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We report on two cases of suicide in which the victims started fires before their deaths. In one case the victim died of a single self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head after setting several fires in his residence. In the second case the victim hung himself after setting several fires in his residence and an adjoining building. In both cases, the victim's position was not near the origin of the fires suggesting that the arson was not a failsafe device to the primary mechanism of suicide. Neither victim showed a significant percentage of carboxyhemoglobin, or thermal damage from the fires. Both cases are remarkable in that, had the fire caused more damage to the remains and dwellings, a finding of suicide may not have been reached. We discuss similar aspects between the two reported cases and discuss differences observed with similar events such as complex suicide, suicide by self-immolation, and concealed homicide by burning. Similar cases should be reported to broaden our understanding of these complex events.  相似文献   

Review of analytical techniques for arson residues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Arson is a serious crime that affects society through cost, property damage, and loss of life. It is important that the methods and technologies applied by fire investigators in detection of evidence and subsequent analyses have a high degree of reliability, sensitivity, and be subject to rigorous quality control and assurance. There have been considerable advances in the field of arson investigation since the 1950s. Classification of ignitable liquids has been updated to include many new categories due to developments in the petroleum industry. Techniques such as steam or vacuum distillation and gas chromatography (GC) with flame ionization detection that may have been considered acceptable--even a benchmark--40 years ago, are nowadays generally disfavored, to the extent that their implementation may almost be considered as ignorance in the field. The advent of readily available mass spectrometric techniques has revolutionized the field of fire debris analysis, increasing the degree of sensitivity and discrimination possible considerably. Multi-dimensional GC--particularly GC x GC--while not yet widely applied, is rapidly gaining recognition as an important technique. This comprehensive review focuses on techniques and practices used in fire investigation, from scene investigation to analysis.  相似文献   

In 1998/99 the New Zealand Fire Service implemented compressed air foam delivery systems for the suppression of fires in rural areas. This study investigated whether the introduction of the foam to the seat of the fire created any problems in subsequent analyses of fire debris samples. No significant interferences from the foam were found when the samples were analysed by direct headspace using activated carbon strips. The only foam component detected was limonene.  相似文献   

The volatile by-products of the combustion of ordinary fuels such as wood, polystyrene, polyethylene, urethane foam, PVC and the like are well known to the forensic fire debris examiner. When a fire involves a human body, volatile species are produced that are not so well known, including various alkenes and aldehydes. These have sometimes been mistaken for the residues of unusual accelerants. In an attempt to document what volatiles are produced by the combustion of animal fat and human fat, the authors have used an open-tube pyrolysis probe as a microfurnace to burn small samples of unembalmed subcutaneous fat from human, avian and porcine sources, and collect volatiles by charcoal strip adsorption. The volatile products were analyzed by GC/MS. Predominant species included aldehydes in the C6-C10 range, homologous series of alkenes and alkanes, and other hydrocarbon products. These results were compared to those obtained by free-burning (open flame in air) of similar specimens and to the volatiles detected in debris from beneath a human cadaver in a test fire. Differences between the volatile profiles produced by human fat as compared to pork and chicken fat and adventitious sources of such volatiles are discussed.  相似文献   

道路交通事故颅脑损伤的法医学鉴定   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
目的 研究道路交通事故中颅脑损伤的类型、特点、主要并发症及其受伤人员的伤残评定。方法  862例道路交通事故颅脑损伤的案例资料 ,按伤者受伤的不同部位、有无并发症、并发症的类型及伤残程度进行统计分析。结果 复合性颅脑损伤 2 76例 ,脑挫伤 192例 ,颅骨骨折 79例 ,颅内出血 91例 ,头皮外伤 2 2 4例 ;主要并发症为脑积水 ( 19例 ,2 2 0 % )、癫痫 ( 16例 ,1 86% )、偏瘫 ( 14例 ,1 62 % )、植物人状态 ( 12例 ,1 3 9% )。结论 道路交通事故中颅脑损伤 ,以头部复合性损伤最多见 ,严重的脑挫伤为最常见的损伤类型 ,并发症的诊断应掌握诊断标准 ,并注意与相关疾病鉴别。  相似文献   

