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Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: “Rats and Revolutionaries”: The Labour Movement in Australia and New Zealand 1890–1940. By James Bennett John Curtin: Guide to Archives of Australia's Prime Ministers. By David Black and Lesley Wallace Ten Pound Poms: Australia's Invisible Migrants. By A. James Hammerton and Alistair Thomson Freud in the Antipodes: A Cultural History of Psychoanalysis in Australia. By Joy Damousi Terms of Trust: Arguments over Ethics in Australian Government. By John Uhr A Trial Separation: Australia and the Decolonisation of Papua New Guinea By Donald Denoon An Indonesian Frontier: Acehnese and Other Histories of Sumatra. By Anthony Reid Vestiges of the Colonial Empire in France: Monuments, Museums and Colonial Memories. By Robert Aldrich  相似文献   


In May and June of 1977 more than 1,000 people crossed the border between Indonesian West Irian and the recently independent state of Papua New Guinea, long an Australian protectorate. Since those border crossings, people have become increasingly aware of a previously unacknowledged, little-understood liberation movement to free West Irian (or West Papua New Guinea as the rebels call it) from Indonesian control.  相似文献   

Australia’s strategic interests from 1961–1972 were forwarded by the late Portuguese Empire. Portugal and Australia shared a similar problem: both feared the consequences of decolonisation. Portugal was forthright in this stance, attracting much of the world’s ire that could have been directed at Australia. Lisbon routinely stated that Australian and Portuguese interests were in such tight alignment that they were natural partners. Canberra privately acknowledged this but was reluctant to identify with Portugal’s internationally unpopular authoritarian government. Re-inserting Portugal into the narrative contributes to the existing scholarship on Australia’s role in the decolonisation of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea and Portuguese Timor, and Australian support for white minority rule in Southern Africa. This article demonstrates that Portuguese efforts to attain their own security goals aided Australia and shines new light on this neglected aspect of Australia’s foreign policy literature.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Craig Wilcox, For Hearths and Homes. Citizen Soldiering in Australia 1854-1945
Dan O'Donnell, Bach Society of Queensland: Its First Quarter of a Century
Pamela Lukin Watson, Frontier Lands And Pioneer Legends. How pastoralists gained Karuwali land
Michelle P. Brown, The Book of Cerne. Prayer, Patronage and Power in Ninth Century England
David Peetz, Unions in a Contrary World: The Future of the Australian Trade Union Movement
Reinhard Alter and Peter Monteath (eds), Rewriting the German Past. History and Identity in the New Germany
James Cotton and John Ravenhill (eds), Seeking Asian Engagement: Australia in World Affairs, 1991-95
Quentin Skinner, Liberty Before Liberalism
Leslie Holmes, Post-Communism: An Introduction
Chad Blair, Money, Color and Sex in Hawai'i Politics
Nicholas Thomas and Richard Eves, Bad Colonists: the South Sea Letters of Vernon Lee Walker and Louis Becke
Jacques Levesque, The Enigma of 1989: the USSR and the Liberation of Eastern Europe
Timothy Bottoms, Djabugay Country: an Aboriginal History of Tropical North Queensland
Adrian Hastings, The Construction of Nationhood: Ethnicity, Religion and Nationalism
David Dean and Clyve Jones (eds), Parliament and Locality 1660-1939
T.R.H. Davenport, The Birth of a New South Africa (The 1995 Joanne Goodman Lectures)
Randall L. Schweller, Deadly Imbalances; Tripolarity and Hitler's Strategy of World Conquest
D.A. Low, Britain and Indian Nationalism. The Imprint of Ambiguity 1929-1942
Matthew H. Edney, Mapping an Empire. The Geographical Construction of British India, 1765-1843
Michael Bauer and John Russon (eds), Hegel and the Tradition: Essays in Honour of H.S. Harris
Alan Stephens, Going Solo. The Royal Australian Air Force 1946-1971  相似文献   

Books reviewed:
Moreno Cebrián El virreinato del marqués de Castelfuerte 1724–1736: el primer intento borbónico por reformar el Perú
Schwaller The Church in Colonial Latin America
Uribe-Uran Honorable Lives: Lawyers, Family, and Politics in Colombia, 1780–1850
López-Alves State Formation and Democracy in Latin America, 1810–1900
