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正As one of the four representatives of Eastern European countries I had a chance to spend the time period from 9~(th)to 18~(th)of May in China(Beijing and Fujian Province).I express my great gratitude to CAFIU,team of organizers and The Embassy of The People's Republic of China in The Republic of Latvia for this opportunity.  相似文献   

AttheinvitationoftheFinnishNationalFundforResearchandDevelopmentSitraaCAFIUdelega-tionledbyJiangZhenghuaVice-ChairmanoftheStandingCommitteeoftheNationalPeople'sCongressNPCandVice-PresidentoftheChineseAssociationforInternationalUnderstandingCAFI-UpaidfriendlyvisittoFinlandfromMay15to21.WiththemeticulousarrangementbyourhostthedelegationhadaquitethoroughstudyonsuchareasasFinnishenvironmentalprotectionenergypoli-ciespoliciesontechnologyanddevelopmentofhightechnologydevelopmentofinfor…  相似文献   

In March, Karachi saw bright sunshine andpleasant weather. From March 24-29, 2006, theAsian sub-conference of the 6th World SocialForum (WSF) was convened here. This is the firsttime since its birth that WSF had been held indifferent regions with the aim …  相似文献   

At the invitation of the International Initiatives of Change of Japan (IC-Japan), I and other two members of CAFIU visited Japan from April 14 to 20. We were cordially received by the Japanese side.During the visit, we met with leaders of IC-Japan and had discussions with members of the association, and also called on old friends of the Kazankai Foundation.  相似文献   

2002年6月,中国社会科学院的经济学家代表团参加了在莫斯科举行的第四届中俄经济研讨会.根据俄方的安排,中方代表还访问了俄罗斯科学院下属的有关院所,并且远赴伏尔加地区、乌拉尔地区和西伯利亚,访问萨拉托夫、叶卡捷琳堡和新西伯利亚三个城市,与俄罗斯科学院乌拉尔分院、西伯利亚分院的学者进行交流,并参观了当地的工业企业和农场.  相似文献   

Festus Mogae, the third president in the history of the Republic of Botswana, served between April 1998 and March 2008. Before that, he had been the Vice-President for 6 years. During his presidency, Mogae managed to maintain the stability and prosperity of Botswana, thanks to his  相似文献   

South Africa National Civic Organization (Sanco) held its 4th National Conference from 12-13 December 2006 in Bloemfontein,the judicial capital of South Africa. There were more than 1000 delegates from 9 provinces to the Conference. The representatives of the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) were invited to attend the Conference. During and after the conference,CAFIU representatives had extensive contacts and exchanges of views with the officials from the concerned government departments and Tripartite Alliance and scholars and experts from academic circles,thus having deepened their understanding of Sanco.  相似文献   

InFebruarythisyear,thedelegationofChineseAs-sociationforInternationalUnderstanding(CAFIU)headedbyMr.LuoHaocai,Vice-ChairmanoftheNationalCommitteeoftheChinesePeople'sPoliti-calConsultativeConference(CPPCC)andVice-PresidentofCAFIUattendedinThailandthe″Sem-inaronChina-ThailandCultureandEconomicProsperity″,followedbyavisittoMyanmar.Asamemberofthedelegation,thevisithasmadefineanddeepimpressiononme.1.ThailandandMyanmararesimilarinarea,natu-ralenvironmentandsizeofpopulation,andboth…  相似文献   

At the invitation of National Strategy Institute of Republic of Korea and Japan-China Association, the Young Leaders Delegation headed by Mr. Zhu  相似文献   

On June 10, the annual Global Summit on Women opened in the ancient capital Cairo, Egypt. The Summit was long called the Davos Forum for Women. Nearly 900 representatives from political and business circles of 89 countries and regions participated in thi…  相似文献   

