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目的研究手部脱落细胞DNA能否通过握手、接触等方式发生一次转移和二次转移。方法寻找6名志愿者,在其洗手之后两两之间进行握手,然后让每一名志愿者接触已清洗的玻璃杯,最后对上述每一个玻璃杯进行DNA提取检测。结果在志愿者接触过的玻璃杯上,能够提取到因接触而发生一次转移和二次转移的基因座;同等条件下,一次转移获得的基因座数比二次转移获得的基因座数多。结论手部脱落细胞DNA能够发生接触转移现象,而且发生二次转移甚至多次转移是非常有可能的,因此在法医工作中,需要高度重视因DNA二次转移甚至多次转移而带来的污染问题。  相似文献   

目的研究脱落细胞遗留者洗手时间及所接触客体类型对手部脱落细胞转移的影响,同时考察手部脱落细胞DNA是否能够发生二次转移。方法 9名志愿者在洗手后30min、2h、6h分别握持木柄螺丝刀、橡胶柄螺丝刀、胶木插头1min和佩戴粗纱手套15min,对上述物品进行DNA提取检测,同时进行手部脱落细胞的二次转移实验。结果从志愿者接触过的物品中能够获得的STR基因座数量随着接触者洗手后时间的延长而增加;在洗手后30min和2h的触摸实验中,4种客体检出的基因座数量存在统计学差异,从手套中检出的基因座数量多于从木柄和橡胶柄螺丝刀中检出的数量;从脱落细胞遗留状态较差者握持过的螺丝刀中,检出了与该物品没有直接接触的脱落细胞遗留状态较好者部分STR基因座。结论接触者最后一次洗手时间是影响脱落细胞DNA转移的一个重要因素,在接触性DNA的提取检测和结果解释过程中,对有可能发生的二次转移现象应予以高度注意。  相似文献   

在同一介质上二次打印形成文件(对原有文件进行添改)是犯罪分子常用的作案方法。对鉴定机构而言,不同种类的打印机其打印原理、墨水等不同,可根据光学、化学特性的不同进行检验鉴定,即使是同种类的打印机,也能根据打印机自身的字库特征,以及长期使用磨损而反映在打印介质上的自身特征进行检验鉴定。但是对于同一台打印机二次打印形成的文件检验,一直是难题,本文成功检验1例,介绍如下。  相似文献   

童靖婧 《法制与社会》2010,(15):293-293
无论是从二次分配的法的内容来说,还是从经济法中有关二次分配的部分的定义和范围来看:经济法都不能算为完全的二次分配的法,只能说经济法的调整范围包括“二次分配”的内容,而“二次分配”的法是经济法的一部分。  相似文献   

新仲裁机构组建已近十年,在过去十年取得了辉煌的成就,基本完成了一次创业,目前正开始更为艰苦的“二次创业”。本文首先简单回顾了一次创业向二次创业转变的过程,然后从仲裁融入市场经济、服务市场经济;扩大规模,提高质量、树立品牌;走仲裁专业化和国际化发展之路;重视网上仲裁以及仲裁理论研究等几个方面对二次创业的主要内容进行了详细论述,最后对二次创业的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

路磊 《政法论丛》2013,(1):124-129
随着人们生活水平的提高和交通运输业的快速发展,人们的汽车拥有量和低驾龄驾驶人数迅速增加,每年的交通事故数量不断攀升。部分肇事者违背道德、泯灭人性,选择"二次伤害"受害人的现象屡次发生,在他们的潜意识中存在"撞残不如撞死"的错误想法。这种可怕的想法形成的原因与当前我国的交通肇事赔偿制度的不合理有关。因此,必须完善立法,除了通过侵权赔偿的途径外,还必须借助于责任保险和社会救助的途径转移和分散损害赔偿,鼓励肇事者在第一时间积极救治受害人,避免逃逸和"二次伤害"。  相似文献   

性犯罪被害人与其它类型的形式被害人相比具有很大的特殊性,其除了必然遭受性犯罪行为带来的直接伤害或损失以外,还可能遭受来自公诉机关、社会公众对性犯罪案件不恰当反映所造成的第二次伤害,因此本文重点关注性犯罪被害人的二次被害,明晰性犯罪被害人二次伤害的概念,分析造成二次被害的原因,以及在此基础上探讨预防和避免的方法。  相似文献   

