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时值各类侵财案件高发期,山西省晋城市公安局城区分局刑侦大队通过上下统一思想,准确把握工作重点,多措并举,向多发性侵财犯罪展开攻势,取得了显著效果,截至目前,共破获系列钻窗入室盗窃案件50起、专门在公交车上进行盗窃的案件13起,抓获犯罪嫌疑人2名,追缴回一批被盗赃物。  相似文献   

河北省盐山县公安局采取“招抓并举,以抓促招”的策略,使得两起命案犯罪嫌疑^迫于警方的压力在短期内投案自首。  相似文献   

近年来广州市“两抢”犯罪频发,并呈现出共同犯罪情况突出、犯罪手段多样化,恶性案件增多、外来流动人口作案率高、“两抢”犯罪低龄化,青少年犯罪增多等特点,严重危害了人民群众的生命和财产安全。目前在打击“两抢”犯罪中存在公、检、法之间对打击“两抢”犯罪刑事法律政策把握不一致、有关证据难以把握、在具体法律适用上存在某些分歧,及对未成年人“两抢”犯罪欠缺特殊规制等问题。为了有效打击“两抢”犯罪,公、检、法机关应统一认识,形成打击“两抢”犯罪合力;切实加强对流动人口的管理;坚持预防与打击并举,惩罚与保护并重,实现规制未成年人“两抢”犯罪的措施和结果相和谐;并针对法律适用上存在的分歧提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

思想教育作为犯罪一般预防的重要内容,在职务犯罪预防中同样起着不可或缺的作用,然而当前的职务犯罪预防教育存在着诸多问题,影响并制约着教育的实效。为了满足当今预防职务犯罪的需要,应当着眼于以人为本,做到多策并举,从警示教育、忠诚教育、文化进补、加强调适等多个方面,力求提升教育在职务犯罪预防中的“贡献率”,从而使思想教育真正成为职务犯罪的一道坚实防线。  相似文献   

陈小敏 《法制与社会》2013,(23):185-186
本文结合广州市番禺区的实际情况,就坚持在严厉打击犯罪的同时,积极探索化解社会矛盾的新方法作了简要的分析和论述,以期对多措并举有效化解社会矛盾有所助益。  相似文献   

近几年,我们在反贪污贿赂斗争中不断寻找和总结预防犯罪的工作规律,坚持打、防并举,有效地遏制了这类犯罪上升的势头,既挽救了一批干部,也稳定了民心,促进了经济的发展。一、找规律,对症下药在反贪污贿赂斗争的实践中,我们发现这样一种现象,这类犯罪越打越多,虽...  相似文献   

顾伟 《检察风云》2023,(22):54-55
<正>治理“两卡”类犯罪是审慎的法律问题,亦是复杂的社会难题,除加大刑事打击力度之外,需多方多措并举。检察机关在办理相关案件的同时,应当针对社会治理、网络监管发出“检察预警”,提供“检察方案”。发挥专案办理优势目前大多数“两卡”类犯罪案件由基层人民检察院承办。建立专业化办案团队有利于统一法律适用标准,  相似文献   

经济犯罪原因剖析与预防对策研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
叶志伟 《行政与法》2005,(5):120-123
经济犯罪已经成为我国市场经济环境下频发的一种犯罪类型。任何犯罪都不是一个犯罪原因简单造成的,而经济犯罪更应从社会、人的本性以及经济运行机制等方面去分析;同时,对经济犯罪的预防也应该从整体、根本上着手,在预防手段的现代化、转变立法思想、建立诚信社会等方面打防并举。  相似文献   

反有组织犯罪法是推进反有组织犯罪工作法治化、长效化的一部重要法律,需准确理解和适用。在立法脉络上,该法统筹了预防和治理、打击犯罪和保障人权、相关部门参与、多措并举与多方协同、境内和境外反有组织犯罪工作。在立法特色上,该法对于引导和鼓励各类主体、未成年人保护、专门办案与执行措施、特殊主体保护措施予以特别关注。适用该法应把握新协同机制、专门办案与执行措施、关联行政处罚、重点群体制裁、特殊主体保护措施的适用。  相似文献   

人口流动频繁的大城市中,外来人口犯罪问题是当前值得关注的社会问题之一.外来人口犯罪原因复杂,在治理的过程中,不可能单靠提高打击力度就能根治,必须多管齐下,多策并举,可以从外来人口道德、法律和职业能力培训,外来人口管理体制与模式,社会保障体系和维权体系,司法制度改革等方面进行综合治理.维护外来人口合法权利,保障社会稳定,构建平安和谐稳定的社会法制环境.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to evaluate and compare the efficiency of crime control and crime prevention programs. The focus on efficiency adds knowledge about quality of performance in criminal justice programs. The case study covers twelve-year implementation process of two juvenile justice programs in a local law enforcement agency. A Truancy Reduction Program (TRP) represents the crime control approach. A School Resource Officer Program (SROP) represents the crime prevention approach. The evaluation shows that the SROP produced far more efficient results than the TRP. The SROP demonstrates gradual improvement and efficient implementation. The TRP appears inefficient and, therefore, should have been revised in the midst of the implementation period. The study draws policy implications for designing more efficient crime control and crime prevention programs. The implications can be useful for law enforcement agencies that contemplate or implement such programs  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate factors affecting hate crime policies by examining anti-LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) hate crime reports as a type of policy implementation. Analyzing state-level data drawn primarily from the US Census between 1995 and 2008, we examine how structural and social movement mobilization factors explain hate crime reporting. We find that anti-LGBT hate crimes are more likely to be reported in more urbanized states and in states with both split political elites and a greater number of LGBT social movement organizations. We discuss the implications of our findings for separating the drivers of policy passage from policy implementation and for complementary criminological and social movement explanations for hate crime reporting.  相似文献   