刑罚许容性原则是世界各国参与国际侦查合作的前提条件之一,具有重要的基础性意义。在对相关的国际公约、双边条约或协定以及国内法进行比较考察的基础上,运用刑事诉讼法学以及刑法学的基本原理,论证和阐释了特定犯罪不合作原则的由来、内涵,刑罚许容性的法律表达与理论分类及其价值功能,并且结合立法与司法实践归纳出刑罚许容性原则的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Abstract: It is common in forensic casework to encounter situations where the suspect has set a fire to cover up or destroy possible evidence. While bloodstain pattern interpretation, chemical enhancement of blood, and recovery of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from bloodstains is well documented in the literature, very little information is known about the effects of heat or fire on these types of examinations. In this study, a variety of known types of bloodstain patterns were created in a four‐room structure containing typical household objects and furnishings. The structure was allowed to burn to flashover and then it was extinguished by firefighters using water. Once the structure cooled over night, the interior was examined using a bright light. The bloodstains were evaluated to see if the heat or fire had caused any changes to the patterns that would inhibit interpretation. Bloodstain patterns remained visible and intact inside the structure and on furnishings unless the surface that held the blood was totally burned away. Additionally, a variety of chemical techniques were utilized to better visualize the patterns and determine the possible presence of blood after the fire. The soot from the fire formed a physical barrier that initially interfered with chemical enhancement of blood. However, when the soot was removed using water or alcohol, the chemicals used, fluorescein, luminol, Bluestar®, and Hemastix®, performed adequately in most of the tests. Prior to DNA testing, the combined phenolphthalein/tetramethyl benzidine presumptive test for the presence of blood was conducted in the laboratory on samples recovered from the structure in an effort to assess the effectiveness of using this type of testing as a screening tool. Test results demonstrated that reliance on obtaining a positive presumptive result for blood before proceeding with DNA testing could result in the failure to obtain useful typing results. Finally, two DNA recovery methods (swabbing the stain plus cutting or scraping the stain) were attempted to evaluate their performance in recovering samples in an arson investigation. Recovery of DNA was more successful in some instances with the swabbing method, and in other instances with the cutting/scraping method. Therefore, it is recommended that both methods be used. For the most part, the recovered DNA seemed to be unaffected by the heat, until the temperature was 800°C or greater. At this temperature, no DNA profiles were obtained.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(4):369-377
There is a body of published research that has evaluated the contribution of forensic science to the criminal justice system, but many disciplines of forensic science remain unexplored in this regard. The aim of this study was to examine the contribution that forensic fire examination services provide to criminal investigations and court processes in arson cases. Forensic fire examination services differ in a number of ways to the disciplines covered in previous research on the impact of forensic evidence on justice outcomes. Forensic fire examinations involve a combination of scene examination and laboratory analyses, and the results can provide critical evidence of whether an incident that has occurred is a criminal offence (i.e. whether a fire has occurred as the result of an act of arson). Forensic fire examination is also a discipline that has faced challenges and undergone development in recent decades regarding its scientific basis and the issue of contextual bias. In this study, data were collated for 273 structural fires that were examined by the forensic fire services in Victoria, Australia. In this jurisdiction, scene and laboratory forensic services are delivered within short time frames with a focus on providing impartial scientific and investigative services to assist criminal investigations conducted by police. The current dataset was highly skewed in terms of criminal justice outcomes and was not suitable for conducting the planned statistical analyses. Nonetheless, the pattern of findings obtained suggested that the inclusion of forensic evidence which supported the prosecution of arson may be associated with an increased likelihood of suspects being charged and defendants found guilty. Examination of the decision-making process of the forensic fire examiners has provided insight into the variety of evidence that is considered by forensic experts in reaching the important conclusion about the origin and cause of structural fires.  相似文献   

论侦查学研究视野的拓展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨郁娟 《政法学刊》2009,26(3):26-30
拓展侦查学研究视野的基本思路是在关注侦查学内部学科知识的发展和丰富的基础上,从外部入手,从侦查学与相关学科交叉结合入手,形成三类相对独立的理论范畴:直接以侦查实践为对象,以经验实证方法为主要研究方法的经验侦查学;以侦查活动中权利与权力相互关系、侦查行为的规范化为对象,以理性思辨、逻辑实证方法为主要研究方法的侦查法学;以侦查活动及侦查活动与其他社会因素的相互关系为对象,以整体性思维和经验研究为主要研究方法的侦查社会学。三种类型的侦查学理论相互协调,互为补充,构成侦查学理论体系。  相似文献   

