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齐鲁文化是中华文明最早的发源地之一,是孔子诞生和儒家思想产生的文化基础,也是两千年来所有海内外华人亲近孔子、追寻思想之根、寻找精神归宿的家园。深入分析齐鲁文化的丰富内涵,进一步挖掘其在当代密切海内外华人关系中的作用,对于推动侨港澳台工作、实现祖国完全统一具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

鲁迅的《野草》是他生命中特殊时期的产物,是他孤独心灵的哲学体验,表现为生命与死亡、希望与绝望的强烈冲突.在这一系列冲突中,鲁迅陷入无尽的黑暗、悲凉、孤独中,但在达到绝望的极致后生命中又毅然进发出一种奋战不屈的抗争精神,最终达到对孤独的超越,对生命与希望的肯定.  相似文献   

孙其香 《青年论坛》2010,(1):127-129
《丈夫》是沈从文最出色的短篇小说之一,魏微的《大老郑的女人》荣获第三届鲁迅文学奖优秀短篇小说奖。虽是两篇不同作家写于不同时期的不同作品,但从中仍然可以感受到有两点明显的相同之处。首先从叙述视角上,这两部作品都采用了第一人称叙述,以"我"观物的视角展开故事的讲述;其次,这两部作品在文体形式上都有着明显的散文化倾向。这两部作品的不同之处则在于因作者性别不同所带来的性别视角的差异。  相似文献   

文章通过对<逆火>中柴梦轩和韵竹的分析,再现了人物的象征性特征,展现了作家对文化冲突及冲突之下人性的拷问,重在指出鲁彦周对人的关怀和思考.  相似文献   

陆游是我国南宋时期著名的爱国主义诗人和爱国主义的思想家。他著述甚广,思想涉及政治、法律、哲学等诸多领域,尤其是关于他的法律思想更是其思想体系中重要的组成部分。在法律思想上,陆游主张废除凌迟之刑,限制宦官养子以及严禁"妖幻邪人"和妖教。儒家传统思想中的"仁政"和"忠君"观念构成了陆游法律思想的理论基础。  相似文献   

从现有文献史料梳理桂籍先民大批南下马来半岛的历史,时间当在1880年后。此前,马来半岛各地不同籍贯华人帮群曾经长期互相纠纷,不见广西人有组织参与的记录。1883年在新加坡才成立有五合公司,主要依靠清代博白县人与广东高廉州同乡联合方得成势,可以反映广西人在南洋华人之间并非主要势力。在清代至民初下南洋广西先贤之间,其中较早从北海陆续出洋的,多是来自陆川、博白、贵县、兴业等县客家人,较后又有来自容县等白话县份的先民取道香港南下;他们上岸地点可能包括今日泰国南部与新加坡,并从当地分散到南洋各地区,形成以矿区或农园生产为主流的广西村。五合公司在20世纪初期改名"三和会馆",其成员约5 000余众,分散在南洋英、荷属殖民地谋生。随着马来半岛历经日本军事占领、英殖剿共政策等历次政治变迁,如今,很多原来的广西村面貌不再,有些在地图上已消失,即使讲客家话和讲白话的"广西村"亦可能互相转变。这导致目前研究的困难,但也说明马来半岛的广西研究刻不容缓。  相似文献   

吕静 《桂海论丛》2013,(3):61-66
慈善事业是社会保障的重要组成部分。作为第三次分配的重要载体,慈善事业具有增加社会福利和社会总消费等方面的经济功能。我国慈善事业的发展时间虽然不长,但发展速度很快,同时也凸显了善款运作方面的问题。文章从产生慈善行为的经济动因出发,揭示了慈善事业对经济发展的影响,并在分析慈善资金供给与需求的基础上,对资金的合理使用与慈善组织的有效监督提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

20世纪以来的《诗经·鲁颂》研究,逐渐突破了传统的"经学"研究模式,呈现出新的面貌。本文主要从《鲁颂》作者、作时与主旨、本义的研究;《鲁颂》与鲁国及礼乐文化关系研究;《鲁颂》中各篇专题研究;与《鲁颂》相关的其他研究等四个方面对20世纪以来的《诗经·鲁颂》研究作了简要论述,并归纳了20世纪以来《诗经·鲁颂》研究所呈现出的特点。  相似文献   

学术思潮的形成与社会思潮的关注兴奋点密切相关,也与外在社会政治运动的不断促进紧密相连.对学术研究热点的考察和清理不仅能够仔细了解不同观点的阐释角度和立场姿态,也能够从中把握社会思潮的流变过程.鲁迅研究处在中国现代文学研究的核心位置不仅仅是鲁迅本人的文学成就使然,更是因为鲁迅研究所提供的精神资源以及从鲁迅研究所衍生出来的...  相似文献   