Bieber Power, Patronage, and Political Violence: State Building on a Brazilian Frontier, 1822–1889
Scott Slave Emancipation in Cuba: The Transition to Free Labor, 1860–1899
Suárez Imposing Decency: The Politics of Sexuality and Race in Puerto Rico, 1870–1920
Hora The Landowners of the Argentine Pampas. A Social and Political History 1860–1945
Brennan and Pianetto Region and Nation: Politics, Economy and Society in Twentieth Century Argentina
Klarén Peru: Society and nationhood in the Andes
Grandin Streets, The Blood of Guatemala. A History of Race and Nation
Serbin Secret Dialogues: Church-State Relations, Torture, and Social Justice in Authoritarian Brazil
Kingstone and Power Democratic Brazil. Actors, institutions and Processes
Piedra and Sonnleitner (eds) Democracia en tierras indÕgenas: Las elecciones en Los Altos de Chiapas (1991–1998)
Harris To Make the Earth Bear Fruit: Ethnographic Essays on Fertility, Work and Gender in Highland Bolivia
Agier Anthropologies du Carnaval: la ville la fête et l'Afrique à Bahia
Wade Music, Race, and Nation: Música Tropical in Columbia  相似文献   


In October 1986 the foreign ministers of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea (PNG) signed a Treaty of Mutual Respect, Friendship and Co-operation. Under the terms of this treaty the two countries have agreed not to threaten or use force against one another and not to cooperate with others in hostile or unlawful acts against each other or allow their territory to be used by others for such purposes. Provision is made also for consultation and negotiation in the event of any dispute. The treaty was hailed by President Suharto as “another milestone in the history of both countries,” while Papua New Guinea's prime minister, Paias Wingti, and foreign affairs secretary, Bill Dihm, said it would give direction for the future and inspire confidence in Papua New Guinea and its regional neighbors.  相似文献   

In the continuing debates about the relative importance of conservatism and liberalism in the history of the Australian Liberal Party, one important dimension remains absent. Liberal developmentalism as an important anti‐conservative strand of thought was critical to the party's formative years after the Second World War as a party of government. The importance of this facet of liberalism is illustrated here by reference to the role of long‐serving Minister for Territories Paul Hasluck in overseeing development in Papua and New Guinea (PNG). Hasluck and the Australian Administration formulated policy intended to secure the indigenous population on rural smallholdings at higher standards of living before industrialisation's anticipated effects of proletarianisation could take effect.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviews in this article:
Brading, D. A. (1994), Church and State in Bourbon Mexico, the Diocese of Michoách 1749–181O)
Andrien, Kenneth J. and Johnson, Lyman L. (eds) (1994), The Political Economy of Spanish America in the Age of Revolution, 1750–1850
Wolfe, Joel (1993), Working Women, Working Men: São Paul0 and the Rise of Brazil's Industrial Working Class, 1900–1955
Florescano, Enrique (trans. Albert G. Bork with the assistance of Kathryn R. Bork) (1994), Memory, Myth, and Time in Mexico: from the Aztecs to Independence
Brumfiel, Elizabeth M; and Fox, John W. (eds) (1994), Factional Competition and Political Development in the New World
Arnold, Dean E. (1993), Ecology and Ceramic Production in an Andean Community
Weber, David J. and Rausch, Jane M. (eds) (1994), Where Cultures Meet: the Frontier in Latin American History
Anderson, Leslie E. (1994), The Political Ecology of the Modem Peasant
Rakowski, Cathy A. (ed.) (1994), Contrapunto: the Informal Sector Debate in Latin America
Linz, Juan J. and Valenzuela, Arturo (eds) (1994), The Failure of Presidential Democracy
Geddes, Barbara (1994), Politician's Dilemma: Building State Capacity in Latin America
Guzman Bouvard, Marguerite 1994), Revolutionizing Motherhood: the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo
Rodriguez, Jeanette (1994), Our Lady of Guadalupe. Faith and Empowerment Among Mexican-American Women
Menton, S. (1993), Latin America's New Historical Novel
Jörgensen, Beth (1994), Engaging Dialogues: the Writing of Elena Poniatowska
Taylor, kathy 1994), The New Narrative of Mexico: Subversions of History in Mexican Fiction  相似文献   

