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修辞学不仅仅是工具学科 ,同思维科学一样 ,更是开发修辞 (交际 )主体智能、培养创新意识和创新思维的智慧之学。修辞能力既是修辞主体获取其他能力的前提和基础 ,又是发展自身素质的目的。  相似文献   

Using, as a point of departure, Tim Lott's recent autobiography where he attempts to make sense of his mother's suicide of 1988 through a reconstruction of his family genealogy, this article tries to map the production of gendered, classed, and racialized subjects and subjectivity in west London. It addresses the tension between Lott's discourse of his own white working-class boyhood during the 1970s where questions of ‘race’ are all but absent, and the racialized ‘commonsense’ that pervades the interviews with other local white contemporaries of Lott and his parents. These narratives are analysed in relation to the socio-economic context and the political activism of the period. Theoretically, it analyses the ‘diaspora space’ of London/Britain, interrogating essentialist ‘origin stories’ of belonging; reaching out to a glimmer on the horizon of emerging non-identical formations of kinship across boundaries of class, racism and ethnicity; and exploring the purchase of certain South Asian terms – ‘ajnabi’, ‘ghair’ and ‘apna/apni’ – in constructing a nonbinarized understanding of identification across ‘difference’.  相似文献   

The issue of parent and adolescent responsibilities was explored in a sample of 195 adolescent females, 192 mothers, and 153 maternal grandmothers to assess whether generational differences in views about responsibility, particularly financial ones, existed. A 43-item Responsibility Scale was developed, and principal components analysis of the instrument yielded five factors. Significant generational differences emerged on several items, with the largest generational differences being found on the items comprising a factor describing parental protection of family values. Whereas all three generations viewed parents as having responsibilities to provide material goods, adolescents were more likely to link parental provision of material goods with autonomy issues than were their mothers or grandmothers.This research was supported by a grant from the Grants and Research Funding Committee of Southeast Missouri State University.Received Ph.D. in clinical psychology from The University of Texas at Austin. Interests include competence, coping, risk, vulnerability, and intergenerational relationships.Received Ph.D. in developmental psychology from West Virginia University. Interests include life-span developmental psychology, cognition and aging, problem-solving, intergenerational issues, and courtship violence.  相似文献   

Previous studies have investigated adolescents' reasons for alcohol and narcotics use, but have tended to neglect changes in the reasons over time. This study investigates the reasons given by Finnish adolescents for their own alcohol use, and for the use of alcohol and narcotics by others. In 1984, a questionnaire on reasons for alcohol and narcotics use was administered to a sample of adolescents aged 14–16 (N = 396). The questionnaire was administered again to a similar sample (N = 488) in 1999. An increase was found in reasons involving inner subjective experiences, referring to the good feeling and fun resulting from alcohol and narcotics use. In addition, the goals of alcohol consumption were increasingly perceived as drinking to get drunk, and for its own sake. The results suggest that adolescents' attitudes have become more liberal towards alcohol and narcotics use, and that prevention campaigns may be aiming at a moving target of culturally held opinion.  相似文献   

This paper relates to some aspects and some moments in the disengagement and reengagement process in adolescence within the framework of kibbutz life. The data for this paper are based on observations of the internal representations and metaphoric understanding of adolescents and young adult kibbutz patients who were treated through psychoanalysis by the author or brought to her for supervision. The cases under discussion grew up on kibbutzim at a time when the ideology required a communal sleeping arrangement for children. The author emphasizes the importance of the function of holding at the stage of absolute dependence that facilitates the establishment of integration and satisfactory development of the ego. The author discusses the problematic holding environment for the patients discussed in the paper when the kibbutz ideology led to separation of young infants from their parents' homes and to their placement in collective children's houses under the care of other kibbutz members. Most of the cases under discussion in this paper are young adults who chose to leave the kibbutz and immediately entered psychoanalysis. The author presents the hypothesis that the intensive framework that psychoanalysis offers provides a holding environment and the continuous presence of the same person as a parental figure and perhaps represents the patient's longing for something that was lost in childhood.Received Ph.D. in psychology from the Sorbonne. Research interests include generations of the Holocaust—children and adolescents in time of war and social violence, and emotional developments in babies and toddlers.  相似文献   

