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李兴濂 《各界》2011,(5):32-32
1663年,清王朝的统治趋向巩固,定鼎中原。53的黄宗羲,告别了抗清斗争的刀光剑影的戎马生涯,力于讲学著书的学术事业。他进一步深入探讨中国史上的“治乱之故”,写成了《明夷待访录》2卷。黄羲像一个刚从火线上下来的战士,失败后的愤懑心促使他把对现实社会的批判和对未来社会的憧憬付于书,以待后之来访者。在《明夷待访录》中,黄宗结合自己几十年斗争实践,总结明代政治  相似文献   

赵庆 《学理论》2011,(17):217-218
《明夷待访录》一书计十三篇。"明夷"指有智慧的人处在患难地位,"待访"是等待贤者来访。《明夷待访录》是一部猛烈抨击封建主义,闪烁着民主思想光芒的杰出政治专著。在这部著作中,黄宗羲试图探求封建社会兴衰演变的原因。虽然他还不能从经济关系中,去揭开封建社会发展的根本原因,但他深入地探讨了封建君主专制所带来的种种病疾和弊端,接触到封建专制主义的一些带有根本性的问题。  相似文献   

桑建泉 《学理论》2015,(8):16-17
黄宗羲是"中国思想启蒙之父",其民主思想对后世影响深远。在《明夷待访录·学校篇》中,黄宗羲更是提出了一系列国家治理思想。其观点主要有:学校在国家治理过程中要充分发挥其政策输出的功能、人才培育的作用、引导社会风气转变的责任等。其国家治理的目标是实现"天下为主,君为客",以"天下之法"代替"一家之法"。深入研究其国家治理思想,可以给新时期推进国家治理体系及治理能力现代化以许多有益的启示。  相似文献   

黄宗羲学术发展规律论,是指黄宗羲对客观学术发展总体规律的总结,后人可将其概括为"一本万殊"。黄宗羲对"一本万殊"学术发展规律的总结是在一定的认识论基础上产生的。所谓"一本",是指以儒学为学术之大宗;所谓"万殊",是指以儒学领域不同学说为"万殊"之学。同时,在对"一本万殊"学术发展规律的认识下,黄宗羲还提出了"万殊总归一致",看到并主张儒学领域不同学说之汇通与融合。黄宗羲的学术发展规律论,为当时学术环境中儒学发展多元化格局的合理性提供了一定的理论依据,同时,也对研究当代思想文化领域学术发展趋势具有一定的积极借鉴意义。  相似文献   

诚是周敦颐《通书》中的核心观念。从天道层面讲,诚是天道本质、圣人本有。从人道层面讲,诚是五常之本、百行之源。天道之赋予人而成为人道之德性。周子认为,只要一日而决,果敢决断于外,坚守深藏于内,就能贯通天道与人道。周敦颐通过对"诚"这一观念分天道与人道进行阐发和论证,贯通了天道和人道,使天道落实到了人道的心性本体之上,同时也使人道有了天道这一本体论的依归。周子以诚为中心建立了他的形而上学哲学体系,为儒学在宋明时期的重新崛起奠定了基础。  相似文献   

有消息说,河北藁城岗上镇岗上村有一个专门记录好人好事的《功德录》。18年来,岗上村记载了2000多人上万件的好人好事,至今已积累47本《锄德录》。尽管《功德录》记的都是些微小、不起眼、平凡无奇的好事情,但只因为是日积月累,不仅扭转了原来治安环境极差的村风,也见证了一个村子的文明发展。 岗上村的《功德录》,对我们推进精神文明建设,带来诸多的启示。首先是重在随时发现,及时记录。在日常生活中,发生在身边的好人好事层出不穷,这些“闪光点”稍不在意,就会流失。《功德录》作为一种制度长期坚持下来,这本身是一…  相似文献   

杨寨真相 “杨乃武小白菜冤案”是所谓“清末四大奇案”之一.但正因为关注度过高,真相反容易被遮蔽,尤其是经小说演义乃至当代影视传媒的渲染之后. 近人日记、笔记中很多都谈到了此案,如《翁同龢日记》、《清代野记》、《春冰室野乘》、《异辞录》等,而记述最为详实准确的,当推先以诗人著称后以汉奸殒命的黄濬所著《花随人圣庵摭忆》.黄氏在书中广为搜罗公私记录,并有考辨,杨案真相灼然可见.  相似文献   

