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Frequency of alcohol consumption and alcoholism levels were compared between Vietnamese batterers and non-batterers. A sample of 200 Vietnamese men was administered a self-reported questionnaire which combined the Conflict Tactics Scale 2 and the Michigan Alcohol Screening Test. Results of the study revealed statistical significant differences between the two groups regarding frequency of alcohol consumption and alcoholism levels. However, through logistic regression analysis, it was found that participants’ frequency of alcohol consumption and alcoholism levels were not statistically significant in predicting battering among Vietnamese men. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

轻罪重罪之法定界分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑丽萍 《中国法学》2013,(2):128-138
借鉴域外经验,中国刑事立法也应对轻罪和重罪的界分问题作出明确规定。这种规定不仅具有实体和程序方面的意义,也具有犯罪观念、刑事政策和刑事立法方面的重要意义。轻罪与重罪的划分应是对罪行而非对犯罪性质的划分,轻罪和重罪的划分标准应采取形式标准而非实质标准,在形式标准中应采取法定刑标准而非宣告刑标准,在具体划分界限上应以法定最高刑5年有期徒刑作为分界线。  相似文献   

Having examined the question of whether alcoholism should be regarded as a disease or habitual and learned behaviour, the article assesses from a comparative law perspective the effect of alcoholism as a defence to criminal responsibility. The article proposes a 'disease' model of alcoholism for the purpose of criminal law, and criticises its handling through the law of diminished responsibility.  相似文献   

论遗忘物与遗失物的区别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张福德 《河北法学》2002,20(5):153-156
侵占罪中遗忘物应该区分于遗失物。两者的文义不同是区分的原因之一,立法者在立法过程中也有意将两者加以区分,台湾地区的侵占罪立法体例提供了将两者区分的可资以借鉴的法律传统。将遗忘物与遗失物加以区分的实质在于对不同财物的侵占体现了不同的社会危害性。将两者加以区分也体现了刑法谦抑性的价值理念。  相似文献   

Ephedrine (EPH) and pseudoephedrine (PSE) were studied by micro‐Raman spectroscopy and UV resonance Raman spectroscopy excited at 785 and 360 nm, respectively. Raman bands at approximately 245 and 410 cm?1 for ephedrine have apparent differences from the same bands at approximately 215, 265, 350, 450, and 555 cm?1 for pseudoephedrine, and these differences can be applied to distinguish between EPH and PSE. Additionally, density functional theory was used for the Raman calculations to obtain results identical to the experimental spectra. This work is expected to expand the applications of Raman spectroscopy in forensic science.  相似文献   

袁岳 《法人》2009,(1):90-90
美国百万富翁更加重视拓展商业机会,尤其是专业知识与业务机会,但是中国百万富翁的机会类型更为丰富,而且往往更加重视来自政府与政策面的机会,推崇有权者与争取特权机会依然是中国百万富翁的一个很重要的行为动机  相似文献   

谈法律援助与社会救助的区别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭婕 《中国司法》2008,(5):64-68
由民政部负责起草的《社会救助法(草案)》将“法律援助”作为“专项救助”的一部分,与“医疗救助”、“司法救助”等一起被纳入了该法的调整范围。笔者认为,这种做法是欠考虑的,甚或是错误的,法律援助不应该被纳入到社会救助法的立法调整范畴。笔者现拟从社会救助和法律援助的概念、体制机制、立法政策渊源、实践活动等探讨以下二者的区别:  相似文献   

在英美法系,自从1832年废除了诉讼形式以后,侵权与合同的区分就具有了重要的意义。而且,由于英美侵权法与合同法处在不断发展变化之中,两种制度调整的领域并不十分清晰。本文从侵权与合同的本质出发,从行为的性质、义务的性质、所保护的利益三个方面阐述了英美法系对侵权与合同的区分,研究表明,英美法系侵权与合同的边界是十分模糊的。  相似文献   

Differences in osteon banding between human and nonhuman bone   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The objective of this paper is to compare patterns of osteon organization in human and nonhuman bone. A linear organization of Haversian systems in nonhuman bone, where osteons line up in rows, has been reported but has not been quantified. The present research provides a quantitative examination of this observation through a comparative analysis of the femoral midshaft from human and nonhuman bone. Femoral midshaft thin sections from 60 humans were compared to femoral midshaft sections from nine sheep and six miniature swine. The presence or absence of osteon banding was recorded and, if present, described. Results indicate that 2 out of 60 human sections and 5 out of 15 nonhuman sections exhibit osteon banding (chi2 = 9.46; p < 0.01). Further, the type of banding present in the human and nonhuman samples is easily distinguished, indicating that human and nonhuman bone can be distinguished where handing is present in this study.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to identify differences in contract design between successful and less successful franchise chains. Comparing contracts from both groups of companies, we observe, on the one hand, that (1) franchise contracts are unbalanced irrespective of the chain’s success: contracts cover franchisees’ obligations more than franchisors’ obligations. On the other hand, we find that (2) contracts in successful franchise chains are more complete (i.e. cover a larger number of contingencies) than the less successful ones and (3) this difference lies in the contingencies regarding franchisees’ obligations, which are more fully covered in the contracts of more successful chains. More specifically, within the contingencies regarding franchisees’ obligations, (4) successful chains restrict the franchisee decision rights more frequently on day-to-day business operations than on financial conditions or post-contractual contingencies. These findings can be explained because successful chains are more sensitive to franchisees’ opportunistic behavior, because they have learned how to manage and solve any potential conflicts, or because of differences in bargaining power. Finally (5) franchisors’ obligations are not statistically different between groups, which we interpret as evidence that relational contracting mechanisms do not substitute formalization.  相似文献   

