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Good Fox,Bad Fox     
FOXES have been popular characters in Chinese fables for two millennia. They first featured in their original an-imal form before gradually  相似文献   

A consensus has been reached, and if s time to translate it into concrete action. That is what the G20 leaders are expected to do after their London meeting earlier this month. The G20 London summit's generous rescue plan is good news for the world economy, finally dismissing earlier doubts about whether the  相似文献   

The sovereign debt crisis hovering over Greece and some eurozone countries has sparked concerns of a recession on continental Europe.Han Zhiguo,head of the Beijing Banghe Fortune Research Institute,analyzed four possible ways of dealing with the crisis in an article published in the Economic Information Daily.Edited excerpts follow.  相似文献   

BadUSB是2014年黑帽大会提出的恶意硬件攻击技术,其利用USB设备固件漏洞入侵计算机系统,现有的安全系统无法防御,严重威胁了用户的安全。为防范BadUSB入侵及侦查此类案件,研究其发展历史,以BadUSB攻击原理、攻击类型为基础制作BadUSB,分析BadUSB的侦查及防范措施,为公民和公安机关了解BadUSB提供参考。  相似文献   

FROMJishengGardeninErdaoDistrictinJilinProvince'scaDitalcitvChangchun,everydayatdusk,resi-dentscanseeanoldgentlemanwhist1ingbackhomewithasackoffreshvegetablesinhand.ThisisMLTanWenqingwho,despitehisyouthfuldemeanor,is96yearsold.Tanhasaruddyc0mplexi0n,ex-cellenthearing,andasonorousvoice.Whenhewas8O,hewouldchopwoodandcookdinnerf0rhisson'sfamilyeverynight.Some-timeshewouldevenclimbaladdertoreDairthero0forairaauilt.At86,heoncemadeabetwithhissontoseewhocouldcmpa50-kilogramsackofricefromthega…  相似文献   

FOR over 1,000 years the Chinese have extolled the virtues of reading with the saying: "There are houses of gold and girls of jade in books." That is literally true today, but more so for the writers than the readers.  相似文献   

正Washington and Tokyo issued a joint statement on April 24 during U.S.President Barack Obama’s Japan tour,claiming that the Treaty of Security and Safeguard Between Japan and the United States extends to"all the territories under the administration of Japan,"including the Diaoyu Islands.And"the United States opposes any unilateral action that seeks  相似文献   

正Mike Pompeo is the best secretary of state ever—for China Mike Pompeo is the embodiment of a fi ne U.S. diplomat. Eloquent speaker and West Point graduate. Army veteran and former top intelligence offi cer. Family man and devout church-goer.The way he skillfully and cheerfully engages his audiences at press briefings and  相似文献   

Good Sports     
China's Olympics medallists are worth their weight in marketing gold.  相似文献   

正Xinjiang’s vocational education and training centers are in the interests of allLastingsocialstabilityinXinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwestChinaisrelatedtoreform,developmentandstabilityofChina,its reunifi cation, as well as national unity, security and rejuvenation.Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in2012, the CPC Central Committee has  相似文献   

正Beijing recently released a new white paper providing a comprehensive overview of a multitude of efforts to achieve a xiaokang, or moderately prosperous, society, on schedule in 2021, coinciding with the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China(CPC). First described in the modern era by Deng Xiaoping in 1979, subsequent generations of Chinese leadership made this concept central to national development goals.  相似文献   

陈南生 《桂海论丛》2011,27(5):126-129
长期以来,青年员工承担着事业单位大量的服务性工作,是事业单位日常工作运转必不可少的组成部分,对事业单位的发展起到了重要的保障作用。文章通过对某事业单位青年员工思想现状的调查,分析了当前事业单位青年员工队伍的思想状况,并从管理制度、激励机制、培训体系、思想教育等方面提出了构建青年员工成长机制的对策建议,对于稳定青年员工队伍、充分调动和发挥他们的工作积极性,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

法律本身不只是一个规则体系,在规则体系的背后是一种特殊的价值追求。实现一种良好的社会秩序和法律秩序,必须有相对统一的法律价值认同。在认同法的基本价值及其均衡的基础上,必须始终把"以人为本"作为法达成共识的基本原则,充分运用民主程序构建公共空间,使公共舆论的力量和影响力得以形成,并为法的价值共识奠定基础。  相似文献   

Xinmin Weekly Issue No.1,published on January 5,2015China is speeding up reforms to its judicial system.In the process many injustices are put to rights,but they underline the urgency of reforms and the tremendous challenges that still lie ahead.Some of these injustices can be attributed to institutional problems that jeopardize judicial independence,such as judicial administration.But the absence of a full guarantee of suspects’rights to defense counsel is another main culprit.  相似文献   

<正>The United States appears poised to use the Hawaii APEC Summit to bolster its presence in the Asia Pacific The United States will host the 19th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii  相似文献   

Good to Go     
<正>A new car sharing service brings increased convenience and environmental benefits Unlocked!Please fasten your safety belt!Let’s go!Those were the messages that 32-year-old white-collar worker Ma Yizhen heard when he sat down in a two-seat hatchback Benz Smart car.Ma had rented the car through an app called TOGO  相似文献   

我国未来警务模式的选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
一个国家的社会治安是与该国现阶段社会结构的平稳和稳定程度相适应的。警务模式也要随着社会的发展、治安状况的变化而作出相应的调整。西方从1892年建立新警察体系以来,经历了四次警务改革,相继以制服化、专业化、现代化和社会化的警务理念,改变着警察行为。与这四次警务改革相对应,西方警务模式先后出现了"政治警务模式","合法警务模式","专业警务模式","反应式警务模式","服务与权变的警务模式"五个演变时期。随着社会的发展,我国未来的警务模式也不应是单一的,而应是具有中国特色的集合性警务模式体系。  相似文献   

A Good Start     
The Expo goes well during its first month The World Expo’s operation in the first month was stable and orderly,and things gradually came on to an established track, said Hong Hao,  相似文献   

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