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Establishing a person's identity can be a very difficult process. Dental, fingerprint and DNA comparisons are probably the most common techniques used in this context, allowing fast and secure identification processes. However, since they cannot always be used, sometimes it is necessary to apply different and less known techniques. In this paper, the authors describe two unusual techniques: cheiloscopy and palatoscopy. It is known that due to their special features, both lip grooves and palatal rugae can be used successfully in human identification. This paper reviews the techniques of cheiloscopy and palatoscopy, and describes the different classifications and their advantages and limitations.  相似文献   

Responsibility for confirming a decedent's identity commonly falls on the shoulders of the coroner or medical examiner. Misidentification of bodies results in emotional turmoil for the next-of-kin and can negatively impact the coroner's or medical examiner's career. To avoid such mishaps, the use of scientific methods to establish a positive identification is advocated. The use of scientific methods of identification may not be reliable in cases where the decedent had assumed the identity of another person. Case studies of erroneously identified bodies due to identity theft from the state medical examiner offices in Iowa and New Mexico are presented. This article discusses the scope and major concepts of identity theft and how identity theft prevents the guarantee of a positive identification.  相似文献   

Inference of human geographic origins using Alu insertion polymorphisms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The inference of an individual's geographic ancestry or origin can be critical in narrowing the field of potential suspects in a criminal investigation. Most current technologies rely on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotypes to accomplish this task. However, SNPs can introduce homoplasy into an analysis since they can be identical-by-state. We introduce the use of insertion polymorphisms based on short interspersed elements (SINEs) as a potential alternative to SNPs. SINE polymorphisms are identical-by-descent, essentially homoplasy-free, and inexpensive to genotype using a variety of approaches. Herein, we present results of a blind study using 100 Alu insertion polymorphisms to infer the geographic ancestry of 18 unknown individuals from a variety of geographic locations. Using a Structure analysis of the Alu insertion polymorphism-based genotypes, we were able to correctly infer the geographic affiliation of all 18 unknown human individuals with high levels of confidence. This technique to infer the geographic affiliation of unknown human DNA samples will be a useful tool in forensic genomics.  相似文献   

Premortem and postmortem radiographs of the chest and abdomen are often available for comparison and provide a basis for making or rejecting an identification. The case reported here exemplifies the way that individualizing features, such as contours of bony elements, skeletal anomalies, and radiodensities and radiolucencies, are used in establishing personal identity.  相似文献   

DNA fingerprinting is a perfect tool for investigating the identity of disputed blood by alcohol samples extracted. However, blood samples stored at an ambient temperature for longer periods can show considerable degradation of high-molecular DNA, diminishing the value of fingerprint investigation because of loss of the less frequent bands formed by the longer DNA fragments. Addition of the complexing agent EDTA can retard this degradation. Determination of the sex with DNA probes in the blood alcohol sample increases confidence in the investigation.  相似文献   

There has been much work dedicated to crime analysis and intelligence in recent times. Independently, physical evidence has shown great potential for linking crimes and bringing solid informative data through the increased use of multiple databases. However, their informative potential is still often underestimated and has been poorly integrated into police information systems. We propose a framework that fully introduces this data into an intelligence based system. This framework is built on the study of inference structures extracted from investigators’ every day implicit reasoning processes. Five specific inferences are studied with the particular problem of serial burglary investigation across independent police and legal structures. On the basis of such an analytical approach, a computer prototype has been designed; it has shown great promise and has resulted in several operational successes.  相似文献   

The problem of mistaken identity in e-commerce transactions brings together seemingly unrelated issues: privacy, network security, digital signatures – and classic contract law. Combining an academic exercise with the practical implications of the insecurity of the Internet, this paper draws some unexpected conclusions regarding cases of mistaken identity and exposes flaws in popular legal arguments on the subject. Problems of mistaken identity must be analysed afresh with a number of factors in mind: the more widespread use of fictitious identities in on-line transactions, the higher incidence of identity theft and the greater difficulty of authenticating the other transacting party. The trend to preserve the privacy of Internet users indirectly clashes with efforts to ensure transactional security in e-commerce. An indispensable prerequisite of the latter is the ability to identify the other party to the contract. The problem of mistaken identity is not new – but it assumes a different scale in e-commerce transactions.  相似文献   

今天的讲座和前四讲有一些不同。在前四讲中,我所分析的都是证据法的公认领域,试图说明我们何以能够通过运用各种分析工具来更深刻地理解它们。今天我不想讨论证据法的传统领域,而要讨论在美国和其他几个国家正在进行的一项重要研究工作,这涉及我们所称的"司法证明的性质"。该研究领域并不论及像传闻规则那样的证据法特定领域,而是关于证据法根基的探讨。  相似文献   

今天的讲座和前四讲有一些不同。在前四讲中,我所分析的都是证据法的公认领域,试图说明我们何以能够通过运用各种分析工具来更深刻地理解它们。今天我不想讨论证据法的传统领域,而要讨论在美国和其他几个国家正在进行的一项重要研究工作,这涉及我们所称的司法证明的性质。该研究领域并不论及像传闻规则那样的证据法特定领域,而是关于证据法根基的探讨。  相似文献   

A denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) assay has been developed for comparative identity and homogeneity testing of the mtDNA HV1 region. A total of 49 pairs of sequences, each pair differing by a single unique polymorphism, were tested to verify the reliability of the assay. Discrimination between all pairings was achieved as judged by the resolution of the mismatch-containing heteroduplexes from the fully base-paired homoduplexes. In all but two pairings, resolution of the fully base-paired homoduplexes was also obtained. Sequence pairs differing by multiple polymorphisms were also tested and resulted in a greater separation between the homo- and heteroduplexes. Additional information derived from the technique includes the identification of co-amplifying contaminating or heteroplasmic samples in the independent samples lanes. Thirteen heteroplasmic samples, six at positions distinct from those analyzed in the pairwise comparison study, were analyzed and the heteroplasmic positions identified unambiguously by sequencing the excised bands. The technique constitutes a conceptually simple, accurate, and inexpensive test for determining whether two sequences match within the mtDNA HV1 region, while providing a more definitive control for the identification of co-amplifying contaminating or heteroplasmic sequences than is presently available.  相似文献   