对利用网络进行诈骗犯罪的侦查取证问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王铼  雍晓明 《政法学刊》2010,27(1):79-83
近年来,伴随着网络普及程度的提高,网络诈骗犯罪亦日趋严重。网络的开放性、不确定性、虚拟性等特点使网络诈骗犯罪的证据更加复杂多变、网络诈骗犯罪的取证更加困难。面对诸多严峻的取证难的现状,在分析其原因后有针对性地提出一些解决网络诈骗犯罪取证难的办法和建议,以期突破网络诈骗案件取证的难题,从而有效地遏制网络诈骗犯罪。  相似文献   

20个STR基因座的种属特异性研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
确定本室常用的20个STR基因座对常见10种动物的种属特异性。20个STR基因座对10种常见动物血或软组织的DNA进行PCR扩增、聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳、银染色法进行DNA分型,测定各STR基因座的种属特异性。D11S554、SE33基因座对10种动物DNA,D12S391、CSF基因座对狒狒DNA,D19S253基因座对兔、狒狒的DNA,FGA基因座对兔、猴、狒狒的DNA均有PCR扩增产物,其片段长度与人的在同一电泳区内;DYS19基因座对10种动物的DNA,FES基因座对鸡DNA,PLA基因座对猪DNA,D21S11基因座对蛇、牛、狒狒的DNA有扩增产物,但其片段长度明显与人的不同。DYS389、DYS288、DYS390、D7S809、D13S631,TH01、vWA、AR、CD4、FABP基因座对鸡、猪等动物的DNA均无PCR扩增产物。在20个STR基因座中,10个基因座只对人DNA有扩增产物,有较好的种属特异性;8个基因座对人和部分动物均有扩增产物,但产物的片段大小与人的不同,在进行个人识别时,可以用其分析DNA的种属来源;2个基因座对人和动物均有扩增产物,且片段长度相近,在进行个人识别时,应先作DNA种属来源检查。  相似文献   

The chemical analysis of fire debris represents a crucial part in fire investigations to determine the cause of a fire. A headspace solid‐phase microextraction (HS‐SPME) procedure for the detection of ignitable liquids in fire debris using a fiber coated with a mixture of three different sorbent materials (Divinylbenzene/Carboxen/Polydimethylsiloxane, DVB/CAR/PDMS) is described. Gasoline and diesel fuel were spiked upon a preburnt matrix (wood charcoal), extracted and concentrated with HS‐SPME and then analyzed with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The experimental conditions—extraction temperature, incubation and exposure time—were optimized. To assess the applicability of the method, fire debris samples were prepared in the smoke density chamber (SDC) and a controlled‐atmosphere cone calorimeter. The developed methods were successfully applied to burnt particleboard and carpet samples. The results demonstrate that the procedure that has been developed here is suitable for detecting these ignitable liquids in highly burnt debris.  相似文献   

Accurate blood detection is a primary concern for forensic scientists, especially in highly compromised situations. In this study, blood was added to wood blocks and subjected to a variety of fire treatments: the absence or presence of accelerant, burn time (1, 3, or 5 min), and extinguishment method (smothering or dousing with water). Burned blocks were given a qualitative burn score, followed by removal of half of the char from each block and subsequent testing of each half for blood using luminol (13% positive; n = 96), Bluestar® Forensic Magnum (5.2% positive; n = 96), and combined phenolphthalein tetramethylbenzidine test (0% positive; n = 192). Luminol and Bluestar® Forensic Magnum performed similarly, both outperforming PTMB. Additionally, positive results were more likely from samples that were smothered, had a low burn score, and had more concentrated blood solutions (neat or 1:2). Overall, it is extremely unlikely that blood would be detected on combustible substrates exposed to direct fire.  相似文献   