Australian rule in the Territory of Papua and New Guinea (TPNG) was conducted in large part by a system of patrol officers, the “kiaps”. This article examines rule-by-kiap in the two remote, westernmost districts of the late-Territory (Western and West Sepik) between 1960 and 1973, drawing upon archival sources and interviews with former officers. Australian colonial rule in these districts should be understood as “government by inspection”. The extension of infrastructures of access and the conduct of the census were dominant preoccupations of the Administration, and demonstrations of force were routine. Rule-by-kiap was characteristic of much of TPNG across the years of Australian rule but persisted later in these remote districts, due to their late consolidation under the control of the colonial state. Accordingly, longstanding preoccupations such as the census became linked to new imperatives, such as the conduct of elections.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article: Bray, Warwick (ed. (1994), The Meeting of Two Worlds: Europe and the Americas 1492–1650 Marcus, Joyce (1992), Mesoamerican Writing Systems: Propaganda, Myth, and History in Four Ancient Civilizations Cervantes, Fernando (1994), The Devil in the New World: The Impact of Diabolism in New Spain Patch, Robert W. (1993), Maya and Spaniard in Yucatan 1648–1812 Melville, Elinor G. K. 1994), A Plague of Sheep: Environmental Consequences of the Conquest of Mexico Minchom, Martin (1994), The People of Quito, 1690–1810: Change and Unrest in the Underclass Ward, Christopher (1994), Imperial Panama: Commerce and Conflict in Isthmian America, 1550–1800 Gootenberg, Paul (1994), Imagining Development: Economic Ideas in Peru's ‘Fictitious Prosperity’ of Guano, 1840–1880 Jacobsen, Nils (1993) Mirages of Transition: The Peruvian Altiplano, 1780–1930 Hales, Charles R. (1994), Resistance and Contradiction: Miskitu Indians and the Nicaraguan State, 1894–1987 Silva, Eduardo (trans. Moyra Ashford) (1993), Prince of the People: The Life and Times of a Brazilian Free Man of Colour Barthélémy, Gérard and Girault, Christian (eds) (1993), La République haitienne: etat des lieux et perspectives Lal, Brij V., Munro, Doug and Beechert, Edward D. (eds) (1993), Plantation Workers: Resistance and Accommodation Nugent, Stephen (1993), Amazonian Cuboclo Society: an Essay on Invisibility and Peasant Economy Whitten, Dorothea S. and Whitten, Norman E. (eds) (1993), Imagery and Creativity. Ethnoaesthetics and Art Worlds in the Americas Peterson, Jeanette Favrot (1993), The Paradise Garden Murals of Malinalco: Utopia and Empire in Sixteenth-century Mexico Britton, John A. (ed.) (1994), Molding the Hearts and Minds: Education, Communications, and social Change in Latin America Martin, Christopher (1994) Schooling in Mexico, Staying in or Dropping Out Salinas Meza, René (1993), Elideario femenino chileno, entre la tradicióny la modernidad. Siglos XVIII al XX Kuppers, Gaby (ed.) (1994), Compañeras: Voices from the Latin American Women's Movement Lomnitz-Adler, Claudio (1993), Exits from the Labyrinth: Culture and Ideology in the Mexican National Space Lowenthal, Abraham F. and Burgess, Katrina (eds) (1993), The California-Mexico Connection Browne, Harry (1994), For Richer, For Poorer: Shaping US-Mexican Integration Cornelius, Wayne A., Craig, Ann L. and Fox, Jonathan (eds) (1994), Transforming State-Society Relations in Mexico: the National Solidarity Strategy De la Peña, Sergio and Wilkie, James (1994), La estadística económica en México. Los orígenes Bulmer Thomas, Victor, Craske, Nikki and Serrano, Monica (eds) (1994), Mexico and the North American Free Trade Agreement: Who Will Benefit? Aspe, Pedro (1993), Economic Transformation: The Mexican Way Sanchez, Manuel and Corona, Rossana (eds) (1993), Privatisation in Latin America Conitrot, Adolfo and Junco, Silva (eds) (1993), Macroeconomic Conditions and Trade Liberalisation Bacha, Edmar L. (ed.) (1993), Savings and Investment Requirements for the Resumption of Growth in Latin America Bernecker, Walther L. and Tobler, Hans Werner (eds) (1993), Development and Underdevelopment in America Baer, Werner and Tulchin, Joseph S. (eds) (1993), Brazil and the Challenge of Economic Reform Payne, Leigh A. (1994), Brazilian Industrialists and Democratic Change Furley, Peter A. (ed.)(1994), The Forest Frontier: Settlement and Change in Brazilian Roraima Rock, David (ed.) (1994), Latin America in the 1940s: War and Postwar Transitions Selbin, Eric (1993), Modern Latin American Revolutions Morley, Morris H. (1994), Washington, Somoza and the Sandinistas: State and Regime in US Policy Toward Nicaragua, 1969–1981 Liss, Sheldon B. (1994) Fidel! Castro's Political and social Thought Gills, B., Rocamora, J. and Wilson, R. (eds) (1993), Low Intensity Democracy: Political Power in the New World Order Manzetti, Luigi (1993), Institutions, Parties and Coalitions in Argentine Politics  相似文献   

