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Past and Present     
正The renovation of Dongsi Street in Beijing is a blueprint for historical block upgrades No.108 Dongsi South Street in Beijing consists of three clothing stores. However,they were once connected and belonged to an old brand.When renovations on Dongsi Street,located in Dongcheng District started in July 2020,experts from the China Academy of Urban Planning and Design removed its marble facade and uncovered a traditional building,the eaves and oil decorations and paintings of which have remained intact.  相似文献   

Acity with such a brilliant history is bound to have charm. Nanjing, capital of the Republic ofChina (1912-1949), has mystique, elegance, refinement, and melan-choly," says Pan Feng, 59, a retired middle school history teacher. Every morning, Pan goes to Dazhong Pavilion at Gulou to do taiji exercises and listen to Peking  相似文献   

The Great Wall has been synonymous with China since travelers and adventurers first spoke of the Middle Kingdom to the rest of the world.  相似文献   

SINCE ancient timesJingzhou City inHubei Province hasbeen known as “pas-sageway to sevenprovinces.” It is sepa-rated from richly endowed SouthChina by the middle reaches of theYangtze River on whose northernbanks it sits. The Hanshui Riverflows across its northern section to  相似文献   

本文认为<中国女性高等教育的历史与现状研究>填补了中国女性高等教育研究的空白,其对问题的阐述、理论分析及评价皆有建树.  相似文献   

老北京茶馆的前世与今生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提起老北京茶馆,人们自然会想到现代著名剧作家老舍和他的三幕话剧《茶馆》。老舍先生说:“茶馆是三教九流会面之所,可以容纳各色人物。一个大茶馆就是一个小社会。”老北京茶馆是老北京市民生活的典型环境,整日“泡”在其中的老北京市民其实是在享用一种生活方式。老北京茶馆独具的景观和风貌也折射了老北京与其他城市有别的文化精神。晚清以前流行大茶馆真正行业意义上的茶馆并非始于清代,但在清代发展得最为兴盛。有清一代,战乱结束,社会政治经济趋于稳定,作为都城的北京,人口急剧上升,南北茶商也纷纷进京开茶馆,皇城根下京城茶馆的数量…  相似文献   

正In Beijing lies one of China's most historical sites,the Yuanmingyuan or the Old Summer Palace,a royal garden built in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).Over 800,000 relics are alleged to have been plundered from the Yuan mingyuan by the Anglo-French forces in October 1860 during the Second Opium War(1856-60) and are today in museums across the world.  相似文献   

CHINESEwhoare45orolderknowofBeidaihebecauseitwasthelateChairmanMaoZedong'sfavoriteresort.In1954,Whilestandingonalargerockinarainstorm,hecomposedthepoemBeidaihe.InthispoemhedescribedthesceneryofBeidaiheandhishappinessatwinningthewar(MaoandhiscolleagueshadfoundedthePeople'sRepublicofChinain1949).By1966,whenthe"culhiralrevolution"began.Chinesecouldnotonlyrecitehispoem,theyalsorememberedBeidaihe.AlthoughBeidajheisonlytwoandahalfhours'drivefromBeijing,itsweatherismuchcoolerinthesummer.Maoo…  相似文献   

杜欢 《贵州民族研究》2021,42(5):122-125
中国各民族丰富多彩的音乐,是中华灿烂文化的组成部分,也是世界音乐中的瑰宝,具有不可替代的历史文化价值,但其传承和发展的状况却不容乐观.文旅融合发展,是当下实现少数民族乐器保护传承和创新发展的重要途径.文章以苗族民间乐器苗笛为例,结合少数民族乐器的特点和传承规律,分析其发展现状,探讨其发展对策,对如何进一步保护、传承我国少数民族民间乐器提出建议.  相似文献   

正QUALITY films that say something are the hardest to make,according to Oliver Stone.The distinguished,often controversial American film director,producer and screenwriter shared during his talk with China Today his views on film,history,and culture.Know Your Past Oliver Stone has achieved fame and respect for writing and directing powerful f ilms.Having enlisted in the U.S.army for combat duty in Vietnam,Stone initially served in the infantry and later the cavalry division.His fi rst screen success was the 12-minute  相似文献   

