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At the invitation of the CPAFFC Botswana Former Deputy Speaker of National Assem-bly Edison Setlhomo Masisi and his wife paid agoodwill visit to Beijing, Guangzhou, QingyuanCity, Zhaoqing City and Zhongshan City in May2001.  相似文献   

正Running a primary school for migrant children is more than a job Yan Zhaoshi never thought his life would change so dramatically at the age of 42. A local Beijinger, Yan had been working as an engineer in downtown Beijing for almost 20 years with an annual income of more than 100,000 yuan ($15,620). This changed suddenly in July 2010, when Yan decided to take over a primary school for migrant children in the suburbs.  相似文献   

China’s first designer to show at Paris Fashion Week turns his eyes back home  相似文献   

ON the square before the Dahanji Village Committee building, Gao Jianyin and his band are playing In the Field of Hope, surrounded by a few hundred cheering villagers. Loud applause makes Gao feel great excitement and a sense of success - his long-held dream of organizing a band has finally come true.  相似文献   

ZHANG Dousan was a Guangdong farmer who had little or no know ledge about aviation when he began his mission to build a light air-craft. However, he immersed himself in books on the subject, and slowly began to figure out how an aircraft functions. He combed the markets of Guangdong look- ing for necessary materials, but failedto procure them. Undaunted, he set out for Beijing, where a factory owner was so moved by the farmer's sincerity and devotion to his self appointed task that he agree…  相似文献   

刑法修正案(八)对盗窃罪做了较大的改动,“入户盗窃”就是其中一种新增的行为类型,这使得原有法益保护产生了新的变化,需要从法益保护角度对“入户盗窃”中的“户”进行定性,并对这种新的入罪行为进行分析及确定“入户盗窃’’既遂与未遂的区分标准。  相似文献   

《刑法修正案(八)》对叛逃罪法条进行了修正:一方面,删除了原条文中危害中华人民共和国国家安全的规定;另一方面,修正了对于掌握国家秘密的国家工作人员构成叛逃罪的条件,删去了在履行公务期间,擅离岗位的限定条件。这种修正不仅合理解决了司法实践中叛逃罪认定方面的难题,也进一步加大对该罪的打击力度,其实际意义应当得到全面的肯定。修正后该罪的犯罪构成产生了一定的变化,为便利司法适用,应当对其构成要件进行全面的理论解读。  相似文献   

罗晶晶 《理论月刊》2005,(8):111-113
随着我国市场经济的快速发展和商法理论研究的逐步成熟,商法作为调整市场交易关系的基本法应以何种形式出现在我国法律体系中成为目前迫切需要解决的问题.作者认为传统的民商合一模式与民商分立模式都已不再符合现代市场经济对商法的要求,我们应该另辟蹊径--建立以<商事通则>为一般规定,各商事单行法为特别法的商法体系.  相似文献   

A62-year-olddreambecamerealitywhenJosephS.FermtraveledhalfwayaroundtheglobefromtheUnitedStatestoChinatomeethischildhoodplaymatesinacountrytownineastChina'sShandongProvince.FermwasoneyearoldwhenhismissionaryparentssettledinLongshan.Theyleftin1936whenF...  相似文献   

THE Hangu Pass, 15 kilo- meters north of Lingbao City in Henan Province, was one of China’s earli- est military fortif ications. It guarded the sole path, through deep gorges ? anked by steep mountains, to the political and economic center of an- cient China. The four gate towers on top of its tall, stoutly built rampart ensured, as Chinese ancients stated, that: “As long as one man guards the pass, ten thou- sand cannot breach it.” The stone statue of Laozi (Lao-tse) astride an ox th…  相似文献   

反恐刑事特别程序是指专门适用于惩治恐怖主义犯罪的刑事诉讼程序.其立法模式不仅反映一个国家反恐刑事程序立法技术、经验,背景、习惯,体系及价值取向等内容,而且是一国反恐刑事程序立法首先必须面对和解决的问题.选择适合本国国情的反恐刑事特别程序立法模式,有助于实现公平正义的法治理念;有助于维持本国法律体系的稳定;有助于促进社会的安定和谐.  相似文献   

我国刑法对赌博罪的规定适用范围过窄,不能适应当前赌博活动发展的新特点,应当及时调整打击重点,对赌博罪进行细化,提高赌博罪的法定刑,在量刑时加大罚金刑的处罚金额。同时,正确处理网络赌博、非彩票赌博和赌博中涉及其他犯罪的定罪量刑,以实现罪刑相适应,防止和减少此类犯罪的发生。  相似文献   

本文通过考察马克思对其前人贸易思想的评述与继承、发展 ,不仅为中国的贸易开放与全球化进程提供马克思主义理论支持 ,也展示出马克思主义批判地吸收前人知识的科学态度 ,提倡客观、理智的对待马克思主义。  相似文献   

立法创制与复决具有巩固权利自由;权利牵制权力;以及臻于客观立法的法律品格。探究立法创制与复决的法律品格,有利于发现主体间型立法的科学品质,进而对于提升立法的质量,完善我国社会主义法律体系,有所裨益。  相似文献   

在全社会实现公平和正义,是我国政治文明、司法文明的根本目标,作为法律监督机关的检察机关,对维护司法公正,实现公平正义,负有法定责任。由于各方面因素的影响,民行检察监督目前是检察工作的薄弱环节,现有法律制约了民行法律监督工作的开展。  相似文献   

SOGO Department Store, onBeijing's XuanwumenwaiStreet, covers an area of80,000 square meters, andis acknowledged as a major forcewithin Beijing's commerce. Vicegeneral manager, Liu Wei, 36, isregarded by his peers as a capable,experienced businessman withgreat foresight.A Born BusinessmanLiu Wei has worked in business for 15 years. He was anaccounting major, and as soon ashe graduated from college hebegan his first job at a departmentstore. His education backgroundand shrewdness caught t…  相似文献   

<正>On November 17,a prof ile of Chinese President Xi Jinping was published on the website of Xinhua News Agency.An edited version of the article follows:On the morning of October 18,Xi Jinping,standing behind a lectern at the Great Hall of the People,delivered a report to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC).  相似文献   

行政公开是现代法治的必然要求。行政公开是一项基本的行政程序制度,不仅包括行政机关行政决策和行政执法及其程序公开,而且应包括行政机关在履行职权过程中产生、收集、整理、使用、保存的涉及经济、科学和社会各方面信息的公开。目前有关行政公开的具体规定散见于一大批法律、法规之中,我国应加紧由立法机关制定《行政公开法》,同时制定公民隐私权保护法以防范行政机关滥用个人信息。  相似文献   

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