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9mm警用转轮手枪结构简单,机构动作可靠,使用方便。但在使用时可能还会遇到如两种不同枪弹的瞄准点,分解结合时的要领等问题。9mm警用转轮手枪已在部分地区公安队伍中试用,这里简单介绍该武器在使用中的一些使用与维护要点,也许在使用过程中有所帮助。一、使用方法装弹将手枪的推柄向前推动,向左侧推出转轮,枪口向下后装入6发枪弹。将装入枪弹的转轮回转到位后即可击发。根据观察:少部分人在使用转轮手枪时可能受到电视或电影中的情节影响,在开闭转轮时采用甩动转轮的方式。甩动转轮装弹时容易造成以下现象:(1)转轮回转不到位从而不能顺利击…  相似文献   

国内治安形势的现状决定了公安民警对低杀伤、非致命武器的装备需求。目前,国内外应用于手持自动武器上所使用的低能量弹药连续发射技术并不成熟,而转轮手枪具有对击发、供弹等机构动作与弹药能量无关的结构特点,使转轮手枪成为了现阶段警用装备的方案首选。  相似文献   

对高三体育考生的训练实践表明,及时地在训练过程中应用有关物理知识,解除体育考生的错误动作和错误动作概念,是提高训练效果的一条宝贵经验。  相似文献   

战术教学中应重视和加强战术基础动作的训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
战术基础动作是查缉战术的重要组成部分,是构成人民警察战术素质的重要内容、实践证明:只有正确掌握并熟练、灵活地运用战术基础动作,战斗中才能有效地打击犯罪分子,保护人民群众和警察自身的安全,减少伤亡.因此,在查缉战术教学中,应重视和加强战术基础动作的训练,提高学生的战术意识和战术水平,锻炼快速反应和应变能力,培养勇敢战斗、顽强拼搏的精神.  相似文献   

警务实战技能属于动作技能的范畴,警务技能只有达到自动化阶段并经过实战对抗的检验才能在警察执法的实际中运用。针对目前我国警察警务实战技能的教育训练现状,应提高警察警务实战技能教育训练的科学化水平。  相似文献   

转轮手枪是机械式多弹巢的单手射击武器,其弹仓是带弹巢的转轮,弹巢同时也是药室,转轮绕轴转动,弹巢按顺序与枪管的延伸部吻合,使其能依次进行发射,转轮手枪的名称也由此而来。由于射击时转轮向左旋转,因此也称为左轮手枪。转轮手枪具有结构紧凑可靠、尺寸小、重量轻、发射时易于排除“死火”弹等优点,但其缺点也非常明显:装弹少、重新装弹时间长、弹膛容易漏气、横向尺寸大等,目前,只有部分国家的警察仍装备转轮手枪,俄罗斯就是其中的一个。一、沙俄及苏联时期转轮手枪发展历史沙俄没有研制转轮手枪,国内第一批转轮手枪是沙皇政府1870年向…  相似文献   

季峻 《警察技术》2011,(6):28-31
随着我国成为转轮手枪生产装备使用国,加上建国前旧式转轮枪与目前社会上少数不法分子改制和自制的转轮枪,使涉枪案件中的转轮手枪出现率逐渐增加。且转轮手枪与自动手枪结构差别明显,弹壳痕迹特征不一,而国内教材尚无论述。本文从工作实践出发,观察检验了大量的转轮手枪射击后的弹壳与击针头,总结出转轮手枪射击过的弹壳痕迹检验与鉴定的基...  相似文献   

转轮手枪弹壳痕迹检验和鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转轮手枪射击过的弹壳痕迹检验鉴定的基本方法主要是对击针头痕迹的检验鉴定。无论转轮手枪击针击发机构是击锤击针一体固定式还是击针内置式,击针头痕迹出现率高,特殊性强,稳定性较好,是可以利用的有价值的转轮手枪射击过后的弹壳主要痕迹特征。  相似文献   

李钧 《中国保安》2012,(13):77-77
6月29日,江西省南昌市保安服务总公司护卫公司举行擒敌技能考核暨下半年队伍训练动员誓师大会,对上半年训练成果进行检阅,对下半年训练工作进行部署。这次演练主要包括擒敌拳十六栋动作分解项目,共8个中队,420名保安押运队员参加了演练。这次演练是对押运队伍身体素质、队伍形象、精神面貌的一次检阅,是对团队精神的一次展示。  相似文献   

江苏省淮安市保安服务总公司犬防大队成立于2003年,当时由4名经江苏省公安厅专业培训过的工作犬训导员和4条训练有素的工作犬组建而成。10多来,犬防大队无论是人员、犬种、数量还是业务规模,都有了很大的发展,主要协助公安部门参与案件侦破工作,做好各类大型活动安保工作,做好市区一些看似简单的动作,要洲练到令行禁止可不是件容易的事,有时候一个技术动作分解训练就要几个小时,为布置一个气味鉴别训练,来回走上10多公里是家常便饭。”  相似文献   

高质量的战术训练在国际警坛上享有盛誉,其先进的战术理念、实用的战术训练内容、科学的战术训练方法已被世界很多国家所学习和借鉴。公安边防部队应立足实际,学习借鉴香港警察的先进经验和成功做法,树立先进的战术理念,建立科学、实用的"战术训练平台",更新战术训练方法,和谐战术训练氛围,加强战术训练设施、器材等"硬件"建设,努力提高战术训练质量,提升部队战斗力,从而更好的维护边境地区的安全与稳定,为边境地区经济的快速发展保驾护航。  相似文献   

