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Lockean Self-Ownership: Towards a Demolition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Self-ownership is the moral principle that one ought to be left free to do whatever one chooses so long as non-consenting other persons are not thereby harmed, in specified ways. The principle is foundational for one tradition of political liberalism running from Locke to Nozick. This paper aims first to clarify this principle, in part by contrasting it with a kindred principle of 'self-benefit', and secondly to develop its implications for justified private property ownership. These implications are more meagre than is usually supposed. The principle is indeterminate in ways that undermine its claim to adequacy. Finally, further reasons for rejecting the self- ownership principle are suggested.  相似文献   

在新形势下,如何加强就业工作,促进城乡就业,有效控制失业率,已经成为改革开放和现代化建设进程中迫切需要解决的重大课题。做好就业工作,既需要从理论的高度,正确认识和处理就业与首都经济社会发展的关系,也需要在实践中积极探索和完善加强就业工作的新途径、新经验。  相似文献   

政府限度与国家权威   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈毅 《行政论坛》2006,(5):15-17
主要论证“有限的政府,绝对的国家”这一观点。首先,从政府为恶可能性的原因来分析政府限度的必要性;接着,从“国家乌托邦框架”的视角来理解国家权威的积极意义和价值,并从自然法传统来论证这一视角的合理性;最后,界分政府与国家的关系,从职位和机构的权威来体现国家权威,界定政府权责和边界,既强化市场型的强政府模式,又强调维护国家权威的时代意义和永恒价值。  相似文献   

所谓刑法的有限性,是指刑法的调控范围以及刑罚手段的运用是有限的,而不是无穷的。具体而言,刑法的有限性又可以体现在两个方面:一是刑法触角的有限性,二是刑罚发动的有限性。所谓刑法触角的有限性,又称刑法调控范围的有限制性,是指刑法调控的对象必须是在行为人意识支配下实施的严重危害社会的行为。刑罚发动的有限制性主要体现在三方面的条件上:第一,刑罚发动的首要条件就是必须有刑事案件的发生;第二,刑罚发动的实体法条件是刑法的规定性,该条件通常需要通过"罪刑法定的要求"和"犯罪构成要件的限制"两个方面来实现;第三,刑罚发动的程序性条件是指非经法定程序,不得剥夺任何人的生命与自由以及其他合法权益。  相似文献   

葛先园 《理论探索》2011,(2):122-125
贾国宇案由于法院较好地把握了案例造法的限度,因而产生了良好的法律和社会效应。案例造法应把握好的限度是:法官自己要信仰法律,并且通过裁判提升当事人对法律的信仰;以填补法律漏洞为限,并且要维护法律的安定性;只在民事法律领域内造法,并且要顺应现代法律的发展趋势。随着各级人民法院裁判的网络公布制度的发展和完善,案例造法将有利于形成案例竞争的市场,而案例竞争的结果必然是,更加明晰地发现成文法律的成就和瑕疵,进而为将来的立法完善提供一定的经验。  相似文献   

竞争上岗是对荐举委任制晋升方式的辩证否定。竞争上岗属于以技术创新为支撑才能持续完善的机制创新,通过技术创新,可以不断完善竞争上岗自身。而切实制约“一把手”或“少数人”的用人权,拓宽公开选拔、竞争上岗的发展空间,还要依赖于体制创新。体制创新的核心是合理配置用人权。体制创新的基本内容是将职务晋升中的提名权、考察权、决定权相互分开与协调。  相似文献   

残疾人就业问题与就业保障政策思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
残疾人群体是就业弱势群体,长期以来,有劳动能力(包括部分劳动能力)的残疾人主要通过在福利企业就业、分散按比例就业等几种有限的途径和形式实现就业。在社会转型期,残疾人群体面临新的挑战,形势严峻,本文着重分析了当前残疾人就业存在的主要问题,并对调整就业保障政策提出若干建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the implementation of the Employment Guarantee Scheme (EGS), the large scale rural works programme in operation since 1974 in the Indian state of Maharashtra. The analysis of programme management and execution of individual EGS projects draws on the experiences and observations of the unique cadre of employment officers, from different departments, with field-level responsibilities. The first section of the paper describes the organization which administers EGS and reviews the body of directives which guides EGS field operations. Subsequent sections discuss the background characteristics of field functionaries and focus on various problems encountered and solutions adopted by these officers in implementing EGS projects. The discretionary powers enjoyed by field officers as a result of the absence or impracticality of government guidelines for many issues influence the implementation of the project and make officials vulnerable to political pressures. The implications of this discretion need to be recognized by the Government of Maharashtra. Knowledge gained from EGS operations needs to be used to prepare officials for project work.  相似文献   

平等就业权与其他权利一样,也是有条件的和受限制的,且世界许多国家都通过立法对平等就业权作出了一些限制性规定。对平等就业权限制的各种类型进行分析,可发现所有对平等就业权的合理限制都有其基本限度,都必须遵循一定的原则。这种限制一旦违背了这些原则,就会超出其基本限度所划定的范围,从而失去其合理性,并造成对就业者合法权利的侵害。  相似文献   

