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<正>The 11thChina-Japan-ROK Friendship Children’s Painting Tour Exhibitions organized by the Japanese NPO BELLPO-KAI and Shanghai People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries were held in Fukuoka,Tokyo and Shanghai in July and August this year.Through painting,a common form of culture,as a way to strengthen exchanges between the Chinese and Japanese children,the exhibition aims to promote  相似文献   

正Beijing Children's Legal Aid and Research Center expresses thanks to the Special Rapporteur(SR) for his report. The report details the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and violence on children, and provides many useful solutions.As an organization engaged in protection of children's rights, protecting children from violence is the focus of our work.  相似文献   

正I'm speaking on behalf of China Soong Ching Ling Foundation, which is a prestigious organization working for children and adolescent's development and rights protection. Today, I would like to share the latest efforts by the Chinese government in the construction of legal systems for protecting children from violence.  相似文献   

正I am honored to have this the opportunity to address the annual discussion on children’s rights. I am a professor of education research at Capital Normal University, and today I’m speaking on behalf of China Soong Ching Ling Foundation, a prestigious organization focusing on children and adolescent’s development and rights protection.The right to education is a basic human right. How to fully protect a child’s right to receive education,especially those who live in extreme poverty, is a very challenging task for the government.  相似文献   

正The quality of early childhood development has a life-long crucial impact on the development of a person. Over the past 30 years, children's health care system in China has made great progress. The government is committed to providing free vaccination and physical examination to all children and continuously improving the quality of medical care.  相似文献   

After nine years of negotiations by 155 countries and international entities,the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Hereinafter referred to as the "Convention") was opened for signature on December 10,1982 in Montego Bay,Jamaica.The Convention lays down a comprehensive regime of law and order in the world's oceans and seas,establishing rules that govern all uses of the oceans and their resources.It is known as the "constitution for the oceans" and its historical position is second only to the United Nations Charter.2012 is the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Convention and the 18th anniversary of its entry into force.It is also the 30th anniversary of China's accession to the Convention and the 16th anniversary of its entry into force for the country.At this monumental moment in history,it is worthwhile to review China's contribution to the achievement of the Convention and reflect on the pros and cons of China vis-à-vis the Convention,so as to better explore ways and means of addressing future problems.  相似文献   

Nuclear weapons look set to stay with us, fulfilling as they do a different role from that of conventional weapons, in terms of their deadly potential for massive destruction. Indeed, nuclear weapons served as a stabilizing force during the hostile Cold War period. Sine the end of the Cold War, our world has undergone huge changes. Relative peace continues to be maintained on the basis of the logic of a "balance of terror", but the nuclear cloud hanging over human beings has never quite left us. Both the U.S. and Russia retain large nuclear arsenals, and a significant number of state and non-state actors on the stage of world politics continue to show interest in this lethal weapon. So-called "nuclear crises" flare up and test the wodd's nerves every now and again, and with some major nuclear powers continuing to make adjustments to their nuclear policies, the world nuclear proliferation position appears to be undergoing significant and profound change and transformation. In this article the author intends to help readers to become acquainted with the nuclear status quo as well as the characteristics of post-Cold War nuclear proliferation. The author also aims to help readers to understand the causes of the post-Cold War nuclear proliferation.  相似文献   

International export control regimes are referring to the regimes and systems concerning limitation of export and transference of military-use and dual-use items and related parts as well as technologies. In the past couple of years, the control regimes have shown a strengthening posture. In addition, a new global export control regime is brewing. Hence export control has caught the attention of the international community, and particularly of the circles of armament control and commerce. The author would like to make some analyses of the posture and then try to predict the trend of international export control regimes.  相似文献   

Barack Obama's assumption of U.S. presidency proclaims the end of Bushism. There might be solution of the Middle East issue. a major favorite turn in the The Middle East issue is an important source of global threats such as rampant international terrorism, high oil prices and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and touches the most sensitive nerves of the United States. For stabilizing the situation in the Middle East and ensuring U.S. strategic interests in the region, the Obama administration will extricate itself from Iraq as early as possible to shift its main anti-terrorism battlefield to Afghanistan, possibly abandon the goal of overthrowing the current Iranian regime to have direct official engagement with it, and give more attention and make greater efforts to the resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.  相似文献   

While the threat of war has decreased,there have appeared intricate security issues that affect all aspects of human life,breaking through various defenses and threatening the well being of all actors in the contemporary world,including nations,groups and individuals.This risky situation calls for a new security concept,one that transcends traditional state centrism,national supremacy and coercion.The new security concept,which should assimilate the general theory of grand strategy,focuses on a vision that spans time and space,valuing humankind as it exists as one of the dynamic factors of nature and society.The essentials of the new security concept are to recognize balanced development as the substance of security and to govern national strength and the application of means and tactics.It aims at realizing comprehensive security across various social fields within states,to achieve mutual security among national,international and individual actors,as well as harmony between man and nature,continuous security leading to lasting and universal peace in the future.  相似文献   

This preliminary study traces how climate change came to be viewed as a security issue in the United States through a review of policy documents and reports prepared for and by the US security sector. The paper draws upon the ideas of constructivist schools of security studies to provide an analytical framework for understanding the meaning of the securitization process as it has occurred in the United States. It then refl ects upon the adequacy of those frameworks to interpret the securitization of climate change. In the US, new knowledge of the phenomenon of climate change was fi rst constructed in the research sector, in the fi elds of meteorology and atmospheric science. Environmental and Earth sciences then became a locus of research, and climate change fi rst entered security discourse as a topic of environmental protection. As the implications of climate change and its potential impact on water resources, food production, diseases, infrastructure, and human migration came to the attention of the security sector, this knowledge stimulated an internal discourse, where each new document functioned both as a new securitization statement and as a policy response to prior documents in a chain of discourse. Actors in this securitization process included not only “speakers” making a securitization claim (knowledge claim) and “audiences” that accept or reject a claim. Importantly, it also included actors who were instrumental in translating knowledge between research and security sectors. This brief consideration suggests that social science theories that center on practice are more robust than those that center on discourse for interpreting the securitization of climate change. Improved analytic frameworks need to better account for actors whose role is to transfer and translate knowledge from one sector to another.  相似文献   

