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LI MINGSHUN 《人权》2008,(4):24-30
The year 2007 witnessed "the new progress in the construction of democracy and legal system, the reliable development of administration by law, and the strengthened guarantee of people's rights and interests as well as the safeguard of social equity and justice" in China. In this year, both the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee as well as local People's Congresses at levels and their standing committees were active in performing their duties, constituting and promulgating a series of laws and regulations. These laws and regulations have directly or indirectly concerned the fights and interests of women. This article is going to briefly sum up and analyze the provisions in the pertinent legislation in China in 2007 that directly involve the fights and interests of women,  相似文献   

There are about 83 million disabled people in China, accounting for 6.34% of the total population, according to a national survey in 2006. As a disadvantaged group, the rights and interests of the disabled are arousing more concerns from all walks of society in the country. Following is Human Rights' interview with Shen Zhifei, deputy general director of the China Disabled Persons' Federation, on the legal guarantee of the special group's rights and interests, their rehabilitation, education and employment.  相似文献   

CHINA'S stepped-up commitment to expanding her energy infrastructure is official. Premier Wen Jiabao, in astatement at the 2009 National People's Congress, redefined the direction of the country's energy strategy and development goals, clarifying that nuclear, hydroelectric, wind and solar power are all the focus of new projects. China's green energy campaign is unprecedented both on the industrial and legal fronts, and not surprising, since the country is one of the world's major energy consumers.  相似文献   

China's First Website on Tibet Human Rights Launches on March 9
China's first website focusing on Tibet human fights launches on March 9 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of democratic reforms in Tibet. This website, entitled Tibet Human Rights, is organized by the Chinese Society for Human Rights Studies. It introduces the history of Tibet systematically, shows great human rights progresses of democratic reforms and emancipation of millions of serfs in Tibet. The website also describes the medieval theocratic society under the Dalai Lama's power, which is characterized by a combination of political and religious powers, and ruthless political oppression, economic exploitation and violence on human rights of serfs and slaves by the serf-owner class. Through full and accurate facts and figures, photos and videos there, you can learn the human rights developments in Tibet and Tibetans' real life.  相似文献   

The financial crisis that started in the United States is spreading worldwide, and its impact on China's economy is increasing daily. Difficulties and problems that accumulated in China's long period of fast economic growth have gradually become apparent Both the Chinese government and enterprises are considering how to transform and upgrade China's economy through changing development mode and adjusting the industrial structure, while coping with the tinancial crisis. Therefore. guaranteeing economic growth, expanding domestic demand and making structural adjustments have become China 's important economic goals for 2009.  相似文献   

XU SHUANG 《人权》2011,(2):8-11
A socialist legal system with distinct Chinese features has taken shape in 2010 as required by the general objective of the "rule of law" strategy and legislation work put forward by the Party’s 15th national congress. Up to the present,China has already made 237 laws,including the Constitution,699 administrative decrees and regulations and more than 8,600 local laws and regulations.1 They cover seven legal regimes,three tiers of laws. Laws concerning human rights are an important component  相似文献   

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) issued its 2003 annual report on May 13, uttering irresponsible criticisms of religious affairs of many countries, including China, and listed China among the "countries of particular concerns." This has aroused strong protests from Chinese religious leaders. On May 22, the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the China Religious Research Center held a forum in Beijing. The participating religious leaders and human rights experts gave the lie to the US report. Published below are the excerpts of the speeches by some religious leaders and human rights experts:  相似文献   

Grassland Tours     
FORTY percent of China's territory,about 400million bectares,is grassland,mostly found in the western part of Heilongjing,Jilin and Liaoning provinces,across Inner Mongolia,in the hilly area of Northwest China and on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.The most famous and iconic of these regions are Hulun Buir and Xilin Gol in Inner Mongolia ,the alpine pastures of western Sichuan,the Ili Grasslands of Xinjiang and Tibet's Nagqu Grasslands.  相似文献   

The compilation of a collection of five books or book series on China's ethnic issues, including China's Ethnic Mhaorities; A Brief History of China's Ethm'c Minorities Series, A Brief Language History of China's Ethnic Minorities Series, A Brief Introduction to National Autonomous Regions Series, and Journal Series of Sociological and Historical Surveys on China's Ethnic Minorities, was organized by the State Ethnic Affairs Commission. The collection is a systematic presentation of the life situations of ethnic minorities in China and the achievements made in ethnic affairs. The now complete collection comprises 419 volumes of 351 kinds, amounting to a total of 100 million Chinese characters.  相似文献   