王军为 《理论导刊》2007,(8):109-111
"双肩挑"管理干部在高校教学科研中发挥着重要作用,是学校管理干部队伍中一支重要力量。但是"双肩挑"干部在使用过程中存在着不可回避的矛盾和问题。高校应该认真研究"双肩挑"干部的思想实际,制定"双肩挑"干部的配套政策与措施,加强对"双肩挑"干部的培训,不断提高他们的综合素质。  相似文献   

个体道德理性约束的有限性和社会伦理价值的多元化,使得以公权谋私利的行政伦理失范现象凸显.仅凭公务员的道德自律不足以对其行为进行规约,需要有一种外在力量制约权力运行过程中产生的负效应和权力滥用现象.行政伦理法制化是将最基本的道德义务转化成法律规范,以发挥法律的强制力对破坏规则的不道德行为进行严惩.在实践中,行政伦理法制化不仅是必要的,而且是可能的.  相似文献   

Cross-sectional time series data in a partial adjustment model are used to examine county government fiscal behavior under a "hard" tax and expenditure limitation policy, an aggregate property tax levy limit, versus a "soft" limit under Truth in Taxation in Kansas. Results indicate that under the aggregate levy limit, per capita property taxes, own-source revenues and own-source expenditures were significantly higher than under the Truth in Taxation policy where local officials face many fewer restrictions on their ability to raise the levy.  相似文献   

Tax and expenditure limitations (TELs) have become a pervasive influence on local government fiscal affairs. Explanations for the spread of TELs suggest that voters thought local government was growing more than needed. Thus, TELs were intended to constrain growth and reduce the size of local governments. This article's purpose was to determine the impact of two separate kinds of TELs, one a property tax measure, and the other a comprehensive revenue and expenditure limit, upon the growth of municipal governments in Colorado. Using a panel data set on municipal budgets (1975–1996), the article demonstrates three major points: 1) the effectiveness of a TEL in achieving reductions in local government revenue and spending growth depends upon the nature of the TEL; 2) the comprehensive TEL did effectively constrain growth and reduce local government reliance on the property tax, despite the local options for exemption; and 3) TELs do not have uniform impacts among governments of different population.  相似文献   

论政府规模的扩张与限制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
政府规模与一个国家的行政管理效率、经济增长和社会稳定密切相关。政府规模扩张具有必然性,其原因在于行政权力的相对独立性、社会需求的扩大及政府职能的扩张。政府规模扩张有其合理的一面,但政府规模膨胀一旦超出其适度的界限,就会成为社会健全的一种破坏力量。合理政府规模的度量通常采用三个指标:政府支出和消费占国内生产总值(GDP)的比重、政府公务人员与总人口或就业人数之比与行政机构的数量,从这三个指标来衡量我国的政府规模是比较大的。限制政府规模的途径包括:服务型政府理念的转变,政府与市场、政府与社会的关系界定,行政资源量的刚性约束的建立,引入竞争机制、提高行政效率及借鉴灵活政府模式、精员简政、缩减政府规模。  相似文献   

The importance of a central location for equal employment opportunity (EEO) units was once assumed. Now, under the influence of contemporary human resource management theory, broader possibilities are emerging.
In the light of these human resource developments, this article explores how a contemporary centralised EEO agency might interpret its objectives and operations.  相似文献   

This article provides a brief history of tax and expenditure limitation initiatives in Oregon, along with a narrative of contemporary events. Largely as a consequence of the initiative's increased role in the formulation of Oregon's fiscal policy, state and local taxes paid by Oregon households declined from 7.4 percent of income in 1989 to 6.8 percent in 2003; state revenue, which is heavily dependent upon personal income taxes, has become increasingly income elastic; and state and local governments now rely on user fees to an almost unprecedented degree.  相似文献   

浅议《合同法》格式条款制度的缺陷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国<合同法>格式条款制度,存在以下不足:在体制方面,将格式条款的订立、效力和解释同规定在合同订立一章中,有欠科学;在订立方面,格式条款订立中条款提供方需提请对方注意的范围过于狭隘,对条款的说明义务不具有普遍性,不利于相对人利益的保护;在效力方面,存在自相矛盾、自相重复的问题.同时,仅规定条款的无效,未规定条款的可变更、撤销,有悖于合同自由原则.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the policy framework for and the implementation of equal employment policy in France. After presenting the equal employment policy framework and the role of state feminist women's policy offices in its development, the author discusses the limited support for positive action strategies among French firms and unions. The implementation of equal employment policy has had a mixed record, often limited to symbolic gestures rather than concrete change. Contributing to this symbolic dynamic are the effects of reconciliation policy and the impact of the development of part‐time work on women employment. The analysis argues that reconciliation policy has not for its part always privileged an egalitarian set of measures that facilitates the sharing of family and domestic work between men and women. The article asserts that the development of part‐time work has contradicted equal employment policy efforts and has effectively contributed to maintaining women's positions in low‐paying and marginal jobs. The article concludes that despite an apparently comprehensive policy framework for equal employment policy in France, the situation of women workers appears to be followin two tracks: a top‐tier track of qualified, relatively well‐paid women who are able to have a career and to reconcile family and work, and a lower‐tier track of less‐skilled, lower‐paid women workers who continue to be marginalized on the labor market.  相似文献   

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