In 1969, Speaker of the House Assembly of Papua and New Guinea John Guise, spoke of a "quiet decision" to limit the activities of "Native" Local Government Councils in the Territory, so that "they seem to be much more like those of Australian Shire Councils" . The present essay suggests that this "quiet decision", contrary to conventional wisdom, was not simply part of a colonial policy designed to serve "assimilationist purposes". Rather, the restricted role finally accorded to local councils was a corollary of the enhanced, post-war capacity of the metropolitan state. Early local government policy never envisaged councils as a first step toward self-government. Rather, councils were to be vehicles for securing the "systematic development of native agricultural potential". The decision to limit the scope of local government policy reflected not a rejection of this initial intent, but rather agrarian reform after 1956 was re-constituted as an object of direct government control. The legacy of local government in Papua New Guinea is not so much one of 'white' colonialism, but of 'development' entrapped in trusteeship.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Barrett-Brown, M. and Coates, K. (1996) The Blair Revelation: Deliverance for Whom?
Blackburn, R. and Plant, R. (eds) (1999) The Labour Government's Constitutional Reform Agenda.
Blair, T. (1996) New Britain: My Vision of a Young Country.
Brivati, B. and Bale, T. (eds) (1997) New Labour in Power: Precedents and Prospects.
Crewe, I., Gosschalk, B. and Bartle, J. (1998) Political Communications: Why Labour Won the General Election of 1997
Denver, D., Fisher, J., Cowley, P. and Pattie, C. (1998) British Elections and Parties Review, Volume 8: The 1997 General Election.
Driver, S. and Martell, L. (1998) New Labour: Politics after Thatcherism.
Ellison, N. (1994) Egalitarian Thought and Labour Politics: Retreating Visions.
Gamble, A. and Wright, T. (1999) The New Social Democracy.
Geddes, A. and Tonge, J. (eds) (1997) Labour's Landslide: The British General Election 1997.
Giddens, A. (1998) The Third Way: the Renewal of Social Democracy.
Hay, C. (1999) The Political Economy of New Labour: Labouring under False Pretences?
Hazell, R. (ed.) (1999) Constitutional Futures: A History of the Next Ten Years.
Jones, T. (1996) Remaking the Labour Party: From Gaitskell to Blair.
Shaw, E. (1996) The Labour Party Since 1945.
Taylor, G. (1997) Labour's Renewal? The Policy Review and Beyond.
Thompson, N. (1996) Political Economy and the Labour Party: The Economics of Democratic Socialism 1884–1995.
Worcester, R. and Mortimore, R. (1999) Explaining Labour's Landslide.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
Collier, Simon and Sater, William (1996), A History of Chile, 1808–1994
Bulmer-Thomas, Victor (1994), The Economic History of Latin America Since Independence
Ramirez, Susan Elizabeth (1996), The World Upside Down: Cross Cultural Contact and Conflict in Sixteenth-Century Peru
Mundy, Barbara, E. (1996), The Mapping of New Spain: Indigenous Cartography and the Maps of the Relaciones Geograficas
Davis, Darien J., ed., (1995) Slavery and Beyond: The African Impact on Latin America and the Caribbean
Meade, Terasa A., (1997), 'Civilizing' Rio: Reform and Resistance in a Brazilian City, 1889–1930
Schneider, Ronald M. (1996), Brazil: Culture and Politics in a New Industrial Powerhouse
Coutinho, Mauricio (1996) The Brazilian Fiscal System in the 1990s: Equality and Efficiency Under Inflationary Conditions
Jelin, Elizabeth and Hershberg, Eric (eds.) (1996), Human Rights, Citizenship and Society in Latin America
Chalmers, Douglas A., Vilas, Carlos M., Hite, Katherine, Martin, Scott B., Piester, Kerianne and Segarra, Monique (1997), The New Politics of Inequality in Latin America: Rethinking participation and representation
Costa, Sergio (1997), Dimensionen der Demokratisierung: Offentlichkeit, Zivilgesellschaft und likale Partizipation in Brasilien .
