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国外对教学心理的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
70年代末期以来,心理学原理与教学的关系成为研究的热点。从课堂情境出发,以认知心理学为主导对认知表征、认知策略、反审认知、生成学习等课题进行实验性研究,较好地解决了心理学原理与教学的关系,为教学改革和教学实践提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

犯罪心理测试中的图像提示法,较之语言提示法具有许多优越性,应当成为另外一种主要提示法。心理测试技术运用的认知心理学原理从认知心理学角度上看,犯罪心理测试技术主要利用的是被测试者在案件发生的同时也正进行着对有关案件种种细节的认知活动的原理。也就是说,作案人在犯罪的同时,种种犯罪  相似文献   

本文从犯罪心理、犯罪心理学、犯罪心理测试技术三个层次逐层深入的去分析和探讨犯罪心理测试技术在侦查中的实践与应用。审理案件的心理实验技术,是依据实验心理学、认知心理学、犯罪心理学三大学科基础和侦查学、物证技术学、生物电子学、神经心理学等学科知识,综合的考虑犯罪心理测试技术在侦查实践中带来的便利以及作为一种技术手段本身所带有的局限性。  相似文献   

联结主义、建构主义和行为范式认知心理学是在符号主义认知心理学的基础上发展起来的认知心理学新取向,它们之间既存在着一定的联系和相同点,也有一定的差异.联结主义和行为范式认知心理学继承和发展科学主义心理学的基本原则,而建构主义认知心理学则汲取了后现代思想.三者在基本假设、方法论、研究目的、对象与内容方面各有侧重,但相互间也有共同之处.  相似文献   

科学发展观的思想向企业管理提出了新的要求,给心理学的发展提供了新的机遇.企业管理的问题属于知识丰富领域的问题,认知心理学对于解决这类问题能够提供有效的方法.对于新产品的开发,认知图能够揭示出顾客的需求,创造性思维的TRIZ方法能够提供有创意的方案,寻找问题满意解和稳健解的方法,可以帮助企业设计出高质量、低成本、性能稳定的产品.认知心理学在企业管理方面可以开辟出大有作为的新天地.  相似文献   

内隐无意识加工及其在教学中的体现与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
内隐认知已成为认知心理学研究中最新的发展趋势和前沿性课题之一,本在现有研究基础之上,对内隐认知在幼儿言语习得,问题解决中的直觉顿悟,决策及学习迁移等方面的体现加以解析,进而从理论上探讨了内隐无意识加工在直觉思维培养,隐性课程设计以及学绩测评等与教学相关方面的应用及其前景。  相似文献   

论现代认知心理学的知识测量与评价观   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代认知心理学的测量与评价观以不同类型的知识为基础,依据知识建构过程和知识结构的特点设计测验来测量与评价知识的获得。这一现代认知心理学的观点将有助于改变学习、教学与测量和评价相分离的现象,使我们认识到教学与测量和评价是相互促进的关系  相似文献   

谈运动心理学在体育教学中的意义徐伟体育运动心理学既是一门基础科学,也是一门实践性特强的应用科学,运动的心理学要求把心理学的一般原理应用到运动训练中去,反映出体育运动活动中的心理规律。心理学是研究人的心理活动规律性的科学,心理学认为任何心理过程都是高级...  相似文献   

监狱心理健康服务机构的规范运行研究与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、监狱心理健康服务机构的内涵 监狱心理健康服务机构是指运用心理学的原理、方法和技术为监狱民警、驻狱武警、服刑人员的心理健康提供专业服务的机构。“心理健康”一词的应用,与“心理治疗”、“心理矫治”两词相比,拓展了心理学在监狱工作中的应用范围,促进了心理学应用与监狱各项工作的有机结合。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,作为神经电生理学研究前沿之一的事件相关电位,由于为探索人的高级认知功能提供了一个可行而又客观的方法,正日益受到国内外学者的极大关注。神经心理学近年来出现的新的测评工具也使得其本身有了进一步的发展。本文分别对事件相关电位及神经心理学测量的基本内容作出综述,着重介绍两者近年来在颅脑外伤患者认知功能评估中的应用发展,并提出今后相关问题的研究方向。  相似文献   

Frequent tensions continue to plague the operations of multinational corporations (MNCs) in less-developed countries (LDCs). Accusations of insensitivity and heed-lessness toward the needs and aspirations of LDCs are commonplace. In this writer's opinion, negative perceptions of the MNCs' operations result in part from differing “world views” between the two groups that are frequently overlooked in strategy formulation. This paper is an attempt to demonstrate that productive, culturally sensitive strategies can be formulated if MNCs use a multiple-perspective approach in their relationships with LDCs. To illustrate this, cognitive mapping is used to analyze the MNCs' decisionmaking behavior. Use of this process should provide MNCs with an opportunity to evaluate the consequences of their actions, the prospect of more effective strategies emerges.  相似文献   

Should adolescents be held as culpable for their behavior as adults? Adolescence is a tumultuous time, full of change and transformation. This paper examines the development of brain functions and cognitive capabilities of teenagers. It explores the effect of alcohol use on brain development and the fundamental cognitive differences between adolescents and adults. This knowledge, coupled with the assessment of developmental perspective, suggests that the adultification of youth (or waiver to adult court) is unduly harsh for youth whose brains have not fully formed.  相似文献   

Despite advances in measurement and the sophistication of statistical technique, quantitative studies of police behavior seems to have reached the limits of their capacity to explain variance, develop and test theory, and inform policy choices. This paper suggests that further advances in observational studies of police behavior require that researchers account for the cognitive decision processes police use in exercising their discretion. A method for debriefing officers after encounters with the public is described. The results of a preliminary test of the method indicate that valuable in formation can be obtained with quite limited reactivity effects.  相似文献   