王彬  王美力 《学理论》2013,(9):48-49
道教和佛教不断发展兴盛,儒学的"独尊"地位不可避免地面临着佛道二教的严峻挑战。为了解决三教纷争的问题,各派学者各自提出了不同的主张,但是这些观点都不是站立在儒学的立场上提出来的。王通自幼受儒学熏陶,勤奋好学,以振兴儒学为己任。将其"中道"的观点,合理地运用到了如何处理三教关系上面,明确地提出了"三教可一"的主张。这是第一次在儒学的立场,吸收和借鉴佛、道两家的思想,兼容并蓄,处理三者之间的关系。这种观点也对后世的宋明理学家在处理三角关系上有所启示。  相似文献   

北京军区某师为了加强干部队伍建设和调动战士热爱军营、建功立业的积极性,在思想政治工作中,尝试着建立了《干部政绩簿》和《战士生活录》。目前,全师干部每人都有一个政绩簿,战士人手一本生活录。广大官兵普遍反映:《政绩簿》和《生活录》是开展思想政治工作的一种好形式,  相似文献   

赵旭辉 《学理论》2010,(1):135-137
战争以正义之名将杀人行为合法化,但并不能完全消除人在战争中的心理创伤和犯罪心理。当战争的破坏性、长期性、不义性日渐突出,战争的正义性及合法性就会受到质疑。这种质疑将人的心理创伤和犯罪心理推向极端,促使士兵犯罪、自杀或自相残杀。美军士兵频繁自杀就是这种极端心理的现实表现。减少或避免这种极端现象需要将制裁犯罪与心理治疗结合起来,还需要慎战止战、以和拒战这样的治本之策。  相似文献   

How do specific aid projects in Tanzania strike a balance between control and mobilization, between efficient implementation of a well defined project and the mobilization of a local learning and competence building process? Can the same project organization do both efficiently, or does the control-mobilization relation represent a dilemma? And how do specific definitions of the balance between control and mobilization within projects affect state building locally? These questions are investigated in the context of the Sao Hill Sawmill (SHS) in Tanzania. The relationship between Tanzanian and Norwegian authorities is looked at (a) in the planning of the Mill, (b) in the early evaluations of it, and (c) in its first three years of operations. An attempt is made to show that decision models are both personally ‘constructed’ and systematically reproduced by institutions and that the distinction between control- and mobilization-focused models is of importance for how projects affect local institution building. Whether persons were recruited to the project from private or public institutions in Norway influenced their understanding of what the project was about. The data suggest that this simple distinction is significant for understanding how projects relate to local institutions and development processes. The material indicates that experts from Norwegian public institutions supported a more mobilization-oriented definition of the project, with the possibility of integrating it unobtrusively into existing local institutions. However, a surprise finding was that top-level administration in Tanzania supported the private participants more control-oriented definition.  相似文献   

The notion of distinct ‘public’ and ‘private’ spheres underpins much normative and practical engagement with political misconduct. What is less clear is whether citizens draw distinctions between misdemeanours in the ‘public’ and ‘private’ spheres, and whether they judge these in systematically different ways. This paper explores attitudes to political misconduct in France. French citizens are often said to be particularly relaxed about politicians’ private affairs, but there has been little empirical evidence for this proposition. Drawing on original survey data, this paper demonstrates clearly that French citizens draw a sharp distinction between politicians’ public and private transgressions, and are more tolerant of the latter.  相似文献   

Since 1979, modern Conservatism has been torn between a traditional regard for the nation state and a powerful, internationalising, global capitalism. Increasingly, radical free marketeers in the party reject the diffuse and patriotic political economy of big government. Instead, they prefer the consumption ethic of radical supply side reform and privatisation. However, in a country in which private healthcare is expanding, in which private schools and home education are booming, and in which for every one state policeman there are now at least two private security guards, how far will this process go? When a Labour government issues a green paper highlighting the scope for the greater use of private military companies and it accepts the commodification of public space through the use of road pricing, what room is left for Conservatives who believe that 'the people should be big and the state small'?  相似文献   

Political secularism takes many forms but a fundamental distinction is between radical and moderate kinds. The latter is a genuine secularism and not just a failure to take secularism to its logical conclusion. The failure to appreciate this obscures the secularism that exists in western Europe. Namely, an accommodation of organised religion which sees it as a potential public good or national resource (not just a private benefit), which the state can in some circumstances assist to realise—even through an 'established' church. I adumbrate five types of reasons the state might be interested in religion: truth, danger, utility, identity and respect. The challenge facing such secularism today is whether it can be pluralised or multiculturalised, in particular whether it can accommodate Muslims. A ground for optimism is the respect that some people, especially some Muslims, have for religions other than their own.  相似文献   

Public administration scholars continue to grapple with how and why public organizations differ from private organizations. The judiciary deals with similar questions in ruling on constitutional claims that apply exclusively to state actors. The authors consider similarities and differences between scholarly and judicial approaches, adding to the body of research attempting to capture the complexities of the public–private distinction. The application in this article includes the coding of seminal court decisions and qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to find combinations of causal conditions that lead to state action rulings. The specifics revealed through QCA provide valuable lessons for extending public norms and preserving constitutional protections when outsourcing public services.  相似文献   