Despite the widespread attention given to identity theft, there is much confusion on how best to define and measure it. Recent attempts to measure its extent through victimization surveys or law enforcement files have varied considerably in the types of crimes included as identity theft. Some studies include credit card fraud, while others exclude it. This inconsistency in data collection has made it difficult to assess properly the extent of the crime. The current study uses data from the National Public Survey on White Collar Crime to determine the degree to which including credit card fraud as a type of identity theft affects victim profiles encompassing demographic characteristics, risky activities, and reporting decisions. Specifically, we compare victim profiles for victims of existing credit card fraud, new credit card fraud, and existing bank account fraud. Findings from our exploratory study suggest that including existing credit card fraud may obscure the fact that those who are female, black, young, and low income are disproportionately victimized by existing bank account fraud, which is the type of identity theft most financially damaging and most difficult to clear up for individuals.  相似文献   

在当前大数据背景下,信息主导警务已经逐渐成为新常态,其中一个重要方面就是犯罪信息研判。在犯罪信息研判中,侦查人员必须对获取的信息进行分析以对进行必要的预测,其中的一种重要方式就是概率推理。犯罪信息研判中的概率推理是以事件发生的概率作为前提或者结论的推理,用以计算侦查工作中大量存在的随机事件出现的概率。在进行概率推理之前,侦查人员必须首先确定简单事件的概率,而对简单事件的概率有三种不同的解释。在确定了简单事件的概率之后,侦查人员可以利用概率演算的规则计算出复合事件的概率。在此基础上,侦查人员可以在个体、样本和总体之间进行不同类型的概率推理。当然,侦查人员同时必须遵守相应的推理规则以避免相关的谬误,得到具有最大可靠性的结论,提高犯罪信息研判的准确度和精确度。  相似文献   

Photoluminescence spectra of dry untreated semen have been measured and a suggested method for rapid detection of untreated semen stains is derived from these measurements. The method is presented in the form of a flow chart to cover most crime scene situations. The absorption spectrum of dry untreated blood has also been measured and a suggested method for enhancement and photography of blood stains is derived from this measurement. The method is presented in the form of a flow chart. Both methods are based on the use of a high intensity light source such as the Polilight.  相似文献   

The rehabilitation of offenders is an evaluative and capability-building process and is concerned with promoting primary goods and managing risk. At the heart of this process is the construction of a more adaptive narrative identity and the acquisition of capabilities to enable offenders to secure important values in their postrelease environments. In this article, the authors examine the idea of narrative identity and its relationship to values and to assessment and treatment.  相似文献   

We assessed the value of an alternative light source for detecting white composite dental materials in burned and unburned teeth. Teeth filled with 18 different restorative materials (composite, glass ionomer or hybrid composite), were viewed with a Polilight®. Between 415 nm and 555 nm, the glass ionomers showed distinctly different optical properties from the other materials: they either fluoresced or appeared darker. Wavelengths 415 nm to 530 nm gave a general enhancement in composite detection (17 of 18 materials). Light above 590 nm was of little value, enhancing detection in only 2 of 18 materials. After simulated burning of the teeth, there was enhanced visibility of 8 of 18 materials at wavelengths under 350 nm. Burning destroyed the previously distinct optical properties of the glass ionomers. Overall, this alternative light source aids the identification of white composite dental materials and could be used in routine forensic odontology practice.  相似文献   

The presented case report describes the exclusion of the suspect of a sexual offence by means of methods of molecular genetics. Pretests for prostate-specific antigen performed at the beginning of the investigation and cytological sperm tests were negative. Nevertheless, by combining the methods of differential lysis and DNA quantification a small number of spermatozoa could be demonstrated in the trace evidence. Subsequently, the profile of the woman's boyfriend, with whom she had had unprotected vaginal intercourse two days before the incident, could be detected in the fraction of the hard lysis.  相似文献   

王雄飞 《河北法学》2008,26(6):181-187
首先研究推定的各种涵义,提出推定的基础是经验法则。然后集中分析事实推定与法律推定的概念特征及其相互关系,指出事实推定的实质是推理或推论;法律推定源于事实推定又高于事实推定,是在事实推定的基础上渗入了法律价值和政策需要,从而将事实推定的单纯经验逻辑上升为法律逻辑;法律推定和事实推定具有泾渭分明的区别也有千丝万缕的联系,事实推定作为一个法律术语有其存在的合理性。  相似文献   

This article analyses digital identity as an emergent legal concept in the United States of America, as a consequence of the move to place all federal government services on-line. The features and functions of digital identity and its legal nature are examined, and the consequences are considered.  相似文献   

目的采用X-射线衍射法(XRD)建立一种快速检测甲基苯丙胺晶体并推断其来源的方法。方法对18起案件中的53份甲基苯丙胺样本进行XRD检验。结果通过分析主要特征峰强度比例,可以得到毒品的定性分析结果,以及样本的晶型取向信息;通过分析XRD谱图中毒品的特征峰半峰宽信息可以得到毒品的结晶度;对样本中明显的杂质峰进行比对,即可得到毒品来源信息参考。结论该方法简便快捷、无损样本、无污染,能够快速、准确、高效地分析结晶状毒品,为确定制贩毒集团上下线及涉毒案件串并案提供佐证。  相似文献   

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