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Guangzhou is the capital city of Guangdong Province in China's developed southeast coastal area. Zhang Guangning, deputy to the 11th National People's Congress and Mayor of Guangzhou, told Beijing Review that the goal for Guangzhou's GDP growth in 2009 is 10 percent.  相似文献   

Shanxi Province, located in China's less developed central region, is a province rich in energy and natural resources. With a single industrial structure that relies heavily on resources, the province suffered greatly last year after resource product prices plummeted amid the financial crisis. Zhang Baoshun, deputy to the 11th National People's Congress and Secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, told Beijing Review the province is going to rev up the transformation of ...  相似文献   


On Call 24/7     
When Zhang Yueli,apolice officer,started his day at midnight on January 10,the temperature outside was minus 18 degrees Celsius,a record low for the region.Zhang stepped into a tent at a checkpoint near a high-risk novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19)zone.  相似文献   

孙章伟 《中国发展》2011,11(2):71-75
该文阐述了珠中江都市圈一体化发展的最新进展,并提出了通过珠海港与中山保税区"双核心"架构推进珠中同城化,进而以珠中同城化推动珠中江同城化发展的构想。为此,可把珠海港打造成为中山的"虚拟海港",把中山保税区打造成为珠海港的"虚拟保税区",然后以这两个虚拟港区作为核心,在形态上、资源上、功能政策上实现保税区与珠海港政策共享和联动开发,突破区域行政壁垒。  相似文献   

我国行政成本多年来始终居高不下,严重影响了政府的运行效能和政府的对外形象,也阻碍了宪政体制下法治政府建设的正常进程。随着法治政府建设的逐步推进,各级政府必须引入法治控权思维,从制度机制上寻求降低行政成本根本之策。  相似文献   

2021年3月11日下午,十三届全国人大四次会议在人民大会堂举行记者会,国务院总理李克强应大会发言人张业遂的邀请出席记者会,并回答中外记者提问。记者会开始时,李克强说,很高兴同媒体的朋友们见面,感谢大家对中国两会报道所付出的辛劳。今年我们还是继续通过视频进行交流,请大家提问。  相似文献   

近代以来 ,如何走向平等成为哲学、经济学、政治学等研究的核心问题之一。资产阶级平等观随着资本主义市场经济的发展而发展 ,经历了一个从起点平等和机会平等到结果平等的逻辑展开过程。以马克思主义平等观为指导 ,吸取前人研究成果 ,研究中国的现实国情 ,建立平等的竞争秩序 ,实现起点平等、机会平等和结果平等的辩证统一 ,是建设中国社会主义市场经济的内在要求  相似文献   

阚文文 《青年论坛》2008,(1):127-129
张竹坡自幼对小说的兴趣浓厚。生活环境和成长背景培养和激发出张竹坡特定的评点心态,具有强烈的自我意识。《金瓶梅》评点体现出张竹坡的精神世界,宣泄自我、袒露胸臆,同时又没有迷失自我,能保持清醒冷静的头脑,采取一种“不即不离”的独特欣赏视角。  相似文献   

Dedicated campaigners help return missing children to their familie Zhang Baoyan harbors a long-cherished wish:One day,the website she co-founded can be shut down.Baby Back Home,or Baobeihuijia.com.  相似文献   

章士钊是中国近代史上著名的思想家和理论家,他注意观察和研究近代民主政治,尤其是政党政治,他强调党纲的重要性,推崇英国式的政党内阁制,并由此提出了毁党造党说,即政党和国内政治资源的重新优化组合,一方面,所谓党者尽毁之,既毁其名又毁其实,另一方面,造有党纲之党,在国内形成两大政党对抗的局面。毁党造党说轰动一时,但因不符合中国的国情而遭到失败。  相似文献   

The Paralympic Winter Games, much more than just a sports competition Stepping onto the highest Paralympic podium has been a dream cherished by Chinese standing skier Zhang Mengqiu, despite not learning to ski until she was 14.Zhang is not a quick learner. Being diagnosed with cerebral palsy in childhood, she suffers from impaired motor function.  相似文献   

"They may come and go, but our gratitude lasts for the rest of our lives," said Jiang Zhihui, magistrate of Miansi Town, Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province. His thanks goes to the people of Zhuhai City, thousands miles away in Guangdong Province.  相似文献   

It was a late proposal,a reversal of the set order of things,as it took place almost three months after the couple got married.It took place because the newlyweds would like to choose a perfect day for this event.  相似文献   

Welcome Home!     
Having extended the record of the longest taikonaut stay on a single flight mission in space to 90 days, the Shenzhou-12 crew re-turned to Earth four days before China's Mid-Autumn Festival, a day of family reunions and friendly gather-ings, at the Dongfeng Landing Site in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on September 17. The first manned flight during the construction of China's space station proved a complete suc-cess, announced the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA).  相似文献   

China furthers anti-monopoly regulation for sound competition The State Administration for Market Regulation(SAMR) has recently imposed administrative penalties on 12 companies conducting 10 deals, signaling strengthening of anti-monopoly regulation on domestic firms, especially Internet-based platforms. The penalties were announced on March 12, the day after the close of China’s annual legislative session, during which proposals to amend the AntiMonopoly Law were contemplated.  相似文献   

朱长英 《青年论坛》2008,(3):119-121
三百四十余首梦窗词自南宋问世以来,其接受状况就跌宕起伏,主清空的张炎对梦窗词的“质实如七宝楼台”之讥将一些人领进了对梦窗词风格特色的否定歧途。通过对梦窗词整体风格的形成和表现的梳理,则发现其秾挚绵丽的风格是对温庭筠、周邦彦的继承与发展,超逸沉郁的风格则是南宋大环境使然,流丽疏快的异彩更是对张炎之评的否定。  相似文献   

'Without silver or flowers a girl won't be a girl," an old Miao minority saying goes. Silver is an important part of their culture, found to this day mostly in Guizhou Province, but also across Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Yunnan, Hunan, and Hainan provinces. All political affirmations and connotations aside, China's various traditional minority dress codes have had an extensive influ-ence on clothing hangers (inter) nationwide, comprising the full scale from hard-to-handle fabrics to exuberant em-broidery to fantastical earrings.  相似文献   

改革开放二十多年来,中国现代化建设取得了伟大的成就。然而在由传统社会向现代社会的转型过程中,农村出现了一系列社会问题。文章试以迪尔凯姆关于“集体意识”及其在两类不同质的社会中的表现的论述为理论依据来探讨中国农村的社会问题。显然“,集体意识”的缺失是中国农村大量社会问题凸现的一个重要因素,而培育与建构中国农村新型的“集体意识”对解决中国农村的社会问题有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

外商在华直接投资持续增长产生的贸易转移效应,推动了中国加工贸易规模增长、依存度提高和贸易顺差不断扩大。这一对外贸易结构性特征反映了中国经济对国际市场的依赖程度不断增加,对实现国民经济持续、健康、稳定运行的影响越来越大。改善和优化对外贸易结构仍是一项急迫任务。  相似文献   

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