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The concept and claim of the right to development is a major contribution of developing countries represented by China to the international human rights theories and system. China has been actively promoting sustainable development of the global economic, social and ecological environment and has made substantial contributions to global sustainable development. At the national level, China is committed to eradicating poverty and improving people's well-being. At the international level, China calls for the strengthening of the special mechanism for the right to development and attaches great importance to experience sharing and summarizing of the right to development. China's human rights cause has broad prospects for progress and will also make greater progress in safeguarding the right to development.  相似文献   

论我国残疾人受教育权的法律保障   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受教育权是一项基本的人权,是每个公民都应该享有的基本权利。残疾人作为公民,其权利本应该受到法律保护。新中国成立以来,尤其是改革开放以后,我国特殊教育事业有了新的发展,残疾人群体受教育的权利进一步得到保障、素质进一步提高。但是,就我国目前的教育环境来看,残疾人受歧视和受教育"边缘化"的现象仍然很严重。残疾人是一个困难群体,需要我们特殊的关爱和支持。因此,残疾人受教育的权利必须从法律上给予保障和完善,从而在社会实践中给予很好地落实。  相似文献   

The right to development,the realization of which is subject to environmental rights,is an inalienable human right The principle of sustainable development is based on the right to development but is a development path designed to protect the environment The fact that environmental rights are not expressly stipulated in international human rights law does not deny its attribute as a human right Therefore,environmental rights and the right to development are equally important,conducive to the realization of human sustainable development through the protection of environmental rights In order to solve the contradiction between economic development and environmental protection in China,it is necessary to earnestly implement the Scientific Outlook on Development under strict judicial control in accordance with the law and to fully protect the public's rights to know concerning environmental information,and encouraging the public's participation in environmental decision-making  相似文献   

The Regulation on the Education of Persons with Disabilities, which came into effect in 2017, stipulates for the first time disabled children's right to individualized education, clarifies the subjects who determine and influence the individualized education that disabled children receive, and determines the procedures for disabled children to receive individualized education. However, compared to the subjects that determine disabled children's right to individualized education and procedural provisions as stipulated in the U.S. laws such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1990, the Regulation on the Education of Persons with Disabilities in China has some problems, including inadequate participation of disabled children and their parents and incomplete relief settlement mechanism. China should further improve the legal provisions relating to disabled children's right to individualized education, and safeguard the right of participation and the right to relief of disabled children and their parents.  相似文献   

受教育权是我国宪法规定的公民的基本权利,罪犯作为人、作为公民仍然享有受教育权。但在工具主义理论的指导下,罪犯的受教育权更多地被理解为接受特殊教育的义务,而没有把罪犯作为一个权利主体、没有赋予罪犯受教育的自由。对罪犯受教育权的价值进行解读,是为了更好地保障罪犯基本权利的实现。  相似文献   

Establishing and protecting the right to development of disabled persons is not only the important part of Xi Jinping's thought on human rights, but also a reflection of Marxism's idea of human rights and a requirement of the rule of law in China. It is necessary to promote the protection of the right to development of disabled persons in terms of affirmative action. The Chinese government's affirmative action requires structural characteristics, including providing the institutional basis for the affirmative action by constructing legal and non-legal institutions, providing an environment conducive for the affirmative action by shaping a more aware social ecology and providing valid guarantees for affirmative action by increasing the responsibility of local governments.  相似文献   

文化产业创新发展必须处理好五个关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实现文化产业的创新发展须处理好五个关系:在制度创新中要处理好融人国际文化产业格局的国家文化产业战略与特殊意识形态的关系,在观念创新中要处理好地域经济社会发展与文化产业发展的关系,在技术创新中要处理好技术创新与文化产业核心的关系,在资本创新中要处理好发展文化产业集群与中小型文化产业主体之间的关系,在内容创新上要处理好授权产业的内容创意与产业伦理的关系等。  相似文献   

