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Paulo Estivallet de Mesquita, Brazilian Ambassador to China China has been Brazil's main trading partner since 2009, and Brazil ranked ninth as China's main trading part-ner in 2020. Last year, Brazil and China established a record-high bilateral trade flow, with over $102 billion. A new bilateral trade record has already been achieved in 2021: From January to September, Brazil-China trade has surpassed $105 billion. Thus, it is fair to say that we have a mature and mutually beneficial commercial relation-ship. However, there is always room for improvement and that is why events such as the CIIE play an important role. More than 22 Brazilian companies were rep-resented at the CIIE, all of them aiming at deepening their knowl-edge of the Chinese market and increasing their local presence.  相似文献   

An important factor that has contributed significantly to China's economic growth over the past two decades has been the dramatic increase of foreign direct investment in China. Based on the observation that overseas Chinese have been the dominant supplier of foreign direct investment in China, this paper employs the transaction cost approach to provide an explanation as to why China has been successful in attracting foreign direct investment. It first describes and analyzes the economic ‘institution’ in China. Then it shows that overseas Chinese have a competitive advantage in investing in China because they have the experience and knowledge of operating their business in an ‘institution’ that is similar to the ‘institution’ in China. Finally, the paper argues that some policies in China, such as the flexible contractual forms (particularly joint ventures) and the establishment of special economic zones, further reduce the transaction cost of doing business in China and contributed to attracting foreign direct investment.  相似文献   

熊必军 《中国发展》2009,9(4):44-48
当前,国内外对于中国发展模式的研究进入了一个新高潮。该文通过对这些关于中国发展模式研究的探寻,以及对世界各种发展模式的特点及形成路径的比较,认为中国发展模式要发展成为一种典范模式,宪政法治的尽快建构是中国发展模式可持续发展的关键。  相似文献   

改革开放三十年与中国软实力提升   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
软实力是相对于硬实力而言的国家能力.改革开放30年中国的软实力得到显著提升,中华文明和中国核心价值观的影响力、中国发展模式的吸引力、中国在国际舞台上的话语权等都在不断扩大.新世纪,要求中国加大软实力建设的力度.  相似文献   

自2002年党的十六大以来的10年间,以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央领导集体率领我们党以邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想为指导,不断推进理论创新,创建了科学发展观等重大战略思想理论,丰富发展了中国特色社会主义理论体系,开辟了马克思主义中国化最新境界,是马克思主义中国化最新理论成果,对新世纪新阶段的中国特色社会主义事业的发展具有重要的理论价值和指导意义。  相似文献   

Xiaomin Rong 《当代中国》1999,8(20):123-146
Using Chinese and Japanese data, this paper shows that Japanese foreign direct investment (FDI) has been under‐represented in China since 1980, but especially before 1992, compared with Japanese FDI in some other East and Southeast Asian countries, and with FDI in China from other major international investors. The under‐representation of Japanese FDI in China, and its important patterns cannot be simply dismissed as being a result of China's poor investment environment. This paper proposes an alternative explanation by repositioning Japanese FDI in China into a larger historical, political and strategic framework. It argues that the growth of Japanese FDI in China has been shadowed by the lingering historical experiences of the two nations since 1895, and has been disrupted by a series of political incidents between the two countries during the previous 17 years.  相似文献   

中国共产党光辉的80年,是领导全国各族人民进行新民主主义、社会主义革命和社会主义建设伟大实践活动的80年;是在探索中国革命和建设道路的过程中,进行卓越的理论创造的80年;是把马克思主义的基本原理同中国革命和建设的具体实际相结合的80年。中国共产党80年的实践证明,没有中国共产党就没有新中国,只有社会主义才能救中国和发展中国。  相似文献   

Yue-Fang Si 《当代中国》2014,23(89):804-821
The Investment Development Path (IDP) model has been widely accepted for illustrating the relationship between the inward and outward foreign direct investment (FDI) positions of a country and its economic status based on the data from developed economies. In recent years, however, outward FDI from developing economies has increased dramatically and it has been argued that institutions are ‘forefront’ factors in addition to the economic index. In this article, we use statistical data from China, which has gone through dramatic regulation reform and FDI development, to test the validity of the IDP model. We also trace the history of Chinese FDI regulation development to answer the following question: in what way are regulations important for FDI in different periods? We use Lenovo as a case study to show how a Chinese firm ‘avoids’ and ‘adapts to’ regulation changes. We find that the FDI development of China still follows the IDP model; however, the Chinese government has accelerated the whole process through active regulation reform. In a transition economy such as China, FDI co-evolves with the regulation, and the firms which can influence or foresee the policy changes can prosper considerably.  相似文献   

