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The Chinese Constitution calls for respecting and protecting human rights. And accordingly, people's procuratorates across the country take judicial protection of human rights as their primary task. They are contributing to the development of China's human rights cause by getting involved in cracking down on crimes in violation of human rights while seeking to improve their own work.  相似文献   

WANG CHEN 《人权》2009,(2):2-5
To mark the 30th anniversary of China's reform and opening up, an academic symposium, organized by the China-Society Studies (CSHRS), for Human Rights is now in session. The symposium is intended to review China's experiences in developing human rights over the past three decades, which we believe will be important to China's effort to promote, in an all- round way, the development of its human rights cause in the new situation. Present here are experts in the realm of human rights, those who have made positive efforts to publicize the progress of China's human rights cause to a global audience, and those who are reputed for their contributions to studies of human rights theories in China.  相似文献   

YU HUAIQING 《人权》2009,8(3):24-27
"Women's rights and interests are human rights" is now a concept accepted by all. The power of the law now safeguards the rights and interests of women. Recalling efforts in recent years to safeguard women's rights and interests, we cannot but feel gratified to know that we have made great progress.  相似文献   

XIONG QIUHONG 《人权》2010,(1):26-28
I. A Review of China's Judicial Protection for Human Rights
To effectively protect human rights, a country needs to specify in its laws a complete series of basic rights its citizens shall enjoy. Meanwhile, the legal rights for an individual citizen would be meaningless even though such rights are prescribed in laws if, when the person's rights are infringed upon, he or she has no access to judicial relief. Administration of justice is the last resort, in fact the most effective, means.  相似文献   

SHEN GUOQIN 《人权》2009,(2):34-36
The women's liberation movement in China started after the first opium war and it took shape with the aim of protecting the race and salvaging the country. Doubtlessly, the emergence of modern feminism opened the precedent in the theory of women's liberation in China and exerted a profound and far-reaching influence on women's liberation afterwards. But we must face up to the fact that there was some traps or misunderstanding of modern feminism, which were unfavorable for realizing women's rights and such influence was long, so much so that till today we are still seeing its existence. It is, therefore, necessary to have a full reflection of modem feminism, unveil the original meaning of women's rights and make women's rights return to human rights in order to make the development of women's fights continue.  相似文献   

There are about 83 million disabled people in China, accounting for 6.34% of the total population, according to a national survey in 2006. As a disadvantaged group, the rights and interests of the disabled are arousing more concerns from all walks of society in the country. Following is Human Rights' interview with Shen Zhifei, deputy general director of the China Disabled Persons' Federation, on the legal guarantee of the special group's rights and interests, their rehabilitation, education and employment.  相似文献   

THE realization of human rights not only requires lay- ing claims to rights, but also demanding a social environment tavorable to human rights de- velopment. China's priorities for the cause of human rights protection are to create a social order favorable to the full realization of human rights, and to construct an environment for sustainable human rights develop- ment," said Luo Haocai, president of the China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS), during his opening- ceremony address at the Sixth Beijing Forum on Human Rights.  相似文献   

Implementation Measures of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of rights and interests of Women have been approved in Inner Mongolia Autonomous region.The measures will further strengthen protection of ethnic minority women's rights and interests,  相似文献   

XUE JINWEN 《人权》2010,(1):22-25
Human rights are the rights and freedoms of humans in their nature, and represent the basic conditions for the free and complete development of the humankind. The educational develop- ment level is an important mark of the level of realization of human rights. China's higher education realized the historic development in the 1998- 2007 period, and the number of the enrolled students at common colleges and universities across the nation had exploded from 3.4 million to 18.85 million, the number one in the world.  相似文献   

Human rights protection, if sound enough, normally comprises two dimensions, namely, equal protection of rights and special protection for fights of the vulnerable groups. While following different principles, the two types of protection are locked up as an integral whole while constraining each other. In China, there have been twists and turns in the development of rights protection to the two dimensions. To review the historic experiences for a clear understanding of the dialectical relationship between the two types of rights protection will be of great theoretical and practical significance to effort to improve the country's human rights protection mechanisms and promote the building of a harmonious society.  相似文献   

NIU YOUNING 《人权》2010,(4):29-31
The People's Republic of China Social Insurance Law (draft) has undergone three readings at the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. The Law, once promulgated, will be of great significance to implementation of the constitutional principle of "respecting and protecting human rights." It will help regulate the various social insurance relationships and the rights and obligations of the parties involved.  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: Human rights protection in prisons is an important part of China's National Human Rights Action Plan and the human rights conditions in prisons constitute an important hallmark of the human rights protection level of the country. In order to get to know more about human rights protection in this special area, this reporter paid a visit to the No. 4 Prison in Henan Province, central China.  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the publication of the UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights and the 30th anniversary of China's reform and opening up, Wang Chen, director of the State Council Information Office, accepted an exclusive interview by the Human Rights journal, during which he gave a positive appraisal of the position and role of the UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights, expounded China's basic views on human rights and achievements in human rights development and visualized the prospects of human rights development in China and the world as a whole. The full text of Q&A follows:  相似文献   

It's necessary to legalize political participation in contemporary China because of its value in protecting human rights in terms of function and value. That is, the legalization of political participation aims to promote human rights protec- tion. What's more, the legalization of political participation in contemporary China and the maturity of the pro- motion of interest coordination and the rule of law, also show the great development of democracy and politi- cal stability in China.  相似文献   

China's First Website on Tibet Human Rights Launches on March 9
China's first website focusing on Tibet human fights launches on March 9 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of democratic reforms in Tibet. This website, entitled Tibet Human Rights, is organized by the Chinese Society for Human Rights Studies. It introduces the history of Tibet systematically, shows great human rights progresses of democratic reforms and emancipation of millions of serfs in Tibet. The website also describes the medieval theocratic society under the Dalai Lama's power, which is characterized by a combination of political and religious powers, and ruthless political oppression, economic exploitation and violence on human rights of serfs and slaves by the serf-owner class. Through full and accurate facts and figures, photos and videos there, you can learn the human rights developments in Tibet and Tibetans' real life.  相似文献   

China's reforms have entered a new historical period. We need to carefully analyze the new challenges posed by the new historical stage to China's human rights development, in that it enables us to have a more clear view of our tasks and problems and make proper adjustment and improvement on China's human rights development strategies in accordance with environment.  相似文献   

In order to build a harmonious society, the basic human rights of citizens must be fully ensured. In the field of human rights protection, China has got considerable achievements. With continuous development in China's prison system reform,  相似文献   

BAI ZHONGHONG 《人权》2008,(4):30-34
1. The International Protection of Women's Human Rights: Emergence of CEDAW
For a long time, women's rights have been excluded from traditional discourse on human right. The traditional discourse on human rights has developed without considering its impact upon women. Transforming this discourse to a perspective that will consider the needs and vindications of women is absolutely essential.1 Although international efforts addressing women's issues presumed to be associated with women began in the nineteenth century, it was in the postwar period that such activity gained a coherent focus under the auspices of United Nations.  相似文献   

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