The year of 2000 is at the turn of the century as well as of the millennium. Themankind waves farewell to the 20th century as well as the second millenniumand welcomes the 21st century and the third millennium. At this special juncture,looking closely at the future based on understanding which was obtained from re-viewing and summarizing the past and present world politics from historical andphilosophical standpoints, we can find that it has become an unavoidable subject onhow to regard the trend of the world pattern toward multi-polarization and respon-sibility adjustment arising from it.  相似文献   

The THAAD issue stirs up the strategic security situation in Northeast Asia and the world,damaging mutual trust between China and South Korea as well as that between China and the United States,testing China's ability to safeguard strategic security interests and handle relations with neighboring countries and among major powers.China's reaction attracts wide attention,including misunderstanding and criticism.There is a view that the alliance between the United States and South Korea is dominated by the United States and followed by South Korea,marked by deployment of THAAD.China's countermeasures should be targeted at the United States.China should not set the South Korea as the main target.There is also a view that China overreacted,and that China should confine responses to military matters and ought not to expand them to areas of economy and trade as well as cultural exchange.Other opinions hold that the deployment of THAAD is related to the North Korea issue and that China should oppose North Korean nuclear buildup instead of THAAD.  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) is widely regarded as an important international actor, and usually referred to as a big power like the U. S. , Russia, China and Japan. So naturally the foreign policy of the EU has caught attention of both officials and scholars over the world. However, the EU is also a combination of sovereign states, its foreign policy is different from others, and perhaps this is often ignored. For instance, unlike a single nation state, the EU's influence and power are different in various policy fields due to its different ways of decision-making and implementation. Also, different from the common currency, the forming of the common foreign policy of the EU doesn't mean the disappearance of respective member state's foreign policy. Only seeing or emphasizing one respect will lead to a misunderstanding of the EU. Moreover, as a unique "supranational and intergovernmental" organization in the world, the EU has too many complex institutions, names and terms. Of course, the situation is not better in the field of foreign policy, and it easily leads to confusion and misunderstanding. It is also necessary to point out that the EU is still in the process of evolvement, and in particular, as one of the major reforms of the EU in recent years, the foreign policy-making mechanism has been in the center of change and adjustment. It is no doubt that this adds to the difficulties of studying and understanding the EU's foreign policy. In a word, the author thinks it is necessary to raise some major issues related to the EU's foreign policy and delve into it in connecting with the EU's current development.  相似文献   

The designation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea as state sponsor of terrorism is not only one ot the core reasons for the Bush administration to define the DPRK as a member of the axis of evil as well as the outpost of tyranny, but also constitutes the root cause of hostility and tension between the two countries. The issue of DPRK's inclusion on the U.S. blacklist of terrorism-sponsoring countries occurred before the nuclear issue. But the Bush administration now links the two issues and regards the denuclearization of DPRK as the precondition for its removal from the blacklist of terrorism-supporting states. Hence, a new round of game is unfolding between the United States and the DPRK on how to remove the latter from the list.  相似文献   

There are basically three different types of internationally mobile talent: industry talents, professionals, and talents of the social sciences and culture. There are seven different factors underlying the international migration of talented people: the global income gap, the pursuit of personal worth, requirements of national development, technical innovation, industrial agglomeration, language and cultural compatibility, and immigration policies. The international migration of talent increasingly highlights the issue of international talent security, and has a far-reaching impact on personal safety, as well as national and global security. Therefore, cooperation on international talent safety issues should be strengthened in order to establish a more regular order to the international migration of talent, and to reduce the negative effects brought about by it, so as to promote economic globalization and sound economic and political progress in the international community.  相似文献   

Gao Ge Located between big powers, the Central and East European countries often look up to the big powers or the big power groups for protection in choosing their road of development. Thus they are especially prone to the impact of the changing international relations, and are mostly modes transplanted from outside. Their Europeanization is also the transplantation of Western modes, but compared with the attempt to imitate the Western democracy as after the end of WWI and the mechan- ical copy of the Soviet mode following the outbreak of the cold war, the difference now is that the cur- rent transplant benefits from their own subjective will, the aptitude of their national conditions as well as their favorable internal and external conditions. They have got rid of the fate of defeat and the process of Europeanization has made remarkable progress.  相似文献   

At the threshold of the new century, EU countries adopted the "New Economy" strategy and worked out and took a series of measures in order to catch up with the new economy of the United States. I. Major measures of EU and its member countries to develop new economy. 1. Accelerating the construction of the economy of a new type with Internet as its platform and Informa-tion and Communication Technology as its pillar. EU has proposed the "e-Europe" plan and the strategy for developing know…  相似文献   

The words and deeds of the U.S. government vis-à-vis China since 2006 indicate that the United States has notably enhanced its recognition on the importance of China to the world as well as to America itself. It seems that the United States begins to consider and inclines to accept or to some extent reluctantly accommodate  相似文献   

<正>Spring is a time of renewal and growth.In the springtime of 2017,I would like to extend,on behalf of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU),our New Year message to Chinese and overseas readers,as well as people from all walks of life who have been supportive to the work and development of CAFIU.  相似文献   

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