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冷战 ,指的是二次世界大战结束以后形成的各自以苏联和美国为首的东西方两大政治、军事集团之间的紧张斗争和较量。这种斗争的形式既是和平的也是非和平的。苏联和美国是冷战的主角 ,它们之间的关系构成了东西方冷战的核心内容 ①。一般把1947年美国“杜鲁门主义”的出台作为冷战开始的标志 ,把1991年苏联的解体作为冷战结束的标志 ,持续时间长达44年之久。越南战争是指二战后美国在越南进行的干涉和战争。关于越战的起始时间 ,学术界说法不一 ,笔者以1961年肯尼迪发动特种战争为标志②。越战的起源与冷战有着密切的联系。一、20世纪50年代…  相似文献   

An environmental health scientist and mediator was appointed for the first time as a special master to oversee cleanup of a hazardous waste site in California. The case analysis examines the creative assimilation of Integra-live/mutual gains bargaining (mediation) into a distributive/zero-sum bargaining construct (litigation). The special master played multiple, overlapping, and conflicting roles as the case unfolded. The interfaces and tensions of these roles produced a hybrid style of dispute resolution, termed mediation-negotiation by the author.  相似文献   

War and the West     
The outline of human history over the last two thousand years is framed by armed conflict. Many would like to overlook this simple historical reality, and the perilous consequences of ignoring military affairs. The advantage the West now enjoys is the product of several developments in political and social domains culminating in what can be called a Military Revolution. The creation of powerful states as the overarching social organization is an example of one such revolution, which supported a series of smaller innovations and changes in the way the West fought its wars. These smaller changes are “revolutions in military affairs.” These revolutions do not have to be tied to technology. Britain generated an advantage over France by creating a financial system which substantially altered its ability to sustain the conduct of war in the eighteenth century. History reveals the degree of political, social, economic and technological adaptation needed to maximize security and minimize the consequences of failure. The study of history is necessary to insure that we do not have to fight wars more often, or at far higher cost in human terms.  相似文献   

War and the East     
This article proposes three lesson plans for teaching Asian military history to High School students. Each case study—Sun Tzu's Art of War, the Mongols, and the Rise and Fall of Imperial Japan—is structured around a primary source in translation and is designed to highlight the depth and diversity of the Asian experience with war. They allow us to see the East as more than a venue for the West's wars and also to appreciate the array of indigenous military and strategic cultures that have arisen and competed in Asia over the last three millennia.  相似文献   

Why do some states agree to suspend their weapons programs in exchange for compensation while others fail to come to terms? I argue that the changing credibility of preventive war is an important determinant of arms construction. If preventive war is never an option, states can reach mutually preferable settlements. However, if preventive war is not credible today but will be credible in the future, a commitment problem results: the state considering investment faces a “window of opportunity” and must build the arms or it will not receive concessions later on. Thus, agreements fail under these conditions. I then apply the theoretical findings to the Soviet Union’s decision to build nuclear weapons in 1949. War exhaustion made preventive war not credible for the United States immediately following World War II, but lingering concerns about future preventive action induced Moscow to proliferate.  相似文献   

This article examines the arguments pertaining to punitive war presented by President George W Bush, Prime Minister Tony Blair and various just war theorists, in order to examine how they relate, first, to the case made for war against Iraq in 2003 and, second, to the classical just war tradition. In highlighting the confluence between contemporary justificatory rhetoric and the classical just war tradition, this article sketches an account of the mode by which the tradition has developed over time. By drawing attention to the homologies linking just war arguments, classical and contemporary, it constructs a basis for a critical perspective: understanding the idea of punishment as it has figured historically in just war tradition past may enable us to gain a degree of critical purchase on how it figures in just war tradition present.  相似文献   

墨西哥与伊拉克危机   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
“九一一”事件之后,美国把伊拉克问题与反恐斗争联系在一起。阿富汗战争结束后,美国随即将矛头指向伊拉克,欲以武力推翻萨达姆政权。为获得联合国安理会对伊拉克开战的授权,美国展开了频繁的外交活动。面对美国的百般拉拢和国际社会日益高涨的反战呼声,作为安理会成员国的墨西哥究竟何去何从?这引起世人的关注。  相似文献   