This paper assesses several assumptions underlying the promotion of democracy and good governance in rural China. We draw on a 1999 survey of 120 villages in four counties, two in Anhui and two in Heilongjiang provinces (sample of 2,997 households, including villagers, cadres and entrepreneurs). First, we look at how institutionalized ‘democratic procedures’, such as secret ballots, multi-candidate elections, public nominations, and village contracts, are in these villages. Then we analyze villager views on economic development and democracy, finding that villagers want more democracy, even if the economy is doing well. Third, we assess their views on the election process; do they see elections as efficacious, fair, and competitive, or do they feel that the local power elite manipulate outcomes? Fourth, we found that the richest people are less supportive of democracy, with the most democratic being middle-income households. Finally, elections have increased local elite turnover, cadres understand this, and therefore, democracy does lead to good governance.  相似文献   

女户是由妇女担任户主的民户。宋代女户具有以下特点:首先,宋代女户家庭中可以存在男性成员;其次,宋代女户消融于其他社会群体的趋势进一步加强;最后,宋代是女户相对自由的发展时代。  相似文献   

The People's Bank of China,the central bank,published a report on the execution of monetary policy in the second quarter,saying there aremany difficulties and challenges confronting the Chinese economy.Lu Zhengwei,a senior economist at Industrial Bank Co.Ltd.,examined the report and pointed out the excessive bank lending in the first half of this year may give rise to serious loan problems.He shared his view in the China Securities Journal.Edited excerpts follow  相似文献   

钟理和日记为我们留下了宝贵的财富,当他在1946年从北京坐难民船返乡的时候,这些沉重的稿纸大部分被带回台湾。鲁迅的社会批判性对钟理和的影响至深。鲁迅文学传统始终是钟理和剪不断的文化情结。对于鲁迅为人生的写实文学观钟理和很认同,并且执著一生秉承之。  相似文献   

陈功文 《青年论坛》2011,(6):120-125
顾农对《文选》的研究是多角度、多层面,这在《文选论丛》体现得比较充分。顾氏研究《文选》,重在采用科学与严谨的态度,注重坚实的文献支撑与严密的论证相结合。他将《文选》与鲁迅进行交叉研究,并将《文选》与《文心雕龙》《诗品》进行宏观上的对比研究,将《文选》内的作品或相关作家作微观上的对比研究,同时注重平时研究的积累。顾氏《文选》研究同时还得益于扬州地利之便,且有继承乡梓前贤文学传统的意义。  相似文献   

在当代台湾文坛上,陈映真是一个关注生活、拥抱世界的入世型作家。他师承鲁迅,被誉为“台湾的鲁迅”。陈映真的中篇小说《归乡》继承了他的一贯风格,从关注小人物的命运入手,用形象和情感来诠释海峡两岸人民向往统一的主题,生动而深刻,真正践行了“铁肩担道义,妙手著文章”的现实主义的艺术追求。  相似文献   

Recent research on returning Chinese students has focused on their role as an alternative solution to their home country's mandate to build technological capacity. This study shows the depth of the ‘brain circulation’ that is underway and the fact that overseas students are not only serving China from abroad or by returning, but after they return they play a leading role in many aspects of China's ‘going out’ strategy. These returnee entrepreneurs present many advantages to the Chinese economy. They have studied at the best universities in the world, were deeply involved in the New Economy, and have gained valuable experience in listed companies overseas. They often possess venture capital, many have experience working with some of the best MNCs in the world, and they serve to contribute enormously to China's current economic engagement with the world. The paper describes the returnees' impact on China's globalization drive and analyzes the factors leading to their success in comparison to MNCs and indigenous Chinese firms.  相似文献   

易地扶贫搬迁作为“五个一批”精准扶贫工程之一,是新时期推进精准扶贫、实现精准脱贫的重要路径。随着搬迁户的入住,如何让搬迁户“稳得住、能脱贫”成为精准扶贫战略实施的关键。本课题试图针对贵州乌蒙山区易地扶贫搬迁户生存状态的前后比较,在“可持续生计理论框架”下,通过实地调查,分析搬迁户生计资本结构优化面临的突出问题及其影响因素,进而寻求解决搬迁户可持续生计问题的一些有效途径。  相似文献   

N Decemberl.2003, the CCTV Program a sPecial feature on AIDS orPhans at the Love and Care Family AIDS orphan-age.The Public attention this raised brought large social donations for the orphanage and signaled greater Pub-  相似文献   

IN many ways, Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR)remains as it was before being handed back to China in December 1999. The free port is still there, Portuguese is still widely spoken and the pataca (MOP) is still the official currency. Coins also still jingle as they fly in and out of the casinoslot machines,  相似文献   

After this year's ninth suicide at Foxconn on May 14,Dr.Lu Huilin,an associate sociology professor at Peking University,and another eight sociology scholars,started to draft a letter to sound the alarm about the plight of China's new generation of migrant workers.The letter was issued on May 18 and has been published by different newspapers.Lu has also handed over a request to Foxconn to conduct field surveys at the company during his summer break in July.  相似文献   

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