This study considered the characteristics, sports and leisure involvement, and social relations of approximately 1000 15- to 16-year-old pupils categorized as overweight, underweight, or average in terms of ponderal index scores. Academic attainment, social class and physical education teachers' perceptions were also considered. While results showed that pupils with average physiques were superior to the other two groups in fitness, the main and consistent contrasts among groups revolved around teachers' perceptions, body image, and peer group involvement. Thus overweight and underweight adolescents appeared at some disadvantage in certain social and educational encounters.Received his Ph.D. from the University of Aberdeen. Main research interests include social factors influencing education, adolescence, sports psychology, community education, and social psychology.Currently completing her M.S. in community health at the University of Nottingham, after which she will take an appointment with the Scottish Health Education Unit in Edinburgh. Received her M.Ed. from the University of Aberdeen. Main interests are handicapped children and sex education.  相似文献   

运用定量研究方法,深入调查广州市华乐街社区青年参与公共生活的意愿、目的、内容、程度、形式与范围等,归纳总结出青年社区参与的特点,针对青年社区参与不足的现状提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

Queer (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, questioning, two-spirited) youth are greatly overrepresented in the homeless youth population. The present review critically analyzes the literature on queer youth homelessness, with a particular focus on (a) methodological issues; (b) entries into homelessness; (c) programming needs; (d) targeted programming; and (e) exits out of homelessness. Results from this review demonstrate that homeless queer youth are a unique population who require specialized services, implemented by sensitive and knowledgeable staff. Recommendations focus on practical implications, policy implications, and ideas for future research.  相似文献   

抗疫三年高校毕业生就业问题积累,2023年将有1158万高校毕业生面临就业,政府需要从以下几方面着力强化就业措施:强化高校毕业生集成优势,实现高质量发展与就业互相推动;着力产业链供应链提升,满足双循环对高素质人才的需求;基于数字经济时代导向,实现“自由人联合体”就业;满足更加优质教育期盼,突出“职普融通”引领作用;重视人才战略布局定位,促进高校毕业生高质量就业。由此,实现“专业—产业—职业—就业”的四业贯通,是促进高校毕业生高质量就业的突破性路径。  相似文献   

Planning for research and youth welfare programs in every developed and developing country is essential if man envisages the normalization of sick adolescents. Adolescent unit programs are needed in India, as in all parts of the United States, and should be an integral part of medical institutes in every university. Actually, the problem of generation gap, ego identity, and subcultures (i.e., peer group pressure) creating negative attitudes in youth is one of the most explosive problems that behavioral scientists face in the modern era. The present project is an attempt to study the self-image, ego strength, self-esteem, or level of psychological well-being of a normal adolescent group of Indians and to compare this with youth of three other nationalities-American, Irish, and Australian. To measure the self-esteem of an individual, 11 areas of conflict including impulse control, emotional tone, body and self-image, social attitudes, morals, sexual attitudes, family relations, external mastery, vocational and educational goals, psychopathology, and superior adjustment have been examined. The Hindi version of the Offer Self-image Questionnaire has been used. The sample consists of 400 boys and 400 girls, ages 14 to 18, of middle class socioeconomic status; the educational level is high school/intermediate. It is concluded that American and Australian adolescents, in general, have higher self-esteem or ego strength than do Indian and Irish adolescents, respectively.Received her Ph.D. in psychology from the Banaras Hindu University in India. Since 1974 she has been Chairman of the Department of Psychology at Banaras Hindu University. In 1972, she was selected, under the Social Science Exchange program, to spend one year at the Illinois State Psychiatric Institute and the Psychiatric and Psychosomatic Institute of Michael Reese Hospital. Her interests are clinical, social, and psychological aspects of crime and delinquency, and cross-cultural studies of adolescents.  相似文献   

2017以来,全国多个城市纷纷出台吸才政策,以期吸引人才,促进本地的经济发展与升级。这次人才争夺战主要表现为政府主导,采用户口、政府补贴等非市场的手段配置资源,而这些措施会扭曲要素的价格,弱化价格的信号作用,不利于资源的最优配置。政府应着眼于提供公共服务,使基本公共服务均等化,为全国统一的要素市场和要素的自由流动创造良好的制度环境;引导劳动力市场中介和人力资源服务业的发展,发挥用人主体在引人、选人、用人、留人方面的主导作用。  相似文献   

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