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在一些城市开始推行生活垃圾分类的背景下,不同社区的生活垃圾分类效果仍然存在较大的差异,如何解释这一差异需要进一步分析.社会资本作为认识社区公共产品提供和集体行动形成的重要视角,与城市社区生活垃圾分类之间的关系值得研究.基于上海市H街道三个不同类型社区的案例比较分析发现:以社会网络、信任和互惠规范为核心内容的社会资本,能够较好地解释存在差异性的社区居民生活垃圾分类行为和社区生活垃圾分类绩效.在实施垃圾分类的过程中,可以通过培育社会资本有力提升居民参与的意愿,推动居民的参与行为,不断提升垃圾分类绩效.  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾分类是破解"垃圾围城"的重要措施。本研究在政府—市场—社会关系的理论基础上,对全国46个垃圾分类重点城市相关材料的整理过程中发现,全国46个垃圾分类重点城市采取的是政府主导的城市生活垃圾分类模式,即引导型模式、强制型模式、自发型模式和混合型模式等四类模式。政府主导城市生活垃圾分类的主要症结是:政府超负荷承担垃圾分类工作,忽视对社会主体参与垃圾分类的培育,缺乏对市场主体参与垃圾分类的支持。研究表明只有将政府、市场和社会纳入垃圾分类工作的宏观体系中才能实现垃圾分类工作有序推进,即完善多元主体参与垃圾分类的相关制度、引导多元主体共同参与垃圾分类、统筹推进垃圾分类各个环节协调发展等城市生活垃圾分类的多元共治。  相似文献   

自开展强制垃圾分类以来,上海的垃圾分类工作已经取得了显著成效,但仍然存在着不同空间区域垃圾分类执行成效不同的现象。研究发现,物质生活空间、社会空间和心理空间共同塑造着居民对城市空间的认知和自身在空间实践中的行为方式,最终影响着居民对垃圾分类的态度和行为方式。  相似文献   

城市社区自治孕育了政治参与的主体,培育了成熟的社会政治基础,对中国政治民主化发展具有重要意义。我国城市社区自治在实践中创新了公共服务管理模式,坚持了党性与人民性的一致,成功纾解了广大人民群众的民主诉求。然而城市社区自治发展过程中仍然存在居民参与动力不足、内部建设缺乏创新、公共服务供给外部保障不足等制约因素和突破难点,需要从居民政治素质、制度建设、行政转型以及社会整体性治理四个方面来完善社区自治,推动中国政治民主化发展。  相似文献   

本文通过对北京城市管理中社区参与主体的调查研究,发现存在着社区居民自主参与率低、非营利组织功能发挥有限、营利组织对社区的支持少等问题。分析认为,居民参与率低的原因主要有经济、文化、空间和渠道等方面的制约;非营利组织作用有限的原因有来自外部的和自身的障碍;企业支持少的原因在于企业追求利润的天性以及社区很难为企业创造现实利润。为促进各社区参与城市管理,本文从体制创新、居民、非营利组织、物业公司及驻社区单位、自愿者参与等方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

垃圾分类政策对居民的节电行为有溢出效应吗?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来,不断有研究发现旨在引导居民特定环保行为的某项政策往往还会影响他们在其他领域践行环保主义的程度,但是基于居民客观活动数据的研究却严重不足。基于杭州市两个相邻小区、121户家庭2014—2015年实际行为的研究显示,正在部分城市强力推行的垃圾分类政策确实对居民家庭节电行为产生明显的溢出效应,且因垃圾分类政策不同而表现迥异。这一结果不但证实了现实生活中溢出效应的存在,而且揭示了不同政策工具和目标行为的执行难度会触发不同类型和不同强度的溢出效应,从而进一步凸显了建构多领域综合治理机制以实现环境政策的范式创新的重要性。  相似文献   

社区已成为弱势群体获取社会资源、参与社会生活的主要社会场域。社区利益、社区认同和参与制度的供给是城市弱势群体社区参与的主要动力,拓展弱势群体社区参与的广度和深度需要政策支持、行政资源保障、多元化的投入机制及社区组织的培育。  相似文献   