1案例资料2001年3月2日晚20时许,杨某(男,30岁)酒后驾驶AX100型摩托车与骑自行车的张某(男,40岁)相撞后摔倒,次日到县医院就诊,医院诊断为“右股骨干中下段骨折”。伤后第3d,杨某转至省医院诊治。查体:神清合作,被动体位;右大腿肿胀,压痛明显,髋膝关节不能活动。右股骨X线正侧位片报告:右股骨干中下段纵形骨折,骨折线周围可见高密度骨痂,骨折上缘断端分离约0.7cm,骨折线呈“N”型,骨折断端嵌插,并提示“右股骨干中段骨折(陈旧性)”。医院诊断:右股骨干中段骨折(陈旧性)。2001年3月6日在硬膜外麻醉下,行右股骨切开复位,钢板内固定术。手术…  相似文献   

视听作品的“二次获酬权”指视听作品的著作权人对该视听作品授权他人进行影院发行后的二次利用时,原作作者、编剧、导演、作词、作曲作者有权就他人的二次利用获得合理报酬.完善视听作品的“二次获酬权”制度有利于平衡著作权人和影视公司之间的利益,促进中国影视业的繁荣发展.  相似文献   

随着我国汽车工业的发展,交通事故所造成的人员伤亡达到了惊人的程度。据国家统计局公布数字,2002年,我国发生道路交通事故的数字已突破77.3万宗,死亡10.9万人,受伤人数达56.2万人。如此巨大的人身伤亡状况,准确的法医学鉴定至关重要。其中车外人员遭受两次以上交通工具损伤死亡时,哪一辆车应对受害人的死亡负责,法医通过检验,再现损伤过程对判定事故责任及赔偿就显得尤为重要。现将作者实际检案中完成的两例车外人员二次损伤的死因及责任鉴定报道如下。1案例1.1案例1案情:某日,死者双手抱膝,头搭在两腿之间蹲在公路中央隔离带旁,先后被一辆…  相似文献   

The possibility that fibre diameter is a factor in the transfer of wool fibres is discussed in relation to a recent case. Fibre diameter may be important in the fragmentation of fibres under pressure, and may result in a greater proportion of fine, as opposed to coarse, woollen fibres being transferred to a recipient garment. Therefore, there may be selective transfer of fine over coarse woollen fibres when there is a wide range of fibre diameters in the donor item.  相似文献   

There are few published reports of allocation methodologies for contamination at complex sites not associated with the traditional Superfund landfill scenario (i.e., based on waste in records). Allocation can be especially difficult when the contamination is derived from neighboring facilities. Such was the situation in a lawsuit brought by Solvent Chemical (Solvent) in the United States District Court for the Western District of New York (New York v. Solvent Chem. Co., Inc., 685 F. Supp. 2d 357 (W.D.N.Y)). Solvent had filed a cost-recovery and contribution claim against Olin and DuPont, neighboring industrial facilities, to recover costs associated with groundwater and soil remediation. Solvent alleged that the contamination found in groundwater recovery wells on the Solvent site was predominately due to releases from the former adjacent Dupont chlorinated solvent production facility and from Olin's neighboring former chlorinated benzene production facility. However, complicating matters for Solvent was the former production of chlorinated benzenes at their site. Solvent needed a method of determining the source sites for chlorinated benzenes detected in remediation wells other than concentration since multiple facilities could have been the source. Among the methods employed by Solvent to differentiate the source-site allocation was the fact that perchlorate was indirectly generated at Olin's hypochlorite plant but not at the Solvent site. Therefore, the presence of perchlorate could be used as a tracer of contaminant transport from the Olin operations. The judge's ruling found that Solvent's use of perchlorate as a tracer was compelling evidence regarding the source of chlorinated benzenes and agreed to Solvent's suggested allocation.  相似文献   

Both Olin and DuPont owned industrial facilities adjacent to the Solvent property, and Solvent alleged that the chlorinated aliphatic contamination detected in Solvent's groundwater recovery wells was predominately due to releases from the former DuPont chlorinated-solvent production facility. However, Solvent's position was complicated by the fact that during the 1980s, the Solvent property was used as an unlicensed hazardous waste transfer facility by a third-party (Frontenac Environmental Services, Inc.) and had received more than one hundred thousand gallons of chlorinated aliphatics from various entities. Solvent thus needed a method of determining the source for the chlorinated aliphatics in their groundwater recovery wells. One of the methods that Solvent used was based on its knowledge that chlorinated solvent production at DuPont involved certain intermediates such as 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (TeCA) that would likely not be present in any of the waste products stored on the Solvent property. The judge found that Solvent's use of a TeCA tracer was compelling evidence regarding the source of chlorinated aliphatics and largely agreed to Solvent's suggested allocation.  相似文献   


