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《Women & Performance》2007,17(3):339-346
This essay explores the politics of memorialization and the relationship between grief, death, gesture and public space in the performances of Pia Lindman in New York City between 2002 and 2005.  相似文献   

我国城市管理的问题及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
解决我国城市管理中存在的观念、体制、机制与手段以及管理范围、管理经费、管理人员素质等问题,加强科学管理,提高其效率水平,实现城市管理现代化既是城市现代化的重要内容,又是城市发展的内在要求.  相似文献   

The present study examined (1) rates of somatic complaints and (2) the association between stress and somatic complaints in low-income urban youth. Participants were 1030 low-income urban 6th–8th grade adolescents. Results indicate that, for both boys and girls, somatization was the most commonly reported internalizing symptom in this sample, and that heightened rates of urban stress predicted heightened rates of somatic complaints. In addition, a significantly higher percentage of youth in this sample reported clinically elevated levels of somatic complaints (17%) relative to that reported by normative samples (5%). The 2 most common somatic complaints were stomachaches and headaches, and females reported higher rates of somatic complaints than males. These findings suggest that somatic complaints are the most common expression of internalizing symptoms among low-income urban youth, and that exposure to heightened rates of stress places low-income urban adolescents at heightened risk for somatization. Implications of these findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

随着城市居民生活的多元化需求日益高涨,对社区服务业形成了现实的需要,这为城市社区就业提供了发展的空间。但社区就业尚处于起步的阶段,还存在着种种问题。从理论研究、实践探索中寻求相应的解决对策,将对城市社区就业的健康发展大有裨益。  相似文献   

社区是社会资本的重要载体,社区发展与社会资本构建之间有着内在的依存与制约关系。当前我国城市社区发展迅速,但社区社会资本却明显存在缺失,主要表现为社区居民之间信任度低、社区制度规范不健全、社区关系网络缺乏等。重建城市社区社会资本,必须从培育社区中的社团组织、健全和完善社区的制度规范体系、提高居民的社区参与度等几个方面着手。  相似文献   

都市苦力工人是指人力车工人、码头工人、粪夫、清道夫等在城市"恃筋肉劳动"而"无规定工作"的雇佣工人.他们与产业工人一样,是中国工人阶级的一个重要组成部分,其数量甚至曾超过产业工人,同时也是城市社会的一个重要组成部分,但是他们又有自己的特点.  相似文献   

Psychological empowerment encompasses several key aspects of youth civic and sociopolitical development. Most research has focused on psychological empowerment’s emotional component, which entails learned hopefulness about one’s own ability to participate in and lead community change efforts. Fewer studies have assessed critical awareness of how social power operates—psychological empowerment’s cognitive component. The confluence of these two components has been termed critical hopefulness. A complex relationship exists between these two components, and previous research has found relatively small proportions of participants reporting both high levels of critical awareness and simultaneously high levels of hopefulness about their ability to exert influence in the sociopolitical domain. The current study of urban high school students in the Northeastern U.S. (n?=?389; 53.5% female) investigates heterogeneity according to these two components of psychological empowerment. Latent class cluster analyses were conducted and seven distinct groups of participants emerged. Students identifying as Hispanic/Latinx were more likely to be classified into a profile group exhibiting critical hopefulness. Differences were observed between psychological empowerment profile groups on self-reported levels of psychological sense of community, civic engagement, and social justice orientation. Furthermore, a larger proportion of this overall sample was classified into groups that exhibited critical hopefulness than in a previous study of adults. These findings provide useful insights for efforts to engage young people in civic life and to promote sociopolitical development.  相似文献   

There is a dearth of published research on the role of intergroup contact on urban US ethnic minority children’s and adolescents’ evaluations of racial exclusion. The current investigation examined these issues in a sample of low-income minority 4th, 7th, and 10th grade (N = 129, 60% female) African American and Latino/a students attending predominately racial and ethnic minority US urban public schools. Using individual interviews, participants were presented with scenarios depicting three contexts of interracial peer exclusion (lunch at school, a sleepover party, and a school dance). Novel findings were that intergroup contact was significantly related to low-income urban ethnic minority youth’s evaluations of the wrongfulness of race-based exclusion and their awareness of the use of stereotypes to justify racial exclusion. Further, significant interactions involving intergroup contact, context, age, and gender were also found. Findings illustrated the importance of intergroup contact for ethnic minority students and the complexity of ethnic minority children’s and adolescents’ judgments and decision-making about interracial peer exclusion.  相似文献   