Editor's Note: China's vast territory and long history have engendered a profuse and colorful intangible cultural heritage. Wang Wenzhang, president of the China Art Academy, and his staff have spent years on comprehensive research into China's intangible heritage with the aim of salvaging aspects of it that are in danger of dying out. Talking to Wang Wenzhang on the subject truly brings home its universal significance. As Wang says, "The intangible cultural heritage immanent in folklore, ballads, festivals and handicrafts constitute the quintessence of a nation." Folk festivals are a main aspect of the cultural heritage of China's various ethnic groups, one that we will explore and bring to our readers throughout 2008. To quote Wang Wenzhang once more, "History enables knowledge of a nation; knowing its intangible cultural heritage gives insight into its spirit."  相似文献   

SHEN GUOQIN 《人权》2009,(2):34-36
The women's liberation movement in China started after the first opium war and it took shape with the aim of protecting the race and salvaging the country. Doubtlessly, the emergence of modern feminism opened the precedent in the theory of women's liberation in China and exerted a profound and far-reaching influence on women's liberation afterwards. But we must face up to the fact that there was some traps or misunderstanding of modern feminism, which were unfavorable for realizing women's rights and such influence was long, so much so that till today we are still seeing its existence. It is, therefore, necessary to have a full reflection of modem feminism, unveil the original meaning of women's rights and make women's rights return to human rights in order to make the development of women's fights continue.  相似文献   

IN the West, red roses are a symbol of romantic love, yellow roses of friendship. To observe Valentine's Day, various kinds of roses are marketed on China's streets and lanes. In ancient China flowers symbolized sentiments. For instance, twin lotus flowers on one stalk or two trees with branches interlocked were imagined to be devoted couples. The lotus flower connotes nobility, and the peony, wealth and rank. For thousands of years these flowers have been key elements in the composition of bird-and-flower paintings.  相似文献   

Job Fair for Foreigners, Beijing, 2007 The Job Fair for Foreigners, to be held in Beijing on April 21, is in its planning stage. Last year’s job fair was held in the Swissotel Beijing and plans are underway to reserve the hotel again for this year’s fair.Chinajob.com, as the host of the first four job fairs, will continue to sponsor the fifth event especially for oreign teachers and professionals in April. More than 60 educational organizations and companies from all across China and several hundred foreign teachers and professionals are expected to attend the event. Chinajob.com will be available at the fair to answer questions about regulations and laws for foreigners in China.  相似文献   

The Exhibition of the History and Culture of Taiwan's Indigenous Tribes opened in the Cultural Palace of Nationalities in Beijing on December. 21, 2009. This, the first large-scale theme exhibit on China's mainland, is a systematic and comprehensive presentation of the history and culture of tribes indigenous to Taiwan.  相似文献   

The year 2010 concludes with several fresh entries in China's book of honor: the Shanghai World Expo set a record of 70 million visitors; China overtook Japan as runner up for the world's largest GDP, second only to the U.S.; and the World Bank escalated China's voting clout to 4.42 percent, the third largest in the organization. Amid the cheers and plaudits for these achievements are complaints and grumblings that can't be overlooked.  相似文献   

The Chinese Constitution calls for respecting and protecting human rights. And accordingly, people's procuratorates across the country take judicial protection of human rights as their primary task. They are contributing to the development of China's human rights cause by getting involved in cracking down on crimes in violation of human rights while seeking to improve their own work.  相似文献   

The Voice of China,Chinese Idol and Happy Boys are just a few of the many talent shows on television today. However,this may soon change with the announcement of restrictive regulations by the State Administration of Press,Publication, Radio,Rim and Television(SAPPRFT) on July 24. According to the SAPPRFT,there are too many such talent shows on television,which are similar in concept as well as content the SAPPRFT announced that it would implement regulations on the nation’s singing competition shows to "avoid monotony among programs,provide more options to the audience and satisfy diverse demands."Moreover,it points out that all television programs must "avoid extravagance,  相似文献   

China has been moving toward"rule of law"for more than a decade.It has been an eventful period,during which common people are given increasing say in lawmaking. For years in China,administrative regulations issued by government agen- cies have constituted a major basis of the legal system and proven effective in the settlement of a large proportion of judicial proceedings due to their concrete and specific stipulations.However,since the regulations place more emphasis  相似文献   

ACCORDING to monitoring by environmental departments, over half of China's seven major river systems are polluted, 90 percent of the country's urban water areas are heavily contaminated, the quality of 50 percent of urban water sources falls below the national standard for drinking water, and 40 percent of all water sources in the nation are not potable. Drinking water safety in China is severely compromised and new hopes are riding on cross-Strait exchanges that will initiate mainland cooperation with Taiwan on remedies and recovery of water sources that both seek to protect.  相似文献   

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