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This paper presents the results of two surveys, conducted in 1993 and 1997, which inquired into the attitudes towards aspects of their immediate and external working environments of New Zealand's senior health officials. The surveys are in the tradition of a growing body of international research which seeks to categorize respondents in terms of their bureaucratic “type.” Where the 1993 survey produced baseline information, the 1997 exercise served as a follow-up. Accordingly, the paper compares various results and discusses shifts in attitudinal orientation and bureaucratic classification. Key findings are that, in 1997, there has been a growth in both the number of “technocrats,” respondents with an aversion to politics but a strong commitment to policy programmes, and in the number of “classical bureaucrats,” respondents, again, with a dislike of politics but, in contrast to technocrats, with a short-term focus and tendency to react to policy problems as they arise. It is concluded that, while restructuring of the New Zealand health sector continues, there is a need to nurture “political bureaucrats:” those who can operate in a politicized environment and who can plan ahead with the participation of the attentive public.  相似文献   

王树亮 《国际展望》2012,(3):119-129,142
二战后中东多数国家虽骤然完成了政治现代化的制度架构,然而长期以来却是真传统、假现代,并且政治危机此起彼伏。究其原因有二:一是传统生产方式导致的部族社会结构依然深厚,部族政治及传统臣民型政治文化致使现代政治制度有形无实;二是外渗型的现代化发展历程导致各领域现代化进程的失序、失衡、失范。因此,基于现代化的理论,解析中东国家的政治动荡,是认识中东政局的一个历史逻辑视角。  相似文献   

Modern policing in the United States is best conceived as a joint undertaking between public and private sectors. Over the last several decades there has been a gradual movement away from monopolistic state provision of police services toward a greater reliance on the private sector for protection and security. While the current activities of public and private police are well chronicled in the research literature, little is actually known about the coordination of policing activities across sectors. The purpose of this article is to describe the range of public-private police partnerships that have developed recently in the United States.  相似文献   

王东 《当代世界》2008,(8):23-25
新一届八国峰会(G8)2008年7月7日至9日在日本北海道洞爷湖举行,国际社会各界和媒体对本届峰会的关注超过以往,各媒体以多个视角对峰会进行了多方面的报道和评论。本届年会有四个值得关注的看点:一是参加会议的国家和有关国际组织众多是历届年会所没有的,应邀与八国集团对话的有包括中国在内的五个新兴经济体国家和七个非洲国家的领导人,  相似文献   

全球化视域的资本主义与社会主义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文试图在资本主义社会和社会主义社会的产生、发展,以及两制关系演变的历史过程中观察全球化问题.社会主义在资本主义背景下的崛起是人类历史发展的必然;中国特色社会主义实践是全球化的重要组成部分和推动全球化发展的重要力量;在资本主义全球化的困境中,社会主义是唯一可能的选择.  相似文献   

德国学者恩斯特·卡西尔在他的《人论》中说:"人类文化分为各种不同的活动,它们沿着不同的路线进展,追求着不同的目的."中西文化在形成渊源与缘由、发展逻辑和空间、构建理念与目的等方面的差异,必然会融入、体现在建筑文化或建筑风格上.  相似文献   

Space, Boundaries, and the Problem of Order: A View from Systems Theory   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The idea our global polity is chiefly divided by territorially organized nation-states captures contemporary constellations of power and authority only insufficiently. Through a decoupling of power and the state, political spaces no longer match geographical spaces. Instead of simply acknowledging a challenge to the state, there is the need to rethink the changing meaning of space for political processes. The paper identifies three aspects, a reconceptualization of the spatial assumptions that IR needs to address: the production of space, the constitutive role of boundaries, and the problem of order. With this contribution, we argue that one avenue in understanding the production of space and the following questions of order is by converging systems theory and critical geopolitics. While the latter has already developed a conceptual apparatus to analyze the production of space, the former comes with an encompassing theoretical background, which takes "world society" as the starting point of analysis. In this respect, nation states are understood as a form of internal differentiation of a wider system, namely world society.  相似文献   

拉斯基的多元主义国家观评述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文全面论述了拉斯基1915年到1931年的多元主义思想的形成和发展;拉斯基的多元主义国家理论是他的激进的民主主义和自由主义思想的表现;他的理论中的积极因素是他的坚定的民主社会主义立场和在一定程度上受马克思主义影响;其主要缺陷是他完全否认国家拥有支配在它范围内的所有社会组织的至高无上的权力这一事实,把其他社会组织的地位抬高到与国家完全平等的程度;从拉斯基的多元主义国家理论可以得出革命的结论,但他的思想主流是社会改良主义,属于费边社会主义的范畴.  相似文献   

This article analyses dual household membership and the return intentions of migrants, using data collected from migrants living in two informal settlements in South Africa. While dual household membership is very common among the migrants we surveyed, less than half of these migrants wanted to return to their other household in the future. We explore the correlates of dual household membership and intended return migration and we consider the implications of our findings for measures of circular individual migration using existing cross-sectional datasets.  相似文献   

The Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) process introduced in the wake of the Local Government Act 2000 was in essence a managerial tool applied to a political environment. An analysis of the Commission's first tranche of CPA reports reveals a particular perspective on the role of politics and parties in local authorities which raises issues about the Commission's competence and legitimacy to make such judgements. Composite pictures of the ‘good political authority’ and the ‘poor political authority’ can be drawn up, which display a degree of political naivety and a failure to recognise the differences between political and managerial logic. It is concluded that the CPA process should have taken the political culture of an authority as a ‘given’ (at least in the short term), and evaluated the performance of the authority's management in the political circumstances in which they had to operate. Finally the role of the CPA process in contributing to the government-led pressures for depoliticisation of local decision-making is examined, with a particular concern about the substitution of the concept of ‘the good of the area’ for the different priorities and visions of different parties.  相似文献   

Though fecund as a medium across which subversive ideas can be propagated, the Internet is also hazardous to these ideas. By virtue of the perpetual beta and the increasing under-dominance of Internet content, which effectively means there is no last edit on the Internet, all ideas, including militant ones, are subject to the scrutiny of Internet users. The hazard of the perpetual beta and the new plasticity of information is atomizing the violent militant memes associated with Al Qaeda.  相似文献   

The introduction of the Unified State Examination (USE) in Russian higher education has been the subject of much debate. One of the primary factors hindering the transition has been ambivalent public and professional perceptions of the effectiveness of the USE in addressing the problems associated with inequalities of access to higher education. This essay contributes to research in this area through a case study analysing the introduction of the USE in Ul'yanovsk Oblast’. It draws on survey data collected from pupils and parents of final year high school students about the USE reforms and explores the reasons why the transition to USE did not proceed as smoothly as its creators might have envisaged. Here the negative perceptions of the high-school graduates and parents reveal that the reforms have been judged to be largely ineffective with regard to reducing the role of material and regional inequalities in determining access to higher education, and in addressing how the differing institutional status of ordinary ‘comprehensive’ and elite, specialised schools continues to create inequalities in access to higher education in Russia.  相似文献   

邓小平认为,民族矛盾问题长期存在,情况复杂且影响巨大,必须高度重视;我国社会主义民族关系的性质,决定了我国现阶段的民族矛盾主要属于人民内部矛盾;要把民族平等作为处理民族关系的根本原则和民族政策的立足点;实行民族区域自治制度,这个制度比较好,适合中国的情况;把少数民族地区发展起来,这是我们政策的着眼点.  相似文献   

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