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Theoretical discussions of adolescence tend to emphasize the importance of physical development, self-views, and a transitional aspect of adolescence. Few research studies examine these variables in combination. The purpose of the present research was to examine the interrelationships of physical self-satisfaction, self-esteem, and identity in addition to their ability to predict satisfaction with an individual's social milieu. Multiple regression analyses were conducted for six groups consisting of eighth-, tenth-, and twelfth-grade males and females. While the prediction patterns yielded no differences for grade level, differences between males and females were found. Self-esteem was the best predictor for males, while identity and physical self-satisfaction were the best predictors for females.This research is based on the author's dissertation.Received her Ph.D. in educational psychology from Temple University in 1978. Main interest is adolescent development, especially social-emotional development.  相似文献   

The relation between understanding of friendship and asociality was examined in 91 girls and 104 boys ranging in age from 9 to 17 years. Consistent with previous research, older children had higher understanding of friendship scores than younger children, and girls had higher understanding of friendship scores than boys. The relation between understanding of friendship and asociality was significant only for boys. Difficulty in understanding components of friendship appears to be one correlate of boys' delinquent tendencies.This article is based on the master's thesis of the first author, submitted to the University of Dayton.Received M.A. from University of Dayton. Main interest is clinical psychology.Received Ph.D. from University of Illinois at Chicago. Main interest is social cognitive development.  相似文献   

Self-esteem and value orientation are recognized in several theories as important factors in the development of delinquency. In a comparison of these theories, value orientation and different aspects of self-esteem were assessed using an individually administered test battery with male delinquents, marginal delinquents, and nondelinquents. No value orientation or overall self-esteem differences were found. The results are interpreted as generally supportive of the Kaplan theory, which holds that delinquents use psychological defenses to enhance their self-esteem and to retain endorsement of socially accepted values.  相似文献   

The possibility of using skin as a metaphor for the relation between man and woman is examined. The metaphor of skin might be an alternative to the psychoanalytical, patriarchal metaphor for that relation: the phallus. It might also open up a third way between essentialism and constructivism. First and last, skin could be the metaphor for an ethical relation between self and other. The article concludes with an analysis of the final scene of August Strindberg's The Father :  相似文献   

Ego identity and intimacy statuses were determined for 88 college students, 44 men and 44 women, and related to each other and to measures of intimacy, loving, and liking. As hypothesized, more advanced stages of identity development were associated with higher levels of intimacy formation. Further, for both males and females, occupational identity development was the primary predictive factor in the identity/intimacy stage resolution relationship.Received her M. S. from Utah State University.Received his M. A. in psychology from the University of Nebraska at Omaha and his Ph.D. in human development from The Pennsylvania State University.  相似文献   

This article aims to explore and make theoretical sense of a stream of tourism that blurs the boundaries between sex, romance and intimacy, and diffuses the line between affectionate and economic relations. The empirical scope is the expanding international tourism of tango dancing—meaning the increasing number of people from all over the world travelling to Buenos Aires to dance tango and engage with the local tango culture. In contrast to women's sex tourism on the beaches of Jamaica and Ghana, the relationships evolving in the Argentinean dance halls only occasionally lead to sexual affairs and temporary romances, but they are still part of a sensual geography made up of a transnational skin-to-skin intimacy. In addition, the relations between local dancers and tourists rarely result in economic transactions of sex for money; however, they engage with a growing market of intimate dance services and are part of the economic injustices and exotified projections of our post-colonial time. Hence, this article seeks to shed critical light over a broader area of transnational romance. The case of tango evokes new sets of critical queries regarding the trade of bodily intimacy and affection; the consequences of economic inequality in the area of heterosexual romance; and the production of class morals and racialised gender regimes. Through an exploration of these intimate practices, discourses and sets of emotions produced in this particular context, a complex landscape of market forces and close-embrace dancing unfolds.  相似文献   

Self-report measures of empathy and emotional intelligence have frequently revealed significant gender differences, with females typically scoring higher than males on these dimensions. In this study, we investigated whether, in line with a social identity approach, manipulating the gender normativity of empathy and emotional intelligence would ameliorate typically observed differences. Male and female participants (N = 330) were randomly assigned to read one of three narratives comprising fictitious neurological research evidence which claimed that males (Condition 1) or females (Condition 2) or neither males nor females (Condition 3) scored higher on measures of empathy and emotional intelligence. Results indicated that, in Conditions 2 and 3, females scored significantly higher than males on self-reported empathy. However, when information suggested that males were superior to females (Condition 1), no significant gender differences in self-reported empathy were observed. A similar pattern was found for emotional intelligence, however the predicted interaction effect failed to reach significance. The role of social context in determining gender differences in emotional functioning is discussed with particular reference to gender differences in motivation.  相似文献   

