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At midnight of June 30, 1997 the Union Jack and the Hong Kong colonial flag over the Hong Kong Conference and Exhibition Center were lowered; at zero hour of July 1, the Chinese national flag and HKSAR regional flag were hoisted. Chris Patten, last governor of Hong Kong, shed tears, saying that night "marked the end of a historical era." Many Hong Kong inhabitants also wept; it was the moment that Hong Kong had awaited for 156 years.Shigekazu Sato, the consul-general of Japan in Hong Kong, recalls how pessimistic the international community was about Hong Kong's future. Many thought that it would lose its dynamism in the process of returning to the motherland. Ten years later, the US Heritage Foundation awarded Hong Kong top spot in its 2007 freedom of trade, freedom of investment, freedom of finance and protection of property rights indexes, and named it number one in its economy freedom index for the 13th successive year.  相似文献   

HENRY Law, executive director of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx), remembers clearly Western predictions of the "death of Hong Kong" and fears that the mainland had "bitten off more than it could chew" of a decade ago. Hong Kong has undoubtedly experienced a dramatic, yet triumphant, decade. When the Bank of China and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China were listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2006, foreign investors bought more than 90 percent of their shares. "All capital flows into where there is profit. If Hong Kong is doomed, how is it that capital flows in?" Henry Law logically points out, concluding, "The development of Hong Kong over the past decade has changed Western and world mentality."  相似文献   

The Hong Kong government was less active in regional integration before 2003. This study explores what conditions have contributed to the shifting of the Hong Kong government's stance on Hong Kong–Shenzhen integration from protectionism to cooperation since 2003. In addition to secondary data, a questionnaire survey and interviews were conducted in this study. Various external and internal economic, political and social factors that have contributed to the emergence of government-led strategy for regional integration in Hong Kong are analyzed. It is found that regional integration is facilitated by consensus building among the government, political parties, other interest groups and residents within Hong Kong.  相似文献   

THE year 1992 is of greatsignificance to my familyand me as it was then thatmy sister and I entered theonly key middle school in ourcounty.The chance of a bright futurehelped us to endure great hardshipand pressure.  相似文献   

正DURING the week-long 2014National Day holiday,tourism to and from the Chinese mainland saw a sudden rise,with the number of tourists to South K o r e a a n d T a i w a n s o a r i n g.M a i nland tourism to Singapore and other hotspots also increased to different degrees.However,in the same period tourist revenues of Hong Kong are reported to have shrunk.The news is worrying.  相似文献   

近10年来,唐宋妇女史研究取得了累累硕果,发表论文专著百余篇,涉及诸多层面,主要有妇女地位问题、妇女生活、特殊群体妇女研究等方面,但也存在诸多不足,仍需要加强研究。  相似文献   

AU Yeung Ying Chai is a Hong Kong resident. Although well traveled he has never considered emigrating. Despite rising housing prices and worsening air pollution, Au Yeung still loves his city of birth.Au Yeung recently bought a workshop in a remote corner of Hong Kong. He has built a kitchen on its balcony. "I think of it as my cookery laboratory," explains Au Yeung. He has recently written and published two books on Hong Kong cuisine, Eat Half Full ¨C The Climax of Life and Tastes of Hong Kong. The latter looks into the origins, development and distinct ingredients of Hong Kong cooking. It is popular on the mainland as well as in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.Hong Kong is famous as the city of cuisine. Its chefs proudly proclaim to all interested gourmands that fresh ingredients from around the world can be found in Hong Kong. ~~International cuisine is served at Hong Kong's many restaurants and hotels, often tasting better than at its place of origin. There are also enthusiastically attended cuisine festivals throughout the year at the city's 10,000 or so restaurants.  相似文献   

"My paintings in the beginning were about self-discovery.My style hasn’t changed that much over the past 15years,but the story has evolved.I’m now more interested in the lives of others around me."  相似文献   