A new, simple method for the reproducible creation of pyrolysis products from different materials that may be found at a fire scene is described. A temperature programmable steady-state tube furnace was used to generate pyrolysis products from different substrates, including softwoods, paper, vinyl sheet flooring, and carpet. The temperature profile of the tube furnace was characterized, and the suitability of the method to reproducibly create pyrolysates similar to those found in real fire debris was assessed. The use of this method to create proficiency tests to realistically test an examiner's ability to interpret complex gas chromatograph-mass spectrometric fire debris data, and to create a library of pyrolsates generated from materials commonly found at a fire scene, is demonstrated.  相似文献   

DNA profiling of biological trace evidence has been used for many years. The application of this technique specifically to the DNA profiling of earprints has not to date been thoroughly investigated. This report presents the results of 60 earprints collected from three healthy adult volunteers under controlled laboratory conditions. DNA profile analysis revealed that high levels of non-donor alleles are observed when earprints are collected for DNA profiling. The source of these non-donor alleles is investigated and the impact that their presence within the profile may have on the use of this technique is discussed.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(6):740-748
Forensic practice is the concluding practical course of the forensic science bachelor program at the School of Criminal Justice of the University of Lausanne. Learning activities are constructed around five main objectives for the resolution of simulated forensic case problems: 1) select relevant traces and items to be collected at the scene and perceive their potential value in the reconstruction process, 2) apply appropriate detection techniques in sequence to obtain clues of good quality, 3) process traces using Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation and Verification (ACE-V) methodology, 4) produce and summarise information in oral and written forms to help an investigation, and 5) work collaboratively to benefit from the diversity of group members. Simulating and supervising realistic activities is a complex task that became more and more challenging with a continuously increasing number of students over the years (from ca. 30 in 2016 to more than 60 in 2021). Thus, an educational innovation project was launched and aimed at implementing digital technologies to support the teaching staff. A computer-based crime scene simulation tool (allowing students to visualize 360° crime scenes and relevant items) and a communication tool (to simplify and centralise the communication between the students and the teaching staff) were implemented. This article describes the implementation, added value and limitations of these digital technologies in problem-based learning activities. Prior to 2020, the practical course forensic practice was delivered entirely on-site without specific technologies, and entirely on-line in 2020 (due to the sanitary restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic). Finally, in 2021, on-line and on-site activities were implemented with success, combining the best of both approaches in a blended teaching mode. An overall increase in the satisfaction of students and teaching staff was observed with the implementation of these tools. Limiting presence on-site allowed students to take a step back from the activities and collected items. This promoted critical thinking, and together with an increase in structured (on-line and on-site) interactions allowed for a positive, continuous learning experience. While the evaluations of these novel technologies were very positive, students still expressed their willingness to perform certain tasks on-site and a preference for face-to-face interactions.  相似文献   

A new method to characterize the degree of fire damage to gypsum wallboard is introduced, implemented, and tested to determine the efficacy of its application among novices. The method was evaluated by comparing degree of fire damage assessments of novices with and without the method. Thirty-nine “novice” raters assessed damage to a gypsum wallboard surface, completing 66 ratings, first without the method, and then again using the method. The inter-rater reliability was evaluated for ratings of damage without and with the method. For novice fire investigators rating degree of damage without the aid of the method, ICC(1,2) = 0.277 with 95% CI (0.211, 0.365), and with the method, ICC(2,1) = 0.593 with 95% CI (0.509, 0.684). Results indicate that the raters were more reliable in their analysis of the degree of fire damage when using the method, which support the use of standardized processes to decrease the variability in data collection and interpretation.  相似文献   

Fire investigators frequently encounter electrical wires with melted ends at fire scenes, which can provide useful information on the cause and development of the fire even when the melted ends result from the fires. A bead on a melted end of a wire was found in the area of origin of a massive fire that lasted for nearly a whole day, devastating a factory. The bead appeared to be the end of a wire soldered to a terminal. X-ray analysis showed that the bead is a tin-copper alloy. Although regular tin-lead solder was used in the factory, lead was not detected. This contradictory result stood in the way of fire investigation. Therefore, an unused wire soldered with tin-lead solder was heated in an electric furnace at 500 degrees C for 3 h for further examination. X-ray analysis of this wire showed that copper can be alloyed with tin while losing lead in a long-term heat in a fire.  相似文献   

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