存境遇的英伦文化符号;运用音乐化的主题逻辑,撷取多种风格的本土音乐形式贯穿于"奇迹之岛"主题的诠释行程;遵循跨文化的传播逻辑,以故事化的叙事方式成功地演绎了"奇迹之岛"的主题,达成了"激励一代人"的口号目标,成功实现了跨文化的传播效果。  相似文献   

网络恶搞,是以文字、图片、音乐和动画为手段,从视频到文本,从网络到电视,从流行歌曲到热门节目,从古典名著到英雄人物,都是被恶搞的对象,以此表达个人思想的一种方式,完全以颠覆的、滑稽的、莫名其妙的无厘头表达解构所谓正常。目前,网络恶搞已经冲击到了我们的道德和法律的底线,若不加以制止,就会影响到青少年的道德和法律意识,影响我们的民族心理,所以迫切需要通过立法来加以约束。  相似文献   

侵占罪是刑法新增加的罪名,它是一种将自己持有的他人财物非法占为己有的犯罪行为,它与盗窃罪等其他侵犯财产的犯罪在实践中很容易混淆,因此,本人对侵占罪的概念、特征做了较为详细的阐述,论述了如何区分本罪与非罪、本罪与盗窃罪的界限。  相似文献   

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