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At Your Service     
正In 2017,when Liu Shanshan,then 32 years old,is asked to accompany an elderly family member to see the doctor,she had no idea that request would lead her into a new profession.  相似文献   

One seemingly trivial issue has vexed Liu Wenyan for over 30 years. Liu only needs one shoe, but every time she goes shoe shopping she has to buy a pair. Growing up in Guizhou Province in southwest China, Liu lost one leg in a traffic accident at the age of 4. Now aged 37, she has spent over three decades searching for either a seller of single shoes, or some-one else with whom she can share the pair. Paralympic high jump star Gui Yuna, who is the same age as Liu, faces the same problem. Gui comes from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and, at 7, also lost her leg in a car ac-cident. The accident didn't discourage her from pursuing her athletic passion and in 2007 she broke the high jump world record for women amputees at China's 2007 National Games for Persons With Disabilities. One year later, she acted as a torchbearer for the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympic Games. Despite her success, Gui is still bothered by the shoe problem.  相似文献   

正New policy relieves student burden and changes thelandscape of the tutoring industry As the new semester started on September 1,Liu Jing,mother of a primary school pupil in Beijing,heaved a sigh of relief since her kid can now arrive at school at 8:20 a.m.on a weekday,about half an hour later than before.  相似文献   

文化产业是国际经济学界公认的朝阳产业.在很多发达国家和地区,文化产业已经成为国民经济重要的经济增长点和支柱产业.在我国,文化产业也开始出现了大规模兴起的势头和机遇.大连市要在新一轮的城市文化产业竞争中处于优先地位,必须认清形势,紧紧把握住这一难得的历史机遇,大力发展文化产业,提高城市文化竞争力,以适应形势发展的需要.  相似文献   

梅娘(原名孙嘉瑞,笔名敏子、孙敏子、柳青娘、云凤、孙翔等)是活跃在上个世纪三、四十年代华北东北沦陷区的著名小说家。梅娘的小说创作,从自身的成长经历和情感体验出发进行着飘离政治的叙述。幼年丧母、缺少母爱的童年对梅娘小说创作的影响非常显著。  相似文献   

The Soft Link     
An NGO's efforts to promote people-to-people diplomacy between Chinaand the United States It was on Harvard's campus that Liu Xi hit upon the idea to set up a program to bring the real China to more Harvard students.Liu attended a master's program at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) from 2013 to2015.While studying in the U.S.,she realized that many Americans have a biased view of China.  相似文献   

近年来,随着以微博为代表的自媒体技术的兴起和发展,打破了传统新闻媒体对舆论的控制以及对信息的垄断,往往推动突发事件快速形成并使事态发展难以预测,继而引发公关危机,给公安机关应对和有效处置涉警危机带来难度。本文以大连市公安局处置2013年"刘巍巍下跪维权"事件为例,就公安机关应对自媒体时代突发事件引发的公关危机策略作一些探讨。  相似文献   

社会保障制度不仅是市场经济改革的一项重要内容,而且也是市场经济的重要安全网和稳定 器。对大连市社会保障工作的现状、存在的问题及原因进行调查与分析,并提出相应的对策,以促进 大连市社会保障工作的发展。  相似文献   

As a public interest lawyer for about 15 years,Guo Jianmei is the founding director of Peking University's Center for Women's Law and Legal Services,China's first NGO specializing in legal aid for women's rights protection.Among her many awards for public service,she has received the 2007 Human Rights Award from the U.S.woman's orga-nization Vital Voices.Guo,49,is the wife of best-selling novelist Liu Zhenyun and mother to a fourth-year university student.During Guo's interview with Beijing Review on women'...  相似文献   

For the past 35 years, Liu Ying,41, a designer and embroiderer of the Miao ethnic group, has been tirelessly promoting her subtle but vividly unique art. The Miao people mainly live in the southwest of China on a vast rugged land of beauty. Embroidery has a special place in Miao culture, being a decorative art that helps transmit their history and legends, in addition to the traditional oral transmission.  相似文献   

大力发展我市旅游业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
:随着大连市委把旅游业作为全市新的支柱产业,把大连建成有特色、高品位、大客流、高创汇的旅 游名城纳入城市总体发展目标,旅游业战略地位的提升,大连旅游业驶入中国旅游经济的快车道。为使大 连旅游业更上一层楼,还必须进一步加大旅游业的宣传力度;大力培育旅游文化市场;加强旅游商品的开 发和利用;加强旅游业的软环境建设。  相似文献   