Chen Ji  Steve Thomas 《当代中国》2002,11(33):673-682
Financial services, particularly securities markets, insurance and commercial banking, have played a crucial role in China's post-1978 economic reforms. China has so far established a market structure and a legal framework, and has a growing understanding of how financial services operate in the modern world economy. We will review China's progress in financial services reforms over the last 22 years, describe the commitments China has made to gain WTO entrance, and then evaluate the potential benefits and costs to China's financial sector of WTO accession. We conclude that even with the substantial challenges presented by greatly increased post-WTO foreign competition, China will benefit from the WTO because of a number of factors including a growing pool of well-trained personnel, lessons learned from domestic and foreign development experiences, increasing Chinese economic strength, and continual advancement of China's financial infrastructure.  相似文献   

Jia Qingguo 《当代中国》2005,14(42):11-21
With the rise of China, the importance of understanding Chinese nationalism increases. Assessing Chinese nationalism, many people claim that it has grown stronger and more intense in recent years. Some believe that this is the case because the Chinese Government deliberately promotes nationalism to serve its own purposes. This paper argues that the reality with Chinese nationalism is much more complicated than many assume. It has grown stronger in some respects but weaker in others. The role of the Chinese Government is at best mixed. In explaining the development of Chinese nationalism, one needs to look at external as well as internal and historical causes. Only by doing so can one gain a fuller and more balanced understanding of this intriguing phenomenon.  相似文献   

Along the contemporary migration history of the overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, three distinctive images have been constructed through the interaction between the overseas Chinese and Mainland China. First, the image of involuntary migrant, formulated by their migration activity and the continuous remittance they sent back to their hometowns, closely linked to the political and social-economic disturbances in the early years of the twentieth century. Second, the image of the overseas Chinese as political revolutionary was heavily politicised by the revolutionary policies of Mainland China in the 1950s and 1960s. Third, through the operational means of foreign direct investment, the overseas Chinese image of economic energiser was re-focused and mirror-imaged with the imperative of the economic reform of Mainland China in the 1970s and 1980s. On the one hand, the images of involuntary migrant, political revolutionary and economic energiser of the Southeast Asian overseas Chinese describe their situational status. On the other hand, these images also reflect the contemporary historical development of Mainland China.  相似文献   

Li Xiaoping 《当代中国》2002,11(30):17-34
As China changes, so the Chinese television industry changes. Once exclusively supported and supervised by the Communist government, Chinese television channels have been granted increased autonomy in the past two decades as China has pursued a policy of economic liberalization. This paper will outline the significant structural changes in the Chinese television industry over the past several years, particularly at China Central Television (CCTV). It will focus on the phenomenon of a highly popular program, 'Focus', (jiao dian fang tan) as a case study to analyse the impact of changing television programs on Chinese politics and society.  相似文献   

Besides being the most influential television news program with the largest viewership in China, Xinwen Lianbo (Television News Simulcast) also boasts of unique political value in the Chinese media landscape. Each and every change in form the program has adopted since its first broadcast in 1978, has been a reflection of a certain aspect or element of the arch of political reform in the country, and has been widely interpreted as such, thus making it ‘the toughest nut to crack’ in news reform. Throughout its 35 years of history, by striving to represent, maintain, adapt and disseminate the established ideological framework, thus ensuring political reform has progressed at a cautious and gradual pace acceptable to the ruling party, Xinwen Lianbo has proven to be a great example of the construction of political reality by journalistic text on the symbolic level. This article adopts the methodology of new social history with semi-participatory observation as it combs through the evolution of Xinwen Lianbo over 35 years, in an attempt to explore the patterns and paths of Chinese journalistic reform and the factors that have come to shape this journey in the broader context of political reform in China.  相似文献   