随着中国经济的快速发展,人民生活水平的大幅提升,良好的生活品质成为都市青年特别是白领青年的热切追求。从白领青年的群体特征来看,他们在事业发展的同时,身体处于亚健康状态的比较普遍。由于工作压力大,工作时间长,他们似乎很难在饮食、体重、健康上过多的注重细节,从而产生了很多与之相关的问题,如免疫力下降,睡眠减少,肥胖症等。在对上海白领青年的调查中发现,保持平衡体重与健康是当前白领最为看重的,然而,不良的生活方式、缺少运动以及盲目减肥严重影响到白领青年的健康。因此,适量的运动、改善生活方式和饮食习惯、保持均衡营养是白领维持体重与保证健康的关键。  相似文献   

工作时间对就业者健康有重要的影响。研究基于CFPS2018数据,利用回归分析和Utest检验方法验证了工作时间与就业者的各项健康指标之间的关系,并计算了工作时间的临界值。研究发现:工作时间与自评健康、心理健康以及慢性病指标之间均存在倒U型关系,临界值分别为45.075小时/周、35.550小时/周、53.100小时/周,并且在城乡之间存在异质性。工作时间与城镇就业者的自评健康、城镇就业者的心理健康,以及乡村就业者的自评健康之间存在倒U型关系,但与乡村就业者的心理健康之间为线性关系,城镇就业者的自评健康临界值要大于乡村就业者。研究建议:可以提倡有限度的加班并给予加班补偿;此外,政府应该大力促进就业,尤其是提升乡村就业者的就业质量。  相似文献   

Callous-unemotional (CU) traits (i.e., lack of empathy/guilt, uncaring attitudes) are believed to be a developmental antecedent to adult psychopathy and identify antisocial youth at risk for severe and persistent aggression. The psychosocial histories of antisocial and aggressive individuals with psychopathic traits are characterized by abusive or unaffectionate parenting; however, there is a gap in the literature regarding the unique impact of these factors on adolescent offenders. The purpose of the present study was to examine the contribution of maternal warmth and affection (i.e., care) to dimensions of CU traits and aggression, after accounting for the influence of various types of childhood maltreatment. We investigated this aim in a sample of 227 urban male adolescent offenders housed in residential facilities. Results indicated that low maternal care was significantly associated with greater total CU traits and uncaring and callousness dimensions, even after controlling for the effects of various types of childhood abuse and neglect. Furthermore, there was a significant interaction between CU traits and care, such that aggression was highest among youths scoring high on CU traits who were exposed to low levels of maternal care. These findings draw attention to the importance of maternal bonding to CU traits and related aggressive behaviors among antisocial youth.  相似文献   

当前我国正处于社会转型期,社区作为社会的缩影和基础,处于社会变革的最前沿,直接受到社会转型带来的一系列冲击。这为社区建设提供了发展机遇的同时,也带来了诸多挑战与困难。针对以法定社区为定位的社区建设中出现的问题,以及当前城市发展出现的功能分化、阶层分化等新情况,社区建设应具有“社会视野”,以及从整个城市当中取得资源来支持社区发展等新的思路。  相似文献   

This article reviews literature on witnessing violence (covictimization) in children and adolescents. As violent incidents have increased dramatically in urban areas, so has exposure by inner-city youth to violence in the home, school, and community. In reaction to witnessing violence, youth may present symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Separation Anxiety and Depression, evince disturbed grieving and bereavement, show a number of externalizing behaviors including aggressiveness, have impaired interpersonal and family relations, and show declines in academic performance. A number of factors may mediate the impact of violence exposure including age, gender, and history of prior trauma. Mental health assessment and treatment efforts for youth who have witnessed violence have been limited. Directions for future investigation are highlighted.Received Ph.D. in clinical/community psychology from the University of Maryland, College Park, in 1994. Research interests include group therapy with adolescents, teenage parenting, social skills assessment and training, and development of programs to assess, prevent, and treat violence exposure in urban youth.Received Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 1991. Research interests include evaluation and development of school-based mental health services, empirical selection of treatment targets for children and adolescents, development of interventions to assist youth who are exposed to violence, and identification of resilience factors for urban youth.  相似文献   

