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Introduction Leukemia is a hematologic neoplasm character- ized by potential infectious and hemorrhagic com- plications. In adult patients with acute leukemia, in- fection is the most common complication. Intracra- nial hemorrhage (ICH) is the second most common complication. However, ICH has been identified as the major cause of morbidity and mortality in pa- tients with leukemia[1-6].  相似文献   

Methamphetamine is a synthetic stimulant that can adversely affect the central nervous system and the immune system. Through various mechanisms, methamphetamine is toxic to neurons, endothelial cells, lymphocytes, granulocytes, and macrophages resulting in systemic damage. Reported is the sudden demise of an otherwise healthy 31‐year‐old woman with a history of stimulant abuse. At autopsy, acute bacterial meningitis was identified. Microbiology cultures grew a single isolate of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Toxicology was positive for amphetamine (0.13 mg/L) and methamphetamine (0.8 mg/L). The cause of death was classified as acute bacterial meningitis with methamphetamine use. Either the acute bacterial meningitis or the methamphetamine toxicity would have been sufficient to result in death; however, the concurrent pathophysiology of the two entities must be understood. A review of the current literature assesses the mechanisms of injury attributed to acute and chronic methamphetamine use, bacterial meningitis, and the synergy between the two.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a common disease involving insulin resistance or deficit that, when left unchecked, may cause severe hyperglycemia and subsequent end‐organ damage. Acute pancreatitis (AP) is inflammation of the pancreas that can lead to significant morbidity and mortality. AP and DM both account for a significant amount of sudden deaths, and rarely both disease processes may be present in the same decedent, causing some difficulty in wording the cause of death statement. Although much research has been directed at studying the causes and risk factors for AP and DM, there is a complex interplay between these diseases that is not fully understood. This study presents two autopsy cases of sudden, natural deaths that illustrate this interplay, along with a review of the literature. An algorithm for differentiating AP and DM is then discussed in the context of the presented cases as a proposed aid for forensic pathologists in the certification of such deaths.  相似文献   

Cleistanthus collinus is an extremely toxic plant poison. We report a case of suicidal ingestion of boiled water decoction of C. collinus where the patient presented with abdominal pain and giddiness. There was persistent metabolic acidosis and fluctuation in the level of serum potassium. The ECG changes indicated a probable myocardial injury with conduction abnormality. At autopsy, the viscera were found to be congested. The toxins were detected in the viscera and blood by TLC and HPLC. Cleistanthin A and B, collinusin, and diphyllin are the principal toxic constituents of the plant. Consumption of a boiled decoction of leaves is highly toxic and, medical management of patients is mainly supportive because the molecular mechanisms of toxin action are unknown. In the recent years, C. collinus has created a considerable amount of interest because of its complex metabolites and their cytotoxic activities. Through this study, the authors have tried to highlight different properties pertaining to C. collinus.  相似文献   

An autopsy case of sudden death induced by alimentary tract hemorrhage was presented,which was caused by the unexpected rupture of clinically unrecognized tuberculous abdominal aortic aneurysm(TAAA).The initial diagnosis was made of the syndrome of coronary heart disease and hypertensive disease.The detailed autopsy showed that the alimentary tract hemorrhage was caused by a sudden rupture of the mass after posture changing was ascertained as the cause of death.The diagnosis of TAAA was determined by the autopsy findings.Analysis for the medical dispute of TAAA was described,and the difficulty of the diagnosis and medico-legal implications were also discussed.  相似文献   

Maternal mortality and morbidity are the leading causes of death and illness, respectively, among women of reproductive age in many countries throughout the world. Of all maternal deaths, those related to unsafe abortions are the most widely underestimated, but they are also the most largely preventable. Medical abortion is a safe and reliable method for termination of a pregnancy in early gestation, although it is important to be aware of signs and symptoms of severe infection and toxic shock syndrome after the medical termination of pregnancy; case studies in literature are rarely fatal events. We report the first case of septic shock syndrome following a clandestine pregnancy termination with a misoprostol‐only regimen (12 tablets 200 μg each). Autopsy findings and histopathological examination proved that the woman died from septic shock. This case suggests to improve the forensic investigations in case of unsafe, often clandestine, abortion is suspected.  相似文献   

