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朱迪斯·巴特勒的性别操演理论自20世纪90年代风靡学术界以来,引起了西方学术界的广泛争论,其中有犀利的批评,也有对其理论的误读。针对于此,朱迪斯.巴特勒本人在对种种批评的回应之中不断修正和丰富自己的理论,陆续推出了一系列著作,形成她对性别乃至一切边缘身份进行思考的动态体系。本文试图追踪朱迪斯.巴特勒性别理论发展的轨迹,以求全面把握其思想发展的动态过程。  相似文献   

20年前一位怀胎7个月的女护工上班时因触电造成工伤,本人虽无大碍,但孩子出生后成为三级智力残障者。工伤者当时虽向单位提出工伤及赔偿请求,没有也不可能有结果。20年后当事人受一案例启发,在代理其子提起民事侵权诉讼同时向劳动行政部门提出工伤伤害认定请求。但因法律依据,证据及因果关联度、时效等问题,遭遇重重困境。正是这种困境本身,使我们得以发现现有工伤立法在保障孕妇工伤方面的性别盲点,以及由这一盲点造成的权利救济不能,导致女性法定利益受损,使工伤伤害持续化和合法化,从而带来一种性别歧视的后果。本文通过对这一案例的具体分析,试图探讨法律法规中由性别盲点造成的性别歧视的后果,提出了一种性别歧视理论及检验标准的本土建构思路。  相似文献   

正How one tiny woman stands tall as a truck driver Zhang Lin,25,is from a village in the mountainous province of Yunnan,southwest China. She escaped from her first marriage,which she was forced into by her parents,due to domestic violence. Later on,she got married once again,this time for love; nevertheless,she had to leave this marriage,too,because her second husband could not accept her son from her first marriage.  相似文献   

宋庆龄为中国人民革命和建设事业做出的不可磨灭的贡献及其特殊的身份和地位,使之成为中国现代史和中共党史研究中必不可少的人物。邓颖超在回忆文章中说:"宋庆龄这个名字象征着自辛亥革命以来,七十年革命的历程。"邓小平在悼词中评价她:"尤其难能可贵的是她紧跟历史的脚步不断前进,从伟大的革命民主主义者成为伟大的共产主义者。"志先生之志,行先生之行是实现转变的前提;这一转变是她始终跟随历史的脚步不断前进的时代感和进步性使然,是理性的选择。  相似文献   

正Seven million people with disabilities in China have moved out of dire poverty over the past five years When the car crash that changed the course of her life happened in April 2011, Yang Shuting was just about to embark on her career as a nurse at a local hospital in Hunan Province. Waking up in a daze, she found herself in intensive care. Not long after, doctors told Yang that the accident had left her with high paraplegia,  相似文献   

梅娘(原名孙嘉瑞,笔名敏子、孙敏子、柳青娘、云凤、孙翔等)是活跃在上个世纪三、四十年代华北东北沦陷区的著名小说家。梅娘的小说创作,从自身的成长经历和情感体验出发进行着飘离政治的叙述。幼年丧母、缺少母爱的童年对梅娘小说创作的影响非常显著。  相似文献   

社会支持链接:一个打工妹和城市社会的互动分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
相对于农民工群体的边缘地位和弱势处境而言,打工妹属于双重弱势群体。本文通过对一个打工妹被雇主殴打、打官司的个案分析,再现了一个外来打工妹以突发事件为契机,建立自己的社会支持链接并能动地利用支持链接帮助自己解决危机、寻求新的发展机会的全过程。探讨了这个过程对既有社会规则、社会制度、社会观念和城乡关系的冲击和改变。  相似文献   

IN 1943, Li Shuxian was driven out of her home in Changchun City, Jilin Province in northeast China by Japanese soldiers and as a result had a miscarriage that deprived her of the ability to bear another child. Two years later, she adopted a 3-year-old Japanese orphan, and renamed her Xu Guilan. Says Li Shuxian, "I had mixed feelings at first. What decided me was knowing that Xu Guilan would die if I didn't adopt her, so I overcame my hatred of the Japanese and raised her as my own." Now 81, Li Shuxian  相似文献   