The new Principal Officials Accountability System (POAS), a proto-ministerial system, was established at the start of the Second Term of Office of the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). This paper examines the setting-up of the POAS and reviews how it has functioned during its first year of life. Both the design and implementation of the POAS were characterized by undue haste. The establishing of the POAS intensified the debate on a range of matters as new ministers, senior civil servants and residents have come to terms with the detail of this novel arrangement. Discussions about political reform are set to intensify in the years to come. This article reviews the origins and deeper need for the POAS in Hong Kong before looking at the fundamentals of the new system. The nature of ‘accountability’ is then discussed prior to examining Hong Kong's experience with the POAS in action during its first year. The article also discusses the potential of the POAS to contribute to Hong Kong's overall political development.  相似文献   

施叔青是出生于台湾、入籍于美国并一度定居于香港的著名作家.在她完成"香港三部曲"之后返归台湾矢志写作"台湾三部曲".本文以施氏返台后创作的两部长篇小说<微醺彩妆>和<行过洛津>("台湾三部曲"之一)作为讨论对象,探讨施氏的香港经验对她台湾叙事的意义、影响和局限,分析此两部作品的特点和不足,并将施氏的"跨越写作"作为世界华文创作中的一种文化现象进行分析.  相似文献   

香港警察学院是世界一流的警察培训基地之一,其新警的招录形式、课程内容、教学模式都是国内现阶段"招录培养体制改革"学习和借鉴的榜样。本文在介绍香港警察学院新警课程中的体能训练课程体系的基础上,对比国内"体改"生的体能课程,并在"教、学、练、战"训练思想的指导下,提出建立"体改"生体能课课程体系的对策建议,以期为推动公安民警招录培养体制改革进程提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Why it is important to improve Hong Kong's electoral systemThe Central Government holds the power and responsibility to lead improvements in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)'s electoral system.The improvement is meant to ensure Hong Kong's democratic system develops more smoothly in a healthy way.  相似文献   

The 2021 Election Committee's sub-sector ordinary elections in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) took place on September 19. These were the first elections held follow-ing the improvements to HKSAR's electoral system on March 11, when a decision to enhance this specific HKSAR system was adopted by an overwhelming majority vote at the Fourth Session of the 13th National People's Congress in Beijing. Since Hong Kong's return to the moth-erland in 1997, the collusion between anti-China forces from Western countries and "Hong Kong independence" advocates has led to repeated outbursts of violence, se-verely undermining local social stability. Moreover, several "independence" advocates entered the local authorities by exploiting loopholes in the region's electoral system. Taking advantage of their positions, they not only supported unrest in Hong Kong but also actively engaged in the planning of "Hong Kong independence," jeopardizing China's territorial sovereignty and security. In this context, the Central Government had to take swift action to improve the HKSAR electoral system and, in doing so, plug the holes.  相似文献   

大陆香港贿赂罪立法的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香港贿赂犯罪立法体系结构具有合理性、先进性以及较强的实践操作性 ,而大陆贿赂犯罪立法表现出滞后性和欠缺性 ,应借鉴香港贿赂立法的成功经验 ,完善大陆贿赂犯罪立法 ,从而全面有效地打击日益严重形式多样的源头犯罪——贿赂犯罪 ,为我国经济的发展营造良好的法律空间。  相似文献   

China's policy toward Hong Kong in the period 1949-1997 was primarily driven by utilitarian calculations of national interests and the interests of the Chinese Communist Party. The Hong Kong policy of China, as an integral part of its foreign policy, was distinctive in that ideological fervor and nationalist passions had limited influence. The goals to be achieved by the Hong Kong policy remained unchanged throughout the period; the strategies adopted, however, changed in accordance with the changing international situation and the national interests as defined by the Chinese leaders. The primary goals of the Hong Kong policy were to secure a less threatening external political environment for China and to make calculated use of Hong Kong for China's economic development. By tolerating Hong Kong as a British colony, China also depended on Britain to control the potentially threatening anti-Communist Chinese population there. The 'over-dependence' on the British to control the Chinese people in Hong Kong on the eve of Hong Kong's reversion to China, however, alienated the Hong Kong people as well as impeded the formation of local political leaders in the territory. As a result, the acquisition of Hong Kong by China in 1997 has not been accompanied by political rapport between the Chinese government and the Hong Kong people, thus sowing seeds for lingering friction between them.  相似文献   

The Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China (HKASPDM) is a cross-border political interest group advocating for democratization in both mainland China and Hong Kong. It was involved in the bold rescue of mainland democrats out of the PRC shortly after the June 1989 Tiananmen crackdown; it constantly exerts pressure on the PRC government to release its political prisoners; it has been influencing the Hong Kong government on the scope and pace of democratization; it communicates with and subsidizes overseas Chinese groups supportive of democratic reforms in China; it is persistently educating the younger generations of Hong Kong and most importantly mainland visitors to Hong Kong on the 1989 Tiananmen tragedy; and its supporters have attempted to cross the border of Hong Kong to Macao to influence the policy of the Chinese government toward political prisoners. As a political interest group based in Hong Kong with cross-border influences on both the mainland and Macao, the Alliance has been making full use of the available political space and freedom of assembly in Hong Kong to achieve their ultimate objective of having a ‘democratic China’. Its existence in the HKSAR is an indication of a certain degree of political tolerance by both the Hong Kong government and Beijing, which have to be very careful of the need to maintain an image of the feasible formula of ‘one country, two systems’ in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

香港社会中的民粹主义给香港政治社会发展带来很多消极影响,增加了特别行政区政府依法施政的难度,妨碍香港政治发展的进程,并引起香港一些居民与中央政府的对抗.香港社会中的民粹主义由民生等经济问题而引发,并因选举政治而加剧.消解民粹主义,需要香港社会权力体系和财产体系的分配应照顾各阶层的利益,必须保障草根阶层的基本权利;政府必须兼顾社会精英和普罗大众的利益,对两者的矛盾应加以调和,促成两者的妥协.  相似文献   

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