前言体育对包括残疾人在内的每个人的生活都具有重要价值。残疾人体育是残疾人增强体质、康复身心、参与社会、实现全面发展的有效途径;是人们认识残疾人潜能与价值、促进社会和谐共进的独特渠道。发展残疾人体育,对于保障残疾人平等权利、促进残疾人融合发展、推动残疾人共享经济社会发展成果,具有重要意义。残疾人体育重在参与,这是残疾人的一-项重要权利,是人权保障的重要内容。  相似文献   

The right to education is a basic human right China has actively implemented the international treaties on the right of migrant children to elementary education and provided institutional support to ensure the implementation of elementary education policy In practice,however,due to factors such as regional differences and fiscal capacity,the problems of equal treatment and a balanced distribution of educational resources remain to be addressed In this regard,this paper suggests solving the problems from the perspectives of enhancing the implementation of international treaties,increasing compulsory education resources,improving the quality of education,and adjusting policies  相似文献   

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is a manifesto for the rights of the disabled. It establishes the values and concepts, the guidelines for action, and the system of rules for the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities worldwide. As one of the main drafting countries and the first signatories of the Convention, China has been actively implementing the principles of the Convention and faithfully fulfilling the responsibilities of a signatory party, and has made great achievements in building up its legal system, policy and culture. However, compared with the goals of the Convention, there still exist some gaps in rights awareness, social environment and related systems. Guided by the spirit of the Convention, and taking into account China's national conditions, the country will continue to cultivate its human rights culture, upgrade its capability to provide public services for people with disabilities, improve the construction of barrier-free environments, guarantee the full realization of the survival, development and participation rights of the disabled, and establish a new mode of protecting the human rights of persons with disabilities in China.  相似文献   

意识形态教育在马克思主义理论中占据着重要位置。马克思主义的意识形态理论不仅批判了资本主义国家虚假的意识形态,同时预示了未来社会的意识形态教育需要指向人的终极关怀——人和人类的解放。立足于意识形态教育本身,当前加强意识形态教育的必要性在于:对于个体而言,意识形态教育有助于推动个体的政治社会化,促进个体政治价值观的形成和发展;对于国家而言,意识形态教育有利于国家认同和民族认同的养成,推动社会各种利益的有效整合,凸显意识形态教育的社会"软实力"的作用;对于国际社会中思想文化交流而言,意识形态教育有利于在多元的文化交流中把握自身的话语主动权,确立马克思主义意识形态的话语权地位。  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,少数民族儿童受教育权实施取得可喜的成绩,但权利实施的深度、广度及现状仍存在诸多的问题有待解决。因此,关注少数民族儿童受教育权实现的程度,并从制度、法律、教育资源等方面探讨如何促进和保护其权利的充分实现,这不仅关系到民族教育事业的发展,而且体现了国家对少数民族地区的人文关怀,也是社会和谐发展的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

高校的行政行为是指其行使依法律授权的、为保障公共教育职能实现而实施的各种对教育合同的存续与教育目的实现直接有关的行为,此时的高校成为行政主体。其公权力具体包括录取权、学籍管理权、奖惩权、考试权、证书颁发权以及强化的民事管理权等方面。  相似文献   

北美刑事司法教育的发展及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北美刑事司法教育是伴随着美国、加拿大警察专业化运动的产生与发展而兴起的。特 殊的历史渊源决定了美、加两国的刑事司法教育制度带有英国体制的烙印;在加拿大的局部地区,还带有 法国体制的明显痕迹。北美刑事司法教育的基本特点是:具有独立的行业发展理念和内部规范;专业要求 有高度的心智活动,并需要有较强的判断力;具有特殊的知识领域;通识教育与特殊的专业知识教育相结 合;根据职业要求不断进行相关培训;已经形成终身职业制度;以服务社会为最高目的;设有健全的专业 组织。从下述方面借鉴北美刑事司法教育体系具有现实意义:设置专门的学科专业,找准办学定位和培养 目标;学历教育与在职培训并重,形成较完整的体系;较好地处理教学、科研以及为实战服务三者的关 系;有规范化的行业内评估机制;教学方法多样化,内容设计要理论与实践相结合;形成高质量的专兼职 教师队伍。  相似文献   