民事、行政确认判决辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
确认判决在民事诉讼和行政诉讼中的作用大相径庭:民事确认判决的主要功能是,保障意思自治,为交易繁荣创造融洽的心理基础,并为民事主体的未来安排提供可靠的基准;行政确认违法判决,主要目的是为相对人的损害赔偿提供前提条件,并尽可能地恢复与弥补相对人的心理伤害。确认行政法律关系判决,在理论上存在诸多障碍,其制度空间十分有限。  相似文献   

We report on findings from a study into differences in personality and background characteristics between juvenile sex offenders who commit their sex offenses on their own and those who do so in a group. Solo offenders were found to score significantly higher on neuroticism, impulsivity and sensation seeking, but scored lower on sociability. In addition, the solo offenders in the sample were more often recidivists for sexual offenses, and were more often themselves a victim of a sexual offense. Solo offenders were significantly older than juveniles who had committed a sexual offense with a group. On the basis of these results we recommend differential treatment for the two types of offenders.  相似文献   

犯罪成立要件与犯罪构成要件是犯罪理论体系的重要组成部分.二者有相同点,容易混淆;二者也有区别,容易彼此孤立.如何掌握二者的联系和区别,对准确定罪和处罚具有重要意义.  相似文献   

屈茂辉 《中国法学》2014,(2):123-141
在我国当前的立法体制下,除宪法和一些基本法律外,同一主题的国家立法和地方立法大量存在,上位法与下位法之间实际起作用的是哪一层级制定的规范性文件,值得探讨。国有土地上房屋征收补偿制度为2011年新建立的制度,以此为对象分析上位法与下位法内容相关性,颇具典型性。基于现有数据,在形式上分析立法结构,在内容上把上位法与下位法的法律文本从征收主体、征收范围、征收程序、补偿范围、补偿标准、强拆规定和法律责任等进行解构对比,发现:下位法重复立法现象严重;上位法被严重架空;无立法权的地方政府颁布的规范性文件客观上与有立法权的地方立法具有同一的效力;有立法权限的省级立法不太活跃;实际起作用的是市、县级地方政府制定的规范性文件。地方立法的乱象亟待规范。  相似文献   

《Russian Politics and Law》2013,51(2-4):343-376
Ethyl alcohol is classified as a narcotic, i.e., a substance that acts primarily on the central nervous system. Repeated use of narcotics leads to addiction, and a morbid need to consume them is called narcomania. As a rule, an organism that has become addicted to frequent use of narcotics reacts pathologically to being deprived of the habitual stimulant. A picture of "narcotic hunger," i.e., a withdrawal syndrome [abstinentsiia], develops. This characteristic phenomenon is similar in its general features for all addicts, regardless of the drug used.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to differentiate between homicides committed by multiple offenders and homicides committed by lone offenders. Using data on homicide incidents that occurred in South Korea between 1985 and 2008, we compared 134 homicides committed by multiple offenders, with 369 homicides committed by lone offenders. A greater proportion of homicides committed by multiple offenders involved injuries to the victim's head compared to homicides by lone offenders. Homicides committed by multiple offenders were more likely to involve blunt instruments and ligatures, whereas homicides by lone offenders were more likely to involve sharp instruments. In addition, a majority of the homicides committed by multiple offenders were planned. The results of this study have practical implications for homicide investigations, as well as theoretical implications for homicide research on the difference in offense behaviors based on the number of offenders.  相似文献   

研究采用刻板印象内容模型中文版问卷和词语自由联想测试两种方法,对患者被试与医生被试对医生这一职业群体的刻板印象内容及其群体间差异进行了探讨。患者被试倾向于将医生划归为高能力、低热情的群体,医生被试在道德维度上存在明显的内群体偏好。同时,患者被试有更多对医生群体积极词汇联想结果,医生被试则是消极词汇与积极词汇的各占一半;患者群被试更倾向于认为医生是能力强、收入高的群体,对医生有更高的要求;而医生被试则倾向于认为自身属于收入低、职业压力大、付出大于收获的群体。两者之间的刻板印象差别是造成医患冲突的潜在根源,后续研究可进一步研究此类刻板印象的形成机制与印象管理措施。  相似文献   

随着司法鉴定制度改革的不断深入,越来越多的临床医学从业人员加入到法医学鉴定的队伍中来。在这种大趋势下,一个极易形成的误区就是把医学鉴定与法医学鉴定混淆起来。事实上,两者虽然在许多方面有相似之处,但毕竞有本质的不同。医学鉴定重视的是损伤本身,而法医学鉴定则是在医学鉴定基础之上,从法律规定的角度为损伤定性。因此,要求我们的法医学鉴定人既要重视医学知识的培训和提高,也要学习法律知识和法医学知识,才能更好地完成司法鉴定工作。  相似文献   

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