Little, Walter and Posada-Carbo, Eduardo (eds.) (1996), Political Corruption in Europe and Latin America.
Linkogle, Stephanie (1996), Gender Practice and Faith in Nicarague: Constructing the Popular and Making 'Common Sense'
Prevost, Gary and Vanden, Harry E. (eds) (1997), The Undermining of the Sandinista Revolution  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
Collier, Simon and Sater, William (1996), A History of Chile, 1808–1994
Bulmer-Thomas, Victor (1994), The Economic History of Latin America Since Independence
Ramirez, Susan Elizabeth (1996), The World Upside Down: Cross Cultural Contact and Conflict in Sixteenth-Century Peru
Mundy, Barbara, E. (1996), The Mapping of New Spain: Indigenous Cartography and the Maps of the Relaciones Geograficas
Davis, Darien J., ed., (1995), Slavery and Beyond: The African Impact on Latin America and the Caribbean
Meade, Terasa A., (1997), 'Civilizing' Rio: Reform and Resistance in a Brazilian City, 1889–1930
Schnieder, Ronald M. (1996), Brazil: Culture and Polities in a New Industrial Powerhouse
Coutinho, Mauricio (1996), The Brazilian Fiscal System in the 1990s: Equality and Efficiency Under Inflationary Conditions
Jelin, Elizabeth and Hershberg, Eric (eds.) (1996), Human Rights, Citizenship and Society in Latin America
Chalmers, Douglas A., Vilas, Carlos M., Hite, Katherine, Martin, Scott B., Piester, Kerianne and Segarra, Monique (1997), The New Politics of Inequality in Latin America: Rethinking participation and representation
Costa, Sergio (1997), Dimensionen der Demokratisierung: Offentlichkeit, Zivilgesellschaft und likale Partizipation in Brasilien
Little, Walter and Posada-Carbo, Eduardo (eds.) (1996), Political Corruption in Europe and Latin
Linkogle, Stephanie (1996), Gender Practice and Faith In Nicaragua: Constructing the Popular and Making 'Common Sense'
Prevost, Gary and Vanden, Harry E. (eds) (1997), The Undermining of the Sandinista Revolution  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: CAN MINISTERS COPE? Australian Federal Ministers at Work. By Patrick Weller and Michelle Grattan. JAMES MACARTHUR: Colonial Conservative, 1798–1867. By John Manning Ward. A JUST SOCIETY? Essays on Equity in Australia. Edited by P. N. Troy. EQUITY IN THE CITY. Edited by P. N. Troy. INNOVATION AND REACTION: The life and death of the Federal Department of Urban and Regional Development. By C. J. Lloyd and Patrick N. Troy. SYDNEY; A Social and Political Atlas. By Michael Poulsen and Peter Spearritt. TOWARDS ADAPTIVE FEDERALISM; A Search for Criteria for Responsibility Sharing in a Federal System. PARLAMENTARISCHE BUNDESSTAATEN IM COMMONWEALTH OF NATIONS: KANADA, AUSTRALIEN, INDIEN: Ein Vergleich. Bd I. Grundbegriffe und Grundlagen. UNDERSTANDING PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Edited by G. R. Curnow and R. L. Wettenhall. DECISIONS: Case Studies in Australian Public Policy. Edited by Sol Encel, Peter Wilenski and Bernard Schaffer. THE ABC–AUNT SALLY AND SACRED COW. By Clement Semmler. MELBOURNE STUDIES IN EDUCATION 1981. Edited by Stephen Murray-Smith. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PRACTICE Edited by J. A. Pettifer. AUSTRALIAN IMPERIALISM IN THE PACIFIC: The Expansionist Era 1820–1920. By Roger C. Thompson CRITICAL ESSAYS IN AUSTRALIAN POLITICS. Edited by Graeme Duncan. WOOL IN WARTIME: A Study in Colonialism, by Les White. NORTHERN AUSTRALIA: Options and Implications. Edited by Rhys Jones. GUIDE TO NORTHERN TERRITORY RESEARCH RESOURCES IN NORTHERN TERRITORY COLLECTIONS. Compiled by M.A. Clinch for the Northern Territory Government. THE ABORIGINAL TASMANIANS. By Lyndall Ryan. ALBERT HAHL: Governor in New Guinea. Edited and translated by Peter G. Sack and Dymphna Clark. Peter Biskup, ‘Dr Albert Hahl–Sketch of a German Colonial Official’, Australian Journal of Politics and History 14 (3), 1968, 343–57. Peter Sack, Land Between Two Laws: early European Land acquisitions in New Guinea (Canberra, 1973). Stewart Firth, ‘Albert Hahl: Governor of German New Guinea’, in James Griffin (ed.), Papua New Guinea Portraits: The Expatriate Experience (Canberra, 1978), 28–48. WOMEN, POLITICS AND CHANGE: The Kaum Ibu UMNO, Malaysia, 1945–1972. By Lenore