Infants born to diabetic mothers are at increased risk for symptomatic hypoglycemia and death after birth. A 36-year-old G4P3 mother with a history of gestational diabetes and newly diagnosed type II insulin-dependent diabetes gave birth at home, in the care of a midwife, to a macrosomic infant girl (10 lbs.). Several hours after birth, the infant became lethargic and was found to be hypoglycemic (blood sugar: 28 mg/dL). Glucose and sugar water were administered by the midwife; however, the infant continued to decompensate. Emergency medical services were called, and the infant was transported to the hospital where, despite resuscitative efforts, she died. An autopsy and review of the literature was performed. At autopsy, characteristic features of maternal–fetal glucose dysregulation were identified, including fetal macrosomia, cardiomegaly, hepatomegaly, and severe pancreatic islet cell hypertrophy/hyperplasia. Developmental abnormalities and other potential causes of death were not identified. Although deaths due to hypoglycemia cannot be reliably diagnosed postmortem using vitreous glucose levels, a clinical history of maternal glucose dysregulation in combination with certain gross and histologic findings should prompt a pathologist to consider maternal–fetal glucose dysregulation as a diagnosis of exclusion and cause of death.  相似文献   

Sharp force injuries and drowning are methods exceptionally combined in complex suicides. We report a challenging case of complex suicide by self‐stabbing and drowning that illustrates the difficulty in discriminating between homicide and suicide in such circumstances of death. The corpse of a young man was found submerged in a river, stabbed nine times with two wounds that had penetrated the thorax and had caused lung injuries and a hemopneumothorax. The postmortem and histological examinations were consistent with a death caused by drowning, but the manner of death still remained undetermined. Police investigation finally concluded to a suicide, although no suicide note had been left and the victim had no underlying diagnosed mental disorder. The parameters that may help distinguish suicide from homicide at the autopsy should be interpreted in light of a thorough forensic investigation to determine the exact manner of death in such a case.  相似文献   

Management of a crime is the process of ensuring accurate and effective collection and preservation of physical evidence. Forensic botany can provide significant supporting evidences during criminal investigations. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the importance of forensic botany in the crime scene. We reported a case of a woman affected by dementia who had disappeared from nursing care and was found dead near the banks of a river that flowed under a railroad. Two possible ways of access to crime scene were identified and denominated “Path A” and “Path B.” Both types of soil and plants were identified. Botanical survey was performed. Some samples of Xanthium Orientalis subsp. Italicum were identified. The fall of woman resulted in external injuries and vertebral fracture at autopsy. The botanical evidence is important when crime scene and autopsy findings are not sufficient to define the dynamics and the modality of death.  相似文献   

Non‐atherosclerotic spontaneous coronary artery dissection (NA‐SCAD) is a rare cause of morbidity and mortality with a propensity for young, healthy, and often peripartum women. NA‐SCAD etiology is poorly understood, with possible hormonal and hereditary mechanisms. Current treatment strategies range from conservative management (often showing resolution on angiographic follow‐up) to invasive angiographic procedures. Rarely, NA‐SCAD has recurred in another coronary artery, ranging hours to years later. We report NA‐SCAD of the right coronary artery (RCA) in a 30‐year old, 3‐month postpartum female with an additional autopsy finding of remote myocardial infarction (MI) in the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery territory. The remote MI is consistent with prior NA‐SCAD of the LAD and, given the medical history, may have occurred in the peripartum period of the decedent first pregnancy 3 years earlier. As such, to the best of our knowledge, this may represent the first reported case of NA‐SCAD recurrence in a subsequent pregnancy.  相似文献   