Pregnant and parenting adolescents often cope with a lack of resources as they struggle to negotiate the tasks of motherhood and adolescence. Previous research has determined that young mothers have an increased rate of depression when compared to older mothers. In this study, self-perceived resource adequacy, education, income, age, and environment (urban vs. non-urban) were investigated as predictors of depression at approximately 14 and 36 months after birth in adolescent mothers (N=523). Self-perceived resources accounted for significant variance in depression at 14 and 36 months while controlling for education and income. However, education and income were not significant predictors while controlling for self-perceived resources. Age and environment did not predict depression. Researchers would be wise to focus on a young woman’s view of her situation, as it appears that self-perceived resources play an important role in predicting depression.Post-Doctoral Research Associate at Juniper Gardens Children’s Project, University of Kansas. She received her Ph.D. from Iowa State University in 2005. Her major research interests are adolescent parenthood, mental health, and parenting interventions.Professor at Iowa State University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in 1976. His major research interests are stress and coping, mental health, and adolescence.Assistant Professor at Iowa State University. She received her Ph.D. from Iowa State University in 1997. Her major research interests are assessment and program planning for children with disabilities and early literacy.  相似文献   

论完善城市流浪乞讨人员政府救助机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市流浪乞讨人员的救助有赖于政府建立有效的行政机制。针对《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法》实施过程中暴露出的一些矛盾和问题,应加强法制建设、实施分类管理、提高工作人员素质、改变单一模式、注重流浪乞讨人员自身能力建设、完善信息沟通平台和建立流浪乞讨人员信用机制、救助与管理相结合、加强危机管理和监督机制建设等。  相似文献   

人才竞争的背后,是各地经济发展的竞争,也是经济质量提升和产业结构转型升级的必然现象。为了吸引更多更优秀的人才到本地就业,各地出台了诸多优惠政策,主要集中在户籍政策、薪酬待遇、就业创业补贴、住房保障、职称评定等多个方面。应该清醒地认识到,吸引人才不能仅靠某些优惠政策就一劳永逸。随着人力资源素质的不断提高,劳动者的职业价值观正在发生重大的变化。在当前人才争夺战日趋激烈的时期,更好地打造以实现人才自我价值为中心的用人环境,是各地政府急需面对和解决的一件大事,引进人更要学会用好人,避免陷入重"引进"轻"使用"的陷阱,才能真正做到"人尽其才",经济社会实现稳定发展才能获得持久的动力。  相似文献   

The current study examined the role of engaged parenting in explaining longitudinal associations between maternal perceptions of social network support and whether youth engage in delinquent behaviors during the transition into adolescence. The sample included 432 low-income, African American and Latino youth (49% female) and their mothers participating in “Welfare, Children, and Families: A Three City Study”. Results from longitudinal SEM analyses demonstrated that social network support was associated positively with mothers’ engaged parenting as youth transitioned into early adolescence. Engaged parenting, which functioned as a mediating variable, was associated with less youth delinquency during transitions into middle adolescence. Taken together, social network supports appeared to facilitate mothers’ abilities to remain engaged with their children and to deter youth from becoming involved in delinquent behaviors.  相似文献   

Civic engagement in adolescence is encouraged because it is hypothesized to promote better civic, social, and behavioral outcomes. However, few studies have examined the effects of civic engagement on youth development over time. In particular, the long-term association between adolescent civic engagement and development among racial minority youth who are exposed to high levels of risk factors is understudied. Using data from the Chicago Longitudinal Study (CLS; N = 854; 56.6 % were female; 93 % were African Americans and 7 % were Latinos), this study examined the associations between civic engagement in adolescence and outcomes during emerging adulthood among racial minority youth. Regression analyses found that civic engagement in adolescence is related to higher life satisfaction, civic participation, and educational attainment, and is related to lower rates of arrest in emerging adulthood. The findings suggest that adolescent civic engagement is most impactful in affecting civic and educational outcomes in emerging adulthood. The present study contributes to the literature by providing support for the long-term associations between adolescent civic engagement and multiple developmental domains in adulthood among an inner-city minority cohort.  相似文献   

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