Manderson. UNEQUAL TREATY 1898-1997: China, Great Britain and Hong Kong's New Territories. By Peter Wesley-Smith. THE LAST COLONY: But Whose? A study of the labour movement, labour market and labour relations in Hong Kong. By H.A. Turner et al. CHINA'S INTELLECTUAL DILEMMA: Politics and University Enrolment, 1949–1978. By Robert Taylor. ANATOMY OF THE RAJ: Russian Consular Reports. Edited by Suhash Chakravarty. CLASS AND ECONOMIC CHANGE IN KENYA: The Making of an African Petite Bourgeoisie 1905–1970. By Gavin Kitching. THE BRITISH SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT. Fourth Edition. By Anthony H. Birch. AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS. Third Edition. By Allen M. Potter, Peter Fotheringham and James G. Kellas. THE PROJECTION OF BRITAIN: British Overseas Publicity and Propaganda 1919–1939. By Philip M. Taylor. GREAT BRITAIN GREAT EMPIRE: An Evaluation of the British Imperial Experience. By W. Ross Johnston. THE BRITISH BUSINESS ELITE: Its attitudes to Class, Status and Power. By John Fidler. A CLASS AGAINST ITSELF: Power and the Nationalisation of the British Steel Industry. By Doug McEachern. A LIBERAL DESCENT: Victorian Historians and the English Past. By J. W. Burrow. THE GREAT POWERS OF THE EUROPEAN STATES SYSTEM 1815 1914. By F. R. Bridge and Roger Bullen. WHO WERE THE FASCISTS: Social Roots of European Fascism. Edited by Stein Ugelvik Larsen, Bern! Hagtvet and Jan Petter Myklebust. DECEPTION IN WORLD WAR II. By Charles Cruickshank. THE GERMAN SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY, 1875-1935: From Ghetto to Government. By W. L. Guttsman. DIE DEUTSCHE INFLATION 1914–1923. Ursachen und Folgen in internationaler Perspektive. By Carl-Ludwig Holtfrerich. INTERPRETING THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. By François Furet. TSAR ALEXIS: His Reign and His Russia. By Joseph T. Fuhrmann. DIARY OF VOLODYMYR VYNNYCHENKO, Vol. 1, 1911–1920. Edited by Hryhory Kostiuk. THE ETHNIC REVIVAL IN THE MODERN WORLD. By Anthony D. Smith. POLITICS IN ETHNICALLY BIPOLAR STATES: Guyana, Malaysia, Fiji. By R. S. Milne. ETHNIC SOLDIERS: State security in a divided society. By Cynthia H. Enloe. ELITES IN AMERICAN HISTORY: The Federalist Years to the Civil War. By Philip H. Burch. BRITISH REGULARS IN MONTREAL: An Imperial Garrison, 1832–1854. By Elinor Kyte Senior. THE POLITICS OF THE SECOND ELECTORATE: Women and Public Participation–Britain, USA, Canada, Australia, France, Spain, West Germany, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Eastern Europe, USSR, Japan. Edited by Joni Lovenduski and Jill Hills. WHAT IT MEANS TO BE HUMAN: Essays in Philosophical Anthropology, Political Philosophy and Social Psychology. Edited by Ross Fitzgerald. JEAN BODIN: Selected Writings on Philosophy, Religion and Politics. Edited by Paul Lawrence Rose. MACHIAVELLI. By Quentin Skinner. CONSTITUTIONAL THEORY. By Geoffrey Marshall. THE DESIGN AND UNDERSTANDING OF SURVEY QUESTIONS. By William A. Belson.  相似文献   

I shall now try to recapitulate the argument of the paper and to draw a conclusion from it. The early pages gave evidence that, although the Australian government during the 1960s took the initiative in setting up the constitutional framework for a democratic polity, on the whole they assigned primacy, especially in the second half of the period, to policies of economic development. Without entering into the merits or successes of those policies themselves, I attributed the basic order of priorities to a mixture of motives and assumptions. The first assumption was that Australia's colonial responsibility and her commitment to heavily subsidised economic development required restraints on political development, and hence the prolongation of colonial dependence. The conflict between this assumption and Australia's trusteeship obligations could be rationalised by the notion of cautious ‘preparation’ of the people for self-determination, under Australian official guidance, and with the bait of continued Australian aid. This rationalisation seemed to be supported by a ‘vulgar’ Marxian belief in the primacy of economic activity and the secondary importance of political and other social