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An exhibition of Xixia callig- raphy, jointly sponsored bythe CPAFFC, the Foreign AffairsOffice of the Ningxia Hui Autono-mous Regional People's Govern-ment, and the Ishikawa Japan-China Friendship Association, theJapan-China Art Exchange Con-ference and Hokushiten Kai (a  相似文献   

苏士澍 《中国发展》2012,12(1):76-78
该文阐述了重视书法教育的意义不仅在于提高学生的书写技能,还可以增加学生对祖国语言文字的认识,加深他们对传统文化的理解,拓宽眼界,陶冶情操,培养其审美情趣和审美能力,全面提升其素质。并提出,书法不等于写字。仅仅写好字并不一定能成为好的书法家;饱读诗文、博览群书,文化修养极高、又能写好字的人,才能成为好的书法家。  相似文献   

谢和平 《中国发展》2011,11(6):78-82
书法是中国文化艺术的基石,也是中华文明的载体。该文论述了书法在当今社会中体现的文化性、人本性、社会性和国际性,并提出,每位书者更应当具有高度的文化自觉和文化自信,积极投身到讴歌时代和人民的文艺创造活动之中,创作生产出思想性艺术性观赏性相统一、人民喜闻乐见的优秀作品。  相似文献   

Chinese 书法 (shu fa), calligraphy, is the ancient art of Chinese handwriting. No publication on Chinese culture could ever omit mention of Chinese characters and calligraphy. For foreigners, 汉字 (han zi), Chinese characters, are hard to master, and calligraphy is even more difficult.  相似文献   

赵永贤 《中国发展》2012,12(1):72-75
法作为中国人文素质的基础和精髓,历来为政府官员所重视,并已成为官员必备素质之一,该文通过梳理分析和归纳总结后得出,书法对当今公务员的素质培养具有重要意义,分别为:通过“以字正心”,端正思想行为;丰富文化知识,提升综合修养;提高书写水平,便于日常应用;广交各界朋友,抵制不良爱好;凝神静气挥毫,有益健康长寿。  相似文献   

CHINESE calligraphy is widely recognized as an im- portant element of the nation’s ancient culture. The art of writing with brushes originated in China, and calligraphy has always been an important branch of Chinese civilization. Today it is still practiced by enthusiasts both at home and abroad.  相似文献   

IN China, calligraphy occupies a distinguished position among traditional arts. With Chinese characters as its platform, calligraphy displays the spiritual world in an aesthetic sense. Calligraphy integrates characters with peculiar writing styles, bringing about enduring appeal of different styles with the help of the four treasures of study (ink, writing brush, inkstone and paper). Having been engaged in calligraphy for decades, I have witnessed the thriving development of calligraphy in China in the last 20 years. Over the years,  相似文献   

正One year after the opening of the first cashier-free supermarket in China in 2016,most Chinese cities now have this kind of supermarket.While self-service stores make it more convenient for consumers,they also pose risks to cashiers,whose jobs may thus vanish.  相似文献   

冯敏刚 《中国发展》2011,11(6):83-85
在当代社会,书法作为传媒工具的实用价值已大大退化,但在其它方面的实用价值正在不断凸显、发展和壮大。这就是书法在当代社会的现实性。该文论述了书法在养生方面、促进读书和思考方面的实用价值,以及书法在装点、装潢等方面的功能,最后提出书法家应该在人民广泛参与的书法氛围中创造自己的辉煌。  相似文献   

论新时期研究生德育工作   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
党中央十分重视新时期的研究生德育工作.本文在阐述德育工作的时代性和重要性基础上,侧重从形象教育、丰富个性和科学管理三个方面指出了如何从事新时期的研究生德育工作.  相似文献   

To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the sign-ing of Sino-Japanese Peace and Friendship Treaty, a "Peace and Progress" Chinese and Japanese Contemporary Calligraphy Exhibition jointly sponsored by the CPAFFC, the Chinese Association for Promoting Cultural Development, the Federation of Re-  相似文献   

One hot summer day not long ago, in the central courtyard of the Temple of Imperial Ancestors in Beijing, 30 Chinese and foreign calligraphers could be seen working on a 100-meter-long scroll they were preparing lor the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.  相似文献   

许瑶 《理论月刊》2008,(8):136-138
自行政学诞生以来,中西方涉及行政管理的理论研究不断推陈出新,优秀者数不胜数。传统行政组织理论首推马克斯.韦伯为代表的官僚制理论,但随着时代的发展,官僚制的运行出现了各种问题。20世纪70年代以来西方世界纷纷举起政府改革的大旗,开始对传统的行政体制进行创新、实施行政改革。其中最为显著的成果之一便是新公共管理理论。新公共管理理论以提高政府效率为目标,主张减少管制,追求政府的小而美,在全面反思官僚制基础上,提出了一系列政府行政改革的"药方"。这些"药方"至今仍为许多西方国家追随、实践。  相似文献   

The relationship between area studies and political science is fraught with tradeoffs. In particular, a danger exists that the field of Chinese politics is being hollowed out because (a) there are many islands of highly specialized research with few bridges between them; and (b) more and more Chinese politics scholars are engaged in debates in which the ‘other side’ is no longer a China scholar but instead a colleague in the discipline. At a time when China's economic growth and prominence in world affairs have generated remarkable interest inside and outside the academy, few scholars are willing to take a stab at characterizing the polity or addressing other, equally large questions. Further thought is needed about the ‘terms of enlistment’ for China scholars in political science, in an era when ever more-focused studies and greater participation in disciplinary debates have become the norm.  相似文献   

I'm serving a prison term at the Beijing Prison. It is already more than four years. One day in September 2000, one of my brothers who reside overseas came to see me. In private, he asked me: "Do you have enough to eat? Have you ever been beaten by anybody? Do you do very hard work? Is it cold in winter?" His questions startled me. They showed the unjust reports by foreign media and that made my brother worried about me.  相似文献   

肖朝德艺术简介 肖朝德,艺名蜀汉堂堂主,1954年2月出生,毕业于四川大学新闻系。1975年携笔从戒,军旅馆生涯18载。现任西南商报社副总编、新闻专题部主任。  相似文献   

作风建设是党的建设的重要组成部分。党在长期革命和建设中形成的一系列优良作风是我党的一笔宝贵的精神财富和一切工作的法宝。新的发展形势和时代课题又给作风建设注入新的内涵。  相似文献   

正An inheritor keeps a demanding traditional craft alive By Xinhua A’ang Jiancuo,46,is one of the inheritors of the De’ang Sazhi style of Tibetan calligraphy,which originated from the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Golog in northwest China’s Qinghai Province.The unique art form was enlisted into the national intangible cultural heritage of China in 2011.  相似文献   

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