上海市长宁区程家桥上航新村、警备区第二干休所、程桥二村三个社区垃圾分类的创新模式可归类为机制引领型治理模式、军民融合多元共治型治理模式、楼骨干代表的"议事会引领"治理模式。通过对这些社区垃圾分类的现状分析,可以了解社区各主体在垃圾治理中的作用,以及制约社区生活垃圾分类的瓶颈因素,探索垃圾分类资源化利用的有效路径,推动垃圾分类制度取得新突破。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾实施强制分类必须具备以下条件:全面取消城市公共垃圾筒,生活垃圾处置付费并强制分类装袋,生活垃圾定时定点收集,垃圾由具有资质的专业公司依法依规运输和处置。但是,根据现有经验,我国城市生活垃圾强制分类的难度很大:一是按规定完成任务的时间非常紧迫,而我们当前缺乏足够的准备;二是缺乏良好的社会环境;三是没有形成足够的舆论认知;四是没有足够的"严苛"法律规定作保障。为此,其实践推进必须以法治为基本保障,以政府为推进主体,以全民参与为必要手段,以城乡统筹为思维遵循,以因地制宜为方法指导。  相似文献   

参与是构建和谐社区的生命线,没有居民的广泛参与,社区和谐就不可能实现。社区参与的规模、程度和制度化水平将直接关系到社区发展的整体变迁和目标管理。组织人们参与社会生活,在这个过程中建设新生活,同时接受思想政治教育.正是思想政治工作的优良传统。居民的社区参与是社区思想政治工作的内在动力源泉,离开了居民的社区参与,就没有真正的或完整意义上的社区思想政治工作。  相似文献   

Scientific studies and resident testimony suggest that urban residents in low-income and minority communities have been subject to an unequal burden of environmental pollution and inequitable environmental enforcement practices. A key component of the equitable development and implementation of environmental policies is the participation of citizens and community-based organizations in the policy process. Such participation rests upon equitable access to agency-generated environmental information and effective use of that information by citizens. This article focuses on the adoption of Internet technologies by environmental agencies as a mechanism for disseminating information and the implications for low-income and minority residents in urban communities. A framework is developed to guide a programmatic response to overcome these implications. The results from several community-based projects are described and analyzed for their capacity-building effectiveness. Analysis of the projects indicates improvement in community capacity for information access and use, which bolstered community participation in the environmental decision-making process.  相似文献   

This article investigates the use of market incentives to encourage household waste recycling by pricing waste-disposal services according to the quantity of waste generated. We use a natural experiment from an upstate New York county to examine how quantity-based pricing of waste disposal affects reported household recycling behavior, when used by itself or in conjunction with curbside pickup of recyclables or mandatory recycling laws. Curbside pickup was found to have the greatest effect on reported recycling behavior, although higher waste-disposal prices might alter these conclusions. Other concerns about quantity-based pricing of solid waste—distributional effects, public acceptance, and adverse incentives—are also examined.  相似文献   

老旧小区加装电梯是一项面向特定空间、特定人群的准公共产品,居民协商是实现这一公共产品供给的集体行动,但居民的个体理性会导致实施时出现集体行动困境。广州是国内较早开展这项工作的城市,通过访谈和政策内容分析梳理广州市老旧小区加装电梯的工作历程,结合集体行动理论分析老旧小区加装电梯面临的协商规模和价值偏好的困境,并在此基础上进一步探讨居民协商集体行动困境的破解之策。广州市的经验不仅为其他城市老旧小区加装电梯提供了借鉴,也为今后通过制度设计促成居民集体行动、推进城镇老旧小区改造工作,形成社区治理的长效机制提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   

“:社区参与”被广泛认为是激发社会活力,提升基层治理水平和居民生活质量,实现社会稳定的重要途径。既往关于社区参与的研究或是基于简单二分的类型化梳理,或是以“社区互动”为分析单位的个案描述,基本是中观层面或静态的研究。若从微观层面居民的“参与能力”和“参与意愿”出发,可以超越对富有“戏剧冲突”色彩的社区参与案例的简单描述,构建更为全面的分析框架,并将社区参与分为四种类型“:积极主导型”“、消极应对型”“、自我发展型”与“权益诉求型”。HZ市三个社区的经验材料揭示了不同参与类型的特征,同时显示了社区参与类型转化的动态性。因此,分析不同参与类型动态转化的条件,因势利导,提供多元的制度支持,将有利于促进社区发展。  相似文献   

Globalization stimulates local governments in China and the United States to step up their economic development efforts. What strategies are successful and why? Does industry cluster development lead to higher per capita income? What government infrastructure and incentives stimulate and nurture businesses? This article examines local economic development in China and the United States, comparing strategies and outlining challenging issues. Kuotsai Tom Liou of the University of Central Florida finds that local governments must play the leading role in sustainable development, as a partnership approach promotes collaboration among communities, industries, and other government entities. Policy implications and theoretical issues aimed to promote further comparative studies are presented .  相似文献   