大连市城建经济优先发展模式的主要特点,可以概括为:以增值城市为指针,城建先行、集约发 展、超前建设、市场经营。大连以城建经济带动城市发展,是一种独特的城市发展思路;大连城市建设“不 求最大、但求最佳”,实质上是一种“可持续发展”的城市发展思路;大连超前建设,将绿化、彩化、艺术化和 生态化同步实现;大连采取市场运营方式建设城市、管理城市,在城市建设史上演化出一个典型模式。  相似文献   

全国服装行业形势发展逼人,已被列入大连市八大支柱产业的服装业必须寻找新的发展思路,创建大连服装工业孵化园便是思路之一。创建大连服装工业孵化园可以产生整合大连市服装产业资源,实现内在经济和外在经济的双重改善等一系列积极效应。在大连服装工业孵化园的建设和运营过程中,必须采取新的思路。园区在企业化运作过程中,政府应给予必要的支持。  相似文献   

CBD,是中央商务区的英文简称,是集中进行商务活动及商务相关活动的核心区域。经过20多年的改革开放,在大连规划建立CBD已经具备了条件,为此,完整规划,稳步推进CBD的建设,应当提到日程上来。要借鉴国外和我国其他城市的经验,使我市的CBD建设能够发挥出其后发优势。  相似文献   

努力创建文化名城,既是"大大连"建设的目标之一,又是实现"大大连"建设目标的重要推动力.大连市通过创建文明城市活动,文化建设取得重要成就,为经济发展提供了重要思想保证和智力支持.但是,综观文化建设的全局,与外地文化建设先进城市与地区相比,仍存在一些问题,应通过深化改革,认真加以解决.  相似文献   

This paper takes issue with the tendency to ‘reduce’ the Cultural Revolution to elite conflict, specifically the ‘two‐line struggle’ between Mao and his erstwhile heir apparent, Liu Shaoqi. There was elite conflict before the Cultural Revolution but the basic reason for the elite split was the Cultural Revolution itself, which Liu Shaoqi and most other members of his generation of senior officials strongly opposed until Mao reprimanded them. Liu was subsequently made the focal ‘human target’ as an expedient designed to unify the movement against a common adversary. Although unsuccessful in coordinating the movement, his role as nemesis infused the movement with negative meaning as its more positive goal of reviving a revolutionary ‘spirit’ was discredited by Red Guard excesses. Liu Shaoqi leaves an ambiguous legacy, consisting on the one hand of a pragmatic endorsement of economic and social reform that has since become extremely successful, and on the other hand of a classic defense of Confucian‐Leninist ideals of organizational rectitude that have proved difficult to resuscitate.  相似文献   

"不求最大、但求最好"和"大大连"这两个看似不同的理念,实际上却有着不可分割的历史的和内在的联系.建设"大大连"是全市形势所需,民意所向.我们必须以高度的政治责任感和历史使命感推进"大大连"建设,加快现代化建设步伐.  相似文献   

中共大连市委第九次党代会提出,到2010年大连要在东北地区率先基本实现现代化。这一决 策反映了590万大连人民的共同愿望和共同理想,是新世纪鼓舞我们跨上新台阶的奋斗目标。但是, 大连要率先实现现代化,必须正视自己的不足,缩短差距,进行第二次思想解放,对传统思维和传统 体制进行坚决变革。  相似文献   

防控流动人口犯罪社会维稳关键期新机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流动人口是中国户籍管理制度下的一个独特群体,为当地经济发展作出了重大贡献,与此同时,流动人口犯罪也已经构成了大连及其它经济发达地区社会治安的主要威胁。根据大连市2006年1月至2009年2月已判决生效的流动人口刑事犯罪情况统计数据分析,大连市流动人口犯罪的主体特点表现为青年化、低学历、一般共同犯罪比较突出等;动态特点表现为侵财犯罪突出、城乡结合部犯罪高发、罪案量随季节与节假日变化等。从中可以看出,流动人口犯罪居高不下的主要原因有对经济利益的追求、主体文化程度低、社会控制力薄弱、反社会心理严重。构建大连市打击流动人口犯罪新机制,必须坚持系统性、开放性、发展性、可行性原则,建立健全社会保障体系,加大社会综合治理的整合力度,构建大预防格局;建立动静结合、刚柔并济的流动人口犯罪打击机制。最终形成社会综合治理、公安专项整顿、社区预防体系等打防结合新格局。  相似文献   

正How one tiny woman stands tall as a truck driver Zhang Lin,25,is from a village in the mountainous province of Yunnan,southwest China. She escaped from her first marriage,which she was forced into by her parents,due to domestic violence. Later on,she got married once again,this time for love; nevertheless,she had to leave this marriage,too,because her second husband could not accept her son from her first marriage.  相似文献   

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