This is an attempt to evaluate the implications of Hong Kong's political transition to post‐colonial rule for economic governance in the SAR beyond the ‘Beijing versus Hong Kong’ perspective. The article examines the changing government‐business dynamics in Hong Kong after the reversion by focusing on three inter‐related dimensions: economic ideology; institutional and policy framework; and the new political environment in post‐colonial Hong Kong. By challenging the assertion that Hong Kong is returning to the pre‐Patten colonial order under Chinese management, it argues that economic governance in Hong Kong has always been more complex than has been characterized in the literature. A conceptual framework incorporating the dynamic interplay of domestic and international factors is needed to comprehend the changing nature of government‐business relationships in the SAR.  相似文献   

时下,赌博的歪风为害之烈、波及面之广,到了令人吃惊的程度。众所周知,赌博是社会一大公害,毒害着社会,毁坏着家庭,侵蚀着人们灵魂,尤为严重的是破坏着社会的稳定。笔者为劝众赌君戒赌,特搜集各种戒赌歌,集章成篇,献给赌君,望他们忙里抽身,多念念戒赌歌,以期有所醒悟。清人吴獬所写的《戒赌歌》云:切莫赌,切莫赌,赌博危害甚于虎。猛虎有时不乱伤,赌博无不输精光。切莫赌,切莫赌,赌博为害绝无乐,妻离子散家产破,赌输无钱去做贼,落得颈项套绳索,遭致身败名又裂。赌博无钱去劫抢,镣铐沉重锒铛响。甚者为赌去杀人,相互殴杀不留情,乃至双方都气绝…  相似文献   

Less restricted by social mores and institutionalized authority, the Internet is a democratic and impartial organ of law and order far more effective than newspapers or television. In the real world, not everyone with an opinion can be heard, hence the “silent majority.“ But on the Internet, they can speak, be listened to and find motivation to act.  相似文献   


Shares of the Bank of China, the country's second-largest lender, began trading in Hong Kong on June 1, making it the second among China's four largest state-owned commercial banks to go public. The Beijing-based bank's stock rose a  相似文献   

THE village of Xujiawan is a quiet place these days. Except for a couple of old people chatting in front of their homes, there are no young people to be seen. "All the young people have gone, working in the cities to make money," Wang Lirun, the village Party secretary, said.  相似文献   

近20年中国大陆的妇女健康研究经历了从全盘接受西方女性主义立场、方法到结合本国实际不断反思、批判与构建的过程,形成了具有中国特色的妇女健康理论、核心概念和多种类型的妇女健康促进模式。文章通过对20年中国女性主义健康研究理念、方法论、主要议题及阶段性贡献与特点的梳理分析,呈现妇女健康研究本土化、主流化、学科化的发展脉络。说明20年来中国的妇女健康研究与实践拓展了现代医学和医学社会学的研究视阈,丰富发展了女性学学科建设,为国际妇女健康运动提供了经验与借鉴。  相似文献   

TECHNICALLY, they should be called friends of backpackers, but pronounced in Chinese, the name of this popular group of outdoor enthusiasts means "friends of donkeys."No one knows the exact origins of the backpacker phenomenon, yet tens of thousands of people have joined in this eco-centric activity. Escaping concrete and steel-heavy city vistas, these adventurers  相似文献   

This year marks the 30th anniversary of China's reform and opening up. Tremendous changes have taken place in Chinese society over the past three decades. With the economic and social development, China has made great progress in the human rights cause, which is closely linked to the nation's fate as human rights will progress as long as a country prospers. In the past 30 years,  相似文献   

写下这个题目时,有种被时尚的感觉。显然,我不是一个时尚或者不是一个追求时尚的人,但不表示我不关注或者不尊重时尚。时尚是什么?流行的定义是,在一定时期和特定社会文化背景下,流传较广的一种生活习惯、行为模式及文化理念,体现在衣着、服饰、消费习惯和生活方式等个人或社会生活的多个领域。它往往由思想意识起步,  相似文献   

I was born in April,when Springis in the air,the sun shines,thesky is blue,and the fragranceof lilacs is everywhere.Thisyear’s birthday was unforgettable.As the SARS epidemic had brokenout in Beijing.it was spent underthe threat of this killer disease.  相似文献   

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