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Uganda is internationally recognised for both its legal and constitutional provisions for people with disabilities, and the presence of disabled persons’ organisations that provide informal advocacy and support. Using a unique dataset of 579 Ugandans with physical disabilities, we develop a conceptual framework on social capital to investigate the factors correlated with knowledge of formal institutions that target disability. In examining whether this knowledge results in higher incomes we find that gender matters. A woman’s education and membership of external networks are correlates of knowledge; higher levels of this knowledge are associated with substantially higher levels of income.  相似文献   

Our empirical research in India shows the poor and the non-poor report different motivations for voting. The poor say they turn out to vote because it is their right while the non-poor report they vote because they expect material benefits from the state, some kind of access to the state, or because voting is their civic duty. We attribute the different reasons for voting offered by the poor and non-poor to their different relationships with the state. Unlike the non-poor, the poor mostly report the state mistreats or ignores them yet makes every effort on Election Day to ensure they are treated equally. The recognition the state grants to the poor on Election Day leads them to view voting as a valued right, one that gives them a rare chance to associate with those who govern as equals. The evidence in this paper was drawn from 30 focus groups with a total of 445 participants and 150 open-ended interviews conducted across Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Uttar Pradesh and three state and national-level surveys.  相似文献   

In this article the imperial is envisaged in terms of a multifaceted terrain of analysis that can encourage us to pose a number of interrelated questions. Five issues are identified for discussion. First, the differential way cultural studies and Marxist political economy approaches interpret the imperial present is assessed. Second, the why and how of imperial power are subjected to debate. Third, the overlapping inside and outside of imperialism are identified and analysed. Fourth, the newness of today's ‘new imperialism’ is highlighted and critically examined and, fifth, in relation to the evolving geopolitics of knowledge, some reflections are offered on the significance of the imperial in global times. The context is predominantly provided by US–Latin American encounters.  相似文献   


Community Politics has been a political strategy of the Liberal Party, now the Liberal Democrats, since 1970. It involves a critique of traditional representational relationships and argues for a participatory democracy based upon deliberation to build consensus out of competing interests. Whilst the associated campaigning techniques have made the third party an important force in local government, this article uses new empirical evidence to assess the success of the strategy in transforming representational relationships and extending popular participation in local government. It is argued that its success in respect of these objectives has been limited, principally because of popular disenchantment with political parties and the inherent tensions and limitations that accompany popular participation in deliberative democratic structures.  相似文献   

Few observers doubt that Gunnar Myrdal and Ralph J. Bunche had sharp methodological disagreements and differing approaches to tactics for ending the Negro problem. Myrdal has been criticized as a statist liberal and utopian moralist by recent cultural historians defending progressive nationalism (multiculturalism), while Bunche has been characterized as a vulgar Marxist, and, with Myrdal, a denigrator of black culture. Inspection of An American Dilemma in contrast with Bunche's research memoranda suggests that Myrdal represented himself as a Burkean conservative, while Bunche's analyses transmit the radical puritan libertarian tradition, but without rejecting social democratic remedies en route to working-class control of industry. Their shared emphasis on class-based remedies to end poverty and powerlessness, however, renders them similarly unassimilable in a period where the progressive left has generally embraced racial or ethnic identity, not class power, as the source of individual emancipation, mental health, and economic betterment.  相似文献   

如果说迟到的公正未必还是公正,那么延误的人才则更难成为人才,因为人才是有时间性的。然而蹂躏人才现象却如此俯拾即是,有些还貌似合理,如何不让人呼吁抢救人才!其一,能上难下的政策,埋没了大量优秀人才。据有关部门2001年统计,全国公务员共528万人,各类事业人员近3000万人。队伍不但庞大,而且状态超常稳定,即能上而难下、  相似文献   