Barium contrast radiography is a usual procedure performed for detecting lesions of the digestive tract using barium sulfate on X-ray irradiation. The aspiration of barium contrast is an uncommon but well-documented complication occurring accidentally during examinations of the upper gastrointestinal system using contrast media. Certain conditions that affect the anatomical and functional integrity of the oropharynx and esophagus can be predisposing factors. Barium is an inert material that can cause symptoms varying from an asymptomatic mechanical obstruction to severe respiratory distress that can result in death when aspirated. Sudden death due to aspiration of barium is rarely reported in the literature. We report a case of a 50-year-old female who suddenly developed difficulty in breathing, followed by loss of consciousness during barium swallow procedure due to aspiration of barium contrast. She could not be revived and died within a few minutes of the episode. The predisposing factor was the weakness of the muscles of deglutition due to myasthenia gravis. We also reviewed the literature available on cases resulting from the aspiration of barium sulfate during the barium study procedures. We considered the factors like the age, indications, the distribution of barium in the lungs, clinical presentation, the period of survival, and cause of death. We came across only four cases of death within 24 h following the aspiration of barium. This case report and review of literature emphasize the importance of consideration of predisposing factors before conducting barium contrast radiography and also the possibility of sudden death.  相似文献   

A 45-year-old male car driver died in a traffic accident of four cars rear-end collision on the highway.He was found to have died after a respiratory and cardiac arrest at the scene.No sign of skin injuries was observed from the external inspection.The autopsy was not permitted by the family members because of the local culture.Multislice computed tomography(MSCT)was applied to the current case,showing dislocation of C3~4cervical vertebrae withⅡdegree,C4vertebral plate fractures,and spinal stenosis.Post-mortem MSCT confirmed the diagnosis as whiplash injuries.MSCT was verified to be effective in showing the severity of whiplash injuries,thus providing certain objective evidence for medicolegal expertise.  相似文献   

Superior mesenteric vein thrombosis (SMVT) is an uncommon cause of intestinal ischemia and massive gastrointestinal bleeding. This report describes a man with alcoholic liver cirrhosis, who died of massive hematochezia due to SMVT. A medicolegal autopsy disclosed a thrombus at the superior mesenteric vein and hemorrhagic infarction of the bowel wall, an area also within the territory of the superior mesenteric vein. Liver cirrhosis, an enlarged spleen, and esophageal varices without rupture were also observed, but ulcers and variceal bleeding were not. Other organs showed no significant findings. His blood alcohol level was 0.14% w/v. Thus, this man died from severe hematochezia associated with SMVT due to liver cirrhosis and alcohol dehydration, which can lead to coagulopathy and rapid progress of thrombus formation. This is the first report on an alternate cause for massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage with a cirrhotic patient in a forensic autopsy.  相似文献   

Pediatric thoracolumbar fractures are rare due to the physiological differences which afford greater resilience to the immature spine. Most pediatric thoracolumbar fractures occur as the result of high energy trauma, such as motor vehicle accidents, and modes of reasonable accidental injuries are limited by age and developmental capabilities of the child. These fractures can occur as the result of inflicted blunt force trauma and child abuse, and in most cases, the mechanism of injury to the spine is not known. We report the death of a 29-month-old man due to blunt force trauma to the back and forced hyperextension of the thoracolumbar spine causing fracture of the fourth lumbar (L4) vertebral body. A complete forensic examination revealed a previous healing fracture of the anterior aspect of the L4 vertebral body, with acute disruption of the anterior longitudinal ligament overlying the fracture site, complete fracture of the vertebral body, and fatal retroperitoneal hemorrhage. We present a review of the biomechanical considerations of the pediatric spine, a survey of pediatric spinal fractures, and a review of the literature on pediatric abusive thoracolumbar fractures. In this case, there was never a provided explanation for how the injury occurred; however, understanding the biomechanics of the pediatric spine allowed for the determination of the mechanism, force required to produce this specific pattern of abusive spinal injury, and the manner of death.  相似文献   