functions. However, it was also hoped that economic change need have no awkward political repercussions. To sustain that hope, it was further assumed that while the colonial regime lasted, the government of Papua and New Guinea could be treated as essentially an administrative task, untrammelled by the claims of autonomous political ideologies and interests. If the policy makers for Papua and New Guinea held such a set of assumptions, consciously or otherwise, it would go far to explain some of the leading features of the country's governmental history in recent years: the strength of its economic planning machinery and the lack of sophistication in its administrative and political dealings; the relatively perfunctory efforts at political ‘preparation’; the attempts to keep local government and the public service ‘non-political’ and to contain incipient politics in the House of Assembly; the paternalistic controls over members of formal government institutions; above all, the failure to maintain meaningful communication with the groups of people most profoundly affected by the incidence of economic development itself. For experience had falsified the basic assumptions of policy, so far as they accord a primary role to economics, relied on a comfortable continuance of the colonial relationship, and conceived government mainly in terms of administration. Politics the demand for the reconciliation of conflicting interests by autonomous negotiation—had erupted in local government, in the House of Assembly, in political associations, and in the villages. I t had erupted in spite of the assumptions of the regime—and also because of them, for the more rigidly such beliefs are practised, the more violent is the reaction likely to be. The conclusion, then, is that politics is independent of economics, and interdependent with it. In the government of Papua and New Guinea, as of any such country, political skills are as important as economic planning if economic growth is to be matched by political stability.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
Rodriguez, Victoria E. and Ward, Peter M. (eds) (1995), Opposition Government in Mexico
Brysk, Alison (1994), The Politics of Human, Rights in Argentina: Protest, Change and Democratization
Serrano, Sol (1994), Universidad y Nación: Chile en el Siglo XIX
Puryear, Jeffrey M. (1994), Thinking Politics: Intellectuals and Democracy in Chile, 1973–1988
Rein, Raanan (trans. Martha Grenzcback) (1993), The Franco-Perón Alliance: Relations Between Spain and Argentina, 1946–1955
Amaral, Samuel and Plotkin, Mariano Ben (eds) (1993), Perih: del exilio al poder
Weaver, Frederick Stirton (1994), Inside the Volcano: the History and Political Economy of Central America
Schulz, Donald E. and Schulz, Deborah Sundloff (1994), The United States, Honduras, and the Crisis in Central America
Domínguez, Jorge, Pastor, Robert and Worrell, Delisle (eds) (1993), Democracy in the Caribbean: Political, Economic and Social Perspectives
Ridgeway, James (ed.) (1994), The Haiti Files: Decoding the Crisis
Aedo, Cristian and Larranaga, Oswaldo (eds) (1994), Social Service Delivery Systems: an Agenda for Reform
Ocampo, Jose Antonio and Steiner, Roberto (eds) (1994), Foreign Capital in Latin America
Salazar-Carrillo, Jorge (1994), Oil and Development in Venezuela during the Twentieth Century
Painter, James (1994), Bolivia and Coca: A Study in Dependency
Meyers, William K. (1994), Forge of Progress, Crucible of Revolt. The Origins of the Mexican Revolution in La Comarca Lagunera, 1880–1911
McCreery, David (1994), Rural Guatemala 1760–1940
Brotherson, Gordon (1992), The Book of the Fourth World: Reading the Native Americas through their Literature  相似文献   