对19世纪英国妇女运动的理论考察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文探寻了英国女权运动的源头,分析了19世纪英国女权运动的特征。英国女权运动由中产阶级客厅里的知识女性发起,在宪政范围内为妇女的平等权利而不懈奋斗。她们在妇女的受教育权、监护权、离婚权、财产权方面首先取得突破,并在地方政治中实现了一定的权利,从而在与男子的平等权利和地位上迈出了第一步,实现了从他人的附属物到独立的人的转变。这一切,是女权运动先驱者奋斗的结果,也是英国经济、政治民主化的必然产物,还是英吉利民族在经验中求实、男性社会理性思考的结果。  相似文献   

Studies on the rights of persons with disabilities are typical of multidisciplinary research In recent years,following the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in particular,studies of the rights of the disabled have presented the following trends and features:diverse research angles,the expanding of the depth and width of research; a focus on personal experience and cultural interpretation; a concern for the impacts of multiple identities on the realization of individual rights; and a stress on empirical,participatory and emancipatory research Multidisciplinary disability right research is now at a preliminary stage and it is worth further development so as to promote the disability cause in China  相似文献   

The new development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing has posed new requirements for the development of human rights theory in China. Innovation is the impetus and vitality for the development of human rights theory and is required for the study of human rights in terms of its content, method, and form. Coordination is the social basis for the development of human rights theory in contemporary China and human rights theory can be scientific and persuasive through coordination of the interests of all parties concerned. Green is the natural basis for the development of human rights theory in contemporary China and human rights theory can have rich connotations and far-reaching impact through ecological protection and environmental control. Openness is the international vision for the development of human rights theory in contemporary China and the international influence of human rights theory in contemporary China can be increased constantly through international exchange and dialogue on human rights theory. Sharing is the value pursuit for the development of human rights theory in contemporary China and human rights should be jointly constructed and shared by the entire people in an all-round way.  相似文献   

在残疾人中等职业学校班主任的工作岗位上,如何正确把握对残疾学生"爱"与"严"的内涵及合理尺度,是一个重要问题。笔者通过自己亲身工作经历阐述了特教班主任对学生的"爱"与"严"的理解,列举了班主任对学生的"爱"与"严"的几种不当类型,并对"爱"与"严"的关系作了简单的论述,以此来明确特教教师对职校学生的"爱"与"严"所应掌握的程度。  相似文献   

罪犯教育理论的形成与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罪犯教育是对犯罪者再犯罪的一种预防 ,是改造罪犯的根本措施和手段 ,也是执行刑罚的目的所在。对罪犯教育的思想有着深厚的哲学基础和文化背景 ,是对人性认识、犯罪原因认识的综合产物。远古的思想家、哲学家提出了众多的观点。罪犯教育理论是刑罚理论发展的产物 ,是罪犯教育实践的结晶 ,它是随着社会科学的发展和行刑科学化、人道化进步中形成和发展起来的特殊的教育理论。  相似文献   

During the three decades after the adoption of the Declaration on the Right to Development, the right to development has received wider acknowledgement throughout the international community, and has become a typical example of "third-generation rights." The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which puts forward 17 goals of sustainable development, was adopted at the UN Sustainable Development Summit on September 25, 2015. From the contents of the agenda, we can see that the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development highly conforms to the right to development. Both match, not only in purpose and content, but also in object and subject, as well as in demands for countries and the foundations needed. We may regard the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as setting action targets for the realization of the right to development in the new era. Meanwhile, to realize the right to development in the new situation is to accomplish the aim of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The two adopt different approaches that lead to the same destination.  相似文献   

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