Recently, attention has turned to the possibility of enhancing human cognitive abilities via pharmacological interventions. Known as ‘cognitive enhancers’, these drugs can alter human mental capacities, and in some cases can effect significant improvements. One prime example is modafinil, a drug used to treat narcolepsy, which can help combat decreases in wakefulness and cognitive capacity that arise due to fatigue in otherwise healthy individuals. In this paper, we respond to calls in the philosophical and ethical literature that surgeons and other medical professionals should be morally obliged to take cognitively enhancing drugs. We examine whether surgeons who make fatigue‐related errors during patient care might be considered legally obliged to enhance themselves. We focus on liability for a failure to medicate, and conclude that it is highly unlikely that surgeons will be legally obliged to address their fatigue through the use of cognitive enhancing drugs.  相似文献   

Dealing with violent cancer patients can be particularly challenging. The purpose of this study was to collect data on the frequency, quality, and underlying variables affecting violent behavior as well as to examine the role played by this behavior in the premature interruption of treatment. A total of 388 cancer inpatients were examined by liaison psychiatrists. The data were assessed using the Staff Observation Aggression Scale (SOAS-R) and Psycho-Oncological Basic Documentation (PO-BADO); the quality of psychiatric disturbances was measured with a three-level rating according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.) criteria. Nineteen of 388 patients (4.9%) displayed violent behavior. The variable "cognitive limitations" was clearly associated with aggressive behavior. The interaction factor "constantly bedfast, nonterminal phase, and strong feelings of helplessness or subjection," was associated with aggressive behavior as a trend statistically. Eight of 19 inpatients showing aggressive behavior were prematurely released from the treatment facility. In a multivariate model the association of the variable "aggressive behavior" to premature interruption of treatment with unfinished diagnosis and therapy was weighted rather strong. Despite their methodological limitations, these results suggest that members of oncological teams should be able to identify violent behavior and its precursors at an early stage as important factors, which may decrease patient cooperation.  相似文献   

Although best practice dictates that offender programs should be based within a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) orientation, little is known about the impact of the therapist in delivering the program content, and therapist behaviors that can enhance the therapeutic process. In this paper we review the existing literature on process issues with general offenders and sexual offenders and attempt to highlight the importance of therapist behaviors in therapeutic treatment strategies. We conclude that therapists can use the therapeutic relationship to build trust and rapport, and that training should specially aim to enhance these skills.  相似文献   

Consultation is a crucial tool for better regulation, as well as being essential for the accountability and legitimacy of decision-makers. The European minimum requirements for consultation are fundamental conditions in order to attain these goals. However, they may not be enough, and consultation should also be designed to neutralise or reveal cognitive limitations, both of decision-makers as well as of stakeholders. This paper claims that enriching the better regulation approach with cognitive insights can in fact increase consultation effectiveness and thus become a critical piece in the puzzle to improve the legitimacy of the European Commission. Moreover, it suggests some techniques to tackle this complexity, which need to be further assessed by ad hoc experiments.  相似文献   

陈宁 《政法学刊》2007,24(1):60-63
共同犯罪中的实行过限问题是刑法共犯理论的难点之一。研究共同犯罪中的实行过限问题,目的是为了明确刑事责任的归属。在分配刑事责任的时候,应该从共犯的主观意志出发,以其对超出共谋之罪范围的过限行为所持主观态度如何来确定是否属于共犯过限。应根据共同犯罪人的分工不同,按组织犯、实行犯、帮助犯和教唆犯的分类对实行过限的认定进行详细考察。  相似文献   

Between 2006 and 2007, hundreds of export-oriented South Korean companies entered into what are called KIKO (knock-in, knock-out) target forward contracts to hedge against the threat of an appreciating Korean currency, the Won. Buyers of these contracts were assured a pre-determined foreign exchange rate as long as the range of exchange rate fluctuation stayed within a narrow band. In 2008, however, the Korean currency depreciated considerably following the global financial crisis, forcing buyers of the KIKO contracts to incur enormous losses. Why were there both supply and demand for these contracts, and why did they become suddenly popular? This article employs a behavioral law and economics perspective to explain what transpired in the minds of the parties to the contracts. Psychological biases and cognitive limitations were perhaps at play, including herd behavior, investor myopia, information cascades, and optimism bias. Recognizing that these psychological factors could induce sub-optimal decisions of the contracting parties, we argue that de-biasing should be considered an important policy goal in financial contracting. While the scope of this paper is limited to the KIKO contracts, the principles used to examine this case can be broadly applied.  相似文献   

Certain parenting behaviors have been linked with youth aggression and violence, but less is known about whether parents' attitudes toward fighting are a risk factor for children's aggressive behavior problems and future injury risk. Social cognitive theory suggests that parents' beliefs about fighting and retaliation may influence their children's attitudes toward fighting and aggression. The authors examined the associations among parental and youth attitudes toward fighting, parent-child relationships, and youth aggressive behavior in adolescents at great risk for future interpersonal violence. Data came from 72 parents and their adolescents (aged 12 to 17 years, 89% African American), who presented to an emergency department for youth's assault-related injuries. Analyses revealed an association between parents' and youth's attitudes toward fighting. Youth's and parents' attitudes were positively correlated with aggressive behavior, fighting, and school suspension. Parents' attitudes predicted youth's aggressive behavior, even after controlling for youth's attitudes. The findings suggest that interventions for high-risk youth should target the fighting-related attitudes of both parents and youth.  相似文献   

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