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During the process of human rights protection worldwide, poverty is increasingly attracting attentions from the international community. Whether the right of getting out of poverty can be regarded as a basic human right is  相似文献   

前言2009年是进入新世纪以来中国经济发展最为困难的一年.在这一年里,面对国际金融危机的巨大冲击和严峻复杂的经济形势,中国政府坚持以人为本的科学发展观,把妥善应对国际金融危机、保持经济平稳的较快发展与促进人权事业发展有机结合起来,全面实施保增长、调结构、促改革、惠民生的一系列政策措施,有效遏制经济增长明显下滑的态势,在全球率先实现经济回升向好,同时推动中国人权事业取得了新的重大进展.  相似文献   

Since the founding of thePeople’s Republic of China(PRC) 60 years ago in 1949the Chinese Government andits people, under the firm leadershipof the Communist Party of China(CPC), and with the goal of construct  相似文献   

WHENstudyingtheguaranteesofhumanrightssolvetheproblemofperspective:Wecannotconsidertheguaranteesofprisoners'rightsonlyfromtheperspectiveoftheprisoners,butinsteadfromtheperspectiveofthegeneralpublic,especiallyfromtheperspectiveofthevictims.Wemustclearlyrealizethatthegoalofpunishingprisonersaccordingtolawcentersonupholdinglawandensuringjustice.TheChinesegovernmentalwaystreatsprisonersashumanbeings,placinghopefortheirrehabilitationinthem,helpingthemand,ofcourse,sometimescriticizingthem.Thereali…  相似文献   

The Chinese government has been working hard to ensure better subsistence and development rights to its people with good results.  相似文献   

正Contents ForewordⅠ.Political Rights Ⅱ.Civil Rights Ⅲ.Economic Rights Ⅳ.Social Rights Ⅴ.Cultural Rights Ⅵ.Environmental Rights Ⅶ.Right to Freedom of Religious Belief Ⅷ.Rights of Women,Children,the Elderly and Disabled Foreword Realization of full human rights is an ideal,one that humankind has pursued for  相似文献   

正On June 2012,the State Council Information Office,authorized by the State Council,released the National Human Rights Action Plan of China(2012-2015).This was the second national action plan following the National Human Rights Action Plan(2009-2010).Formulating and promulgating the national human rights action plan reprensents a major initiative for the Chinese government to adhere to the constitutional principles of respecting and protecting human rights and promoting China’s human  相似文献   

China’s human rights cause has undergone a new phase of development under the reform and opening-up policy that became off icial in the late 1970s. The changes include a shift from protection of human rights by law to Constitutional protection  相似文献   

Foreword The year 2004 is an important year for China in building a well-off society in an all-round way. It is also a year that saw all-round progress in China's human rights undertakings. In that year, China expressly stated in its Constitution that "the state respects and safeguards human rights," further manifesting the essential requirements of the socialist system. The Chinese government pressed forward on promoting administration according to law in an all-round way. It promulgated the document Outline of Full Implementation for Promoting Administration according to Law, which  相似文献   

前言体育对包括残疾人在内的每个人的生活都具有重要价值。残疾人体育是残疾人增强体质、康复身心、参与社会、实现全面发展的有效途径;是人们认识残疾人潜能与价值、促进社会和谐共进的独特渠道。发展残疾人体育,对于保障残疾人平等权利、促进残疾人融合发展、推动残疾人共享经济社会发展成果,具有重要意义。残疾人体育重在参与,这是残疾人的一-项重要权利,是人权保障的重要内容。  相似文献   

<正>On January 18,2017,General Secretary Xi Jinping,speaking at the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva,said that China always prioritizes people’s rights,and continuously promotes and protects human rights according to its national conditions.It has solved the subsistence problems of more than 1.3 billion people,and lifted 700  相似文献   

ZHENG Zhihang  TIAN Tong 《人权》2021,20(5):747-753
In 1991, the State Council Information Office released the white paper Human Rights in China, which promoted China's progress towards an era of protecting right...  相似文献   

XIN JIE 《人权》2011,(2):32-33
Overview of Some Basic Issues of China It is important to note China’s human rights enlightenment dating back to the 1970s is not the product of external driving forces as some scholars believe.  相似文献   

Toward the end of the 1970s, the United States began to implement its human rights (HR) diplomacy, trying to export its ideology by exercising hegemony as part of the cold war. Under its influence, some other western countries also introduced  相似文献   

The development of any country or society requires a cultural context. A cultural narrative influence the process of development by shaping people's views and actions, and thus policy. This paper first discusses the importance of cultural narratives, and then analyzes the different cultural narratives on poverty reduction, development, right to development, and South-South Cooperation. It illustrates how cultural narratives significantly influence social justice development and reforms.  相似文献   

The process of China's participation in international human rights cooperation is closely related to the process of reform and opening-up launched at the end of the 1970s, while participation in international human rights cooperation is based on the process of reform and opening-up. It is the fruit of the reform and opening-up policy and the emancipation of the mind for China to decide to participate in international human rights cooperation. Since then, along with the process, the process of China participating in international cooperation can be divided into four periods. The first established the multi-ministries cooperative group to do research on international human rights activities in 1980. The second, was the first white paper on human rights published by the government in 1991. The third was the incorporation of human rights in the Constitution in 2004, and the fourth been putting forward the idea "a community with shared future for human beings" in 2013. All of these are landmark events for China to participate in international human rights cooperation against the general background of the reform and opening-up policy.  相似文献   

China started to participate in the world's Human Rights (HR) development from the time when it began to reform and open up. The efforts over the past 30 years have made China one of the countries that are the best in respecting and protecting HR in the world. Not only has China made  相似文献   

HE Zhipeng  XU Chao 《人权》2021,20(5):761-788
Building a moderately prosperous society in all re-spects is a milestone in China's human rights development. It clearly reflects the profound action logic of t...  相似文献   

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