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Happy Bubbles     
Changsha,capital city of Hunan Province in central China,has received a new tagline in recent years-a must-go place for milk tea lovers.Tu Liyuan,a 26-year-old employee of a public relations company in Beijing,made two journeys to Changsha,about six hours one-way by express train,in 2020.The purpose of the travels was to sip local milk tea.Modern China Tea Shop,the locally developed milk tea shop in Changsha,has over 300 branches in the city but had never expanded beyond it before December 2020.Those living outside Changsha had to travel there to taste it.  相似文献   

偶像养成模式在新时代政策影响下发生了巨大变化,它把握新时代政策对公民的要求,培养出的新时代偶像成为弘扬正能量的使者。偶像养成模式对社会产生了一定的积极影响,但也对以青少年为代表的"追星"人群产生了消极影响。  相似文献   

CHENZHOU is a small scenic city in the mountains and a major stop on the Beijing-GuangzhouRailway. The recently opened Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway and National Highway No. 107 pass through the city, and it is only a four hour drive to Guangzhou and Changsha. Since opening of the Guangdong-Hunan segment of the  相似文献   

正Forum highlights importance of international cooperation in post-COVID-19 economic recovery ‘Competition, yes. Enemies, no." This was how Carlos Gutierrez, former U.S. Secretary of Commerce, characterized relations between the world's two largest economies during the First Global Economic Development and Security Forum(GEDS) of the Boao Forum for Asia(BFA), which took place in Changsha, Hunan Province, on October 18-20.  相似文献   

When the haearse left Xiangya Hospital in , Changsha Hunan Province, on May 22, it was the setting of an unusual scene. A large crowd stood outside the hospital to say farewell to the man in it and they began to cry out, "Grandpa Yuan, rest in peace!" Yuan Longping, known as the father of hybrid rice in China, died of organ failure on May 22 at the age of 91. But the legacy he left behind will continue to improve food security and research around the world and inspire generations of agro-scientists. His research helped feed 1.4 billion Chinese, nearly one fifth of the world's population, by growing high-yield hybrid rice though China has less than 9 percent of the arable land in the world.  相似文献   

IN July 2002 the well pre—served body of a woman,LingHuiping,was unearthed from aHan Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D.220)tomb in Lianyungang.It hadbeen embalmed,and was in a con—dition equal to the remains of theWestern Han(206 B.C.-24A.D.)female.Xinzhui.unearthed in  相似文献   

Glamping It Up     
When he is not at work, he is busy with his camping business. Yu Sanshui, a 31-year-old digital product engineer in Beijing, spends over 70 percent of his spare time on camping-related activities. He rented a 12-square-meter warehouse space in northwestern suburban Beijing as his "base" and goes there al-most every day. The engineer slash vlogger slash camper originally rented the space to store his extensive camping equipment, which simply cannot fit into his apartment. Since his first camping experi-ence back in 2018, he has spent a total of roughly 150,000 yuan ($23,190) on gear. Every time he goes out camping, he picks up differently com-posed kits from his base.  相似文献   

李菁 《今日上海》2013,(8):24-29
7月上海,骄阳似火。笔者来到位于黄浦江边的某高端写字楼,随即见到的就是此次受邀采访的黄隆铭先生。50多岁的他,言行举止透着中年成功男性的温文儒雅,轻言轻语却又思维敏捷、条理清晰,让人顿感亲切随和。在接下来的采访过程中,笔者更领略到一位非凡商界领袖,将企业管理的成就转化为创立自己企业的理念与个人价值实现的卓越智慧。黄隆铭先生是领动有限公司(培训咨询)和领动国际有限公司的创始人、董事长及首席执行官。1980年他以营销专业一级荣誉工商管理学士学位毕业于香港中文大学,而后又干1995年取得全球十大MBA学校之一——香港科技大学MBA学位。  相似文献   

作为中国近代建警第一人,黄遵宪在警政理念和实践上都有突出的贡献。在理论上,他最先关注西方的警察制度,首次使用近代意义的"警察"一词。在实践中,他创办中国警政的滥觞——湖南长沙保卫局,制定《湖南保卫局章程》等规章,赋予长沙保卫局鲜明的时代特色,寓意了保卫局近代民主观念。其创办工作不仅是举办地方警政的一次有益尝试,也是实行地方自治理论的一次有益实践,书写了中国近代警察制度史上别具风格的篇章。  相似文献   