Solvent alleged that chlorinated benzene contamination detected in Solvent's offsite groundwater recovery wells was 98% due to releases from the neighboring Olin chlorobenzene production facility and only 2% due to Solvent's nearby chlorinated benzene production facility. However, Solvent's position was complicated by the fact that it had acknowledged that its operations had impacted site contamination levels. Solvent's position was that the onsite contamination was partially due to Olin, but it faced an uphill struggle because the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) had assigned Solvent responsibility for the Hot Spot cleanup at the Olin site. However, Solvent was able to recover virtually the entire amount of its Hot Spot costs attributable to chlorinated benzenes from Olin, as well as the full percentage of allocation they requested from Olin for the Solvent site through the useof chemical tracers such as benzene hexachloride (BHC).  相似文献   

随着作品复制和传播技术的发展,如何对待版权转让与许可中的"未知使用权"日益成为业界关注的热点之一.对此,全球范围内大体有三种处理方式,分别是对作品未知使用权的禁止转让(或许可)、推定不转让(或不许可)以及推定转让(或许可).我国目前立法上采用明示主义,将未明确约定的权利推定为未转让或未许可;但实务上有承认一揽子转让或许可协议之效力的做法.在合同解释上,应当以当事人真实意思表示为出发点,除非当事人明确约定转让或许可的内容包括不可预见的使用方式,否则应当从严解释.  相似文献   

宅基地使用权流转模式的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宅基地使用权禁止流转制度无疑成了宅基地发挥其土地价值的巨大障碍,实践中已形成错综复杂的宅基地使用权的"隐形市场",这严重影响了社会的稳定。通过房地分离和设立法定租赁权,建立与此相适应的宅基地有期限、有偿使用制度及完善的农村宅基地使用权登记制度等配套措施,以较少的成本解决宅基地使用权的流转,是较为合理的方案。  相似文献   

曹泮天 《法学杂志》2012,33(6):161-165
在统筹城乡发展的时代背景之下,现行禁止宅基地使用权流转的制度安排已难以满足日益高涨的流转需求,且无法形成理论自洽,由此势必需要制度创新与变革。改革现行制度安排,允许宅基地使用权流转,既是对现实需求的回应,更具有深厚的经济学及法学理论基础。  相似文献   

知识产权用益权初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑春玉 《知识产权》2006,16(2):71-74
知识产权许可已经成为重要的知识产权贸易方式,我国著作权法、商标法和专利法都对知识产权许可作了规定。被许可人为了能够使用作品、商标或专利等智力成果,必然要支付一定的对价。当知识产权遭受侵害时,不但知识产权权利人的权益遭受侵害,被许可人的利益也必然不同程度地遭受损害。然而,被许可人是否有权对侵害人提出主张,以维护自己的权益?这是一个在理论上和实践上都十分重要的问题。尽管我国有关的司法解释对被许可人的诉权作出了规定,但笔者认为关于被许可人诉权问题在理论和实践上还值得进一步探讨。对于知识产权权利人与被许可人订立独占或排他许可合同后又许可他人使用产生的纠纷,现行立法还不能很好地维护独占或排他许可的被许可人利益。笔者认为我国应当建立知识产权用益权制度,以保护知识产权许可中被许可人的利益。  相似文献   

P.N. GRABOSKY 《Law & policy》1995,17(3):257-282
This essay explores the use of positive reinforcement as a regulatory strategy. It discusses both financial and symbolic incentives and their application in furtherance of regulatory compliance, and presents various illustrative examples of the use of positive incentives by regulatory authorities. It then reviews the advantages and potential shortcomings of regulatory incentives, and suggests principles by which incentive instruments can be used as part of an overall regulatory regime.  相似文献   

Movement of fibres during routine examination of garments was investigated. Transference of wool fibres from bench to bench within a room occurred in only one out of five rooms tested, but cotton fibres were readily transferred from bench to bench within a room. No wool or cotton fibres were transferred from one room to another. Wool fibres were shown to fall rapidly from bench to floor whereas cotton fibres remained airborne for much longer.  相似文献   

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