Pay-for-performance reforms create “high-powered” incentives for civil servants to meet or exceed specified performance objectives as measured by such things as customer satisfaction. Economists and social psychologists have advanced the claim that high-powered incentives for performance may empirically lessen the effect of civil servants' intrinsic motivation toward achieving agency goals (motivation can be “crowded out”). Nonetheless, well-designed pay-for-performance incentives may “crowd in” intrinsic motivation. A number of federal agencies and subagencies have undergone personnel management reforms that raise the specter of this pattern of “motivation crowding.” Does it happen? Is intrinsic motivation crowded in or crowded out? This paper employs item response theory to create measurement models for the estimation a latent trait of intrinsic motivation for employees of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) using data from the 2002 Federal Human Capital Survey. The IRS, but not the OCC, implemented a paybanding system that imposed high-powered performance incentives on supervisors, but not on non-supervisory personnel. Results suggest that the IRS reward structure crowded in intrinsic motivation at the lowest levels, but that at the highest levels of motivation intrinsic motivation is crowded out, a pattern not seen in the OCC data.  相似文献   

当前党员干部中存在的“精神懈怠”现象表现出根源性、隐蔽性、传染性和差异性特征,严重影响了党员干部的思想观念、工作作风及工作能力。精神懈怠现象产生的原因是多方面的,必须多策并举、辨证施治。根据组织行为学的“激励”理论,完善党员干部工作中的激励机制将是一条行之有效的治理举措。具体地说,应以内激励增动力,通过理论创新、教育灌输和文化熏陶等,建构共产党人先进的精神、理想和信仰体系,培育并形成自强不息、昂扬向上的精神动力,促使党员干部不想懈怠;以外激励加推力,通过制度保障、群众参与和科技推动等,形成激励与约束共存、管理与监督并重的良性环境,促使党员干部不能懈怠;以正激励添引力,顺应人的正当的精神和物质需求,采取满足、促进和奖励措施,促使党员干部不愿懈怠;以负激励增压力,通过严格问责、严肃惩戒,形成对党员干部潜在惰性的强大威慑,促使党员干部不敢懈怠。  相似文献   

当前,非体制性因素对农民工城市融入的阻碍凸显,社区成为农民工超越户籍等制度壁垒融入城市的前提和基础。但已有文献尚未摆脱"制度决定论"的宏观研究,较少触及农民工城市融入的中观实践层面。本文通过对杭州市722位农民工社区融入现状的实证调研,从农民工和社区居民的双向维度考察了两大群体的群际关系,分析了当前农民工与城市社区的互动类型及其特征。研究发现,随着农民工经济融入能力的提升和城市认同感的增强,社区排斥现象进一步凸显,整体社区融入状况不容乐观。分析表明,当前推进农民工城市融入除了求助于政府主导和制度引导外,还有赖于从社区支持的角度去寻求实践策略。  相似文献   

What effect does bureaucratic responsiveness have on citizen participation? Since the 1940s, attitudinal measures of perceived efficacy have been used to explain participation. The authors develop a “calculus of participation” that incorporates objective efficacy—the extent to which an individual's participation actually has an impact—and test the model against behavioral data from the online application Fix My Street (n = 399,364). A successful first experience using Fix My Street is associated with a 57 percent increase in the probability of an individual submitting a second report, and the experience of bureaucratic responsiveness to the first report submitted has predictive power over all future report submissions. The findings highlight the importance of responsiveness for fostering an active citizenry while demonstrating the value of incidentally collected data to examine participatory behavior at the individual level.  相似文献   

The use of savings products to promote financial inclusion has increasingly become a policy priority across sub‐Saharan Africa, yet little is known about how families respond to varying levels of savings incentives and whether the promotion of incentivized savings in low‐resource settings may encourage households to restrict expenditures on basic needs. Using data from a randomized controlled trial in Uganda, we examine: (1) whether low‐income households enrolled in an economic‐empowerment intervention consisting of matched savings, workshops, and mentorship reduced spending on basic needs and (2) how varied levels of matching contributions affected household savings and consumption behavior. We compared primary school‐attending AIDS‐affected children (N = 1,383) randomized to a control condition with two intervention arms with differing savings‐match incentives: 1:1 (Bridges) and 1:2 (Bridges PLUS). We found that: (1) 24 months post‐intervention initiation, children in Bridges and Bridges PLUS were more likely to have accumulated savings than children in the control condition; (2) higher match incentives (Bridges PLUS) led to higher deposit frequency but not higher savings in the bank; (3) intervention participation did not result in material hardship; and (4) in both intervention arms, participating families were more likely to start a family business and diversify their assets.  相似文献   

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