不可否认,时下的党风是人们的议论热点之一.这方面也确实存在不少的问题.比如,墨守成规、因循守旧、教条主义、本本主义滋长;脱离群众、高高在上、形式主义、官僚主义严重;弄虚作假、虚报浮夸、花拳绣腿、追功逐利盛行;贪图享受、拜金主义、个人主义蔓延,甚至以权谋私、收受贿赂的腐败现象也不少.面对这些问题,愤慨指谪、疾恶如仇是很自然的,怀念追思历史上党风建设的感人篇章、情节、故事、成果也是无可厚非的.要看到,这些因素引导的好都可以化变为推动党风建设的积极力量.但是,在党风建设问题上,如果只是把今天和昨天、现实和历史做一种简单化的比照,得出"今不如昔"的结论,那就大谬不然了.  相似文献   

中国服务型政府建设的基本经验与未来   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
服务型政府是落实科学发展观的根本途径,也是政府改革的重要目标。近十年来,通过确立服务型政府基本理念、构建基本公共服务体系和改革公共财政体制、创新公共服务供给机制等,我国服务型政府建设取得了重要进展。但政府间职责分工不合理,社会政策体系整体规划缺失,以及公共服务供给机制不完善,使得发展型政府难以超越,政府转型远未完成。在新的历史起点上建设服务型政府,除了进一步明确服务型政府建设的目标,巩固、确立新的政府管理体制和社会政策体系等制度基础外,关键在于为政府转型构建一个强有力的社会基础。  相似文献   

口岸是国家的门户,是连接国内国际两大市场的交汇点,是发展开放型经济的桥梁、纽带;口岸功能是国际性城市的必备功能.回顾武汉1862年开埠以来的历史,研究口岸兴衰与经济涨落的关系,思考在新世纪武汉口岸、武汉经济如何把握"入世"带来的机遇与挑战,更好地融入国际经济大循环,不无裨益.  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,中国大陆出现了前所未有的文艺思潮和学术思潮,诸如重读经典作品热、外国哲学译著热、弗洛伊德热、尼采热、萨特热,以及中国传统文化热等等。这是中国改革开放的新气象,我们应继续发扬光大。  相似文献   

The Intensive Multi-Perspective Seminar on Nepal-China relations: Past, Present and Future, sponsored by Nepal World Culture Net, was held from August 1 to 3 in the capital Kathmandu, to mark the 56th anniversary of diplomatic ties. CPAFFC Vice President Jing Dunquan headed a delegation consisting of government officials, experts and scholars from the Tibet Autonomous Region, Sichuan Pro- vince, Xi’an City, Chengdu City and China Radio International. They had discussions with personages from Nepalese political, economic and cultural circles, expressed their views and offered suggestions on the present bilateral relations as well as development prospects.  相似文献   

The First World ChineseEntrepreneurs ConventionThe First World ChineseEntrepreneurs Convention openedon August 10, 1991 in Singaporewith the slogan, "link up Chineseentrepreneurs all over the worldand enhance their businessgrowth." The Singapore ChineseChamber of Commerce andIndustry, the biggest industrial andcommercial body in Singapore(established in 1906), was thesponsorDuring the conference both Singaporean President Wee KimWee and senior cabinet memberLee Kuan Yew made speeche…  相似文献   

近年来,包括我国在内的世界各国的金融欺诈案件迅速增加、损失日益加剧,伴随着我国改革开放的发展,金融领域内的欺诈犯罪行为也在蔓延,且呈迅速上升之势。可以说,金融诈骗已成为当前我国经济犯罪活动中危害最大的犯罪类型之一。为了打击金融犯罪、保护国家和人民群众的财产权益、维护金融秩序、保护国家经济安全,应注重相关的立法与执法、协调各方面的力量、共同打击金融诈骗犯罪,从而有效遏制金融诈骗犯罪的产生和蔓延。  相似文献   

60年以来,文学界已渐渐地习惯了这样一种看法:把普通话看成是高端语言,是理性的、分析的、反省的、观察的、客观的、自我建构的语言类型;把方言看成是低端语言,是感性的、杂糅的、主观的、离散的、自我消解的语言类型.  相似文献   

女性职业生涯发展不仅是女性权利和地位的象征,更是社会和谐发展的标志.21世纪以来,国内多个学科领域均有学者关注女性职业发展问题,尤以研究女性职业发展的阻碍因素居多,并据此提出了相关对策和建议.  相似文献   

LI Juan has been taking her son, Dong Ziyan, to his weekly piano class on the back of her bicycle since he was four years old.  相似文献   

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