Studies of ‘modernization’ conducted by American political scientists over the past decade (1960–70) show a shift in teleological emphasis through which democracy as a goal for developing polities has been gradually displaced by another ideal, that of institutional order. This shift in emphasis is here related (a) to an emerging pattern of political dislocation in new states; (b) to United States government policy in dealing with these states; (c) to the domestic politics of the United States, and in particular to the salience of ‘law and order’ as a political issue in the late 1960s. Preoccupied with problems of political order at home and abroad, political scientists have looked to authoritarian solutions: in some cases they have re‐examined Lenin's organizational principles, and found merit in the achievements of ‘totalitarian’ regimes which can build and maintain stable political institutions.  相似文献   

张颜梅 《工会博览》2009,(11):35-35
当代大学生,个性鲜明,眼界开阔,思维敏捷,思想活跃,做好大学生的管理工作确非易事,如何做好大学生的管理工作是高校学生管理工作者面临的重要课题。笔者认为在学生管理过程中应正确处理好“管”与“导”的关系,从“导”入手,深入“管理”。在工作内容上树立“以学生为本”的管理思想,变管理为服务。  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a revival of discussions on American decline. This paper intervenes in this debate by suggesting that there is a tendency towards partial conceptualisations of US power. It suggests a new historical materialist perspective that makes it possible to theorise American Empire as a relational social totality embedded within global capitalism. The paper then analyses the social limits of China’s rise and the integration of East Asian regionalisation into American Empire, suggesting the extent to which world power has shifted east has tended to be overestimated. It also analyses the emergence of Brazil, India, and the brics meetings, suggesting these developments have a limited, but overstated, capacity to challenge American Empire.  相似文献   

真正的文化传人应致力于人生实践,奔走四方,努力把自己和同胞带入世界文明范围内生活。这种探索世界的勇气、信心以及落实于同情大众的信念,才是中国文化复兴的先导和坚实奠基。  相似文献   

在外省人眼里,河南这个地方是跟贫穷、落后联系在一起的。实际上,河南省的经济总量已连续6年位居全国第5及中西部地区之首了。  相似文献   

宋炜  王露钰 《法制博览》2022,(15):77-79
金融稳定与个人负债之间存在着密切联系,健全的金融业得益于有效的个人破产制度,而目前我国尚未建立个人破产制度.为挽救"诚实而不幸"的债务人,我国正在探索建立符合国情的个人破产制度.本文通过现有国家政策、地方试点立法经验、司法实践案例样本等,归纳并阐述了个人破产制度相关设计,分析个人破产的到来对金融机构可能产生的各种影响,...  相似文献   

就在陈水扁紧锣密鼓准备"5·20演说"的时候,中共中央授权国务院台湾事务办公室于5月17日凌晨发表声明(下称"5·17声明"),就当前海峡两岸局势及未来大陆对台政策阐述了大陆方面的立场。声明发表以后,引起了国际社会的广泛关注。因为中共中央台湾事务办公室主任就是中共中央总书记、中国国家主席胡锦涛,所以海外舆论称"5·17声明"为"胡  相似文献   

We examine whether the existence of civil society in Georgia has promoted social and institutional trust in the population. As much of the literature suggests, Georgia is different from its neighbors in that civil society development is more advanced. Does participation in civil society lead to more social and institutional trust? Using survey data from the Caucasus Barometer and the World Values Survey, we find that attitudes regarding social and institutional trust are more developed in Georgia than in its neighbors, and that activity in voluntary organizations is positively associated with social and institutional trust in Georgia.  相似文献   

Who, or what, governs the mosaic of the almost 39,000 general purpose local governments across the United States? While the determinants of voter turnout in both national and sub-national elections have been well studied, there is a dearth of empirical literature examining voter turnout at the municipal level. Utilizing an original dataset of 356 midsized US cities drawn from the Midwest, South, and Northeast regions, this paper ponders the drivers of mayoral turnout, and asks if electoral timing, competitiveness, or characteristics of the electorate best predict turnout. Sequenced hierarchical linear models and OLS regressions are employed to control for sub-national effects, and model results indicate that election timing greatly dictate who governs midsized American cities. While local competitiveness and characteristics of the electorate also matter, their explanatory value is greatly over-shadowed by timing.  相似文献   

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