West Papua—or Irian Jaya, as it has been renamed by the Indonesian government—is Indonesia's 26th province, occupying the western half of the island of New Guinea. For the people of West Papua, however, Indonesia is an occupying power. Since the area is so little known, most non-Papuans are unaware that West Papuans have been struggling for independence there ever since the mid-1960s, led by the Organisasi Papua Merdeka (OPM—Free Papua Movement).  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: POLITICAL DISCOURSE: Explorations in Indian and Western Political Thought. Women And Peace Through The Polls. Australian Public Opinion On National Security Issues. Why Oppose Racism. Public Enterpiuse And National Development. Selected Essays. Public Power And Public Administration. The Italians In Australia. Capital Labour On The Kimberley Diamond Fields 1871–1890. Culture, Identity, And Politics. The French Reconnaissance. Baudin In Australia 1801–1803. Gordon Chalk: A Political Life. A Very Small Insurance Policy: The Politics of Australian Involvement in Vietnam, 1954–1967. All The Way: Australia's road to Vietnam. A Documentary History Of Queensland. The Archibald Paradox: A Strange Case Of Authorship. Rail Transport And Australian Federalism. The War Despatches Of Kenneth Slessor, Official Australian Correspondent 1940–1944. Between Two Nations: The Indonesia-Papua New Guinea border and West Papua Nationalism. Highlanders And Foreigners In The Upper Ramu. The Kainantu area 1919–1942. Politics And Power In The Usa. Politics And Culture In Early Modern Europe: Essays in Honour of H.G. Koenigsberger. AN Edwardian Meed-Doubles: The Bosanquets versus the Webbs: Study in British Social Policy 189&1929. Feminism And Democracy. Women's Suffrage And Reform Politics in Britain. 1900–1918. Perestroika: New Thinking For Our Country and the World. Revisionmsm And Emplre: Socialist Imperialism in Germany 1897–1914. Bernstein To Brandt. A Short History of German Social Democracy. Population, Labour And Century Germany. Migration In 19Th And 20Th Century Germany. Einfeuhrung In Fragen An Die Geschichtswissenschaet In Deutschland Nach Hitler 1945–1950. Deutschlands Eneuerung 1945–1950. Der Krieg Und Die Schriiwsteller. Der Kriegsroman Der Weimarer Republik. Exil Und Engagement. Deutsche Schriftsteller Im Frankreich Der Dreissiger Jahre. The Ideological Origins Of Nazi Imperialism. Three Faces Of Imperialism; British And American Approaches To Asia and Africa 1870–1970. Saladm And The Fall Of Jerusalem.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Encountering Terra Australis: The Australian Voyages of Nicolas Baudin and Matthew Flinders. By Jean Fornasiero, Peter Monteath and John West‐Sooby Hill End: An Historic Australian Goldfields Landscape. By Alan Mayne Professional Savages: Captive Lives and Western Spectacle. By Roslyn Poignant So Monstrous a Travesty: Chris Watson and the World's First National Labour Government. By Ross McMullin On The War Path: An Anthology of Australian Military Travel. Edited by Robin Gerster and Peter Pierce Radical Brisbane: an Unruly History. Edited by Raymond Evans and Carole Ferrier Jessie Street: A Revised Autobiography. Edited by Lenore Coltheart Kisch in Australia: The Untold Story. By Heidi Zogbaum Freedom Ride: a Freedom Rider Remembers. By Ann Curthoys The Power of Speech: Australian Prime Ministers Defining the National Image. By James Curran Latham and Abbott. By Michael Duffy From Camp to Queer: Remaking the Australian Homosexual. By Robert Reynolds The West New Guinea Debacle: Dutch Decolonisation and Indonesia, 1945‐1962. By C.L.M. Penders The Western Front: Battle Ground and Home Front in the First World War. By Hunt Tooley The Justicing Notebook (1750‐64) of Edmund Tew (Publications of the Surtees Society, vol. 205.) Edited by Gwenda Morgan and Peter Rushton British Clubs and Societies, 1580‐1800: The Origins of an Associational World. By Peter Clark Soldier and Peasant in French Popular Culture, 1766‐1870. By David M. Hopkin Napoleon and the Transformation of Europe. By Alexander Grab Hitler's Last Chief of Foreign Intelligence. Allied Interrogations of Walter Schellenberg. Edited by Reinhard R. Doerries War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race. By Edwin Black A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples. By Ilan Pappe Subverting Colonial Authority: Challenges to Spanish Rule in Eighteenth‐Century Southern Andes. By Sergio Serulnikov Honour Among Nations? Treaties and Agreements with Indigenous People. By Marcia Langton, Maureen Tehan, Lisa Palmer and Kathryn Shain  相似文献   

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