Xinmin Liu 《当代中国》1997,6(16):567-580
Amidst frantic economic and social changes in China today, Zhang Chengzhi, like most other humanists, must redefine the humanist role and reconfigure his individual identity accordingly. What he does is to rediscover his ethnic identity as a Muslim Chinese, which rehearses a problematic shared by other humanists: self‐reinvention must be contested and negotiated via social contingency and acculturation; one cannot renew a cultural entity without recourse to ‘the other‘an allegorical subject, a suppressed ethnicity or a transcendental self. Zhang overcomes the void of a disoriented self by first recounting the muted history of Jahriyya Muslims (in his book History of the Soul) from the narrative stance of ‘a defamiliarized self and then engaging the primordial with the circumstantial in his effort to evoke the obscured awareness of his ethnic root. In his next book The Heroes’ Paths in Wilderness, Zhang recaptures key moments of his recuperation from the disoriented self through his psychoanalytic diagnosis of Lu Xun, his mirror image. The dialogic probing at the other in fact locates himself in the paradox between the historicity of the ethnic identity and the spirituality of a transcendent self. But his ambiguity toward a self/other reversal leaves us in question about his readiness to continue this fluid, open‐ended interaction and his ability to avert possible pitfalls of ethnocentrism.  相似文献   

Thirty-nine-year-old Bao Yongliang is the head of the Department of Digital Animation at the Jilin University of Arts in northeast China.However,the birth of his daughter in 2013 not only fulfilled Bao's dream of becoming a father,but also inspired a creative passion that has seen him launch his own art toy company.  相似文献   

洪炎秋,台湾著名的教育家,前半生辗转台湾、日本、大陆等地,失地丧权的家国之恨,饱受歧视压迫的殖民地的悲哀,前现代到现代社会转型的巨大冲击,新旧文化的矛盾与冲突,是他无可选择的历史境遇,也构成了他人生历程、文化选择与认同难以回避的多重困境。本文通过对其一生产生至关重要影响的大陆时期的文学文化活动的观照,探讨一代台湾知识人在近代多重困境下的文化选择的复杂性及意义。  相似文献   

戴表元是宋末元初的一位重要作家,其诗文创作及诗学思想在当时有着很大的影响.随着近年来元代诗文的研究渐成热点,一代文学大家戴表元也受到越来越多的学者关注.本文分别从诗歌、散文、诗论等几个方面简要概述了当代对戴表元的研究状况.  相似文献   

1949年,陈诚主政台湾近一年。期间,蒋介石背负失败之责,为美国所弃,众叛亲离。临危受命的陈诚,遵照蒋氏“继续革命”之指示,在台湾大刀阔斧地进行改革,为蒋介石的迁台与复出做了准备。与此同时,陈诚的权势日益膨胀,集党、政、军、财大权于一身,不仅遭到了政敌之反对,亦引起了蒋介石的疑忌,蒋陈之间冲突不断。在美国的要求下,蒋介石乘机以美援为借口,迫使陈诚让位于吴国桢,既满足了美方之要求,又削弱了陈诚之实权。  相似文献   

This year,Sun Fu,a deliveryman with Meituan Waimai,a leading food delivery service platform,will have his Spring Festival Eve dinner at work in Beijing.Understanding the concern that the travel rush during the Chinese New Year might trigger a resurgence of the novel coronavirus disease.  相似文献   

作为近代著名教育家,张之洞较为系统的警察教育思想是其丰富的教育思想中颇具特色的组成部分。他关于警察教育方面的一些见解与实践,不仅为当时中国培养了一批专门人才,而且对当前我国警察教育的发展也具有启迪意义。  相似文献   

正Laws, regulations and legal assistance safeguard the rights of people with disabilities As a public interest lawyer serving the community, Ouyang Jihua, Executive Director of the Zhongtong Law Firm in Beijing,provides legal advice at local communities once a week. Recently, a man came to see him about his unfair termination at work. The man, who was not named, had had an accident at work and was left disabled, according to Beijing-based Legal Daily.  相似文献   

SWORD-MAKER GaoQingmin first dreamt ofmaking swords whenstanding by his father atthe furnace. As a teenag-er, he was apprenticed to hisblacksmith father Gao Xikun, andschooled in stories of master iron-smiths Ou Yezi and Gan Jiang,both famous for forging high-quality Tangxi swords. In the 1930s, Gao Xikunworked at a German machine fac-tory in Tianjin, where he learnedmetallurgical techniques. Afterthe founding of new China, he  相似文献   

当代作家王跃文以官场题材的小说受到国人的瞩目.他的长篇小说<国画>以圆熟的艺术技巧,勾画了权力中心的世相百态,勾勒了边缘人物的精神漫画,表现了作家深深的忧患意识.  相似文献   

面向21世纪,每个党校图书馆工作人员,需要更新观念,树立现代图书馆意识。党校图书馆工作,也需要更新服务方式和管理手段,更需要建立一支高素质的复合型人才队伍,以适应形势的发展。  相似文献   

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