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GU SHENGKAI 《人权》2007,6(1):36-39
In a statement issued on the 2004 World Human Rights Day, Ms. Louse Arbour, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, described human rights education as a strategy for attainment of "human rights for all," as a basic means for developing a universal culture of human rights, as an instrument for promoting equality and involvement of the people in decision-mak-ing under democratic mechanisms, and as an investment to prevent infringements upon human rights and to ward off conflicts of violence. It should be noted that so much importance attached by UN human rights organ to human rights education epitomizes the empowering characters of human rights education and the functions it performs in the global human rights system.  相似文献   

宗教和人权的冲突使人类陷入纠缠不清的道德困境,也因此成为重大的国际伦理问题.事实上,宗教只不过是人的创造物,宗教的普遍性价值形式正是人的普遍性价值形式.由于人权是人人应当享有的普遍性道德权利,因此人权就是宗教的价值基准:任何践踏人权的教义和宗教行为都是恶,任何尊重人权、保障人权的宗教行为都是善.这就是宗教领域的人权的基本要求,其底线伦理是:人人应当享有祛除苦难的权利.它具体展开为尊重平等的伦理精神,并把这种伦理精神一以贯之地融入商谈理解的基本程序之中,切实依靠以伦理责任为要义的法律制度,以有效保障其具体实践和应用.  相似文献   

LIU HUAWEN 《人权》2011,(2):12-15
In his government work report to the 3rd Session of the 11th National People’s Congress (NPC) on March 5, 2010, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said: Everything we do is to make the people live happier and more dignified,make the society more just and more harmonious. This is held up by the media as the  相似文献   

<正>This year marks the 70~(th) anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. In the past 70 years, especially since the launch of reform and opening-up, under the guidance of the ruling philosophy of "serving the people," "people-oriented" and "people-centered", great achievements have been made in China's economic construction and material civilization, political construction and political civilization, cultural construction and spiritual civilization, social construction and social civilization,  相似文献   

对"以人为本"的理论探讨成为当前和今后一个时期的热点和焦点问题,"以人为本"中"人"指的是什么?各种观点可谓异彩纷呈,厘清这一问题是理解科学发展观的前提性问题,唯有明确以"谁"为本,才能推动和谐社会的健康构建。而探究以人为本中的"人",不能脱离科学发展观提出的现实背景去抽象地谈论以"谁"为本。必须从历史维度对照其他语境中的以人为本的"人"为何者,才能清晰把握作为科学发展观核心之"以人为本"的"人"为何者。  相似文献   

<正>Since its founding in 1993,the China Society for Human Rights Studies(CSHRS)has extensively participated in the human rights work of the United Nations(UN)and has actively carried out international exchange and coop-eration.In May 2012,the UN Human Rights Council(UNHRC)initiated the second round of country reviews on human rights.As China’s biggest hu-man rights research organization and enjoying special consultative status within the UN Economic and Social Council,CSHRS organized the com-pilation of an NGO shadow report and  相似文献   

SHERAB NYIMA 《人权》2008,(3):31-35
According to Companion The Oxford to Law, human rights (or known as Fundamental Freedom) are the rights which require to be maintained or sometimes to be set forth that should be recognized and protected from the perspective of law, so that every individual achieves his or her fullest and freest development in terms of individuality, spirituality,  相似文献   

人总是要受到他已经接受的、内化了的观念意识的影响和支配,观念和文化的东西虽然不能改变世界,但是可以改变人.而人是能够改变世界的。形成与和谐社会相适应的理想信念、思想道德、价值观和文化精神,可以为和谐社会建设提供精神向导和理论支撑.实现人的全面发展。  相似文献   

<正>Since the reform and opening up of China,the Communist Party of China has been committed to the continuous development of human rights theory and the protection of human rights through legal construction,in order to promote the development of China’s human rights cause.The principle of"respecting and protecting  相似文献   

THE anthropologist Desmond Morris noted that "everything about sport is derived from the hunt: there is no sport in existence that does not base itself on the chase or on aiming, the two key elements of primeval hunting." George Orwell went on to say that "serious sport is war minus the shooting!"  相似文献   

唐健飞 《湖湘论坛》2007,20(3):8-10
人权的诞生在本质上是一种道德评判标准的诞生,是人们对现实世界不满又饱含理想追求的价值符号话语,人权的存在只是作为一种价值标准的话语事实存在,它不是制度事实.西方传统对于人权的正当性论证都有其无法克服的逻辑基础困惑.人权的正当性只有在具体社会历史境域中才能证成,论证路径必须完成从理性逻辑到历史境域、从事实人权到人权信仰、从绝对人权到相对人权的转向.  相似文献   

法的人性美、人格美是以唯物史观为基础的、主要围绕人的主体地位、人的尊严、价值和品行、人的自由解放,即人本主义为内容而进行的法的价值追求。它以马克思主义唯物史观、美学和法史学为之证成,它具有时空维度。法的人性美、人格美为我们学习和研究法学提供了一个新视角,也为法律更加贴近百姓生活提供了一条路径。  相似文献   

王小兵 《人权》2009,8(1):20-22
"Human rights education has, over the past decade, received increasingly great international attention.What merits special mention are those massive activities on-going in various countries to promote it, which constitute a most salient feature of the global human rights cause.  相似文献   

<正>The 19~(th) National Congress of the Communist Party of China established Xi Jinping’s socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in a new era,and opened up a new era for the socialist construction with Chinese characteristics.This indicates the direction for China’s human rights cause to move towards a new era,which has laid  相似文献   

With the constant de- velopment of modern science and technol- ogy, the information technologies--with computing tech- nology and the Internet as their core-- are widely used in prisons. This not only helps prisons, which are the units responsible for carrying out criminal punishment, to better accomplish the task of punishing and rehabilitating criminals, but also further strengthens efforts to protect the human rights of prisoners.  相似文献   

China's Information Office of the State Council published a report titled "The Human Rights Record of the United States in 2009" on March 12, 2010.Following is the full text:  相似文献   

人权入宪的价值--宪法修正案第二十四条评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宪法修正案第二十四条“人权入宪”条款具有里程碑的意义。从宪法发生史来看,人权是宪法的起点和归宿,宪法以人权保障为核心;以实证法分析,绝大多数国家的宪法都将人权作为最高价值目标和宪法的基本原则。我国修宪前存在着人权保障取得巨大进步和宪法文本不够协调等问题。“人权入宪”将在很大程度上使宪法价值目标更加明确、人权规范逻辑体系更加严密、权利内容体系变得开放完整,使宪法和人权满足了各自理想的价值诉求和制度表达,实现共同进步。同时,修正案第二十四条不能成为基本原则条款略显缺憾。以修宪为契机,研究解决由法律权利转化为实有权利中的各种问题是目前亟待完成的课题。  相似文献   

交住是一种物质性的社会实践活动,是入存在的根本方式之一。交往实践对人的发展具有原动力的价值效用。以高主体性的主体态参与字观域人与自然的、宏观域国际的、中观域国内的、徽观域男女之间的以及主体自我的不同层次的各种交往;建构实施适应当代全球化的主体——客体——主体三维结构普遍交往的关于人发展的模式,对于丰富和发展唯物吏观;锻造和培养时代发展所需要的创新性、交往性、竞争性高素质人才;建设有中国特色的社会主义;推进世界历史进程具有重大深远意义.  相似文献   

The Information Office of the State Council of China published a report titled" The Human Rights Record of the United States in 2010" on April 10, 2011. Following is the full text:  相似文献   

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