It is a story occurring in the magic world, Sophie, who, at the wonderful age of 18, should have been dating or attending parties in fine dress just like other girls, has had to run the hat shop left her by her father on her own, She would take care of the business in the shop day after day, but she was happy, for she wished to make the best hats for her customers.  相似文献   

Hear Me Out     
Wen Wen, a 28 year-old media worker in Beijing, always wears a pair of headphones during her daily commute. Most of the time, you'll find her listening to a podcast series titled Danliren Comedy, recommended to her by a friend, which presents skits from a bunch of young budding comedians.  相似文献   

本文分析了丁玲前期的生活和写作,并由此探讨“五四”以来女性寻求独立过程中所经历的突破和面临的困境。丁玲独自离家赴异地求学,并以种种实际行动表明了同封建父权制的彻底决裂,从而初步确立了现代女性相对独立的自主地位。在此基础上,丁玲的写作本身既打破了女性在公共空间的“沉默”历史、公开展示了女性隐秘的身体欲望,因而极具颠覆意义和革命力量;同时又因为日记体的特殊体例而重新被置于私人话语的圈子里,削弱了其公共权力和合法性,并且再次把女性作为有待窥视的秘密加以性别化———这构成了丁玲创作的一个悖论。  相似文献   

正A school that hopes to see fewer students With her short hair dyed bright purple,15-year old Du Fangmei is easy to spot in her class.She practiced giving a haircut to a mannequin head as she talked to Beijing Review in her classroom."My hair was dyed by the hairdressing teacher last month," she said in standard Chinese."I like it a lot."  相似文献   

At the age of 66, Wang Jie is learning a new skill—papercutting. Every Monday and Thursday afternoon, she attends a class in her neighborhood in Beijing's suburban district of Changping, with her toolkit. The kit, once a medicine box, now holds two pairs of scissors, a paper cutter, a pair of glasses, pencils, a big eraser and a roll of tape, all necessary for her lesson.  相似文献   

Summarizes the author's life and how differences contributed to her selection of community psychology and to various choices she has made to further her goals. Focuses on her context within a colonial setting and on the significance of being a woman in her particular environment. Shows how clarity and steadfastness to ideals linked to divergent skills and a collaborative and participatory ideology have bred change. Signifies students' contributions to the generation of new energy as well as new conceptualizations. Finally, stresses the importance of international and interdisciplinary collaborations to enrich both our lives and the discipline of community psychology.  相似文献   

正Through her lens, photographer Hailun Ma allows people to ogle at the beauty of XinjiangBefore she graduated from the School of Visual Arts in New York City, one of the leading art institutions in the U.S., Xinjiangborn photographer Hailun Ma gained a new awareness of her hometown in northwest China. "So-called ‘high fashion' is far removed from my own life. I want to rebuild my connection with fashion photography," Ma said.  相似文献   

Innovative elderly care eases aging population's pressureon nursing homes Every day at 11 a.m.on the dot,Xiao Honglian receives a cheerful visitor.Since Xiao,a senior citizen living in Gulou,a district in Nanjing,Jiangsu Province in east China,broke her leg recently,the visitor,a paramedic from a nearby elderly care center,has been giving her physiotherapy for the broken leg so that she can be back on her feet faster.  相似文献   

ZHANG Xin returned from a trip to Yunnan with a haul of fresh goods. Barely pausing for breath she snapped each item with her digital camera and uploaded the shots onto her infant e-store, attaching an appealing caption to each one. Last month, her e-store sprouted its first tooth of profit. "Though the profit margin is small, I enjoy this way of doing business," says Zhang Xin. Zhang deals in special local  相似文献   

正Understanding their efforts and perseverance to transform the border region Eighty-one-year-old Shi Huifang could never forget her life-changing decision to venture out into Xinjiang, a remote and bare land to her in northwest China, some six decades ago. She wanted to escape poverty and create a better life for herself by putting in hard work in a new place.  相似文献   

ON her way to the rail-way station to meet afriend, Miss Sun wasunderstandablyalarmed when thicksmoke began pouring out fromunder the hood of her car. At a lossas to what to do, she called herboyfriend, but he was equallynonplussed. Eventually twomechanics were called to thescene, and it transpired that thewater tank was empty. Like the  相似文献   

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