巴沙尔执政后 ,为扭转不利于叙利亚的中东时局 ,调整了叙利亚对本地区的政策 ,与周边国家改善关系 ,加强与本地区大国的合作。伊拉克危机爆发后 ,叙利亚逐步卷入其中 ,先是对美国“倒萨”采取不合作立场 ,继续推进与伊拉克的和解 ,继而又在安理会表达强硬的反战立场。其用意则是借力伊拉克问题 ,凸显阿以冲突。伊拉克战争期间 ,叙美矛盾激化 ,导致叙利亚地区政治环境转趋恶化。虽然巴沙尔灵活务实的外交政策使紧张的叙美关系暂趋缓和 ,但伊拉克战争后 ,叙美分歧依旧 ,叙以僵局、黎巴嫩问题等仍将是巴沙尔政府面临的难题。  相似文献   

高瞻  李艳 《国际资料信息》2003,(4):11-13,19
古往今来,军事谋略家都重视舆论宣传在战争中的重要作用。我国著名军事家孙子曰:“攻心为上,攻城为下。”诸葛亮也曾言道“心战为上,兵战为下”。伴随着现代传播技术和媒体的迅猛发展,舆论宣传战已成为一种重要作战手段。人们从伊拉克战争中美伊双方的攻守,更是很好地领略到了这一点。  相似文献   

美欧俄围绕南奥塞梯事件的斗争已发展成为一场牵动国际战略全局的政治角逐.这场角逐是冷战时期大国争夺势力范围斗争的继续,是后冷战时期的冷战余波.其发展成新冷战的可能性不大,经过反复斗争、较量,达成某种妥协的可能性较大.这一场战略角逐表明世界向多极格局的转型已经接近其最后阶段.  相似文献   

本文以第一次世界大战与第二次世界大战的战争本质中的共同点为基础展开讨论。这两场战争都是大规模的工业化战争,均历经过度的、失控的暴力、死亡和破坏。它们不仅见证了包括新技术和强大武器在内的军事方法和战争手段的发展,也见证了全面的扩张,或者说是战争向人类生活各个领域的越界(Entgrenzung)。在两次世界大战中,扩张或者侵略的概念已经延伸并超越总体战的概念范畴。如果忽略德国记忆的存在和对大战争的解读,只谈第二次战争是绝对不全面的,20世纪30年代的德国社会目睹了——一代人的——第一次世界大战的异化,即一战逐渐失去了在记忆中的重要位置。随后的世界大战用大规模屠杀、破碎的档案和巨大的破坏强化了该进程。更多的受害者,特别是平民百姓的死难,对六百万欧洲犹太人的谋杀使这场规模宏大的暴力的越界达到了巅峰,这一切都使第一次世界大战似乎成了第二次世界大战的灾难的序曲。  相似文献   

Kenneth B. Moss 《Orbis》2012,56(2):289-307
As within the United States debates have arisen over how much unilateral power the President has to deploy force, so too debates are being raised across Europe. Depending on each country's history, system of government, and economic status, various historic positions are shifting. Public, as well as elite, voices are shaping the debate. Another point of tension is NATO's changing role as countries develop autonomous war caveats. Extended analysis of how Great Britain and Germany are grappling with these concerns has great import for U.S. policy. Learning to skillfully persuade its European allies will gain the United States better cooperation from those who do not share the U.S. war powers model.  相似文献   

印度与第一次印度支那战争   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第一次印度支那战争的爆发及政治解决,对印度外交来说是一次严峻的挑战,同时也是印度提升国际地位的一次难得机遇。印度出于反对殖民主义、和平共处、不结盟等因素的考虑,不断调整其印度支那政策,从中立的"不干涉"政策,进而逐渐转变为积极的调停政策。印度发挥在日内瓦会议上了独特的作用。研究这一案例,有助于加深我们对印度外交特点的认识。  相似文献   

自2003年3月23日美国发动伊拉克战争迄今已历四年。四年来,美国软硬实力、内政外交因为这场战争而发生了什么样的变化?国际战略形势又随之出现了哪些变迁?对中国而言,加速发展的战略机遇期是否还将持续?伊拉克战争本身又带来哪些启示?围绕这些问题,《现代国际关系》编辑部举办了“伊拉克战争四周年国际战略形势”专题研讨会,邀请一些知名国际问题专家进行了深入探讨。现将与会专家学者的主要观点辑录刊发,以期对读者更好地理解和把握这些问题有所裨益。  相似文献   

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