生产销售伪劣商品罪产生的内在动因是经济主体的自利性和市场经济的逐利性,外在诱因是市场秩序的失范和犯罪的可获利.防治生产销售伪劣商品罪并非是消灭该类犯罪,而是努力使该类犯罪降低到最低限度.措施主要有:提高刑罚效率,直接增加犯罪的刑罚成本;深化体制改革,建立健全各项规章制度,为合法正当的经济活动创造良好的制度环境和社会环境;打击腐败,消除地方保护主义;加紧研究并实现对经济犯罪的社会控制,对生产销售伪劣商品罪实行综合治理.  相似文献   

Policing tactics that are proactive, focused on small places or groups of people in small places, and tailor specific solutions to problems using careful analysis of local conditions seem to be effective at reducing violent crime. But which tactics are most effective when applied at hot spots remains unknown. This article documents the design and implementation of a randomized controlled field experiment to test three policing tactics applied to small, high‐crime places: 1) foot patrol, 2) problem‐oriented policing, and 3) offender‐focused policing. A total of 81 experimental places were identified from the highest violent crime areas in Philadelphia (27 areas were judged amenable to each policing tactic). Within each group of 27 areas, 20 places were randomly assigned to receive treatment and 7 places acted as controls. Offender‐focused sites experienced a 42 percent reduction in all violent crime and a 50 percent reduction in violent felonies compared with their control places. Problem‐oriented policing and foot patrol did not significantly reduce violent crime or violent felonies. Potential explanations of these findings are discussed in the contexts of dosage, implementation, and hot spot stability over time.  相似文献   

吴占英 《政法论丛》2014,(4):121-128
修正后的刑法第65条“但书”规定中“过失犯罪”的表述之后是否存在“的”字,并不会导致“犯罪”与“犯罪分子”的区别;刑法第65条的“但书”对“前罪”和“后罪”均起限制作用,而不是“不满十八周岁的人犯罪的除外”的表述对“前罪”和“后罪”均有限制作用,但“过失犯罪除外”的表述仅对“后罪”有限制作用.另外,要正确把握“累犯的本质”和“累犯从重处罚的依据”这两个概念的内涵.  相似文献   

Conflict has a carbon footprint. Crime is a subtype of conflict. Citizen on citizen predation by force or fraud, and responses to it, have carbon costs. The paper reviews relevant literatures and notes the absence of recognition of the nexus between crime and carbon-profligate lifestyles. The writers contend that looking at crime and disorder through a carbon costing 'lens' would profoundly influence social and criminal justice policy. The precise quantification of the carbon costs of crime is beyond the scope of this paper. The preliminary estimates contained herein suggest that the direct carbon costs of crime are substantial and the consequential costs more so, to the point where it is difficult to envisage a high crime society being a low carbon society. Recognition of this would lead to a major shift in policy favouring primary crime prevention through the design, implementation and maintenance of products and services less prone to crime. The costs of crime, both fiscal and carbon, would be a matter for regret rather than action were it not for the demonstrable success of schemes to design out crime, for example from residential environments. These are briefly discussed. The scope for further improvement in designing out crime seems considerable, and an intensive programme of research to explore avenues for advance is advocated.  相似文献   

Linking isolated instances of organized crime in a systematic way can inform law enforcement in identifying high-risk activities and markets and prioritizing them according to objective factors known to be associated with organized crime. There are five ways in which risk assessment organized crime can be achieved. Improvements to data collection, utilizing a team approach to gather information, identifying common elements in organized crime incidents, understanding the parameters of a risk assessment instrument, and connecting organized crime risk assessment to the implementation of law and policy are practical ways in which organized crime activity can be better anticipated, investigated, and prevented. Connecting isolated incidents to organized crime through better information from offenders, victims, and police is possible with teams of investigators, researchers, and analysts. An organized crime risk assessment tool is presented that offers systematic analysis of opportunity factors, the criminal environment, and harm potential among the seventeen risk factors identified. Risk assessment can be used to evaluate the influence of organized crime in local jurisdictions, and the impact of new laws and policies that affect commerce and criminal opportunities.  相似文献   

刘远山 《河北法学》2004,22(8):6-11
国际恐怖(主义)犯罪是目前日炽的一种国际犯罪,国际社会非常重视对恐怖(主义)犯罪的惩治、预防和打击,缔结了一系列反恐多边条约。反恐多边条约的实施主要是缔约国的实施(即国内层面上的实施),可以分为直接实施和间接实施两种模式。反恐多边条约的国内实施于惩治和预防国际恐怖主义犯罪发挥了重要作用。反恐多边条约在我国得到了很好的实施,但在实施过程中仍存在某些弊端或不足,亟须完善,关键是要尽快制定一部专门的反恐特别法。  相似文献   

This paper uses historical content analysis to examine the implementation ofthe Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). It is argued thatthe historical events leading to the definition of organized crime as an alienconspiracy still affect RICO's use some 30 years after its passage. This paper applies state-centered theory to the theoretical frameworks of sociology of knowledge and innovation diffusion. This approach is used to relate the current implementation and controversy of RICO to the alien conspiracy view. Thought of in this context, legal implementation is the result of a knowledge creation and diffusion process. This paper demonstrates how one knowledge diffusionprocess (the acceptance of organized crime as a national conspiracy in 1970) leads to a new knowledge diffusion process (the use of RICO).  相似文献   

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