Hood and Jackson's (1991) distinction between administrative argument and administrative philosophy has been largely overlooked in writings on NPM. This seemingly subtle distinction flows from the more obvious one between “practical argument” and “social scientific explanation.” These terms refer to different scholarly practices. Practical reasoning is a highly-developed form of scholarship in law, public policy, and political theory. Explanation is a highly-developed scholarly activity in political science and related disciplines. The fact that practical argument and explanation are, in principle, complementary scholarly activities in practically-oriented fields such as public management is not a reason to overlook the distinction between them. If scholars writing on NPM made more of this distinction, it might prove easier for their readers to see precisely how social science explanations and practical arguments are interrelated. Discussion of how well claims have been supported would then be facilitated. Also, it would be easier for writers to decide how to engage the NPM literature. Not only would the issues be clearer, but it would also be easier to discuss the merits of alternative approaches to tackling them. If more weight is given to the distinction between practical argumentation and social scientific research by scholars of NPM, an urgent question is: how should the scholarly practice of practical argumentation be characterized?  相似文献   

The literature on public service motivation (PSM) has typically focused on the relationship between motivation and public/private sector of employment, while the character of the work being performed has been neglected. Using panel surveys with pre‐ and postentry measures of PSM among certified Danish social workers, this article provides a unique design for investigating PSM‐based attraction?selection and socialization effects with respect to the choice between work related to service production or service regulation (controlled for public/private sector of employment). The article shows that the PSM profiles of social work students predict their preference for one of the two types of work tasks but do not predict first employment in the preferred job. Conversely, postentry shifts in social workers’ PSM profiles result from a complex interplay between influences from both work task and sector.  相似文献   

Public and Private   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problem of public and private is often thought to be a boundary problem. 'Public' and 'private' are said to denote separate areas of human endeavour—distinct 'realms', 'spheres', or 'spaces'. The task of formulating clear boundaries, however, has proven to be enormously complex. It seems that every attempt at conceptualizing a purely private area of activity runs into a particular kind of difficulty, namely, many of the activities characteristic of the private sphere turn out to be activities toward which no responsible public authority could possibly remain indifferent: abuse within the family, collusion in the business world, criminal conspiracy among friends.
It may be, however, that the problem of public and private, conceived as a boundary problem, is thereby misconceived. It would perhaps be better to think of public and private as denoting not primarily—perhaps not at all—separate realms of endeavour but different ways of being in the world, different 'manners of acting'. To act in a private manner is simply different in character from acting in a public manner. Such a formulation, if pursued with care, would allow us to accept fully the arguments of those who would question the very idea of a private realm, while still permitting us to retain a vigorous and compelling public/private distinction.  相似文献   

This article seeks to understand the role of being a senior manager in Indigenous community governance, particularly though not exclusively in remote Aboriginal communities. It argues against the tendency of would‐be reformers of Indigenous community governance to focus on the competence and ethical qualities of those who occupy these roles and asks instead how can isolated managerialism in Indigenous community governance be overcome? The article begins with an overview of Ralph Folds' analysis of relations between Pintupi settlements and the larger Australian polity. While taking much from Folds' analysis, the article argues that ultimately he relies too heavily on the idea of antithetical worldviews across the settlement interface, on a problematic distinction between the official and private uses of publicly allocated resources and on too idealist a view of the Australian state. The article argues that the state's allocation of public resources inevitably involves a flow of private benefits and that public purposes and private benefits are not different phenomena, but rather different perspectives on state action. In contrast to Folds' idealism about the state, the article outlines a more thoroughly realist or materialist analysis of being a good senior manager in Indigenous community governance. In its concluding section, the article makes some suggestions for overcoming isolated managerialism in Indigenous community governance oganisations.  相似文献   


This paper argues that photography is best grasped not as a medium of visual communication, but as a manifest performance of the power to make visible. As such, photographic practices are central to the experience and demarcation of private/public boundaries in advanced media cultures. In the private domain, photography is both a ritualized domestic activity and provides conventional and definitive representations of the domestic. These functions are ostensibly opposed to photography's role in the public realm: the same visual technology becomes, in the mass media, both the index and agent of publicness itself, with the paparazzi?especially in the aftermath of Princess Diana's death?symbolizing the violation of the private. The paper explores the ways in which photographic performance at the public/private boundary dramatizes power relations through forms of social transparency, voyeurism and memoralization. It also asks whether momentary crises in the dominant scopic regime can provide the basis for alternative ‘uncanny’ visual practices that are tenable and empowering.  相似文献   

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