The results of two studies are reported. Study I involved the development of the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA), a self-report instrument for use with adolescents. Subject were 179 college students aged 16–20 years. Item content of the instrument was suggested by attachment theory's formulations concerning the nature of feelings toward attachment figures. In Study II, the convergent validity of the IPPA was examined. Also, a hierarchial regression model was employed to investigate the association between quality of attachment and self-esteem, life-satisfaction, and affective status. Respondents were 86 adolescents from the Study I sample. As hypothesized, perceived quality of both parent and peer attachments was significantly related to psychological well-being. Results of the development of a theoretically focused, exploratory classification scheme indicated that adolescents classified as highly securely attached reported greater satisfaction with themselves, a higher likelihood of seeking social support, and less symptomatic response to stressful life events.She received her Ph.D. in Psychology at the University of Washington. Her research interests include the study of attachment, stress and coping styles in adolescence.He received his Ph.D. from the University of Virginia. His research interests include attachment relationships across the life span and their influence on personality, and the development of deaf children.  相似文献   

The relationships of family cohesion and adaptability to adolescent intimacy development were explored by administering the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales survey and the Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation — Behavioral Version survey to 207 middle adolescents (70 males and 137 females) from a small midwestern high school. The adolescents' perceptions of family adaptability correlated with the amount of responsibility the teens expressed in their relationships, while cohesion correlated with companionship and affection in their relationships; however, females' scores were related to cohesion, while males' scores were related to satisfaction with cohesion in their families. The study suggests that family cohesion and adaptability differentially influence intimacy development based on the adolescent's gender.Received Ph.D. in marital and family therapy from Purdue University. Research interests include family influences on adolescent development and family issues related to incarceration.Received Ed.D. in human development from Boston University. Research interests include major life transitions (e.g., adolescence, middle adulthood).  相似文献   

Male and female college students stated how proud or ashamed they would be of 96 behaviors. The ratings by each sex were then factor analyzed. While personal accomplishments was found to be the primary factor for males, academic failure was the primary factor for females. An interpretation of these differences in terms of the operation of fear-of-failure dynamics among college women was suggested. Further examination of the factor structures revealed a larger number of morality-related factors for females than for males, suggesting that morality is more differentiated for females. The compatibility of this finding with previous research in the area of moral development was noted.This research was supported in part by a Michigan State University research grant to John Paul McKinney.Received Ph.D. from Michigan State University, 1979. Major interests are creativity, play, and values.Received Ph.D. from Ohio State University, 1961. Major interests are adolescence, values, and family patterns.Received Ph.D. from Michigan State University, 1979. Major interests are parent-adolescent separation, values, and evaluation research.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between two primary motivational components of the self-concept: self-esteem and self-consistency. Past research has shown that high self-esteem is associated with greater consistency. Developed from theories of the self-concept, a structural model relating these two constructs was posited such that (1) self-esteem is causally prior to self-consistency, and (2) the effect of self-esteem is (at least partially) mediated by other components of the self-concept (self-consciousness, the tendency to fantasize, and the tendency to present a false front by hiding one's feelings). Utilizing a structural equation model with unobserved variables, an analysis of covariance structures was applied simultaneously but separately to data from a sample of boys and girls (ages 8–19). Results showed that the direct effect of self-esteem on self-consistency was stronger for boys than for girls. Further, the mediational properties of the other self-concept components also varied across gender. These differences are interpreted in light of theories of gender socialization.The research reported in this article was funded by a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health (MH 27747) to Morris Rosenberg. A version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, Illinois, August 17–21, 1987. Analysis was facilitated by the Computer Center, Brown University, and the Computer Science Center, University of Maryland.Received Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. His major research interest include the self-concept of young children, fairness in social relationships, and impression management.  相似文献   

This paper is based on my experience of life (hi)story work with Aboriginal women. It will focus mainly on the development of a collaborative methodology between Patsy Cohen and myself and the process of creating the text Ingelba and the Five Black Matriarchs 1.

Life (hi)story writing lies uneasily on the boundary between biography and autobiography and as such challenges many of our assumptions about telling and writing a life. It has traditionally been regarded as ‘an extensive record of a life told to and recorded by another who then edits and writes the life as though it were autobiography‘2. More recently feminist researchers have redefined this process to emphasise its collaborative nature ‘in life history, two stories together produce one. A speaker and a listener ask, respond, present and edit a life‘3. Such a definition focuses our attention on the relationship, the inevitable power relations involved in the processes of the production of knowledge, the interface between talk and text and the need for alternative models to conventional biography and autobiography. Both the process and the text produced by this method are potentially deconstructive of conventional autobiography and biography. They are not simply deconstructive, however, as new narratives and new forms can be created out of this process which enable us to re‐evaluate the telling of all our lives.  相似文献   

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