At the invitation of New Zealand and A ustralian R o-taries,a 4-m em berCA FIU delegation headed by M r.Zhu D acheng,V ice-PresidentofCA FIU visited thetwo countriesfrom M arch 6to 18.In N ew Zealand,itwasautum n,warm in the daytim eand coolatnight. Tranquilbeaches, vastfarm s,flocks ofleisurely sheep and friendly K iwis, therewas friendly and peaceful atm osphere everywhere.The delegation visited A uckland, W ellington andN ew Plym outh and attended the D istrict9940Con-ference of…  相似文献   

本文分析了中国参与南亚区域合作的重大战略利益,这是中国应当积极参与南亚区域合作的动因所在。分析了中国扩展参与南亚区域合作的时机和应当注意的问题,提出了作者的看法。  相似文献   

The OSPAAAL delegation made up by Mrs.Lourdes Cervantes and Miss Ariadna González,coming from Cuba,which participated in the study tour of Knowing about China(May 12-27,2012) considers that this visit was a very interesting and useful experience to understand  相似文献   

正At the invitation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU),an elevenmember delegation of Nagano-ken Japan-China Exchange Association headed by President Matsumura Masakazu visited China on November20 to 24,2016.CAFIU Secretary-General Ni Jian and Council Member Li Dongping met with the  相似文献   

对中国亚太地缘战略的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪是中国崛起的世纪,这已是国际社会共识.实现战略崛起则是中国21世纪"惟此惟大"的战略诉求.然而,中国若要实现战略崛起,一种明智、合理、既节省战略成本、又能充分发挥战略能力、实现最大战略收益的亚太地缘战略构思与实践就具有关键意义. 21世纪初,亚太地缘战略环境虽然有多种变化趋势,但其中最根本的趋势是亚太正在迅速崛起为全球政治、经济与实力中心.国际上甚至有人据此推断21世纪将是"太平洋世纪".如巴基斯坦总统穆沙拉夫最近就曾预言:"过去属于欧洲,现在属于美国,未来则属于亚洲."  相似文献   

文明史理论的研究一直是包括中国在内的国际学术界研究的热门课题之一.国内学术界一般认为,文明史理论的正式形成,当以斯宾格勒<西方的没落>的出版为标志[1].但是一些学者,如吴于廑、冯玮[2]等指出,在斯宾格勒发表<西方的没落>的50年前,俄国学者丹尼列夫斯基就已经提出了比较文明的基本理论和思想.  相似文献   

根据国家"十一五"规划纲要关于主体功能区的类型界定,跟从党的十七大关于加强主体功能区建设的战略部署,以老工业基地和粮食主产区为主要开发对象的东北综合经济区,应当从整体上认定为优化开发主体功能区的现实价值,具有从整体上认定东北地区为优化开发主体功能区的资本依托、制约因素、发展目标,特别是优化开发主体功能区的推进措施,加快东北优化开发主体功能区建设进程,才能在东北老工业基地振兴进程中建成东北优化开发主体功能区。  相似文献   

Chen  Xin 《Asia Europe Journal》2022,20(1):9-13
Asia Europe Journal - The China-EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) is a balanced, high-level, and mutually beneficial investment agreement. It not only sets up a new legal framework for...  相似文献   

Since 2014,the development of the China-India relationship has followed a trend of starting high and ending low.The China-India relationship warmed up rapidly in the first two years,which nevertheless failed to bring about a substantial breakthrough in their bilateral relations,as India's strategic doubts about China and their differences of interests on numerous issues still pose difficulties.  相似文献   

马来西亚南海安全政策初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南海分布着马来西亚的领海和专属经济区海域,是马来西亚国家利益的重要组成部分。为实践在南海地区“维护海洋环境的稳定,不受限制地开发海洋资源和开展国际贸易”的战略构想,马来西亚通过建立和发展自主的国防力量,与区域内外国家开展有限的安全合作以增强在南海的防御能力,并通过各种途径巩固对南沙部分岛礁的占领,实现其在南海的主权安全和经济安全。马来西亚将南海视为其海洋利益拓展的前沿阵地,在南海问题趋于复杂化、国际化的背景下,马来西亚希望通过实施大国平衡战略,维持南海地区的力量平衡,创造对己有利的海上安全环境。  相似文献   

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