Deaths due to decapitation, especially related to traffic accidents, are rarely found in forensic practice. The present case involves a man and a woman who died from decapitation due to an unusual mechanism while they were riding on a motorbike down a mountain road. The autopsy, which was completed as a physics study, allowed the accident to be reconstructed as follows: A plastic cable that had detached from a timber‐transporting machine whipped the road and hit the two motorcyclists. The impact resulted in the complete severing of both riders’ heads. Involving different scientists in this accident investigation was crucial to understanding the dynamics of the accident. In fact, in addition to scene inspection and autopsy, a physics study was carried out on the cable and the clamp involved, which led to an explanation for the abrupt movement of the cable and, thus, to a thorough reconstruction of the accident.  相似文献   

Thrombosis is caused by abnormalities in the composition of the blood, the quality of the vessel wall, and the nature of the blood flow. Herein, we present four cases of fatal thrombus formation after a trauma, which were missed at clinical diagnosis as the symptoms were misinterpreted. We stress that a blunt trauma can be fatal because of its direct and indirect kinetic energy effects at the subacute phase. This report highlights the importance of considering thrombosis in the diagnosis of closed trauma, which is usually missed because of lack of awareness for early diagnosis and treatment or is detected too late for any therapeutic intervention, which can result in avoidable morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2 are diseases characterized by impaired regulation of blood glucose due to decreased insulin production and insulin resistance, respectively. Management of diabetes mellitus often requires injection of exogenous insulin. Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII or insulin pump) is a diabetes treatment modality utilizing a device to aid in regulation of glycemic control. Malfunctions in device components can have rare fatal consequences. Described in this report are six fatalities due to one such malfunction, the failure of plastic cannulas of CSII devices to penetrate the skin and deliver insulin, resulting in fatal diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). The cases derive from four different death investigation systems. For each case, scene and autopsy findings are presented, as well as selected toxicology and histology findings. These cases illustrate the importance of careful examination of CSII devices in death investigations and introduce a discussion on discrepant manner of death classifications.  相似文献   

Pseudologia fantastica, a psychological phenomenon that has been described in the literature for at least a century, is an understudied and poorly understood entity. Sometimes referred to as pathological lying, pseudologia fantastica involves disproportionate fabrication that may be present for many years or a lifetime. In a forensic context, it can significantly complicate the evaluation of capacity to stand trial and, in certain jurisdictions, criminal responsibility. We review the current literature regarding pseudologia fantastica and present a case to highlight the clinical and forensic challenges it may create. We specifically discuss the complications that pseudologia fantastica may have on the assessment of a defendant's rational ability to consult with an attorney, a required element of capacity to stand trial. In addition, we discuss the implications of pseudologia fantastica in the evaluation of criminal responsibility.  相似文献   

Ingesting caustic substances represents a common event which may result in serious injuries of the gastrointestinal system. Severity of injury depends on the type of ingested substance: Caustic burns are more frequently associated with acid ingestion and their severity depends on type, concentration, time of exposure, and amount of the ingested substance. We report a case of phosphoric acid ingestion leading to death in a patient with depressive disorder. While reports ingestion of other acids and organophosphates can be found in the literature, there are no reports detailing a death due to phosphoric acid ingestion. We hope that presenting the findings in this case can aid death investigators in future cases that may involve ingestion of such a substance. After autopsy pH, phosphate and calcium ions concentration in the blood were analyzed. The cause of death was due to systemic effects: metabolic acidosis, hypophosphatemia, hypocalcemia, and hyperkalemia.  相似文献   

Measurement of postmortem pupil width is a potential component of death time estimation. However, no standardized measurement method has been described. We analyzed a total of 71 digital images for pupil–iris ratio using the software ImageJ. Images were analyzed three times by four different examiners. In addition, serial images from 10 cases were taken between 2 and 50 h postmortem to detect spontaneous pupil changes. Intra‐ and inter‐rater reliability of the method was excellent (ICC > 0.95). The method is observer independent and yields consistent results, and images can be digitally stored and re‐evaluated. The method seems highly eligible for forensic and scientific purposes. While statistical analysis of spontaneous pupil changes revealed a significant polynomial of quartic degree for postmortem time (p = 0.001), an obvious pattern was not detected. These results do not indicate suitability of spontaneous pupil changes for forensic death time estimation, as formerly suggested.  相似文献   

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