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The growth,scale and scope of the novel coronavirus outbreak in China has be-come one of the most talked about global subjects.The virus is first and foremost a domes-tic health issue for China,with an increasing international potential.President Xi Jinping is leading a national effort to contain the outbreak while scientists and doctors in China and around the world are working to find a vaccine and/or cure.  相似文献   

The book Xi Jinping: The Governance of China Volume Ⅲ assembles Chinese President Xi Jinping's 92 speeches and texts between October 18, 2017 and January 13, 2020, preceding the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19) epidemic. However, the ideas in the book are still relevant.  相似文献   

Volunteers provide help to earthquake survivors and get something in return Li Xupeng had prepared himself for poor conditions when he went to Mianchi, a town in Sichuan Province’s  相似文献   

正the Xinjiang production and Construction Corps celebrates its 60th anniversary By pan Xiaoqiaolu Liping,a 55-year-old farmer living in the suburbs of Shihezi,northwest China’s xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,has been operating his family  相似文献   

REFORM and opening-up was established as a ba- sic national policy of China at the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee held ~in 1978. Since then, China has been transforming its economic system from a planned economy to a market economy, giving the market a fundamental role in resource allocation within macroeeonomic regulation. Meanwhile, the eountry has been opening up to foreign investment,  相似文献   

<正>China’s flourishing hotel industry not only presents endless business opportunities but also poses unprecedented risks for international hotel management companies. In a recent article, Gary Tillyer, Vice President of the Argyle Hotel Group (Australia) in China, put forward a series of risk control guidelines. Excerpts follow:  相似文献   

正In coping with the disruptions from the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-1 9) epidemic and global economic slowdown,China's leadership has emphasized the need to steer the world's second-largest economy.It has called for quicker establishment of a new development pattern which gives full play to the advantages of a huge domestic market,so that domestic and foreign markets can reinforce each other.It also said the domestic market should be the mainstay,emphasizing  相似文献   

THE name of a city can often conjure up memo-ries of poetry, people or flowers. Yangzhou is such a city,as demonstrated by the famous Tang poet Li Bai in his Seeing off Meng Haoran for Guangling at Yellow Crane Tower:My old friend said goodbye to the west here at Yellow Crane Tower.In the third month’s cloud of willow blossoms he is going down to Yangzhou.  相似文献   

正The international community is ablaze with questions as the economic situation deteriorates in Venezuela.Will the country default on its debts?What will China—one of Venezuela’s top creditors—do in the face of this dilemma?China has already consulted with Venezuela on its debt issues.While it’s natural for the former to be worried about the latter’s problems,reaching the conclusion that these issues will twist the relationship between the two countries is a stretch.  相似文献   

AFTER six months ofstudy,a three-day in-tensive training courseand a two-and-a-half-hour exam,26-year-oldmedical personnel administrator DuanLian was awarded the certificate quali-fying her as a people's juror.China endorsed the National Peo-ple's Congress Standing Committee'sdecision to improve the people's jurysystem last May.Jurors may now par-ticipate in handling court cases as non-professional judges.This is one of manymeasures to improve transparency andjustice in China's legal syst…  相似文献   

正China’s catering industry posted a record high 4.27 trillion yuan ($633 billion) in revenue in 2018, coupled with encouraging trends.The figure marked an increase of 9.5 percent from the previous year, accounting for11.2 percent of the country’s total retail sales of consumer goods, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.  相似文献   

The new leadership demonstrates, through its reprise of Deng Xiaoping’s thoughts and policies and advocacy of a new code of action, its resolve to sustain the country’s opening up and reforms.  相似文献   

Beyond zoos,museums and games,virtual reality(VR)technologies are wooing a more unexpected sector in China:the real estate industry,which is using it to keep itself afl oat during the novel coronavirus outbreak.VR salesrooms and livestreams are gaining popularity among property developers and agents to pitch their projects to potential house buyers.  相似文献   

一、统一认识,奋起直追任务下达之初,公安部监管局曾就各地信息化建设进展情况印发一份通报,江苏排位倒数第一。黄明厅长闻讯后迅速做出批示。总队领导班子做了深刻反思,对信息化建设的意义也有了更加深刻的理解——信息化建设是监管工作改革发展的重大机遇,也是监管部门有所作为的绝佳机会。监管总队就加强全省监管信息系统建设达成了4点共识:一是监管工作信息化是不以人的意志为转移的必然趋势,顺之者昌,逆之者衰。二是信息化建设为监管工作发展带来了千载难逢的机遇。通过开展信息化建设,可以提升监管工作科技含量,改革监管勤务模式,提高…  相似文献   

In 70 major Chinese cities,housing prices remained stable in December 2019,as regulators continued to contain speculation.New home prices in four first-tier cities—Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou and Shenzhen—increased 0.2 percent in the month,0.4 percentage point lower than the previous month,while the prices of resold houses edged up 0.4 percent,the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS)said in an online statement.  相似文献   

Beijing Review:What is the purpose of a high school education? Anthony Seldon:All over the world education is being reduced to exam passing and testing.Some exams are necessary,but it’s only a part of the story.We are very academic as a school but we are much more than just  相似文献   

On the sides of a road in Haozhiba,a village in the southwestern province of Yunnan,bougainvilleas are in full bloom.The inconspicuous flowers are flanked by bright red modified leaves called bracts,which look like rosy clouds from afar.  相似文献   

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