龙晓燕  王文光 《思想战线》2003,29(1):103-108
中国西南民族史的研究具有悠久的历史 ,但封建时代的研究是自发的 ,带有强烈的民族歧视和浓厚的政治色彩 ,缺乏客观性。 184 0年以后 ,西南民族史研究由自发转为自觉 ,深度和广度不断加强。新中国成立以后 ,开展了大规模的民族调查 ,研究机构、研究人员以及学术著作、论文不断涌现 ,西南民族史研究进入了一个新的历史时期。人类进入 2 1世纪 ,面临着新的机遇与挑战 ,学者们只有在以往研究的基础上 ,不断地拓展研究的领域和方向 ,西南民族史的研究才能获得更大发展。  相似文献   

杨燕 《桂海论丛》2013,(4):34-39
近十年来马克思主义中国化研究成为学界关注的热点和重心,并取得了丰硕的理论成果。具体表现为:深化了马克思主义中国化本身的相关研究,拓展了马克思主义中国化与时代化、大众化关系以及与中国传统文化的研究等。但在多层次、多视角的研究之下仍然存在着盲点、问题及其需要深化的领域,需要加强对马克思主义整体性研究,进一步加大研究的广度,深度和力度。  相似文献   

Preamble Democracy is a common value of humanity and an ideal that has always been cherished by the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Chinese people. This year marks the centenary of the CPC. Since its found-ing in 1921, the Party has taken wellbeing for the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as its abid-ing goals, and has made continuous efforts to ensure the people's status as masters of the country. China is a country with a feudal history dating back several thousand years that descended into a semi-feudal and semi-colonial society after the Opium War of 1840. Over the past hundred years, the Party has led the people in realizing people's democracy in China. The Chinese people now truly hold in their hands their own future and that of society and the country.  相似文献   

Michael Yahuda 《当代中国》2013,22(81):446-459
China's new assertiveness in the South China Sea has arisen from the growth of its military power, its ‘triumphalism’ in the wake of the Western financial crisis and its heightened nationalism. The other littoral states of the South China Sea have been troubled by the opacity of Chinese politics and of the process of military decision-making amid a proliferation of apparently separately controlled maritime forces. The more active role being played by the United States in the region, in part as a response to Chinese activism, has troubled Beijing. While most of the ASEAN states have welcomed America as a hedge against growing Chinese power, their economies have become increasingly dependent upon China and they don't want to be a party to any potential conflict between these two giants. The problem is that there is no apparent resolution to what the Chinese call, in effect, these ‘indisputable disputes’.  相似文献   

Hong Qu 《当代中国》2011,20(70):433-448
During the first 30 years of its existence, the People's Republic of China (PRC) committed itself to making atheist Marxism the fundamental ideology of the country, depriving the Chinese people of their constitutional right of religious liberty. Since 1979, new policies, regulations, and legislation impacting religious freedom have been created and implemented. This paper proposes an unconventional framework for understanding China's religious policy. It attempts to explain the evolution of this policy through an analysis of the party's changing view of religion; the nature of its new religious policy and law; and the function of its supervision of religion. It calls for the consideration of the validity of a distinctive Chinese model in religious affairs similar to that which has evolved in economic development.  相似文献   

The interaction between two perspectives—China as a world factory and Chinese business knowledge—has been complicated by the ever greater tensions generated from the national—China—and the transnational actors—Chinese—in understanding the economic driving force behind the real meanings of the rise of China. The construction process of the rise of Chinese economic power puts the state in direct contact with regional and global economic/political changes. On the one hand, Chinese business knowledge, identities, economic and political interactions also give rise to the notion of network building and sub-regional development, which help transcend country-specific relations. On the other hand, the notion of the rise of China is still being re-constructed through the interplay between regional and global political economy.  相似文献   

GU Chunde  HU Liang 《人权》2021,(2):205-227
Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the human rights cause in China has developed and progressed through the period of democratic revolution, the early founding of the People's Republic of China, the new period of reform and openingup, and the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. all previous national Congresses of the Communist Party of China have made illustrations and arrangements on human rights issues, and the successive Party leaders have made important expositions on human rights issues. The Party and the state have enacted a series of policies, laws, and regulations to protect human rights in various periods. China has made historic and great achievements in human rights practice and created a human rights development path suited to China's national conditions. China's human rights development over the past century has fully proved that the CPC has always been, and it remains, the firm core of leadership for China's human rights development and progress.  相似文献   

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